The Canadien Champion, Wcdnendlay, Oneehmar 1, 1969 Su g ar andS Sp i ice by bill smrley * Milton people Who mare invotved An tire accommodation mhen thre f'nre Ontrio Boy Scoar Jamboree participaonts me maslaed ont ai Kelse mon'r toon forget flac emperictace. The Scoar rgniaartaon tortt forgetrarg itt Jamboree curher. A 1970 cale rdar [ratures tWO pictures cf activiry at rire jamboree prier to rire storm probtemrs. It' an attractive calendar and ocr l'u ptcracd to receive fremn Job Tercer, provincial Scout executine. ae Scemas toi be a oencr -ending trend. At SPlembier t thonrs mere 73 merk stoppages and daring Aagasr 42 steiket ended and 44 bepcn accarding te tire Department of Laboutr. The 73 merir stoppages innetned 54,000 morkrs, Attre camne date tuit ymar tirera more 94 merk stoppaget Aavetving 21,300 meorbers. Wonder if me'it mer find a totem may te actine prebier? c Tire Centrat Octaneo Regionai Dencepocent Cearcil bat aimeti a questionnaire a i 400 etecîrd represnetatinet of municipal gpvcmment An tiaten, Peet anti York. Tabuating tire epirrieca, tire courcu proposes te tend tirem te tire generaiment as direction on tire tepic cf boandaries tanrire Peet Calman region. l'tt ire inereeted te knomt hem many clecred represeetatinen tube tire rima and do tire ecescary reeorir te compterae tire acaignimant. tr migir avn ictp, firto np indinidual opinions an tire rer importent sebjeet. * Rcspensibility gnts mAtir rigirtsand camnetimes tirar simple biteri f art trace ta get eleokad an t read more and more about toering rire vering age, tire demtand fer eatennien ef tadente' rigirrs and tire crias of activiste for more pomer and freedem. tr orcms rhir dreire ro separale tira tmn and selecr eniy rigrmn or pomer, bar aciers anme nrm formula for tiving bar been uncovered il juat ten't portAble. Introducrion ni tire em ambuaunce service frem Milton Disrricr Hospita placer a neiricia An a togirai location for tues bmnd cf serviceanmd bringe te tire area a long-eagirr progam. It'r tire firit timr Milieu iras bil an ambulance veiricie 00 24 heur call portnanenîly iecated An Milton tAnce tire local fanerai direclors ment nut of rire brusineer a gnd rkumirer ni yaarr ago. e Ceancil mar gin lire mord lart merir trot if cocktail and dining leanger mere approned An tira Dacamber elecrien, rire patitionera mouid iravea year An micir otirer appicanre, mire dide't prîrîlon andi pap for tire rnting, monid net ia greereti a Aicense. Den't knem mire made tire regeiation bat At docn teelm romrtiring ire baying a Aicense doeer' Ar? If ynu don't tfie tire patitin, pou're eut ef tire rannicg fer at leasi a yrnr. IT .S PALL PAIR TIME le Halten Ceenty. Arten Fate mec ireld Sept. 20, Milton Pair mac n Sept. 27 and Geergetewn Pair le lineti ap forcnent ninikenti. Tire midman and tire larin mireel arr rire ferai pointe fer rire conetere irai tire older fouir tire te sec tire agrinaltaral diegleyc, rire farm animais anti tira buildinge fait ni floeec, frait and oeoeiehle.- (Staff Piroto) Don[s] inthis Cojrner ____________ wioydo lwns Wriing a Cotei ie rie and tire aditiaiel rir te trot celemet on irîs page aera cAich! At reanI, rirat mirai many people raill ne. Every day ni tire merr i meer people mir elal me lirey banech tothiokîng airent mering ce editorial, on lettr te tire rditer, abrout semae pet perne. Buai rirey oner ger enoand le tf, iirey 10cr say riry're goîng te. Tien I ber mmmnnmlitre "mireden't yeu anale about tire rraliy important tinge? Hem airent rirai ceuncil -boy, it omoed flue paper id moon stoa nirese gayc rip. Poir mjaaateaci obsenvaîione tee, anfontmnateiy. a terine a darizn. Tiry mon stand on the ter corner and enpound on local pelilies by rire bouc. Bar arr rbemt le mire nileller te rire ediior, and tirry "dol' wn mo lger iîrnnlved" or "murh my job i can't seair oui." Tircy mari rioi ires ratier for me iode rire dirty merk. Attre other ed of tire mcaie are people miro are conetanlly amaaed riraI a te Onid n t mi m ie, bon e liro iter F e baite you gea. e wn o nw i e et ceMo t te m'i wat i Fnîdy asoanbach rtr Moda sitennoowhn for moam-mring erre, wrte rid bacneno, Ihere stee a imilio or foue orere lie tiai acine.I (a s ueally do bptnarbeair an nptrkng le rime io mire mi r i c orni ingeaceie) omenlteii 1n cemprîr landay it gri epearnentd mmnm il baire onta apperar fora clmonr-dpig cosn lis ofu[adoe.s Bhecae re a ilnt anoe ier chnd apper ianie ienis co ut i lc iy olnit idean. And hem do i wdrt? Unaaliy 1 ite te ire aler nuire t mniîr a colme, ne iirey piF mnilten la rire eneningi or on meehendi. Calaooninmiierîanidir the prernure ni tire deadfie, on on a day min tire phoene os ninging off tire book and interruptins arr corning trnee lirte minute, tarI arroit conodacine te miieg a pince ion Tie Canner. Yen have te rie mir ondines ni papr hiv gen a miy loi ni 'enfidencei Yen caire ar a etacir ni hianir papen finn locher ig fer long rengir, yen'rn rare te gel an idea, if only le deiperatton. Benides, i tbanm amoy a lot of parriy-mnirtrn colamne (necally airer 'ie tecond pteagraph or ca). Tircy tell me in daîiy papere therr eporters jari yanh a rirnet ont of tire typemniler and tors il oncer thir ehouidr ente tire lon, mmmr tic drmaer-npper eventeaiy gete rf. Tiranir goodncai lin oral eneugi te cahacnîbe te lire ute ni a manrciaeh-e-rn daye rny office flon monid id iddrn eneatir a w ichi rier pile ni mcrep pager. inne ofren etantcd mrtting a colme ne rdiroriai and gene lirmengi fnac or fine ere of papreote i finally gel il merded proerly lire Cirer rîrne arennd. Other iner i rnhe srvnîai [aise storîr, lookr laver the mes ne ni mmcd paper and gîncc p, postponîng tir onitiogcoreeni lalec le tire day or rire nec day. And sorti dayr tic colinais cernte calaa bIlle short ni tire rnqnired lengrir. Tuai's mirere i teine. A celide ut ibis positîn lisa cheice-curher write acsnaeey npeebîg and a jaoey conclnsion and pad il trnogt lire ceore, or banc on brand rencrai utie flter piccen tiret baill litrire bobe thaîrs gepîng tere eithrie ed ni rire picr hecs mitten. Lire rire one fon'e goiOg 10 ccci Mayor Artîui Meces ni St. Josepht, Missouri, rcceisnd ce enelepe cnntatotng tome criler ced c note tirai epliied "n peoirst ni incîcaînd oeea boir lions i have bunedrny irary card." Tranitiont tot fu/nj.. Fine meclir blcsscd Milice Fcir ce lire weckend anti no donirl tire prcgran miii ire jetiget anctirer muccese. Tire crcmd mac normai and exbits repreventeti semce cf tire ircît predoce andi animais in lire cauntry. Bot tire mintis cf change ne caiciring np le [ail [airs tee. Agriculture An tis section cf tire province te cirangiatg. No langer dues tire [air attendt pretty mcli every [arm er and coontînse ariran liesemives te displcy Iheir animais or tireir domestie sius, le semne sectiens oup a [cm exiitors competeti and lire prions mccc canadcd. Tire nieher cf exiiiters dues ot secem te ie on lire increcsc gencrcily. il icires c geci dcci cf monk re peycce coimais for exibition ced cempelilien. Fer tire fcrner lirere As vorne desire le jeus go le lire fair ced sec friends rcibcr titan spcnd lire day lrnciring anîrnais, ccrîng for rirec ced sbcming tirem. le seme cf lire fiAd crcp cempelilions lirere mere icil sefficiel entes fer lire classes le ire jndged. Urirco ioesemivcv arc net given le prcscrving caii semîngthlie may lirey once mccc. oil [oai mnst cirange as agriculture changes. Tirere is ne guarantre thal continuation fer c carnier cf years As cssurance cf fucle accompicbmcn or attraction. Tire roe cf lire full [air As ce important one, felling agricultnre ce dispiay as ne cher eveer cao do. Ih piays a part in tire calterai life cf an crea prcviding c meeting place fer friends, fan fer lire ciludren ced a baie fer cetepelilice tirai stienates lirese An agriculture. Bol some biard becded lbinimnc miii banc t leie direcici ai lire [cil fair as agriculttîre gei ibrengt c transiion unîii cny in tire pasi 100 yccrs. le Ibis ceea lire grcming erbireiln dictes initiative ced innovationen thie full faîr pregraies if lbcy are le continne le play tire icading roir lbcy de le lire accc. Milton Fair iras clmcys ireen lire hestinl tire ccuny and mc boe il miii clmcys continue le play c ieading cdcle i ils fimu. Wib ncm idccv ced neni pregnarnt lthai leadersirip miii ire cenlinned. è'eqindee read(infs a.e. Tire copy cf lire resîrucleti crea by-lcm lirai Milice ycoyerly omners rccuved tenrire mail lait meckir s pelîy foriddivg ceading. il's c mcigbiy docuîment bol vo cther miii bave as lcng-icsling effeci ce yoor yroyerty. We rccommcnd yen puzzle yor mcy Ilruccg il. Wr can't give a short course An bom le do tiraI hut pcimacily pon'd relier locale ycer picce cf proyeriy ce lire rncp ce tire iracir. determine lire ecving cppicd te il aed bren chteck lire Icîl fer an olline cf miraI yen cao do mîti feor preperly, ced mirai pa cen't. ïlie lal date for filung objections le lire by-lcm is Ocloirer t. Wien lire iry-icm tels uts lieal Ontario Municipal Board cyyrcvai, cur ler as ilt stands or muth ameodmeels, ut cao ire a cestiy and limie consernîng business le gel cny citanges. Tire bp-ian is tic rescit of mcny irors cf deliheratuon iry conrcil and more pcrtiulcriy planning borcad. Ticy've donc Ibeir besi avii nom il's o tu elie indiviucai le panlucupale. il's un yoer cmv inlenesi le loch over lire iry-iam nom, and ac if foncre oct happy. 90cM ruelle» action ... Ci4UACH 0F CHRIST, tirs Angliicae identifp cira regP Familles listit an rire Chancr an Omagi heMd a picnie Ae Ihrrh ragiaerattre ime includetiBramas, MunCrrney's Pios eeer Ire Bapte At 1BSO. MoCartep, Denlins, Olirsane, Pattersene, Tire boy an rire lsft sa idancifici s Cliffurd Hata, Date, Atlans, Daims, Taskert, Besty, te sasi girl standing An tire aer, BiMgr, Lintisans, Robinons, Perrys and orini tirs orbite dram anti bannet s Margnet Panaes Pirata eartety Miss Margaret Danlin, anti tire boy tte rabO hom bt Douglas anti W. H. Osclin, an Ire rigiri A Jormis Daclin. Con pan ils lire seasen for Anction Scies again and there are [nw more inieresring evets ro attend. lincryor As a irargain monter et iert anti thal's mirai moite rire acions ce itlresting. Ticre'e a sert cf moodti iaI ieveiops btreen rire acioncoer and hie cromi tiret iteps tire action fancinaring. Champion coiene lier mort ancrcon sale notices Iran cep cIrer Holion counnî paper and ibol's mip se mony cf Or ciiy frienis fciiom thr colomos cicseip. If poncre loching fer acion action, attend rire evnts lirai are irging neiredue rrroogir lic [nil moeurs. li's amozing mirat pea con pick ap. Tirr flood ef applicatiene foc PORK (Parente 0f Rolten Kitir), micr mar lancred lae men e idabi coier, bar net yet began te gine local posrmnen fle blmd eteggce, bat i miii. It miii. le lire meaittime, i'e neceird a lerrer [romn an Ontarie moman, cemnmenting onea prerione colone entirld, lire Kide Ara Pnthetîc." Sire cerlaîniy quaifies fnr PORK and is iereiry accepîrd as a fall-flndged rnernirr of rbie fledgbing organizartien, mitr ail] ther diradeanlager and lacir nf prîrtirger apprtateîng tirerelo. Sire meitre: "t myreif marI admrit te bireîg a parenr of a 16-yeae-oid daogbtce nom living on scc a commune as yon deecribe, riglit te domelome Toeonto, end i am irelpieni by lar bo interfcre. 'Snch ir arocîety today Ilr me bave bren forced 10 accrpt net oniy common-lani living arnongst adelîr (Ed. note: i'rn net agateet tireit), bar aise, nom mite cildren ofrauc ae eanly age. t myseif bore left ne clone nntanned te an effort le irelp reine tire sîtuation, iry mnitig on coetacttng erery available society feorn coceal morbei te tire Hon. John Yerernbo, murt tire final nealteatton tiret an Ontarie a cild is free fnorn paental guidance and aatirityat tir. "Tisirene lar, iremer, contredicte itrcf by nt alleming tirern te nuniy anril 18 mîtireer a patentes ceonsent and signature... te S.C. tire age fimit forea cirild te breakr amay frern parental aerhnnity te 18." le short, Ocrante lame are dniving yooeg people te, as me aied te pal il, ivingin sn. Sire guet on: "Recently le an interview mAtir a largn dcily nemepaper, o profeneor of appbced prycirtogi' onde lire felleming claternent: 'The rnotirr te tic home teday le an anacireeisn. Tire roe of tire irecife aird te banc digoily ced respect. Tirere is ne nerd cny cmcre fer a home manager.' Hie remrnois are marc tran a bîaie off-bnci." i qoire agnen murh yon, dean lady, and nir moît ef tire otirer tiigc yen ge n le say. i trînd foot dayr of "barcitg il" ncceoîly. Tic eeiy place lircre'n no necd fer a terne manager is ina ptgpen. caugiri me ceid, t irad pet my dAmner on and jani cirai my ryre for a moment iie tee finir mon cohirg. Sire oened lire door and found tire benne feul of emohe, tire hirciren [ail of dolty dirirni, and an nimcreir [ail of me. i cen't smeii, ef ceente, net ern finir bunoing. And il mac tire ncrvonerstraicodf ieoking out for rnyceif and tee cal fer foie days rirai hed made mie flair ont tire that. Lady, yee have rny derpeet syrnpatry ceecerning yonn dangrtenand lire lans micr creale sacr an irnpasse. Aard tire kidn bom the lam. They havenusrigh onra bannil. isecary enongr te cay, "If tircy miel te go, ict 'ern go. Kickr 'cm ont." Tis is tire favorite adnice ef nnn-PORK-ers. Itr net mu easy te de mite a banicaSly gond, naïve kid mire taelmeci letaily ueeqapped te cepe mîtir e merid tiratio cnt etiacty l'vc ircen tnacig tire play Hemilet ides fatl. Perhapc yea nnrnernber tire part mire Opirclians oid man mates bier tiret rirete iste banc nothrng farîher te do bath Prince Hernint, Sire mas airent lb and tia look place ie tee Tidîlet Ccninny. Sire nircyrd hinm nniactenlly, irai miriout ireittion. 1 achcd rny sindeete mirai a girl of teday meaid de if bier [arien tld bier eacb a tiig. Tirry gel il second ciackr. Thc [br riaient raid sire'd say, "Orap deed." Tire scond raid sire'd scy. "if i cent go eut murh Haniiet, l'il non amay." And rira moaid. il's ernoitenal irlachrnl, and lhey bom il. The eniy ccci solation, i suppoe, mur w th ed blackmeticns, iret caSl thint bluff. Bai agarn, itir a menching decînion miren yen love tee cil and mien yea meaiar mirai mii pneirably irappre. Homever, fcllom-PORK-ens, liamire ap. Wc knem teere is a golden day cemung, mien ont FK'n miii bave matrid and rnclloed. And tircy miii cerne and pichets np te thin big con, mire mc are [ccire and nrerrneîîc, and taire asteor a drive, ced stop belote ibis big, handioern builing. And tircyli1 cay, "Senny, Mn mn and Ded, tiret i mis sncb a merry tn yeni. Ancre rt is Garemay lain Sec yen on My mufe camne berne a day eaely and eusiîîeg dayr, if mc can gel a irabynarter. - Pages of 'te Pas!' from champion filesJ 20 years ago Taie ronto dlc ue cof Tice favadice [hampicon, Sept. 29, 1949 Rcuyberîy secoe seeme te bave becv csteiîdei tie yeaî ce a nember ci local gromers bave tepot ted eta lovrly meres bing pîcirnd tii merir. Mes. Claece Hdi of frc and Provincial Conetable J. A. ireNtvervstcmei pneciîto Tic Champion. Eîeeing et[ prcviunircords, a crmd of ovni 9,000 people acclourned tic 97tb enveal Milice Four as tsnce nl maslfirt ergaried un 1853. mite lirctenng mectiier pevaui e unFvday, the opeeung day, cf mat mdal for fic day on Satneday. Tic monsten toutr, cttcuially opeed iy F. A. Lasirîy, dinectcncofAgcitra Secîctui, Ontatio Depatmnt of Agriculture, pair! tiue te tire lare E. M. Roadirad, ion g secte tany ofi te Halîce Agreulural Socuiy. "Milice Fait bcd tic insu catle showm un bistoty," ireameti J. E. mhiteiocr ogritottotal rcprrrentaesre. mie lthe rubîbicni' bail mas misset, direcicni trcctively auserniled tbc difféet e it luin flic former caille btuilding. lThe bail mou mîncked canlin ibis ycct lut maire mcy 1cr c nom bilding. mile mler as c digui decîccueofceînures un sime classes, cibrtoppedl cirer fers. A veelecienie maicaparaercfcidashioned citumes, cenuprîed ton ry ftur momeors Iinone groeapiand won iy Ornagi W.I lThe wmenre tptesenting Omegr mrc Mns. Keveetu MeDougail, Mtv. A. tH. Tofford aiid Muss C. Jcyce. Tue idiry shocm dtem 25 ries, 1lin ove ciao icor gil. Special pruei er amardni fcr lie cide meti ced lady cîîendng. Gecrge A. Heonreci, 961h mas flie cide man and Mts. E. MePiait, Miltons, 9l, tic "lde't wmmn co tegitr. Tire pultty bilding mat cremini te cvcrtemtvng nicir 674 entis pics 24dm tire childrn'u clasu. 50 years ago Tairen fnrnm tire usine of Tire Cmonain Champion, Oct. 2, 1919. [butf Constabîle Clucyman liad bhrrr entoi t: ut o lienv liners, belote Pl'icte \tagtuttati Dice lait Mîîvdcy ti tii hirctgilieuecart ptoery rgiutnd ce tcatday nigit, Sept. 20. Tiny mcme Siet $2 ceci mi ceeus. Standard ire miii icre mmd iry raulmays anti by cures andti bne mie havennt alrcady donneofern2am.on Oct. 27. Friand, nuo brnp No. 7254, lasc Fridap nveoiog btrmen Uigep mohol and lome bone. Omen Con hrave camce on papiog foe thir ativcnîunament. Enery memean mie b% irresteti id lier oemly acqubret francise, tire dest peosAible goveen nent for Ontaoand an eficient banding ni tire citalisaces lthai aie roday oiiectung tire mellare ii tie citizen ond tire borne ore inied f tutnda mertingute ie heu ai tic rFnccîs Threatre ce Frîday, Oct. 3 te disusn mmurnportntuarnttr. Pelates udtl ai $3 o irre]]in ethe itîre provinces. Tiuc Milton frite tst cnts a pecr avii iportatbon menul pay. 100 years ago Tairen frcm tire ise of Tire Canadian Charnpion, Sept. 30, 186i9. A Frrncrran tinkis ltrn mili son id a cornet tirat i adi e tire earlb bn ite passage. mc ircpe tire nar baill eînrn bath. Tire 'oudest mian" te Indiana es dead, mnd lirry mont tc bey tire ne mc bave recn nurtingse, tcndelyiniticrvie. mc iditene tire 2ti Sotoliion, Hitn Vonteens, miii ebcnrly id cciicd rogelirn but deuill ai Ocirnilîn. mc siail tien edeano te gise out maint cva accour i ofbch Batailice. Tire fis fail dcg igit biastlamen ploce and tie msean rncy ncm id dnciarcd an icily cpee. Astrcncninîs anc stili pnenirng once tire spots ce thec son and tiny can't maire ont shotirn îlîey are bauls ci blisers. Tire Agrîcclinra Shrow for tire Tomnship of Trafalgar miii ire heud le Plnrmc cnie bctr ced bib ciOceher. A broie bond miii b id unatendance tuenie tie pnccendungs. Active prcporotions are oise, ing mode co houd aconccert on tire evenng of tirr seccond day te tire ogîlcelinnal irait wmv rite oudience miii id erertaind iry hoti locol and fereige talent. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION pC it.5.0 b0 eL s: , RNTN AND e ULSMN CO, entît, . n , vi 1v,, 9 ,,5, OC 5.1 ' Ode E ýý 782 PEEKING INTO MILTON'S PAST s -'I