4 The Canadien Chacmpion, Wadnesday, October 1, 1969 IMGame & Fish News by arn oulsais October! Therr i a lent of fros i the air, the leavrs arc startiaig their fall pageant of cotor. To the oaidnorsman especially the hanter, this spelis ony aine thiaig, Monte! Deer! Docks! Thia is a apecial breed of taira, for who rIte woald arise ai 4 ar.. go oui noe the cold grry tnorning of somrtitnes miii and rain, jusi ro air in a cnld, old dock blind, 10 grlto a canne anid paddtr four or fivr miles along a desolair shiore to shoot a moorese. To stand for hours on a cold and windy baioli jasa t0 grt a glitapse of a mhiir.tailrd drrr. Who? Wiiy tboutonds of hunir wiit br doiog jusi thai Ibis fait. At te aid before ihis s aspecil brerd of meni wbo love the ouidoora, the long fait enenîngi aîound n gond fire in the hunting camp of 00e North Country, gond companionshîp, tales anid witîe lies of the big one ihat came withiai tbooiag distance, but a btaacb guti tihe way of pour gun. This bas to be somre of the reasons, for me miii maigr flot one man oui of a thousand has to huait rmui1 teie thr table. Hoin arr tht prospects for the 69-70 bunting seai000 Let us tube a look. Moose-prospects grneraiiy are gond. Aeeiai sorveys lait minier sbowed excellent densîtites acînts much of Noriherai Ontario. Aronad Pot Artkur for instance ihere sbomed ose monte foi every 1.25 square miles of range. Cires a break by the meuiherman '69 monte huniers shouid do alrighi. Deer-chancri of brînging home stme renunon shouid be betier iban tat year. Parîy Sound reports ihese shoutd be good hunting Ibis fuit. Deer shouId br plentîfulthiis yetr ut teasti tihe Hatîboîtun -Lindsay District, but beavy hunting pressare in tiî arais depieing some berds of deet. Paîrîrdge-The partidgr situation is oui gond. Cold, met meather lait lune and Juiy seîîously depieied nsta anid yourg birds. This is juil a suggestion for you huniets. Aithough no ciosed souson tau ibte îoutb ibis year, lts teare ibrm atone. Dock- tikas bren an entellentibreeding seuton for duchi and in ait ateas tbey seem 10 be on the icrease, bol remember thete ate entra deputîrs on gurd ibis yrur 10 reduco the game bogi inho takse ovr eir lîmit, yooî car cun be stopped anylîme, unypiace and saracbed hy a membr of the Deparîmeait of Lands und Fotesis or one of bis depulîrs. to game hogs and meal huniers bemare. Ruhhîîts Cottoniait and Jacks shouid be reai good ibis yeuî despite a heury kilt in the sptîng, of the youaig rabîits, duo, t0 met, coid meaiher. To tomn il ait up, itlbobks tike o good year for Gntario huniers. Partidge are ]raid tu ind, dort ltintets, may tavtot 10 oî a lti harderte1 gel hibr deer but most huniers con lobk formurd t10a fuit bag. Margaret and Eugene Coulier of R. R. 3, Campbetiville caughs anme aime take trout lait week in the Lobe of Bays District. Drimar anid Howard Couisoît havrr rfi for thr Horapayse District in match of moote and mîtb ibem miii be the Halton Sporismeais only Hoaiory membr Dare Wcaidovrr of Paleesso. Durc is ovrt 70 yeuts of uge and bas hemn huning for 52 contecutire years. Good Lucb Diaie. Russell, George md Art Robersoni and Bruce Nicholsion ail of Kitheid. tenre on DOlober 9 for ibrîr annuai moose hunt in the Gogaima district. This group bas brrr buaiîg in thai tome district n0w fot 12 yeoes anid hare badl tremeaidout ancorin ovrt that prriod. Ron, Don aid Jbe Marshall. atong wîîh Primo Rîgo of Milton, alto rcare for mooese hunting ibis weeb. The Hatton Sporttoenis Association were bosts tu the Quarterty meeting of Zone Smx, Ontatio Pederutîn of Angleri and Huniers ai their club bouse tiait Satordoy. Guieit tpe aber mus Dure Murray. Resources Munagr of the Haitoît Region Conserration Authorîty inho gare or excellent tatb on the work of the Auîhoîity, and ibis ciered up the woîbîngi of an Authoriiy, ils aimis, etc. ond hoin, ut presrit, and in the future, it i heling nos oniy Onario asoamboto, but an huniets and fitheimen through conlrotted and mise use of public properiy. Dîd you bomThul the oiterîtleepsîin the mator on lis bock, there are four biaids of poînsonous snobes in the United States, corul ihe mosî deady -copprthed, coîîonmouîb ard sererot rarieties of tattirînobes. The mîib saoe is namned for the betief that il mithi coins, ihough il frequenît barns, it îs aîîrucîodby mice, not cows. The porcupîner quit! il ocîualiy a bottoin haîr, Ibreetonches in length or longer. Don Drysdalr pirclird a record 58 2/3 conîeccoîîrrscorecrr îsaîngs in 1968. HOCKEY TiIME TIME TO PICK DUT VOUR NEW EOUIPMENT AT MILTON MARINE & SPORTS fannas CCM SKAIES as arinna priant CCM Sticks aobby Huit Prutesinac Cener and meny ntnsrs HELMETB, GLOVES and PAÀDB by Babby Hait & Spaldtigq MILTON MN il MIRS 25 Conmercsal St. 878-6521 Milton M.rchmnts CLIFF HOUSTON acueps mongrctulciouns frr Champin isaved the weung photo of aibe A. E. "Baba" Clemesi, ilelti citer heisu scmed ru peesestto. In thai phuto Me. Houstn ma the Hatin Cnusity Sporsa ll ni Pcme ie pietured wjth'Ramve Ain Dcy ni Ochoiile.-(Ssaii Gahoitte. Me. Ciemeait as ose ni the 10 charter Photo) membera samed alt yece. Luist eeb tbe M ilton B bantams-1969 Halton county bantam champions Mifton hantas down Acton te win bantan Ieagui 8y Dicter Clanr the Adtos squad ai the top of Milton Huntumi weappîd up the final înnîrg, girîng Milton the arasos o'îth aocosrîrcng Bunîums ibrîr 14-4 nîctoîy in 14-4 min oner Acton in a lioîiy the îhîed game of the final coniesird game piuyed Sunday, pluy-offi. Miltonîtbob thi selles Sept. 21lin Milton. sn itee staiglil games-5-t, 3-i Pîtcher Warren McLeod tint and 14-4. the distance pichîng a six-bitter. The Basiam.a receivrd the etenîni 15 stribe-outs and ulso play-off tropby whîch mas leodînai bis tram rn the huttîng donaled hy the Adtos Sports deparimneni mîth a double and Association aid the 8oama tino tintle, for ibreeruns houred League's trupby, donaird hy the Greibris triple mith the butes Bob Barlieti fllltirigered afoue-run is newest junior tii e1mccond înnîing tb a triple by Motiioiî. Giltoinay otiuî. exec mnember oui aid Guîbrîr heiîcd ilte unit pîîch mhîch mat caught by Ther itous ii ember ut tliti McLeodwitîh aspectacular grah, Mîlioti Metcltits Junitor C muîîpptsg il uner t0 Rîgo un Holckey Club brîîgs it inte ti ird haie whtucaughi Monritor r rix uirr ut active ftllhihbarifur a doublenplay. participationt in hîîockey and Miltoun .ddcd oni tru titie lacrsse xecltive. lird aller Turnet waibed aid Bobh Railliti. owier ot McLLud cunnecied fiton tI.iilt' SItue Stor. is il, R..i. Singles hy Turnei. cha.reiuilieptigr.i or (îîlie McCan. McLeod aid Hyatt it Mîlltîti Junioîrrsliir lins, viii Hi ire fourîti accourtîd fut fur liai huit oni tiie irculiriiio tite morclans. Juti B club tut iif Brampn Act.iti catcher Morîsor and t, aîioctiald ouîli tite doubledîinîhe fîflîaîîdcored McPtiait uvd Rîîd wtîîîhîîlad sîogtcd ftiti ilsuî. MiPhail's hormer In titi ittt t.urid Si cityra tibi singled lui anîîibîî two tatîr, îartutiiglthe rcuie sightîly lu 94.. Milton opcncd up ufîci tiî in titi nus holiom bull ut lthe îîrlh tf u rolet doublesby Turer adouuLeud and singles hyouuCaniund Rigu for fîrr morc ros. N-n A tirtît-our by Rîgît aîd to II rike-butsu hy MeLuitd rtiuud C l i e B.O.H.A. t Me. Baanin of the Esc A, B aid He libes sports in a îheie sa se the Milton bre fromt am iiermdite J L. Currie, rtry fromt tram,.-ý a t îutase thepreîdcnî NTAERS ebstue Latroiar junior OPrs ME TRIS Senior A tlubs in the lu hecomc srvoicd in BURLINOTON cnmmunîîy and frets ey gond support for MALI, Junior Club. He lame TW OE6278 Brampton conrer ibis W O I6270 rate tarileti s Short. e tRee Milton Mîsue Rasebail Association. This ends the seuson, and il mat a gond ose, t hure neyer worbed with a better hasch of boys. Theîrrentîosasm and tram spirit wus leemendoas. Rîcb Romiey usd 1 thanb erery ose uf i hemin. Theit parents' co-opelution aiso mode the meatou so much easier and sottesslt 4Rp O/RAyR /E À r4fef ARE FOR DEPENDABLE HUNTING EQUIPMENT, GUNS, AMMUNITION McKIM HARDWARE 260 MAIN E. 818-9222 Firstoe game Miltoni Junior Merchants skis sonit eaitry in the DHA Junior C loup have bren peacstciaig fur airer a weck and are quickly getting ite shape ander ibeir nein cach Eget Puai. The larnaus for the practicet huas bren "presty fuir", taya teamn muanagcr AI Partuai wiih lbui 24 out for eacb prattice. He soya tbry bure a gond morking agreemenit mith Jim Monreoe and Iim Murray of the midgei hockey club aloaig with Jue Augr of the jurenite club and thete meni banc bers heiping Coach Pox inhittie the club itt shape. Muai of tat year's players are bacb lin camp wîtb a fein ttill umoy ut ottîr hockey camps. This year, tuys Me. Parton, they utc on the tobout foi gouibeepers. Coach Pox bus hemn morking the tramt out as the ateso ibis pai Sunday, Monduy, Wedreaday anid Priday sigbis wilh unotber morbout siated for toaight. The big urina cuming oui of camp is the exhibition game lu be piayed skis Pridoy aiigbs agaîs Burliaigion. Sltid lu heginai u 8:30 p.m. uithe Miltona Armna, ihia gume wîi gise fansa latte of inhat ia lu come for the 1969-70 teuton. Due of the sein feutuies in the rotes for the teuton is the use of MILTON MINOR BASEBALL ASSOC. BUN FEED WEDNESDAY OCT. 8 6 P.M. ut the Lraiius Hait ChariesSi. ANS H005E LEAGUE xh ibition on Friday the armi-circular goal tresse the season in a ga inemth wbith will gise the goattender Lindsay, Match 14 as shey thai extta margîn uf drupped a 9-7 decisin in mueb-aiceded protction. The Lindsay. The tramt at that tasiler create nom raleaids almuit twu mas playiaig in the braI of fise fers freun ethe uidr of the airs serai-finals mn thc JuiamrC Last year the Juaioars eaided teagae. MILTON MINOR BASEBALL ASSOC. ANNUAL MEETING ADEETO F OPPICIRS WED. OCT. 15 - 7.00 P.M. IN THE STEELWORKER8 HALL, PINE ST. MILTON -EVERYoNr:WELCOME - IMPROVIE TOUR BOY'8 HOCKEY BIG HOCKEY MOVIE NIGHT A 45-minute Instructional film featuring N.HL stars *PHIL ESPOSITO * JACQUES LIMItE * sol HM *ou BOSMRE * MUICEL PRONOYO116vSt * MUNIE F11901 *MRE WALlON * DM UCESUON * BRUCE SAULE A film evsry hockey ployer should am It covs svsry aspect of thé game: Skating Shootlng Defunc Stick handllng Chscklng Gmotnding Paaalng Focs-off. Ni dsontntsd by muni of hockW&5 top prosl AT ST. PAUL'S UNIIED'CIIURCH AUDIORUEI ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 6 SHOWINGB AT 6:30, 7:30 & 8:30 Get your tickets FREE from BROWNIE'S SPORT SIIOP 198 MAIN ST. MILTON, ONT. Ettevyoae h'eicnme Hlt ire melunon wnO Mittai Mienor Hndkey Asmitise "ONE 0F MY SONS WILL SERVE YOUC SEE MY SON MORLEY ABOUT UPDATI4G YOUR Jîc Rîhieos AUTOMOBILE 500H. 1964 Ford Convertible Finished in Ember Raid witb mstcbîvg interîne cnd winhte top. V 8 Autumatic îoe teerirg, p0mer brubes, radiu. This car bas beer corpetey rcas ditined and is veudy to deliuer mary thousendi ni ies o crcer deîoivg. Lic. 707898. Cuti toilt Nirholson on this one 17 SPCAL RCDAT .. ..... $1175.........--- 1969 Chevrolet Impalai 2 dunv bcedtnp fiîrîbed invGlympic Goid wîrh machîbîg itir n - Veigine cotomatie powier steevivg, powier biches, radin, white wac tiret, tbee dises., This car bas bers diues appîooimctely 4900 milet by nur saest man Wîli Hcggart. Save bundîrds of dollars. Speciclly Priced ut Cali Wiii Hcggaît rigbt caoa. $ 4 5. Always a good selection of new 70'S on display JAC CRI CHARDSON Bai mgr . Hlhway 25 SIvouth IuIILTON 878-2393