I-sI CANADIAIf 565ER GIR5LS Septeonser 25 Ladies'g td«>stgr. Joe Smiths 315, de'ttritple, Iaon Smlih 765. 203, (fBRuth Tir, 272, Donnsa Gei.268, Grss Rc.i 266, Dnoie Puy 25 1. 0Ae uu tpAUSMe BruAr 725. lut u ul Grenue osis 666, assele Psyr 651, Linds Cuilloe 632. Puwoor 7 Cee 17, Smits 4 for il, Geeh 2 for 14, Caretn5 fee 12, Tu).. 3 fur 10l, Stlela 5 Cee 9, Contes 2 fee 7. 5Ielpel 0 or 0 f. WFDNESDAY NITEsOS Weters 235, Reg G6 216, 201 Sapisis 24 Woo 38, Mcurby 214, Cier MoRse La). ls egre,F 6.esu . R tn 212, Pranks Saler rai.Mo tiple..aye Woudti 64. Auerse2. 202: AisuBdoy 205, Aura Det Ur ig. 6e48, Dan Gray 65ý 216, DI.ne S ld 245, Lied. ltnshud66,eaCod Dem, 206. 63,Pai ur6, Ran Cy Othor roed triples, Cusne Duuc 638, FrnLurais, 62, Rnsu 1 91 uyseSOI, àoi Maries 614. RegGay 602. Leei eoni.ue F)afity 521,Keia DetaGrays won 2 tor 16 Mo DeZeew 145, AAece Juiem. 538, Water', 2 for 14, RI ray' 5n f S Sihire Hai514 Allnes Moley 533 Ped lRguu 5 ir 10, Jacs ou Jean Meeisy 534. Boa 141h. 534. Cur 5, loy Gear's 2 Cor 4. Diurne MtDusuld 547, Linde Donne 567. Mitisey wn t Cor 2, Faye 2Cn, Lorraine 3 eut 7, Aie 0 for, 'me tn sis3 for 7, Hirenfor 0SOr,:yi Refs'm etn ShIrlelfwaae 48LE flG i oCEB OSpteere 22 Ladie,' blgtr single, Put Tueeoed 258, .dl. biais triple, Actuelle Cisucismeni 673. Ohe' geed single, Norois Wilon 233, Annette Chisuatis 249, Marine Mortron 243. Otbee eo triples, Marins Morton 654, Noms. Wfison 632. Put TusCued 620. Carul wionS C or 15. Maffly frn 12, Mortel2Cn fr12, Mar5 fro 12, Bonlei 5 Crf,. MirOs 2 for9. Jeu 2 Cr 8, Grase2Cuer7. MILTON RATCPAYCRS' ASSOCIATION OSyterniser 23 Ludies ' brish siegle, Notns Macmorpisy 23e. huies' isigis triple, Nomsr MscMurpy 663. Mer s blgb single, E. De Dit Ie. 329, con's bigis e, E. De Bme le. 763. Gobe gond sirgles, W. Bateu 277, les Bilobi 233, 254,1J. Ds Bi. 254. 243, I. Calvin 240, G. rSherworu) 236, Hi. Demg 23 1, E. MatLeod 23)1, 216, G. Little 2286, 225,9N. Coltisor 222, Psu Green 2t13,D. Men9.Auepiy 214, E. Buou& 207. H. Cbsupnuc 204, 201 ,D. Sbeu 202, J. Cissuprur 202. Gtoer gond trples, Ire ailosi 660, E. McLeod 656, J. Cnlvin 645,.J:0e Die 659, W6. Bassett 647. G. Lits), 643. Tise rndort wn 7 lor 7, The Bowngon es 7Cfor7, Nteucses 5 for 5, Rue Reets 5 Cor 5, Tort t-rn 2 te, 2, JSn Dr Bi. 2 for 2, Pisaotoms 0 Cor 0, Soinra0 fieCr 0: CLUB 24 trptoeisns 24 Ladino' brihsinrgle, Florene McCurn 263, ladisý 616 trirpls, Prnis Tellde69O1. 06he, gond siegles, Nomsu Airer 259, tiere Mcenr 25)1. Griser eornd triples, [terre McKerr 685, Nomsn Allen 681t. Nurna Allen wn 5 Cor 1S, Grains MeKe'sine 7 Cor 9, tirne McKro 2 Cor 9, Pinkbeosdel 0fir tue. HGLY ROSAR Y Septemrni 23 Ladies' brisionaie, Surn nouvro 242, ladies' fiit triple Suedy e oters 609. Mon', isigi single, Ciscs. VsrudenreSs 329. nrnn's flue6 triple, Chsas Vandeefrocis8s15. Grier gaod oingres, Carolyn Hctyr 213, Mueilyn tili, 196, Suen Boorers 196. Ane Ycrisr 19n. Aine The Milton leCees' Assoceatione field lits anecal meeting on Wedns.dy Sept. 24 for erlertior ne offiiers for tise enetisorning 1969-70 The Associatin halla gd fumnt vertisr about 20 junor and tenter sceces in atterdance. Murray MnCnsell oras r)roted peeld nt, nnmnated by GIe Dent, sud .esued isy Sienne Geenas. W.t Timrnieos n_.. screr .e6udy.6rne ttieteA by Leoe tls)and seonrderdIlyDnag Peddie. Leur Striskle e sr elctr Refeoe.n-Crret, nornrted by Murray MoConell and secondri by Ber nsuis,. Tise geers eeting discorssed ther rates tu be charer!t ie eseis fatgue and ureas oetedriuttithe Asociatin wrl buidle about 30flue sunteei.. If myenei iterestd ineeCeerning picase contact Leon Stoke R. Stis.fi.Id here tomorrow Censervetive leader Robert Steefirld urjîl ho tise kick-eff speakser fer tise Hellen Younog Cenrervutîne Assorc ieti onrs 1969-70 diotingursbed rspeaker serrer t0 be iseld ut tise Holiday Inn in Qebvîlle Tburndey evening. Ansocretion officrels repert ise w,)) nyccs birelly but tise eenrn g twill ho rnunlya question and unrurer terrien, wrtis tise press and public fielditg tise quertions and the perty leader prcnîdieg lise -Frank Opoleer, R.R. 1 Milton, urus lise urînner cf e fine exrîngoîisher in lise Miltcon Pire Depaturenlis drur el lise fui) fai r. Lowvile's ends with Losevitte Oetemsedietee wom the ORSA Otermediete Cbempioeshlp hy defeéatleg tise defendng chamepione, Insterklp, in Iweo otraight gases, 40 ors Thorsday, and '0.' on Sueday. brSaul htf:til Thrse y le .nrkicp. H. tac k .ct t6, weiked orne sud bit orne butter. Lowvele ecured two rues le tire second inning on e singie by David Gaies, c filder's choice by Pequette, s wclk te Ste King sud e singie by Dorug Cornerdaie. They edded lwo ierursuce runs le tbe eightb isulng. Desuis Sinclair ted orff witb a single, Dong Cornerdele Aol ors base with e fielder's choice sud su error by Inneehip eilowed orne rue tor nscore sud Dorug Powell singled home tbe furet rue. David Gaies collected tbree singles sehile Sic King, Deug Coverdele, Lee Corulion, Desuis Sinclair sud Deug Powell eil snglrd for e total of eighr Lorwnlle bite. Pauete burd the finel gare on Sundey, giving up rive bits, issuingone0 welk sud fennieg tane. Innerkip jumped into a 2-0 lead le the OirsI ineing but Lowvilie came borci wilb orne en the firet, lwo le thr fourtb, four more in lise rftb, twn in the nintb and a fine) rue le the seventb. Lowvlllens rue in tbr ftrt innieg came on a long homer hy second bascenu Deug Powell. In the fournis, Bruce Corner hormered, ,Burke Harrison singîrd, Jacques Pequette reacbed base un un errer sud pluying corach Stu King singlrd te drivr e tise winorin rue. Deug Coerdle led off the ifrb seits or double, Murray Dawson follorwed wilb e double, Bruce Cerner deublid le score Dawson, Herbe Hartrison walked ced e sregle by Jacquer Paquette rcored tro riant. Tise ture ruer je the nrutb urere ncored un a single by fitu King, or uulis te Deug Powell , e ringle by Dorog Conerdule and c srngle by David Gaies. Leunilte's fine) non cerne je tise seveetb onua orlk o Bruce Prer, un leoerkjp terrer, Stu Kreg waos brt by e prîcis to nord tise banes ced Deug Powell cortinurd bis clincb hittreg witb e sacrifice lly. Bruce Cerner led tht hrttrng clteck witb aborner and double, Menrev Dawson and Deug Coverdele racs bordea double and single, Stu King and rookie Dorme Gaee and Burkse Harrona] cerne tboougb urrtb turc singles. Deug Powell belîrd e bey borner and Jecques Pequete rîngird. Lourerîle oetscored tbejr opp ornol in tbe Onterro pleyoffs, 89-5 in nie gantes. Jacques Pequette elloured only core ened rn in 81l joojogrof pilcbiog. Tbe pourerlori betting ettrcis uoereged 14 bis pen gae inbte ORSA pley-cffs. A focal dru) l cibe cmei) for tbe tee.., MTVOR C.RJspn CHICKEN pressure fried JCC .u. yn tender CHICKEN rrACO 2 Pic, . c .hik Fsceh t-rît,, C.11 SI-- Soc 1.49 PtCNtC PAK Cbî.kee trady te ste- $2.39 FAMILY PAK 5< 4.39 PARTV PAK 21p - 5.19 PHOIJE 87&.6028 Murray Hood Drive ln BASE LINE RD. WEST OF HIGHWAY 26 MILTON outstanding season ORSA titie theirs grec) successa shud ho given te e greut msuager Pelo Gaias sud su excellent cachs Ste King, These two mon hune hruA)i ene of Ibe sîroniest leames enfer te play Ln tise Haillone Coruety Soffball Leegue. Mamiserc of lise traim sue eg flder Matrk Buck, plîciserztis Buck, third buse Lcrry Campbellr, catcher Bruce Cerner, pirciser arrd righr freider L.ee Couilnore, first buse Deug Ceverdele, lefs fieider Murray Dawsono, lisird base and shoetntop Stu Dotiel, Ibird hase Dune Grles, cestre fielder Burke Harrison, left firider Dmn Heatberiegtoo, siserrstop Stu King, catcher Gord Marsalul, OEery seuttue s guide a in oue tire Totol Cryorcre inne celer thut neoer uenrbies rnîti uireonoutirey, S10000 202 Mesain 47 pitcher Jacques Paquefre. ieft freider Bruce Pmer, secoed buse Deug Powell, ced centre 6'reider Dermri$ Sinclair sud but bey Lsie Cerner. 'Me Lewrlile club woetd iAe te tises) tiseir fsus for ut) their iorYal support tirougiseus tise seesun. Fête bail boys wilb "buaifeed" The Miton Minor Oaebett Assorciation fil host ils pieyere at a 'Bunfeed" te b hl brde the Legioe Wedeedey, Oct. 8 et 6 ps.. Wedeesday, Oct. 15, tbe M.MBA wil) ho holding itt annuel mteetintg and election of officees. The meeting wli be beid et the U.S.W.A. Hll on Pine St. et 7 pmansd everyone ro welcomr. AN UNTUNED CAR IS A TOW-TRUCK RIDE!. SEAT THOSE "WON'T START" TROUBLES WITH OUR SPECIAL FALL Fl15 POINT TUNE-UP SERVICE iTL lune coe (i r oirt r) 8. Check eisast stsemn 2. Fls ead presure lent S. Chrckrstarter draw A Dcoulier sysrr 10. Lubricare ail iocks a 3. Clan ail iattrry a chet * Pconnections 11. Adjust ail driue brits 4 Test isattnry 12. Check urmnciînd wip W IN TE* R 5.Adiust choke V and waeru îfeddnteut 15, Comrpression et 8 CYLý- 17.95 nd EXPERT SERVICE.- QUALITY PARTS 6 CYL. - 15.95 PLUS PARTS GALLINGER MOTORS LTD. 878-2883 -I Thse Canadien Champior, Wednesday, October 1, 1969 à -Flowers on display at the feul -Helton M enor rtildsats fair sure ttetped brigbtes a report a geod sale ai their far sometunes overcorst day. booth on the weekrnd. NAÎ ORTONO TOUOtSUR )% SPECIALS WASHINGTON & VIRGINIA ORPARTURE OCT. 14 8 BATS AS LOB AS $123 PER PERSON Ourn..riri, .11t,1.-o F...i,i.eAciitio 6tourio.. lire, ceuson, Sari,, tDr.,* Wil,i,,rend W.iergn Gaided Tour. OTTAWA a GATINEAU HILLO DEPARTURES OCT. 4 à OCT. Il 3 DAIS PROM $39.50 PER PERSAN tri. fo., f..î,o,.. - ,r Coo,'. -o.1 b..,ilul ,.r.y or th. lr..ghtrofth,itoi o-roo, ., ,ioooao,dor, ofOn-.. WASHINGTON DEPARTURE OCT. 11 3 DAYS FROM $49 PER PERSON A th...d il.. f if.f.oi.r..ryaplu. ud.drro,.1 W..lrgse îonlcdio r -, Wbe". Msre.....1.. C.4 W«..fl ccrthsr.dru, M.t. O.r.- NEW YORK DEPARTURR OCT. 11 3 BATS PROM $40 PER PERSON Ae 1,,i.. e..k..d in r.. nf th. -11rd', -off air-10- ru...t FLORIDA DEPARTURIS NOV. S, 1S, 22, 29 end DIC, 6 W..Neh- ....rsoilebl. .,.Poilel.eto 4e aciar14. Euch rot 201 ony175. ALL TOURS PULLY ISCORIS VIA DILUXI COACH WITN NO OVIRNIONT TRAVIL. ALL PRICES INCLUDI PINOT CLASS NOTEL ACCOM- MODATION. POR FREE BROCHURE OR RESERVATIONS C.H.NO TO Lau.I US Phoe 632-6958 or Tronto $26-e1T61 Phone 633-6958 or Torsnto 826.1161 OR 1Milton Travel Service 14Martre Si. 878-9211 Mitone5 a MILTON MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION Registraion Nights (For Heuss, Ingue ansd Town Tommte) MILTON ARENA - PROM 6 P.M. UNTIL 9 F.M. Wed., Oct. 1 Thurs., Oct. 2 Mon., Oct. 6; Tues., Oct. 7 FEE .- tn Town, 50.50 per eaion: Gar of Town, $10.00 par, sesin. Amocer applres for firlentrwo boys; any atiditional boys ie family, $2.00 racs. FEE INCLUDES - Ice rime, swecater. Goajies' eqeîpmenr is supplied. MINOR SPORTS INSURANCE - This year medîcel conferage lit avoulable from G.H.S.I.P. The Parent or Guardian is responsible for Ibis coorerage of dependents, we wlt nos insorre env Applicant. Wile saggesr vaut local agent orea Sohool Policy prouidieg dental or extener heeti benef île. FORM - Availabir an Milton Arena or Orowners Sports Shop. Monady Nighters -.s58oyrs Pets W.. - Il . 12 yr. Papsewelght - 7-S 8 Ir. Rassear - 1.4 yrs. 77k.. 9 Tesre Misiget - 15 -16 yt$. NovIce - 10lOyrs. Juenitst 7 - 18 l yr. for best choice SKI-DOO l1970 SEE OUR DISPLAY AT GEORGETOWN FALL FAIR 0001ER 3- 4 MURT ALLISON'S SALES HWY. NO. 7 BETWEEN ACTON & GEORGETOWN PHONE 877-5259 or 877-5250 TUNE-UP MILTON PLAZA