Hunters causing problems The Canadien Champion. Wednasday, Octohar t, t1969 for rural Nassagaweya" - An agilated Cocacila gams 0.ay-Raae Gaîdon Agnw . Watsan uagod N=eeawy ead an I hatde e ohn f Catsncil tai *talc. a flans stand an the past in tce tawnship.I pracedatea ta, ha ued wban CaunCil hcld off cytan a bantiag tesaon gala andctway." paacZg a autn bptam ul fisttet Informsation coald ha Ha eaid ho bas nallsing ageinst obtaincd faons other sources. betia ha bas floand C W Na ibell sas in bis bactcyaad CO A and aaid hunIers wbo t'capsass wilb no tegard fat prinata e ý a lui-SERVICE MANAGER th 1 would bc a good idea if uters sought permilssion from c farmcr or isndowner before thcy huntcd os bis paopeaty. courndillat Art Gibsan told cocecil he bcd heen tld ta marc an whca he came ncrass hanteas. The prableso was, ha was an his awn paopctty and thcy watt tcapassiog. MOLTON'S NEW AMBULANCE la slatad se begin oeratin tlay Dalton Mc0aslig Ibas0pitel adMinlfatoal. Michael Ladwith lWaatnacdyl witb a tali cow ceallieR 24 basas a day. Miltnn chairmai Jobs Brown «rssuraear), Mas. Maiaty Powys Obsalcl Heapîtll board combats looh lima toexmamina Ibair memrbeal and R. W. Gardbcese (boeard nice-caalanfani eright nerfl acqusition wbet Iltt rsnt a t the bnapilal. Ed a tInter lnall as ana cf tht oital plamanto aquipent in the s Gacranahi inseordineat et the ambulance amical, fer tatI. Ms. tme stretcher.-lStett Photo) HzdPorter (board madbarl, Sydney CbrMds (board mambati. -Engineering firm says blasts ,cause n At Monda y cranng's mecting of Mllan Counicit, a repot was tablad ,'mbicb deait wilh tht temilta of tht Thnccdey, Sept. 1l blasi condoctad et Miltosn Queaits. Thace saissogtapha e bad been sei ap aI différentt locations tbaoagboet Milton andt itetteut ef tht biss wtte tccoadad on thata machinas. Fitzwittiam, Martin and Associatas, a Totonto engineeting fians wbich e condactad thetlesta, waa tht suthot of the report licb, in affaît, statad tht lavai of ground vibration faons tht qary blast mas watt baiow thethlbasbotd at wbicb damtage cen bc anpacîad in buildings. Tht liait saismogaaph was set up et Milton Sricb nanar ana of tht bîlat atad hy tht plant. Altoagh ibis campany's plant la sitnatad outtida the jutiadictiot of Milton Cooncit, il is qoita close ta tht qsaaay and caca belte the batas vibrations watt foond ta ha watt below tht lavai et whicb buildings or machinas woold hca dvttttty affactad. Tht aest two saienogaaphs watt att ap at 163 Main St. in Councillor Gordon Ktantr' aperîmant os tht tbiad flot, and et tht faront avîcenca poacb te, tht Oins home eit 372 Hightidt Dt. At Cet mrntionad in tht Sept. 17 issue of Tht Champion, tht astabiisbad antagy ratio et wbich blast vibrtcions car do evy 7 danmage s 0.5. This figora has bats odoptad hy Matropotitan Totonto for consttactin moab i thair atta. t Tht bightat rnrgy tae ced Martint' saismographa mea 0.003 mhicb mas taen aI thea Higbsida Dr. borna. Coonicillot Krastz' epertmrnt rrcrivrd an anatgy ratio reding of 0.0003 ai- -A N HOU N C E M E N T- PETER LANDER 0F THE OAKVILLE PIANO SHOP HAS RESUMED PIANO TUNING - REPAIRING - SALES PH4ONE 844-671 OAKVILLE MILTON FIRE FIOHIERS THIANKSGIVINVG BINGO at the FIRE HALL WED. OCT. 8th 8.15 P.M. CHICKENS-TURKEYS DOOR PRIZES thetlima orf tht tacotdig. As tht report atatat, "s nethar cae dota tht anargy riC approacb tht tbaashold cI ebidb dentagl might ha xpacîrd Cn a building of aveae aorkmcnsbip and good natract." Tht report gora on,' "The feot bat vibrations rraulting front ha datonation of dynamita arr trcetibini a building, lsprcially if thbry arr ccompanîrd hy anoogh FOR AIL OCCASIONS GIFTS OF' DISTINCTION 184 Main St. Mitros movamant of tht air la ral a window, or if diahra in tht kitchan ratia, sontrtimes causes people 10 jomnp 0tht conclusion thet thata is aomathing out of tht ordinery and paaticoteaiy lthal about thons Actualty, tht. affrct on the diahet is vo diffrnt front Chan tbay raettr faom somabodyts wetbtng ectosa tht floot, ot on tha window whrviti shaktn by CAM GIVE ANY CAR THAT SHOWROOM- FRESH LOOK Corne in for à comploe appraigal today. BILL'S AUTO BODY M9878-2721 basla 878-3251, (board (board tl, talle 'chiala. TO ALL MILTON RESIDEMTS B E AU TIF Y ~ WITH LOVELY TREES at ...c HALF COST! 0 e GUARANTEED FOR ONE YER UdrtepoiinofaBy-Iaw the Town of Milton wilI pay haîf the cost of purchase anrd planning of trees subject to certain speciticetions. The followlng cres will be acailable et the cost indicatedi. Hait this cost wiii ba borne by the caîcîcpality and half by the applicant on filing of application with the Town Clerk. TREE TOTAL COST SHADEMASTER LOCUST .......$13.91 NORWAY MAPLE ............$11.91 CRIMSON KING MAPLE ...$16.80 LITTLE LEAF LINDEN ---- -----$12.97 FLOWERING CRABAPPLE ------$10.97 MOUINTAIN ASH ----------- $ 9.93 JAPANESE FLOWERING CHERRY $1 2.60 PAUL'S SCARLET HAWTHORN $12.60 FLOWERING ALMONO ..... $12.60 YOUR COST ..... $6.87 .... $5.87 -.... $6.40 .... $5.40 $4.88 - --- $6.87 ..... $6.21 ..... $6.21 Applications wiII be accepsed on a first corne, f irst servecd basis f0 a maximum town contribution of $200 APPLICATIONS MUS? SEI N TO THI MILTON TOWN OFFICE IV S P.M.1 OCTOBER 10, 1969 0 FUisseaceIi Maret ot Stalle Whor. Ta.. la te bis Plaafat O Pri nce Ch ales is a tulipe ta's a teddibit pcdigread poapiaciolet ocirit. Or droote Ceira CIvet heaultol Outra bcia saicliors tor serne. But plaira nool Onl or ri~c os are iooiy. -L=C airnentS. Miltn in Gcnea Matara Daclnnsaltned isa alo raSe mient. HOanill be riccal ta flaieo tancd cmueuoacf qaccnmaintnaee Sev-on aIl S.M. nndoetc and Smrctent acsit ta ail -nk. oROP IN ANS MEET LORNE SOON YVLL LEAVE voue CAe IN cOMPETANT CANDn MILTON MOTOR SALES 38MAIN ST. MILTON 878-2a55 on e f» 0mu iom mnm In fa nts' KNIT WEAR BUNTING SUITS and STOP UN SOON DEPT. STORE OPEN FRI. TO 9 P.M. 200 Main St. 878cA -I o aamage PROCLAMATION WHEREAS nsthnraiea stelistics campilad and peblished ha the Canadien Pire Matabal show that in 19g8 alana, 648 paople diad in tht 6376 tanes reported in Canada, and tht ptnparty tans lolallad St158,420,000; AND WHEREAS sedb lemeas ara inîremslng yaar ha ymar; AND F/HEREAS beeatalriat and aconmit cnsldaliant impatllrl damand Ihal improsad tira pratarrlian meaniras ha endar lakat ta preent Ibis acanamit camae and Iragec lacs et lite in ordat that the nelion't proapatilty may ha maintaiacal; I HEREBY PROCLAIM Senday, Octobea 5, 1969 10 Senday, Octoer 12, 1969. as HIRE PREVENTION WEEK in the tomir af Millt and uage ail cilloana ta asist tht Millt Pire Brtiada in seahing tn acsr tires n their ow praparla. BRIAN gEST, Mayor. P261