Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Oct 1969, p. 2

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Au mmibav mand. lb. elaitane an Muea âaeiLmehs SitoM Sad itand.a thu a t a furter mes ha oena Titneady Bant. misa Md neaedfaatda roarai i h aleffn for ue an Radmodur megt&a lICK s-AL ai Liii Elitiaf. Citue Rida titan all apad r SPORTS lp.7.tan raieiting ao Ras Manier, sia-pailde Neilbar. Onuatezer aid Bc Laqsnlay wo cana yaaila Oct. I at 8:30 plana ut ida ta Par mdla aiit pissetl. The aitors taiee pnae tBe Saunteand Milton 1t b.tere itdaitd fr Slie 11. TiI at aise placeas marla h e.ld aflaru toi ea qiie plaaaad aith Brosse and are lookins fo, aiiaoniteeitihme pend. -Neal week as Fire Fr Week ln Milon. Z Imý thn duEk Sls iKennendy, ta. R Stmaerclal uitesm os peneldesi; nt; Martin nde lime. pan. Auy cipate ai tda sal se infthe mnad to a neaion ARCHITECT DONALD E. SKINNER B.Arch. - M.Ru.IC. 17A Miii Staret, Saite 2, Acta Telephoir 853-2740 ai 20 Stus-eiaak Rd., Part Ca-ad 274-3428 Office Noai- by Aarpalataez ACCOUNTANTS PARI G. BLACK B. Cia., R.IA, C.A. Chan-tea-ed Accouaient 163,Main St., 'M*otu Plaine 878456W CHIElOPRACTORS A. F. KENT, D.C. Daciai af ChiropracOl 237 lOnga Cout- Ciriscana Crner MariiB. PHONE 878-2031 BY APPOINTMENT INSUIIANCE CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Ato-Hoane, Piitectlii.Aii rua and Sicitiete - Pamily Liabailt- Pua-an Liabilty Voua- Milton Agent Mis. Titra uRai- R.R. No. I, Miltin Pho. 870-741 CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Notmi Protecion Auto, Accidentai Dai and ltpaia-nent Sala- Dals-ng, Botra Velacle Rediaction Premiaans Maet BEonoaer.e R. S. Heaihea-ligta RAP 2, Miton, 8784M5. Os-n 21 Veris' Sea-. -e ROBERT S. HART Agent 341 Da-tille RoatI, Actia Bai. 416-451-3460 Risý 519-85-1527 FIJNERAL DIRECTORS S McKERSIE Paierat Home 114 Main StI. ke Milton Oui hauti yer il helpftd, via-cussevice. 878-4452 OPTOMETRISTS ARTHdUR A. JOH4NSON, D. MILTON - 184 Main St. 8789972 Tîeidayî aid Ptridays ACTON - 54 Mili St. E. 853-2520 Wedîîvdayî aid Satuadayi Iteidence phoner 878-9678 LISRARY HOURS Taeeday, Tauesay and idey 12 nom te 5.30; 6.30 ta9.00 Mandq, 12 naom la 5.30 oed Wodeedey BtUdy-9.30-12;1-5.30 Charges could b. laid as resuit of prank A feelith pruh ha- taise a-eun People staiding eataida Milton District Nigit Scheel Pridia- could hune caaaed tentaus lajar- le an- persn atanding heurt-, tapa Mliin Poile Chief M. R. AttIre. The incident occrird Pridua- aflerniei as aime Iteaif peaple nere tituking a sua- Rire sapporling ona orf Milton Na-frît pelas placed i Use anîrance to lte chol. Au lthe Pale uas beiog dakea, the hodre airaa alarîrd to vibrate aid, anddeila- Ihea- toached, e-plediai aid seidiig a 4,000 nolt lis-e Rare careenini t0 lthe trail Milton Police Contablie Rilliam Patlersîn, weio itas in Use icinit uit Use linte, sain il happea aid rshded os-er t0 lthe scete, keeping lte a-oins peeple aita- froit lthe lis-e and daigeroas Rie. HuI ina- aladenîs freane lthe hifit aihool iteen italkig dotai Use sîreet aidai lte Rire uithUe tilma il came deiti, tapa Chief AttIrait, ltere couif hune iteen a catastrophe. Milton Nydro ets Rere lire airea. Consider Mloi Coaacdl cied t0 titi icrie aid senti had agaa pioila- lthe Rire bas-h îp. Oua- ses-en hean' frer $2,0 htouillu inthe ishaa-ita wre Terelta Carpecali niitoît paner aid one dacidad Meada-. hSeeeiter's lawt itai hada- Themas Salicite scorcite tas thte lis-e Rire itîrned tise btond ita, ia laitsia ils fali. hacais Use Re. Citairgis are beiig caîsideed specifred aid lthe ita lte Milton poltie contrucîrd. Scotch Bloc dam to lien itilI ciielder accept a lien tntier ltai a 8o finis the on, memitera r told coudii rk rnis not malter net b. us.d to dump wastes? AI a Mondua-, Sept. 21 meeting of Narsagawa Cians-il, Ceaici llîr AdIn Aclan raired lthe questionoef ithelher the proposed Scetch Blork Dam aid reaies-uir nul lie a dumping grouid for indastril wtes. Ree-e Anne MaciAtur, a usemiter ef the Naltea Regien Conserv-ation Aulthoria-, told the couaiddlor ltae dam site nus ai close t0 Use Niagara Rsarrat il woald ntl ie îaid la dimp industrel ites. She proanlaid Mr. Acksai se ni-aid raaiUseh question it lte nexl merting of the HRCA. thun~h S~rvtoe5 J KNOX FBBSBYTBBIAN CHURCH Itrim Moderator. Rev. F. N. Young, B.A. Geragetown 977-626 "Ocose let us wonhipu nd bow clowni;lts kneeiefo-t SIONDAY, OCTOBER 5th. 19 945 arn.-Si. COirach Schteel. 9.45 a.rn.-Ytiang Petiple's Bibtle Clati. 9.45 a.rn -Tti Tiikea-î. 1 0.50 ait.-a. Chuich Schotil. '111.00 ait ýMoa-t ing Worsip. IMinîste, Ris. Proflessor J. * C. Ray, BlD. PlIA). 11.00 a.rn.-Nure-y. Moidav. Octabua- 6 - Get-ti- gtiller Group wili meetin lthe Saidas- Schtol, ai 8 MILTON GOSFEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. 878-2022 Christian& gathered an lthe rae f titi Litrd Jesai Chtit. Lot-tIt Day SU';DAY, OCTOBER 51h. 1969 10.30 a.m.-B-eakiag of Bread. 2.15 p.is.-Sunday Scheael. 7.00 paa.-Gttspal Serice. Wedartttay, f Pmi. - Pieyer aid Bilîrieadjtt<. Ail aie otelcoit at thae. terices. Redccrncd aiith thte Itecus î,d f Chit. it Peter 1, 19e BOSTON AND OMAGN FRESSYTERIAN CHURCNES Miolilca-: Roc. Stanley E. Smtith. B.A. SIINAY, DIZIOBER 5;h, 1969 10 00 ai m-Bolîsn Ra Is Dav 10.15 a ta-Ornagit: Chia-ch School. Il 30 a.m -Onagh: The Loid's Sipper. ST. PAULS CHURCN Of THE UNITED CNURCH 0F CANADA main1 SI. ai Jamesa St. Mitiste-: Rev. C.A. Rainei, B.A., B.D. Oigattit aid Choili Leader- Mis. Har-old Mafre SUNI9AY. OCTOBER 5th, 1969 W,ld Commnetion Sondai 111 aA i-i cf W, C.tctunion. CHURCH SCHOOL 9.30 a.t.--Sunday Schteel lfa- ai itboys aid gilsa oveî 8 111.00 arn-dolait Nuuriey ia chate of iegisieied nurse and tnrery- depua-tmna. 11.00 aats...Kiadeagartet and Pirary tatimeil, agis 4 . 8. Ins-itatian To Al Dumping of indastril nantea cootra-eaea lte Coner-ation Aulherita-î Perpette for sein ap the Scotcht Block Dam, sai Coîacilleî Jim Watson, la raspenai te te qira. The dais la le coalcol s-iter aid spaiatg tan-off on the Mitddle itraici of the 16-Mure Creek aid il iseo itilI coaleol lthe serier fleow of lthe crek wiis-ta an important fadaorin thr aras irrigation Ne heIlcuspocuin plandng cuocues lisuit i-w intal forua itruatîlal spttng. Large salacios Rausarably prînaf. bý9_2 BONTEST. MILTON CHUWMCH 0F CHRIST No. 5 Sideroad aid 41th Liai SUNOJAY, OCT(00PR fiîh, 199 10.00 a.aa-+BibIr Scieel Classea foi ail ages. 11.00 a.rn.--Moridg Wîa-stip. f.00 p.ai-Peaing of tan Gospel. GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCN Milton, Ontaio. Ris-lia: Rev. R. W. Foîtei Assisant: Canon F. H. Matit SINýDAY. OCTOBER Sith, 1969 'Hatvs-ct Tbaiksgiii Sea-vices 8.00 ar..Holy Commnilon. 9.30 arn.-a-. Saîdai School. 0,30 a.rn.-Matins aid Sermnt. 10.45 arn.-Sr. Sudai Ochool. 11.00 arn-ia]5 Eauharisl aid Setiton. 'Piechîr, the Ris' C. R. Ti-viiend, i-esteroif St. Jamesv, Oaa-nia. Thaisda * , Qîloba- 2 - 10.00 ar.,. HcIy Comrniîon. Vota ea Alwua Welcamad ai Grace Chtueda HIGHWAY GOSFEL CHURCH A local assernbly of TNE PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLIES OF- CANADA Pastor: Res-. M. Chitittia LORD'S DAY SUNDAY. OCTOSER 5th, 1969 9.45 a.si.--Sunday Sehool. 11.00 aai.-Morning Worshlp. 7.00 p.ai-Es-anglisic Seirvice. Widiesday, 8 p.rn. - Bible Sttada aid Prayti Meeting. Fa-lday, 8 pi.m - Yotung Peopleas Servle. A Chia-oI Yea Cai Malle Viti Hoe A Wasm Walcoane ta Pi-rayait EMMANUEL BRAPTIST CHIJBCH Comrc-ial Street, Miltoi Pailci: Roi. Clavtoi Cales f78-4473 87f-3542 Titi Lot-d'a Day SUIAY, OCTOBER 3t199 9.45 a.at.-Sunday Sceel, 11.00 arn-Moula8g Worilp. 7.00 p-.-Evening Wrtld. (ccl, po..kr, M, Tc- Van1 l..îsî c, Hcllid, Oci, 6,, 8.. f pto. - Cie dit Valley Baplivi Assoc, RalIy. Taeîday, Os-t. 7, 9.30 arn. - Bible Stady clati. Wedaeîday, Oct. f. 6.30 p.r.- Junior and outlrmeet- angi. Wedaeîdoy, Ont. 8, f pis. - Bible Stad-, îeasiaer training aid paaei. 'Nurisery ut Sunday terticlea. as tnenpn, Waanaeaa, ucWaar 1, t969 WaIS t l c u I J wfthdrowgf fro.n Ore au Leg ion Notes Tep *fiyo lngthe "M"M. BY G. L. DAY iock: Bari gtne Ritdaiial Nasgaeyea aid Baqueiaq frais Use MIlan Fb.s Arne, inil prandn fui protecti in Use ru heMlu PNERTAIMEI4T regauna taeeme itanderls centisl Balton aie. Ibo mia-at vu he i mieNTertaINEan STaa are netiled, ws ads-aned la austeithUe tiRa aij loe! .ua 22 h oilmetn;o e" Mutin CadIci ha- Mea-ar B. Best adsiceaon Buingto's rmqaest .r. Ali, Il. 0, BurinMooda adiee Use ii equita-intheares. Idua, Goume SepIl27 1e Moltion. vr past wilhdiait fraim lthe Ne paluled oit the agreement NChE sers-le, iperaing aine 1957, lu prcrnider fer a divslion of aqila tisalIta CEMETERY NTS April 1970. onla- if ail manicpalitia 23. Il wu John Peue.ee and fl. citta aie Ne sugase htwe h itda rn h r Sgies md l h cammiandadfo he ngued wruae a ad lttefo ithen Ue lthr iem Use e iea. te a fi Bai aiY dti lae Bent.e ara are eidfrtiiti eshr gedaieMase Irmeeing reprt ncre aataïs 5i sare gvrrilnt it ud hae a mrÇ aholdibc madeaireeof Use as-a h bai maden aid msted. ligical liane te sataîilteing reqaeaî ita Burlingtoi te Giid wirk itoys! sers-le areus. widadran front the 12 niy nid t Honorary life membership - awarded to T. A. Hutchinson T. A. Hulgiduen, Q.C., af tir. liatidma graduted Milton, bau baen gatedl la lo 0511deHNuS and wue honctary 1f. ammitaaiap la Tha. celledl te Usa ber af Oataea ba Luaw Society of Uppar Caada 1920. Ianeadlaaly thonaflai, ha fatal lu Muoi ad fin iRaU CouadI t. have cae'0Nd'nan - w fuithuad I k IaaiAPOIladJudg of the ut teurist camp G.e'i Crutt couet inadue PIBoi. artlclaf wida agE.dl ü towshi - c Mr. Haaghiueoe, as a ag d ayaaga ilotgaoaî Bat sdina-ai-lawitn 1923 aid ln and hava a lritud laake a 1928, they freem a conditions ai The Breaies tourist paeaaardaip. On Die. 31, 1962, camp noer Aclin. Mar. Natclalnoa cetiled aid fls R. Niejadlk, a leityni peuctie Rue tranafare la P iepeentaag camp ipereair Jaha David Thompion. Wood, akd canaicil la conalder __________ allowlug houta trilera ai rean ai tisa Camp yar-rotud undf id fordaatrae aruk:au the nacit tise as anoter tradier park Codair Springs motel an isighay in des-eloped inthetowalp. 7 hetweee Aciaa end Coîncil flala iafaaed a Gaegatown aid ailcad tiaut anif requait hy Mi. Wood that 10 nacit a patit la des-nlopild, tradirs traealrs aid Ihee occupants be haalie afe t0 eeotaini uthe alliwed to reai ai ilthe camp Brossea. ltrougitoat 1he wiater isontha ai Mi. Nieadlkais ele xplainaf apries Meeting. A townsip ihel Mi. Waod'e camp la ity-law prohhuits tualera ancepa cimplatel- isiiamndnd ha-Iris for louiata la lthe nrmnc aid uat fuil liane inaldene ara seoui. separaied faimt the trillei park. Mi. Niejedik poitted oui la Na added Usi serices are Coudci UsaI dice waa a aile set iîaady inatalled la dan camp. $Ud.e..111N.- O . *I,-W. OCT. - 67.. PRIME 0F miss JEAN B10011 MAGGIE SMITH4 ADULT COLON SCUEBA DUBSA <Cartooo) THUR& - FRI. - fAT, OC, 1s.i DAY CF TH E VIL OUI4 <Clo.) 1 GLENN FORD BATTU EMNEAT EART <Coil.> ICERWIN MATHEWS MAC INTOS Ba ia 9 NO. 1 ONTARIO- POTATOES_ BOLb. Bu $1.49 Frares Frencai Friad Fateta Citips 2 lb. Bol 30e Papal Cale 2 qa.. fer 29. + Depeait Dareuleh 7 Variétiots49ceOb, Onk. Motdere Feelet Ti mue 3sOG 3 igle. bonueSe ConesDry Giager Aie Sqis, SS.oeoDepaat MAPLC LEAP CANADA PAs-KERS DEVONi RINOI.EaiSLICED SIDE BACON 851b FREBO CI9ICKENi Fryers or Roasters 39118 LEAN F5105 Pork Shoulder Roast 55'ROI I Introdluci.ngn tuie VW Dianow Sis Sysi i n 17yeaS. YOU ARE INVITED TO AN OPEN HOUSE AT MILTO Fin H&l ON MAIN ST. THURSOAY AND FRIOAY EVENINGS OCTOBMI 9 AND 10 FROM 7 TO 0.30 P.Mý Mambars of s-our Milton Fini Daparneent wiii b. an hand ta guida yaa araanid tih. f ins bail, demnearat.e lte aqlpateat ead show films and uides an fins prevntion. Ail adults and chiidran ore iavited. Liteal-tare for ah. kiddlau .. Fiee dram (euh nigiti for odults on a 2%- lb. dry ahamital f ira extingulsher. Adulte muet b.e aanmpaatied by a chiid ta b.e eligibia far the dram. Sarali ardi wiii b.e pa-eantad ta the. eaaenteny aihltn cienwaaaots bringiag out tih. lergeet tumbar af parants ta tii apea ite. Came and brin0 thea mitle faanily. saguat Mu2 OCTr. 24 SHUIR1.FNi11BAT. FènIAN'S MNBOW (Colo.) PETULA CLARK, FRED ASTAIRE

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