Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Oct 1969, p. 7

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Bob Webb and teen band heur frbom Bob Hope Br!f!Sh farmer visits Halton county farmns Ey Mat. L. D. Swaflow Octobea 1loll iethe flt Homteand School meetiag Oc Paicvlew . This la yaua opsttuty t0 moaI yout clsdd's eata lTote waa an Rn.ocutlve mueetinag on Monday njt and tise declso mas made n cc aansosttoth very saccafu Ch ild Ca'a hoo.t ra '" iRîn co-opcrttioa mith Kdhaside scitool.* Pilm fo Britala, Japon, Iodla mnd Rulsa mi ho féaturod. Ma. 1. H. Vernon isîthe S pansidont of Homo mnd School for the .1969-70 yoaa. Soktsrday os tht stal of the "Uniated Appoal" in Burbangton. Mayot Geoage Haahsgtonaond " "Enti" Gordon opcntd tht ceomunies. A "float" parade made ils wty t0 Toocas Plaza mnd hack fatht ton hall. Jutina Choir miii start tht fail ae n Thutsday, Oclaohea 2 at InoviSa United. Mat. Patta Gales wili lue tht assistant ditector and Mas. T. Potar, plonist. Set you aI choit prachtic? Mrs. Elleen Downs Mas. Edleco E. Doona, o rsideat of Milo fot tht poil 33 Yeats, died aI Milto District Hospal an Tuetdy, Sept. 23 foiiawlng an ilinesa of thra monchs. Pot cho pool aixs ite thtd W6ilcd as a clakloaor oc the Milton Deoasot, Ontaio Pr ia Police. Palot 10 chat alto woahed t Dick, Dick mnd McWdlloms lam office and coiea hadi workcd for Hallan poblic ochool inspecter L. L. Skuce. She ont tht former Edleco Irvint, yooogeot of savon childaco bora t0 Thomas mnd lomîma lavna. Born aI Lapralale, P. Q. lut 1912, a moved ta Bramcpton ot tht aga of six. Sho mas adutated in Brapton ochaolt mnd okad for t nmher of yeaat in tht office of a plumhhag fîtes thora. Mas. Dowos mat active in BatmPton Preshyttria Chuach mnd sta in the chuach choir, and aise ployyid softissil oith tht Brampto girls' tean for tsetorl Yeat. Afler bar meddng to Emerston E. Doont of Miloo site movod la Mlo mnd had lh'ad Oc 30 Robert St. aveir since. She was a former membar of Omagh Women't Instiltute. Soaviving are hier hushond Emerson, a son Roy of Milo mnd a doughter Jo-Anne (Mat. G. Bradford Clemoots) of R. R. 2, Milton, fiva gradchitdrcn Kochryn mnd Choistipa Damas and Mark, Pool und Stephen Citattola. Thero are alse fout sistots, Mas. Jean Motion of Chathoam, Mas. Doisy Morris of Tilbury, Mas. George White (Marcha) of Clifford and Mas. William Holl (Mat) of Toronto, and two brathars John of Burritl's Rapids and Eman of Hamilton. Ont brothar Rohert mos kiiiod in action during tht firsI moatd oaa. PosteraI service oas hald aI tht MsKtrslt Punsal Homne on Thuatdy oflernoon with Rav. C. A. Hainar of St. Pau's United Chuach officiating. Tht inteameot mas in Evrratn Ctmtay mith neighoat Uoraoy Couiton, Olive' Hufl, Bob Roodeli mnd Pred Bickers, anti friands Rabart Clarke of Milton mnd George Brocken of Pranîton at poiibtoreas. -Milon Pire Deparlratot odli holti open house aI tht fiat hall Oct. 9 and 10 te mark Pîro Preveotion Week. At Shotnt Church an Scodoy theati mas o "Meimatial Service" fat the loito George Thoasa, hanhand of LuSian. Ma. and Mat. T. Postea mata gsst sololota, sllng tht "23 Pialti" and lUnto Thee OhELord". Roy. R. Filay 000 in charge of tht terrice. Thean mas o light lunch teaved hy the ladiet. Dr. Lott Hitachesonoro, enecative director of tht Unitualan Serices Cominnutet, mli ho in Hamidtonanmd mdll tpeak at tht Caanaught Hotel Oct. Baet 8 pa. Bah Webh, Bond Monager of tht Ten Toua group mou tcnsafal in his efforts to hove comadian Boh Hope do o radio topo for tht group. "Ilil ha gltid t0 do il," tuid Hope. Ho is honotary parade ashal of tht Rose Bool Parade in Cslifonia. 1 mostcalking t0 Mat. Wehh, Boh's mothar ond on anthutiattit supporter of hea mat' effots. Boh it talciag tant frot bis acivrrity touasete1 devote ail histichu ta tht arrangements chat noete1 ha made ta fly down 150 people and arrange for choit accomondations. Bah Wehh la a rani nagoozetanmd it shoohtg gat hbdîanca1 haihg tht Tht Gonros eein of tht E.erdt Uitd CsachWoanen tam a fine combaut of ladies frot hoth tht afteaaoon and tvtng ucito. Mas. N. Langton, Mas. P. Colling mnd Mat. G. Pota mort in chorge of tht morship servira. Mas. King gare a rery incouraging fmnanciti report. Mat. M. Readheod introduced tht tpeaker, Mat. R. P. E. Jeffaras oho gare o hrartmarmiag and undartoding talk on ber mork at principal of tht Sunosica School aI Hornhy oith mencolty aacardad childrto. Mas. R. Canitea mat in charge of tht husiness portion of the tveoiog. Lunch mas traangtd and tervtd hy mainthent of tht eveoiog unit. Joined aone of tht ladiet tonly Priday moaohtg ut enta las mare lakente1 tht "Milton Poil Pair". Certointy ts o frioadtyorcent. Eveayoae had o chtoay grttting as thait chiot holancod tht muret thay carried in on iooded amis. If tathusiasm raitoka fuir, thon thit ont it tara ta ho o firsi rota affala! Stama une lBdy haought la har priced plat, of torts. uot at stt mat ahout to place ha, tatry, oct tart tlipped off tht plate .and asnid tympothatir gaspt of hnrror front other housemivat that tort roid clear doon tht iength of the camtent Itoor-novar chipped o place Of posty! Good tuck 10 ha, mnd tht judgta' This lichae gara thas coutd ha callad. "In Proîsa of Pracsically Nothing" taaaad up ut an English paojact ut a local arhool. "Ooing nothiog is ose of tht ailtlimae graI pastimea. Midlont of faortts dn nothing for long peaiodt of lima. But, oh ara con ont do nothing?" If ma look at tht toal sttistict, me mdl findt 1101 25 per tans of tht people do nothiag ohila thry ara on choir rotation, anothar 10 par cent do nothing at mork. Aflar ok, 15 pet tant do aoltly nothing. During coffe or aest hreak 35 per tant of tht people do nothiag aad an wtekends 15 'pet cent of tht people do nolhsng. Se yoa sot 100 potant of tis penple do 100 per cool of nothing, 100 pea cant of tht lima.", Travel, odventure series brings Far-off places here The Rotary Club of Milton, paice of $2.50 for st lot., is preseoting its 1969-70 $6.00 fat atolls mii ..Traval and Adroaloan Sarira" par show. Each ticket olaich mdl inciade tht nationally haro tht satisfaction knoa adv re anond tisaI the prafit front naplorns wo are artisa oin m ii roable the lac avalogua field. They appoar on continue ils mrk,,. aach major plalfoarni as: projncta. National Grographit, _______ Washington, D.C.; Town Hall, New York; Oachestra Hall, MERV. COL Chiscago; and Tomn Hall. Son Francisco. Each in a profestional AHNOUNCI pltotogaapbea mitb mary YatsRa N ek" nxperienas* in rtraeling and l. lcu &lI lilming the marty heatifal and &MIR Ai- Coolos intaansting plnas aaoaad the mortd. Thesa parsoaaliy fdlmad, EASTSID nil-colo, motion picluats aae atpecialiy populor hacause the AUTO ELE( man wo hot th, pictata appas on tht staga la paraoa OAKVBML and narralea his fslmn. Ia addition to thetlhritling motion picltrs se and tht persona] naation, Tsa.u Md C maay of thetlauvalogats inlda Pli a musical background and Ail ou"lH special sourd affas for added Phssm aninymns and reaim. EaChmemhaa of tht faalily, 8449641 yoong and nId, rnjoys tht taraloguas foî tllcy ara o et nulb I mholsomaaalterlaiamant,_________ edacationall and odvaaluaous. Evervont bas the r sga t raval bal only a fao, saliafy abat WINE MAKING SUPPLIES ~ AVAILABLE AT muAIDr PHARMACY 323 Kerr St. - Upstairs AgOVB CORBETT SPORTING 00005 STORE OAKVILLE 845-3483 Ma. and Mas. Gordon Oshornt and thair ftmdly and Mat. Clarence Dunhum, Ma. and Mas. Jack Bunkat and David from Toronto; Mat. John Warren fanat Glace Boy and Mat. Frankt Patch mata vititoas Iost wetktd at tht Warren home. 5ftsn Coanty htcsmte tht focal point of an Acroat Canada lAgricultutal toar lest Taetduy, obta Ma. Heary Rstchi, aapaaset ing the British Agaicultutal Expert Coancdl visiait thata farns in tht Mdlton arta. Mr. Ritchat is a paactical farmat of high utet ia Englaad, a foar Nreffiteld schola ad Royal Show jadgc, to mas Most iateettd in Shoathoan hard at the Refoad Gaadhoatt ferams, tht Hoistehn htad at tht Pallatteaoi Fant snd the hot paoduction on tht fsra of Tom ata,. Ma. Ritchi os tscorttd on lot visis hy Grtant Wallace COtario Padoration of Agriculturt, Toronto, and A. Roy Coaltar, Campballvdle. Ma. Ritchit wtt caaayiag ouI a patthoanary investigation mbt expert opporsanisits for Brith agaicaitatal and hoaticoltua raqaîtamant. Ha bas aacantly bean 10 the Watt Coast and Prairie Provinces and mutl concluda lostloua in tht Maritimes. Ma. Coaltar accompaaiad himt t0 Niagaa FaIts and distaît t0 riais tht fruit processing plants tatr. TALK ABOUT "FARM FRESH0 PICK - YOUR - OWN 1 TCHUDLEIGH BROS. - R.R. 3, MILTON - 416-878-2725 SEPTEMBER 20 TO OCTOBER 20 I 5No. 24 Btsy. I f RE ,~ j DWARE FREE NO PARKNG autsziiei~LADDERS PAKN a TO CLIMS iWIEKDAYS huton APPLE CIDER I1.00 p.m. POMMIES i No,,it PEARS ISAT. & SUN. AND iDawn toi Dark OTIIER Bré Q.EW. PRODUCE I*Mcîntosh *b Red Deliclous S Northorn Spy ObS Russot and Golden Doliclous I---------------------------------------------------- MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL'S ambulance Stnger. Don Miller. Bob Whitnsell and Jim crw bas tison selecteti andtheIbm fine men formn McKellar. Tbey miii man the nom ambulance tIse coreof Clu emergency servic. Snanioned et the whicb is avoulable 24 boums a day. bospînal wilIe ho et te rigbt, Alen Smith, Pote Milton Hos pilai Ambulance Service Effective Wednesday, October 1, 1969, an ambulance service wiII be available f rom the Milton District Hospital to servo the Town of Milton and surrounding area on a 24 hour basis. Any persan roquiring this servioe should contact s 8784115. A persan insured Linder the Ontario Hospital Insurance plan will be requirad to pay $5.00 for a trip up t0 25 miles. Over 25 miles, an additional 15c per mile is charged up to a maximum of$50. MILTON W!ST 1RICT HOSPITAL CORPORATION mi tudcots and Ch la $51.00 holder mdll of knowhsg tht stict ai cluh ta commnaty ES :TRIC la seusuas -fte BELL BROS. LIMITED SERVING MILTON FOR 38 YEA RS TH FINE AUTOMOBILES DOMESTIC FUEL OILS CHRYSIER - DODGE & DODGE TRUCKS For the finest in Service & Fuels ____ ________ Furnace & Stove Oul Gasoline & Diesel Dependlable Metered - Automatic Delivery FREE ANNOAL CONDITIONING T__~~~ SERVICE CALLS WItK EACKÎotDIIIN FUEL OIL CONTBACT RURNER SERVICE HIGHTS, SUNDAYS 197 O 00E PO ARA CL TOM T00 DOOR IIARDTLOP & HIOLIDAYS CALL 878-4786 BELL BROS. LTD. 405 MARTIN (corner Bas. Lino) 878-6380 IEE OUR NEW SELECIION Of FINE TRADES WE RAVE REEN RECEl VIMO J ------------------------------------ 1 0000 and Adytatuat Sarins" thera sa joy andi thaîlI in visitiag shose faa-omay places, such as Ihasa ialddfor flans santon: nht Aleutian [slands, Scani Amtaîca, Yucatan, Sibaria, Israt, and Nova Scolia. A seoson lickat for aIl six traveloguas ia offeaad ut the lo, The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Octoher 1, 1969 'Mec Rotary cl of maton pesents The Travel & Adventure Series Ot the Ontario Schaol for the Desaft Oci. 7, Feb. 3, Nov. 4, Mar. 3, Jan. 6, Apr. 7, (See Comiog Events for details) Tickets avadlablo fro Ratatinasu. Andeson, Earl Black, Doug Bao, (Campbolinllln, Jao Brans, Chas. Clarke, Bssd Cienemas, Joh Conay, Chuck Copeland, Dsisk Copley, Lnyd Daris. Jin DaIs, Reg Di Cola. 1ht Dufir, Rd Gannonshi. Doc Goolsad, Hoardt Gelamatd, Hlarold Humsen, Andy KenOty, Don Keondy, Bus Ksu0bt, Milie Ledwith, Steve Legato, Bob MCuaig, Luohie Mnttnssn, Daît MoQuait, Jack McQnahi, Jo Osthe, Nor, Patron, Bort Paote, Bob Reed, Jack Richardso, 1h, Seagna, John Semnple, David Ttmpson. e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e

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