ïke inabîau !Irnmpion MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1969 Your car's cooling systemn must have aII-uweather protection. BE SURE BE SAFE AffD SAVE Our tactory-tratned Guardian maintenance Technicians do every job right... SERVICE SPECIAL COOULNG SYSTEM * Drain Radiator e Adjust Fan Bel! and Flush a Install Anti- * Check Freeze, Thermostat as Required * Tighten ail.0 * Inspect ail Hases the first turne! JAKRICHARDSON boghway 25 Sotit MILTON 878.2393 Tai R ah. rdus S.evic Mer THE LIVESTOCK EXHIBITS at Milton Fair this yaar ee up te their asual celt and the say in which it was handlad. At riaht, "birthdlay garne' booth operator escellence and the cattle show drew a bit crowd to tha show rns ai the south end of Bob LaMarcha declares a winnoer and Jimn Tardiff, afready holding oe stuffad toy, the fair grounds' Above, a aroup of 4-H yoongsters parade their salves baera the accepta another prize Fairgoens had dozess of places te play tomes and spend their watchful oye of the iodge who hancled sut awards basad on both the qaality et the money on the busy midway, which was open Friday night and ail day Satarday. Fair photos by Roy Downs and Brian Ward AIL THE FUN 0F A FAIR, te the vouapltfrs anyway. sas be f0usd os tae tessêd dozeos of food booths. David Scott af Miltos, left, found a job aithae tain wrciss stretch kom as the midway. This year's midway as the Sali fair weau oparatad by with the balloon selle and la pictared with his prodoot. The photo at night "sawhet Happyland Shows and it providad patrons with plesty oS placas soenajoy thameloas, the midway lookad like, peebisa oser the grandstand. play gamas or buy nonaltias. Thora waa a Sarris whael and uvaural other ridas and -I VOL. 110 -No. 22 Second Section.