Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Oct 1969, p. 10

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17 REAL ESTATI 17 REAL ESTATE A BCY - A DOG Andl mais ta roses alis 2-badraoes brick bungRalow la Norths Oak- ville. sllsaalad on over huit acre of landa. There is a 4-piece and Sjslenc wslom. Tise bastement is completely fiss- iasea andl lus a sel-conlolnaed aparleee. TIsa eIres ins- clsade wassier, drear, 2 slovres, file and ail drapes. At 4M4,800<. Tihe fiesaaasg la excellenst. SOLID RED BRICK BEAUTY $28,500 Move rsgll OS 10 eisss imrnaculale 3-hadmamont baigaluow, on a Spa- clse el al lasdsaapad lot. Il bas a step-saver kilcben, an eya catcheig oboîtg raons aid a living rum Ihal cro ha a ubeerfal centre fur everyday famiiy livisg, ores broasi- lotir eshaIscas tha listing and disisg area, wail dlomn lU the haseees asnd au anter a large. profassiosalîy fan ied rac. raom Ihal hats a 3-piece maîbroues and a cedar lisad alunaI 10 store Chose olt uf seasus clothes. OaIy msisutes Ia sahesis aod shoppingz. We have many clients wanting homes and property in the Milton area, please caîl HELEN BURNS - 878-3997 or our Oakville office 844-1080 PARSONS - TAYLOR LJD. REALTORS Memees of Dabville and Mississauga Real Estate Bards 17c22 INCOME HOME Large aIder hume, ban heen cusvarlad 10 3 self-aolsîained apart- montîs in dowsssowns ares. 0usd iscuea. Escellent Rerms sc ha arraoged. Desser miii loa hack 1 esartgage. 4 BEDROOMS - MILTON Tis loveîy ail elealric berne bait been reduoed in prose as oms- ers hava hoaghs. 4 large hedrums. osai Ish doubhle do- ritem closaIs. bitcbas. disiag moles asd living ruses, large fomily mues vailb maîkeol to baak gasrden, 4-pisse both alita extra vsasbroue, heaulihally, landscapud, mitlsin malkbsg distancaa of downtoms andl sabusis. Plied et $35,000 mils good teres. $25,900. Lovely 3-bedreses bangalow, us nicely îraed lot mita garage, npot- imssly cian. Asking casb 10 a 6% esurîgage. BUILDING LOTS Speyside, 2 ocres. $9,000. Hoeohy. I acre. $12.000. STELLA PARTON - Milton 878-6705 17c22 BEAUTIFUL VIEW Bosled agaiost the escarpieeo, tais wail situalrd 3-hedruse hrut- gabees miîb hall disiog raom. paelil liinig ruses vsith firepiace. basemant garage, commands a vier of tIse sur- i-esodiss<ccsotrysids. Northbof Miltnsand jst Oinutes front Hmy. 401, this is a very desirahie psmperIy. Omner salat 535.000 but wil cessidar a reaonahle offr. NORTH 0F CAMPBELLVILLE Open lu ofUer is ibis unique 5..hstdruam bungalows, large living dinbsg ama is cluvcaLarpetad aid adjoins the haigbt, weli aqcipped kilubro, mudraum.i 2-car artacllad <orage aid paved patio maire ibis use attractive. Osaser asbs $35.000. $28,900.00 or OFFER Here is a very attractive uoanr-haila 3.hedroum hungalow <or the yoaig family. 2 hatbruums. firepiaca is the living- dioing rosm mith acceas lu a mide suodeck, a bing sized 2-ar garage in the hasemete onsica hiall acre lot, makre this aseat and valuahie prapery. Opus ta offr mita goosi mortgage. BUILD YOUR OWN 49e have sererai attractive pastels of land, sapaeotodi aid mita minimnal restrictions, as small as a hall aare is the Camp- IseilvOUae am. Bay noas-hoild lalar. LIST WITH KEITH H. KEITH LTD. REALTOR Local Rap. JOHN L . NEWBOLD, Campbellville 854-9968 878-3888 17c22 FORM 2 (SECTION 8) Take Notice That 1. The Couraîl oU the Corp- oration ufthIe Touas tof Milîsa sntands 10 cunsruct as a local imprvaaasicai2 inch cast ir ut acatcreais aîîh the ncs surs appernancesuon: STREET-Disas Roal (Main SI. E.). PROM - Dntario Street. 18 TENDERS TenderarOns srUbhaohti- andîsintds tspciIipOssss _____________ d front tha office id thun- a pao the bcouslpssthe land darsigsad. abulting the saurk us the ors COUNTY 0F HALTON The lawsrî or U55 tesd an south sides ofthease Lfle ROADS DEPARTMENT sua naceasaaily accplel. esRoad. TE D Ro. J. CR2. Tha aulimaîrd coîl of the TENDERS CORBETTP Eng w orI is $86.466.00 of wbicb FRCsasily EsAa $50,174.00 is luhe puid by the C olAdioistralîus Sldg., Corporation. Tisa astirnalea ,Base Lîse Road. e otfvtg aS.4 1969 - 1970 Winter Miltos, Ont. 10h14 casa ut uIUng 54 The spusiai assessîrnnis lo be Equipmenf RentaIs paid in Tes (10) aqual aasual SELDTENIDERS, lair b R insîalmensîand lIse enlimaleal SEarbadastcoeî.mi TENDER annaal rase is .81 cents. roeaivd hy Ihe uidarsignud Up 3. Application miii he rnade sulil 12:00 o'ciack suas. E.O. FRs.easIaL hp lIse Corpuratitao t ha Ont- S.T., on aria Municipal Board for ils Royal Canadian Legion approval if Uhe underlalasg of Friday, Octobor 10th MIL-rON, ONT. tha asurk anal. asy omnar may 1969 ssîthin Tssasty DO (21) duys [CliN for tesd,lý fori laracr -Iftar tha publiction an mailing Ion tha foli1i5 al3uiptsaai oil loruse sa 1-gios Hall. îl Ibis nticea. chicbrsrr is laI- restais. Truders must specify itrinid an, fila witb thc Clerk bis ob- - prics ad bciiithe hads of ection to he orok beaiu- i. Trucks asnd <radars, equip tb, Secrelary hy Ocîsihar glIs, darlaben. lied sitb pioas anda w00<s, for 1969 midnigbî. 4 TheSBoardnsay afflroaof saow ploigi4 sectionss nt Lawesuor anyîtender not nec- lIse' wok baissg aasdcrlaken tbe Cossnly. assarliy accapleal. bul haUssa doing su, il esay ap- 2. Truscks, far seoding in0 Seod la: point a Limse anal pIsce whea sections cof 88e Cously. Saoder ~ ORAY aiy objections 10, the maris WinS bodies mal ho mepplied aid hEIEAR leuaossdered. ronassed hy thse CoaslY. Royal Canadian Legion DATSD Ooîsalar . ,1969. Payeant Wo sland.by wanS Branch 136 epply. MIIrON. Ont, J. McGSACuiiGR Inforatieon ta Bidalra -ai lemi Oir. lR9 18 TENDERS COUNTY 0F HALTON ROADS DEPARTMENT TENDERS FOR WINTER SAND SEALED TENDERS., clearly marisad as îaoltens, wiii ha reaivd by heundarsignedaop until 12:00 u'cluak sous E.D. S.T.. un Friday, October 101th, 1969 "oIhe sappiy ut apprusimale- y 12,500 tosuof sreesad saod alriter sasdisg porpuses. A aarîifîed chaque in theam1- cun of 50.00 must accospary .aab tener. Information lu Biddars and TenderFortis may bcohlained fram thc offices cf the sodea- sigsad. The lowsor an tendereuît sacassurily uccapled. D. J. CORBETT. P. Esg., Cousy Eogiseer, Cousl Adminisraion Bld<., IBote Lise Ruad, Milton, Ontario. 10h14 ONTARIO PUBLIC WORKS MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS SEALED TENDERS mii! ha raaaivad usîll 3.00 p.m. LOCAL lima on Tueîday, October 28, 1969 1cr the supplp und instaaion of a veiatiîonîusssm iu the basamaunt of the Junor Sahol fur the Oeal. Milton Ost. Tendrsaoumants may he cbl.lîsad fratin aha Deparîmruî a) Public Warks, Cuslsdiunof0 Plans and Speciicatouo Ruum TII0-169, 111h Flor, Fargaus Block, Parliameol Buildings, Toroto, OsI. (Talaphuse Nu: 365-1270). A $3.800.00 Bid Busd, a l100% Perfurmanca Bond and a So Paymauî Bund mîlî be raqairad as spaciîied. A dapusil ai $50.00 MDNEY ORDER, DR CERTIPIEO OH-ROUE, made paLyable la the Trccsua.r of Ontario, wiii hae -aquired par setl tenader duc- amnts sbicb cciii ha refusded il documants ara raîoreed in goud coditius ssilhin abirlp days a) abuse closisg date, uîh- arwîsa furfied. NOTE: Far furthifi rm- asn regardisî ibis tender, pieuse cali Mr. J. Elîlus, Deparumeol a) Public Wurks. Toronou Olt. (Talaphusa Nu. 36547511). Tha lawscas ur Usy tender oI secatsurily scceptad. T'. R. HILLIARD. Depuîp Minisîar 18c22 19 LEGAL 19 LEGAL The Haltori County MedicaI Society 9Nishes to SUfrn tihat lis mIIemers reSUIsa 0 contineR u pralise madjiia wilh the somne mUrai and ethicRi sTaes- dards aI prdfessionRi CrIe as sn the past. 'Medical fees n105 in gfact ia Haltan County ssill sUt bc challged on Octdher 1, 1969. Os- tario Health Services Isranca Plan. howssasr. wlln1 ncs sarily cUver the enlireamon of Lyur.duclars blill. The Pul- ie s raspansibir fUI theae msaindien Pleasa cussulItU you mi dtta- tUr about his fees. Halton County Medical Society 192 Public Notice The Corporation of The Township of Nassagaweya NOTICE lU HEREBY GIV- EN thal thse CoUUIciI of the Cassaraion uf the Townlship af :Iassa<Urd-cya proUpUse. aI ils crai la ha hald aI tIhe Mon- icia Offiaes, Bruokvilla, OnI- alla (R.R. 1, Campbrlliila, Ont1- arioa), ai the baar oI eighl ouai.îck p.m., on tha lwniealIIl daa'o ut sbar, 1969, as pas a Ily-lasa lU stop Up and close 1111t part of the slIIlpened IUad alsasasca brîscaes laIs 5 aad 6, Cancession 4,1 i he said Ta- :asbýip af Nasaagascrya Iylng h aI cars tha wsaslry limil aU the laads af Ossar K. Val Siakia as dascribad la InstruIm- ant Nsmhier 195408 and tba lards ai tha Hallas FisIs and Osme Club as dasaribrd sn i- bîrUIllaU Nambar 3642. Tbr prapsd Ry-law and plans ofI ssrvay shIowisU tha lands affaalad 1111 ha seas ut tha Offiaas af tha Clark af tba Townsship ofI Nassagatarya, Ursabvilla (R. R. 1, Campball- ailla). Ontario. Tha Couasail ssili har it par- sas or hy his or haer Caussl, asy parsas Whot alaims thal bis balir lands sill hae prejudia- îully aflaalad ha the By-lac and shabuupps Lu la e heard. DATS aI Miltan, Ontario, Ibis algbleaslb day of Seplals- ber, 1969. HOLDEN, FORD &, HAESLER, 1%6 Mais SI., Milton, Ont., Barrisiars & Salicitors. 19a23 20 AUCTION SALES For Complete Auction Service CHRIS A. SCHOUTEN AUCTIONRER Sales of all typea. Big or onall. lilI du 115cm ail. Salas condouled RoywesIe. Tel. 878-2576 R.R. 3, Milles, Ont5. Ward Brownridge Liaerssed Alsiassener Fastes - Livestock Fssrnitare Sales R. R. 2. GEORGETOWN. Phone 878-6730 "'TINY HOPKINS LIOENSEO AUCTIONEER Phone 878-2657 2RC-51 AUCUION SALE Of bosssebald efleals, surti antiques and aullaclur's items. Wiakar, cana. pise, cal glas chisa, cuespile 7-place ssasli Far the Estsa dlf MMS. SRAHS E. ALLALN 196 Mais SI., Ern, Ot. RATuRtDAY, OCTOBER 4 AI 1 pue. KEN CLAPPERTON, Aualioneer, 20h14 Phosa Ein 833-9796 AUICTION SALE for BRT CEEAPPRDL Os Paislay Road, 1 mile e oI Gualph. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4th AI 12 sauas. 45 bead Mef ale îla. MMi. Jel Star Iralor anî loader, isear nIew 2 otber Iras lors;, comb*ines; cosePile lin oR gond impîesents; tImaS food. Aicellantecs and R goso selealion of tromilaae and art iques. i1Rre said. MAX STOREY. Rokwood, l201314 AssolioRas 20 AUCTION SALES DISPERSAI SALE Of 35 Higis QasIRRy Rasg IReI"R Bi. sailîing 662 the. 811k Q3uoa Catalogues asailabla aI sala lima. AI tha tares. lucaed appros. 3 milas norlb aI Kitchener and I mileaaasîa.of Maryill. for BERT DORTMANS SATIJRDAY, OCTODER 4 AI I p.m. 1Milk quota salis aI 12.45. TERMSE CASH. Farm suld. laI raspossihialu fouccidants. Lusala availathle. CHRIS A. SCHOUTEN. Aucîionaar, 878-2576. Albert Taylor, Salas Manager. 20h22 AUCTION SALE for ELDON DRYBURGN Ta bu hald ait tha tarin, LaI 15, Cast I, Tacs af Burling- lun's, ateilî aI lbha cornar of tbe Gualpb Lisa aad Na. 5 HwY. WEDNRRDAY, OCTOSER RIls- AI 1.00 p.m. TRACTORS -Fard, 5000 gas, 61 b.p.. 1.200 brs., axcallen ol i di tien, hea hau'er, M.F. Nua.50 g.as Iraclar, 3,000 boucs. COMBINE -~ M.F. Nu. 72 U.P. combina, gaud condition, eas biast 1.000 ocras. IMPLEMENTS - Fard Nu, 30 4-furruas 14" haîlama lrIl baama,asetiî maurîad,Itrasb houi; Fard 2-furrasa piaw, 12"; Casc 3.larrasa trait plas, as rahbbr, FaIuon 3.- flrre pasac 10I bulluans. Olivar dauble dlac, ws.bclad l0', 32- plate; l.l.C. lertîliaur and grais drill, 15 disc, powear li11; F.B. 3.,ectioasdrags, 4-arallus bar- rîlac; Otaca 7-lus wagus, 180 bus.; Tuls.a grain hîswithaex- tensionas. pola and tarp.; Otaco 4îsn agona, 16, raak; Olacu 3- las wcagon, 15' raak; Umubar sale elusîar, 30', I h.p. mulur; New HaIllad 668 haler; Naew Ida.I tracteIr mw TRUCK 1966 MarcalY 'h 'on pick-up, radia, racks, 31,000. Ispactian slip wlalb hauvail- MISCELLANEOUS - 4" grais .agar, 21'. aac. bail b p. mâtor3" grain aauer,21', s/ h.p. Iiiloi grai choppîr and driva baIl; Rubis bydraulia sl.ae. slluder; 100 gal. squalre gaaîtank; fad rack. FEED - 3,000 bus. ulf bar- las. 25 lans Radnay uis; 2,500 bales straw. about 1/3 saheat. 1/3 î,ats, 1/3 barley. TERMS: CASH. Owner giaisg up fanmlsg> Dassar ar acl IlassaIt sters- passibla far accidents. MAX STOREY, 20h14 Auclîser CLEARING AUCTION SALE Or Cassis, Faaes 5R<hIeriy, Truak , Hay, Stas ansd Gain Tha undersiguad bas reueî - ed inructions fram HERBERT SBERT' FULLER Tu sali hy aîuct aI tarmn, Town uf Dabailla, siluaîed aI 493 Duodua Hwy. (Nu. 5 Hesyl), conra[ Ocb Lisa, Dukaille, 2 miles wss ad Trafalgar, 2 mie asî ot Palermes, us SATURDAY, OCTOSER 4<lo caemmasl.in aI 12.30 pe. FARMI MACHINERY - FordI tracter, 8N 'robuîll mulor; M. ým Iraclur madal R. racndil- iuuad; MFý. Nu. lU balar, gondl cusdilîus; 80F 3 p.h double disc, lîba sess, Farguao 3 pis. cullîsalar; Fargusas masosa luadar; Fargusas sîdu Taake, 3 p.h.; Fargusus 3 p.h. musser; Ferusosa 2-lurraru plues, 3 pds.; 2'King Wysa grais and hale alesalar wiîbh 'A bp. esolol; 3 p.h gradier blade îpreemaasl Casa 2-lsrrow tirail plesu; Int. l5ruu <rais and lartilizar drll. SBas sprayer; 2 s-sdahr îsred wagons; Newu Idua outure opreodar; 13-ras IMiN. seed drll'i îerîîlierer spraader; 2 2- mbýi fUrIOIraiiers; 3 . dcR stsal lusd ruiler; M;M. double dis,. MM. mowan (senti- mouslad); 3-saclioo dira<; cul- lîvalur; Parmbasd hale bhsc5- ,r: 2 extension ladiders, 36'; platlarol scalas; clicala.. CATTLIE - 25 Heregord ber- fars lupus), wasgbislg aroassd TRUCEK- 1964 Chas. 6 cylbo- dar i ton pick-up with longS hox; vi tas tracktbarp. aod (ramlSe. t HAY, STRAW sud GRAIN - 29 t, 30 tau of aîs, 4,000 hales utl lI ca.p hcy, 1.500 halus sac be ay, 1,600 hales of -Masy uthar simili articles ton sarneraas tou entiîon. * TERMES Cash os day dl sale. e Omssar or aaaîîoners 801 .raspossAle for asp accidents dn odayd ae. WAILTER and DONALD REINÈHART, Asertiafleel Phone Kitchsener 742-7437 ort Snelgeove 8R4-2R1. 20 GRAPES à%Y THIU POSSIBLE MIio Caifornie - Canadien Muscat Alicante Zinfandello Garignano j White or Black BARRILS ,I1» ý UAANIUD 40 GALLON SIZE 812 111111_ ALSO DEMIJO4NS EVAPORATED MILK 2.31, REG. MeRa. 1 LB. PLUS 30OZ. PREB SUGAR CHASE and SANSON COFFEE 75C 5 B A 1L A EE- REG. 2 LARGE BOXERSB Me 45c 9 MODERNE FACIAL T»ut 4.Î991 FACELLE MODER NE REG 4 ROLL PAKRR ACELLE. REG.2.S2PKG .PKG-.U4$ 7 BAHROTISSUE~ 800c FLUSH A BYESË 1 SUPER -EXCELLENT FOR WASHING a ATH SIZE REG. IRa CLOTHES -REG. 35CBAI A CRISTALLO SoAl> 4 99c JERG-EN SOAP 91BAR ~:-ZJueFR1514 GRADE A FRVIR vuCHICKENS39 FRESH ROUND STEAK 85ce. '-OFOtw-LI SIRLOIN TIP ROAST 85C STEAK FRESH RUMP ROAST 85C 'W9mb FRh58 PUISE, LOIN PORK BUTI PORK SHOULWER CHOPS 85 lh CIIOPS 6511111 ROASI 49c FRES 62A0E "À" lARm SIZE E6fs 59e DILICIOUS PRIEH CANADIAN NO. 1 HOMESRONN NBW OCT ÀOO-POMMTES 35chT* FRIESH FIRMOGREEN FRESH FIRM WHITE NO. 1 ONTARIO.- CABBA6E CAULIFLOWERS MELBA APPLES 2 6IIADR 29C 35c IACR 3LB. 19C., - ...~ ~ ~ ~ Ir.. .,.LkBd.e .sI . É_fB Tise Canadien Champion, W.aday, OcRUibli 1, l96 by costrutiRon <emWllj* Six-y.ar-old boy injur.d Gaina me mnd des Sin-yeme-olal Mmevla MelinSt s r m $7 5 sesdos iy poic. Chstenses wss plmying on Main la the PoIge -eskud $100 SL. nac BeS SI. os Tuseday, dmmagB don laZ S. ci B ar. Sept. 23 misen 15e darisd outî Lafar ta sine veriig. a csar M VP81f1 loia tise sîret ad ita the patat driven by Cmmern DefoeesE af of a cer daisen by Shsirley 321 Pis SI. mleuck a psreRd en Geson of R, R. I Milon. os Main S. Rse Bon cassis Marelo aeesived s bRokRn IRft $200 damae lai ie car anal coSserbase ad a concussian, $200 dsmmg la tba pked e eport Milton polie. aened by 'Haesold Wyman af Mimisesasg. A Anotaee accident on Tuesday Aan laisa sissgle.csa missp involvRd a collison belmam sa ou Mmnday osseeed 2hbmn s me truck deivea by Malcolms Ragees deiven by Pateicia Osas of<17 of Scaeboeaugb aid R cae deivea Beonîe St, iîracb a peoeelading by Gary Soabier of Lava<b msnbhole caMer. The covee s Et Station. TIse misbap sbicls tac conter of Pelles aid Pemel occaeaed aI th5e CPR ceossing oa SI. aid had been lift pralrading 3 53 BASELINE RD. MILTON, ONT. TELEPI4ONE 878-4111 CHRYSLER ENGINEERED AIR CONS T ONINO NADALIN ELECTRIC Company Limited INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL CONTRACTING SUBSTATIONS AND AROTOR REPAIRS - UNDERGROUND WIRING POLE UNE CONSTRUCTION - ARRIAL FLOObLIGITING CUSTOM CONTROL PANELS 24 HORR MAINTENANCE SERVICE LOU NABAUN The 0s15u16 Raul Envsie SOeCI le plamedtaIaanoRethe of.psss a DIR4ZIL AWRIC reape.useh A. I. Lopqa Restons LlmkWa, u a aumbme ai tis Oukislle Cul bisst Bad. TheosuR Me. Lanim Rthe Maltiple Listing Sesictu oR h lisd vae me.e umilble tS sîlsais hn MIlles anis algmine,

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