* Tise Canadien Cisaseion, Wednady, Orlotna t, 1969 Bet icur i atshow ~-1~ r is shown by Nancy Miltton Fait roachadt oealy 200 second and a tltiad. on Saturday. Mas. Rat Twist, R Wiaaer of tise pdcturaa iodied Camealvitae, wn utrne font, . bauin othea show sens Mns. Noancy second and four thirda; Mas. ajant Ri.a R. h Mitoni Clana Auckland, R. R. 2, Miltua BiWt wnne fo th thrd won rne teconds and two sucessiva r r ws Mat. Dondon tiidt; Mrs. Nancy Ruoobum, R. Agoaew of Campballvilla mho K. 2, Miton ootraafirsosnd cittmad pattas i 19 of tae ont Poui Faisanr Mflton wono cdames. Sta won fiva flata, atot flrsts aid a second. saconds and iva thiada. Mns. Dondon Covandoae, R. R. Oter minnra inctuded 3, Coophatriila trolk tisa mont Shuron Hayas, Fout HeBimail, atn mi aiiit to1 ber cradit, ut Mai. Roy Koupp, Kim Moraom, mUat utwto seconds and two Mat. Gmnn Ganlen, and Mary tbrds. Mass Mary Fonaetar, Annt Jaitan. Ladlies work classes are heaivily contested Mat. matne Kinruda, Mas. Haay Duvis, Mas. BaSSia Gergetown, tank top honora Frait, Mat. Ada Ledmitit, Mas. for the Msotpointa accmulttd Robant Moffot, Anne in tha ladias mort closait ut Richadson, Mas. Chtatlea Austin, Milton Fuir on Soturay. Mrs. Mna. W. Mitton and Mat. A. Kinrode ctoimrd 13 flata, tix Fraik. saconds ond titrar ttiadt. M argoret Jolison, Mitton fotlomed mith orvet flata, ive aeconda and flac tbtrda mitb Mat. Ro1)y Knopp, Woterdomn, ctuiing six flata, two seconda and Imo thiada. Othar mtianra inctudad Mat. Normon Robertton of Acton mitis titane finals, thra seconda and thra thinda; Mat. Ado McCann, R. R. t, Milton mit thata flata, o second and third; Donoa Milton of R. R. 3, Arnon and Mas. Jomma McKuy, R. R. 2, Georgetownneach mitb tmo flata and a second; Muditit Feuiheatton with thra flata and tmo seconda. Othar ruhbitoas ctaisng piea mata Mary Lou- Middterook, Mas. W. Fatbrrsnon, Mas. W. Lolcing, Holton Chupter D.E.S., Miss Cotharior Cunair, Mat. John Picket St., Mtss Maraha Waldie, Mra. R. Frutharsan, Mns. R. R. Rapoolda, Mrs. Ctoyton May, ELECTRICITY Ils 0ur Business 1 W5.eeun * mnmoants 4 *oaumrios nmati p , FEATHERSIONE me' S ELECTRIC f 878-6378 M. Johnson dlaims 20 junior prizes Margorat Johnoson, Mitton claimad the itigitant number of pointa in the junior enititt classes ut Mitton Fair Sututday faont amotfl tht etight coaspetitors an tisa 30 clasea. Mias Jeoanson cluimad Il firat prie ataitkera, four seconds and five thiadt. Site ma fellomed hy Mary Lou Middlahaeok, R. R. 2, Milton mtth titrer fl, tl secondsaund titree titda. Donna Milton, R. R. 3, Actun won five flata, titrar secondsaund titrar tiida mitî Joyce Wtlson, R. R. 4, Mlton clnmed fout flatand o second. Othea winters in the classes tttcovaed halant, cundy, itaittiag, sewing, ambanadrry and tlomar daranging mare Moditl Fatharaton, R. R. 4, Mitton mitit titane finals and a second; Dabbîe Woldan, Miltton, witb tmo finals and o titird; [aorte Conti, R. R. 5, Mitton math o fine, second and tilird and Caret Scbraibea, R. R. 5, Milton mtth o second and two tirds. "The iterseltas cariaga mut greutty reduca tisa deotit rote ta citit', Dr. Jamas J. Wultit foantcld an 1900. He asaued titut, atncr iteusefloes lita te luy thitr e gal itehors manie, thea cemingeof thte hreles ariceagr xeuld rcultinl mocur-frar atreteraendi xexld rmea serionsrsouceofeifecioni. BEST BLDDM on tis aoit Pair titis ynar a atrown af Streetsnillo, Mn,. Enetyn Lona and Mn. W. bp Mns. Maurice Resdhead, Lamuillo for ltae Booth pater araavd tise priee-wianing gladiali ai Halnan Cisaptea of tisa Order a) tiesaoten Star, -se hat mode it thenminner.-lStaif Pisoto) No. 280. Mas. Avdp Frank, latito Mns M. Didhean Foul foir flowor Show Mrs. G. Coverdale wins top award Mas. Geaden Coerdua, R. R. final, and fie seconda, Mat. H. E. Caron, Mas J. D. 3, Campisalîvilt er lintae apeciol Robert Moffun, R. R. 3 Hopkins, Mosjort A. Powys, omurd mn tae fler classer ut Georgetownao firat, Ibra Mas. Roy Koopp, Mas F. 0. Milten Fuit Soturau fer secondsaund Imo tiîrds. Collint Miss Mary Foarestan and occemuluîîng ltae iîgirat Otitar miners încludrd Mat. FasavsamFt.S vumitar or poîit for us indîrîdual. Sita claird 10finis, 10tsecovdsîand ime tiîda. Mamitana cf lta, Holten Ctater D.E.S. plced mtias lthaI cluinord lit flata, 14 seccnds and sixtirda. Otr multi-minnara mata Mat. [lltia Tatan, R. R. t, Milton mth fiva fîints, titrrarsconds undlsex tirda; Onturie Sciteel fer lte Deof with four flata second and tiîrd; Mat. Andy Frant, Miltot witit titaer fiants, titrar secondi and four tiîrds; Margoret Johnston, Mîlton mth tisrrefiass,îmo econdsandîmco tiîrdi; Mai. trene Kicada, Gaorgret, witi twIm flata, o second ccd fira lirds. Mas. Ado McCaie, R. R. t, Milton clcîmrd twc fata, a secovnd antd Ime titirds, Mas. F. Froîharaîce, R. R. 4, Milice Mis. N. Robertson tops in domestic, preserves Tep boncra an ltae domastîr Mas. Rcss Luarnce, R. R. t, and prsearae clussesaut Malton Miltoa aagiatanad fiva harsts, flan Pair Sotuaday ment le Mas, secondsanod aeven tirds and Ncam Rcbertaon, Acter fcr bar Mary Lou Middlabacok, R. R. 2, 15 hansta, fica secondsanud fiva Milton gusnad tmo harsts, five tird in thea cempetitient. seconds and thaae tbirds. Sit as otfllomad closely by Donno Milton, R. R. 3, Acton Magarat Joitesot, Milice mito met a harst, tbaaa sacords and mer aiva flasts, six seconds and tmc lirdsanod MT., Javas four tiîrda. Mas. trene Kinrade McKoy, R. R. 2, Georgatown cf Geretowm ai d tenen flata, courtrd titrer flata. fou cuneds and four thiada, Otitar mînnr nocludedt Mat. mile Mna. H. E. Cunocon, J. D. Hopkins, Mas. Bassia Fack, Milice cloimrd ficr flata, aira Mas. Reg. Tmiaa, Mas. Roy secoedsanud secea tiîrda. Knupp, Mas. F. D. Cixlirg. Mas. Haary Davis, Mas. Ped Agoem, Fart Lamrence, Meredaith Allan, Joyce Wilscon, Mat. F. -, Feautitara, Mas. Dmar Gailan, Carol Sahitara, Holtea Chapiar DES, Scotch Bient WlI., Mat. Gardon Ceveraoe and Auatin Ladmitit WALLPAPIR HSTOCK AT p ~a -' kQun Paiint AWallpapo OAK - ODEEN MALL OAK VILt E HALTON CENTENNIAL MANOR hed a boonis Met. Laeords sohite »M ai base aniser Riens entensd as the Paît Pair for tise tinst tie tisis pesa taont a taned COaU hangsaie 10Munde hp Maner end tise ramidents soMd tiseir arts and cralta made realdenai, Pises ail indiestians, tisa Mon dld mei tseasgs the pas. Mns. Nancy Dougpanne, a Mavar in thisel mie Ôrieg tise day soda àlai) tisy mone rasiben la "hut ta omplets a mis a) a pa of le apsratlan.-)Staf photo) dippira ti Ma. Juta Leanard ai Honaby aitisoagi HANIISCRAFT #202 VAPORIZER 9.9 6.99 PES'DN JINNY 11HNO vue PACK PEPPERMINT PAllIES 7 01. rtoua care PATTEIRIS1P 77<. EQU sI LDE- PNIHs e,.. NICE 'N EASY " AGAROL 1.44 771 at 99< FO B ITE 'RGVLE AGENTFOR ýAN DIUE THIS SATURDAY-OCTOIER 4 GEORGETOWN FALL FAIR officlully apaned at 2:00 p.m. by Georga Atkint commentutor on CBC Ontario Farta Broodcuut SSomefluiug for Everyouse MHuge Midway 'Girls Pipe Band - - *MaII Exhibits i.ivestock Show eýGrand Morse Show Including Jumpers Quarter Morses Light and Meav Morses ADMISSION $1.0O STUDINTS 50< CARS 50< Ramshaw CRAFTS Mas. traae Kasanda, Gaoaetowen clsimed amans t, ahn sacoads aid a third la the crafîs clames folloed by mambars of Hsltoa Chaptan 088 mitb six traIts, imo secondsanmd Imo tiida. Montaet Johnon, Milton mon a tatit, second and four thirds; Maditb Faatherasoa tbaaa liants, Miss Cushariae Connie lana seainda end Imo liiads; Mas, Lorraina Smallow a fiast and Imo seconda. Mns. Rush Dilmnae, Fort Caedit lnuk two tassas as did Mas. Gordon Comardoae, ad Mns. Ado McCuria. Other ainnars included Mns. traie Peck, Mas. Rat Tains, Mat. M. Powys, Mary Anna Jansea, Mas. Jan Jansn, H. K. Horritoa, Clsarc Mefaia, Mns. James McKoy, Elmea Douglas, Mas. Gman Caet, Mas. Clana Aucklad, Mas. Koar Jetsen, Mas. W. Fostitaralon, Mns. Gordon Agram. hast hi MALT artiai interes andi M "Cblas Jt L Cuide, o.DOPE OPTOMETRISI FEVERY DAY BURUNGTON INCLUDING Mi" WEDP4B8DAY 946 AND imwwow 632-70 BtJPDAY 1.s BEST PICTURE an the Palit Fair mas a minier becoaue lt ahamed excllence ai wonhmandtip and SAMPLING TH4EAROMA ai tise ilasers an displap as tiie Miltan landicape dans bp Mns. Nancp Ramahase ai R. R. tret a mood ai solitude je rspreentittg an ald Psul Fuir sa nine-pearald sheras Bond et Seaaboaagi. Usherand 2, Milton. The. prlae-seinning mark la being shack out in tise milderness ai seinter.-lStaff her paet malse tse trip irons suhuraian Toronto te attend halls tse eoamined bp tise judpe John Watson, who nild ho Photo) Pail Pair and Steem.Er.-lttafi Photo) amarded top prias to Mn. Ramnsoa painting