Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Oct 1969, p. 1

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VOL 11 0 - No. 22 rke ftuiabîu Barvinti the Cassrruuly for 109 votre FIRE GUTTED a boale and laft fie hamalas ia dia tit ot tht fire, mas burîad slightiy wheî tht Taaidsry aitamiai, Nordh Barligtoi hlaze thet flne apetai qalahla aid mwatoped the houle. She dautrtysi ail dis possessions ai Mr. aid Mma mas tiatint et Milton Distrit Hospatal rahila Laeito Jshasz, dhi saot aid Mr. aid Mma Moria Milton Ares Ftireimgbiuii attled dia blaze.-4SItaff Szaba. Mms Szaba, th. inly anin the boule et Photo) Fir. destroys hous. five I.ft homeIess Fie destroyerd a tordi luhait motderid ai ie matchtd Butltntoi homet loft fiat Miltai Aria fîrtfîgbttra homielissanud iîjurîd ait of tht oxtiaguidi t itubhori blaze. occ Upants ta Tuîîday Hungariai-hora aid ain - aiftiooi. immigrant la Canada aflîr tht Tht bitai., of uidiiiiitiiid reaives ith contbrty.o ai origia, guttid tht home at 5137 Cause of tht hlaze puzaird 10 Sidtioad, hilte h d ii M ai i tichîd cff tht atm Applîby Lite utd Btll StbttI l îctrical miriag rtctatly liaie. Omiti Lasttlobuait, i iaaiallod, atm appliaicti, aira mifi, ibret aid a balf piar cid furmit.e "ivirydig aie". soi aid his wifia puceats loi t Tht ite mas htlievod ta hotu iverythitg. îasied in tht hutchai. Mii. » Mia. Montc Szaho, sebo wa lobasz, seho worki ai the cookig i di hithiaut tt Gtant Schuti for tht Deaf mas tii th o ktitdn et aio atlhome ai t timt cf thte ir htshutd ad ati-it-lase sho file. Thse taitc and ahuf Yeus - - Ini the a tome Z o diei mai raidi is fadte in distinc fiait tht bouse. Sht h bia. suffîrtd humas ta ier foot and Miltan Aria fiiifigbttrs mai ruahid ta Mitai Diatrict îîîpcîdîd 10 tht alarmi aid bod! Hoapital for titaisat. tht blaze undîr caîtrot whîa "Whai coi t do n0w?" Mr. Ouiagiai firef'ighttts arrivid. Therra liehd beutiouidud by e4i C. Haînti and Mns. J. e lltioort hob spaitid t F ire w eeL One ai thîy drove pai. Thîy - colltd t Miltai brigade front a Nîxi wetk sa Fi Prîviation iiigbbot'a bouse. Wtîk !t Miltanutd t toao itae a otraskp i dupietineit il plaaning ut opent oh.sfirm irrtaig tht bouse bhouse Thuridoy aid Fridoy, Oct. as shortguanud rifle abtils 9 aid 10 at dt ite hall ut Maia eplodidr in dt hiant cf the St. Aseardiseu i g ivia tht bitaie. Mi. Ishaiz bad hîto claîsiotiti hriagiag oui t searkiîg wiib t 25,000 l argesi parait itndance. cbickîaî bt taises in tht harn A poster contest, ichotl and itmt distance fiait tht bouse. FUN AT THE FAIR.-it'i baidt itatitutiotal fuse drilla, Thets aa o patiail ctvered iitiae Halan Summatfiad of R.R. 1 distributioni of littioture utd a hy inistrace, Mi. luhoaz isadiig. Helon mai amosa ai aut cbaîch parude in Ouailli seili riptrtid. 1171h annual iditias of Miltai Fa aise occp thuneiita teti No etiiatt of diamage was mas oit of the arohihitu they mai duigFnPittiia Wm. uvaiabît. tuili many more photos aid atari le '!rlrnmpon MILTON, ONTABIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1969 Secondl Clan Mai] Registaton jooer -0913 Tmenty-Tmt Pages -Fufteeî Cents Reeve chastized for approving revised boundaries for Halton Milton Courdc isnt hipp aboutr the boundaiy lites dîaw by Naai roee for a reglonat gsommant propoat aod tbty mode it ctans ta Reevo A. Ledwitli Monday, when h.e acknowledgedi helhed supportait the plot ins the county committee. Genorally tht plut tinksa Actoo uod Nsagwy, trgto and Esuîo , o Baru=o ginîrully thr sai, aod carvisao largir Milton fromt oortb Oakvifli. Milton would îxtînd wst ta tht Applîhy Liaei n Buaîbogtoo aod soutb ta the Lowtî Boa Line in Qairvli, ovir ta the Hilton houodary ood norih* ta Highway 4Ot, following thai li ta, the Fourth Liai Eaqaeoogl and north ta Pivi Sidtîoad, tait ta tht Town Lior aod dama ta 401 agait. NassagaweyaActoa woold inclodi ail of tht prescrit township with thi taîptiai of tht Ktlso-Milton Htighti aria. Esqutig-Georgetown mold inctodi mat of tht towiship îmtîodiîg ir icuth ta Highway a tait which raeti the bappiait, IMotiat ai the Nubien gual diass iimatid 10,000 raho aisirsat tht Ir ont the athahiot, aid bar fiisai tu aora. This mark's Chempion eson tha fair.-(Stui Photo) ÀAnother successful faill Blessaid midi atrnaii-patft fait fait weathîr, the miekinsid t t7tb annael idilian of Milton Fair ous a sandaul saccess an many osys and tht sponsoring Hulton Agricutuîa Society diiectors muta att quite picosed! obunthde to-day iffair eîded Sataiday iight. Attadaci mas about tht samne salait poar, midi aaoffi!cia] etiimatis euuaiig arouad 10,000 totatotiefdutct, utd dhe Midway, hall ettihiti and livtsttck shtws mare ap 10, Itir us"a excellence. Tht dectine of ftring if Hallea ia haiîg fait ai tht fair, any of oh diretiri admiiled. Eatiiei miro tiglstie in armie, tiaeitch classei itdougb iheru Two unusual in mishaps ai Tmo aausual fataltiis camte fient tht hietter cf tht Mitai ilttacbtttat cf the Gnatrio Provincial l'alite cn the pat oeek. A snagle-car accident ot Moîday, Sept. 22 cn Hiahmay 401 at dhe Base Liai Rond sent o pisseigins ia dhe cor te hospitit, oaa of dtosa opraignaf t seau sebo tlaie gave birth tua baby gil. Tht bohy ditd abuot ut baut after bîitg boni, su dhe accident gucs ino te dmiords as a fatity. Tht coi wai drivin by Jult Miadt Bnissebois of Toronto Who mus o sotiage of boîtas in t tight or hiivy horse shoms. Wbei ance tht douetnt utd preservua. floseera, fruit and vaelabea. artsad ctaftî dispitys wîre aauay dtmitattd by faces soeu, the urba houramives are iiday makiag itroadi and tht price.minaiag tahibitoti ut tht 1969 f"i îeprîseaied a gted croai-sectioa af hoih aihut utd rua wmmi. Whilt tht son heaaitd domi for mcii of Siiutiday. tht mata day or the fait, catI seids forced fatîgers t droits mamily. A fem draps of taia mire fei inr miid-aftetiosn bai tht prtinised thaîdîrîhoeet hlîm tati fatalities ong 401 escapad afinjured wsebeliebu pafitager, Hillary Maccougal, tht piegnat wman, teetivati biahea igtib clavîcîr ecil biahea hip as wetl as facial laciratiats. Ather posseiget, Fred Paîck of Toronto reaaied lacerationa ta boah s foni. A Heipalti ma, Stanlay Bcsser, mas deiviig; on 401 Pridiy afiemacan, Sept. 26 wot i apparety fait abhala attsck caarit ai, i at i M car t&.zie.Sand Gravît puts and mu seaii otier ta diu gIntel piti for belpi rabat hae cetapald aid dlad. quictily aid befote long il mai The Han. George Kerr tf Baîtiaglea, Gants Mittîtor cf Eaetgy ced Rîstaîcer, tfficiatty tptfed Mdtcf Pair ai 2 pa. Saiaîday if froft cf a geafdsitd fuit ef petple. Sharif g tht platforar with hum mas Nattai Agricallurol Societp'î prosideat Gîege Ruadhiad, mha wetcemed tht tiaittri wiih tht midi, "me htpe yca eno yaurselves." Mi. Ker triecalled tht aires tf maay fansiliii ibet have haif issttiitid mith the fait dcma thrtagh dhe yuais-Riadhead, Hareap, Cromford, Croaiîî -aod coigtatuattd tht diiectcîs ot arch a oadarfat fait puai aflîr Yser. Ho ictid tht tari array tf agricuture[ imbibiti utd likeîed tht Milton shaw t0 a proving gtaaad for tht Royal Wittîe Pair etats. Tmo pruiiy Young ladies aiso shased the plaiforr. Jaiet Narra of R. R. 2, Georgeownm mas tht 4-H Qaien af t Fair, whito ire Kidd cf R. R. 2, Rackoci mas itere as tht 4-H Prîreri cf 1969. Tht gis bail haca seittted Friday eveaiag i dii secotd atouat qteenanad pîtîcess cosipuritiai, mhee tpe coarpated sinal four adîer gisl fardte boaors. To ha itigibti, dhe ' 1l bad! t tospe in t ais. tr=io juti.0 ix ii totriti aid havi ccmpletid dhe tsar to 44H buarmakig club prajacts. Tht iquma campatirors, Mira Hure .4 meRani4x 4, 4-H activities t tht jadges an Frido y eaeaîîg. Gibets compititg for tht tirle cf p rincrss more Cynthia Catdiogiip cf Hcrahp, Pot Beusefteid tf Miltof aad lady Gordota cf Hcrahy. Whea fait prsideat Readhead 401 from the Fourth Liai tait. Tht lin. jog0 avor ta 'Le Thid Liai nordi ta 17 Sidtra a% tait ta the Fourth, nardi ta, 22 Sidtroad and aorth ta die Fifth. Rirai A. Lîdwji raid mainthena tht temet met with MIPP lins Sor followiatolto Affaits aslag diîy dotailthdur frai propoed divisioas of a ingle coînty. Tht riem itrisard ihîri waî coîîidrahle delihtratita and 'logic muan't oiid. Il mas juî cs efmh mai ta Bit what".acseo h Hi pittd oui Naaaagawuya dt td.t go mith Actai, Eiuiigdcidtd ta go with Gcgiwaid "Miltan mai lîft tai gel what it coold firm iti neighhori". Tht itivi aatîd hte had 001 proist dt Mito htunary fa or ioug wîît ta, iîcludî t tami's watîr îopply, in irrar, hut oxptctid dii could ha woîktd oit idi Borlingtta a reetativît mithoot difficuliy. Thei rtivt rvimd thai Nossagamtya felt Ciaiphilîvilît shot u rrmoiî in the Actaaflasagamiya aria. Qaîatioîd ta dt itatai of dt mrop, tht rîtyt piattd oit il mai o Proposai fromt tht cautuittit, of rieveirait mold hte îohmititd to tht irai meeting of casaîy ccuaicil. Ail rttvti haed voiîd in support of il. Mayor B. Beit ohietvid a lot of hcurudotiei mtrî ohaicoîly jcggtd aroad "ut co pontan îtayî ia Nassagawiya". Ht itggiattdl that "tht qoickîr cotry couaicil realied tl i dtaliag with tht woaî dtatiiy of the cooaty, tht harter". RMi= i serices in tht Mdca ia.th Mayor rtaitmid dt arisa cowtred in thu Miltan ara, ei postal service, utd dt aural drinagetuarro. Hi aatîd maapa wîra, aitachrd ta, tht Milton hrltf ta tht caaîty committîs tlioiag diese fiaturti, hut Rttvt Ltdwith iaid dt hrirf and mapi wen t ttviiwtd hy the cammitior. Mîmbîri aiiackîd dia vartiou hcutdatio of dt propasai. Tht Mayar thiaryrdl Miltan was dirti milts fromnt hcbuidary utd itata miie froin tht cthrr. "'Il datia't ittia rteaîhalt". "Il mili ie a atng liat htfore Actot hai a watîr liaie dcwa la Camphtlll", Caucior G. Kuntt ipeculaied. "t supportaid tht proppsi, Mayhî 1 ahould riiigi. bat mhtî aou have Octe people joît ccmplaiaing and argriiig you gît fîd op", lamenîtdr Rtîvt Ltdwith. faiïr prtsoittd a dazna ril roses ta Quota Jiaiet, îhe rîplîrd "Ibis is cîriaiîly a griont hatti for me." la sovorat yîarî cf 4-H wcrk ihi .tecalttd making a lci cf friendshipi. "I have laaratd a Ici and 1ta (Contiaei tan Poirt 6) "Yco caa't throw in tht tcmtl juat hicaus ou sega ftd Sp". Mayor Boit chaitiiod. Ht ated i had spn~t hots sicilyiag prriinato. "Appittttly i juil serti ces imactiat front Milton wastod my timt". aad prrparicg mapa for a graphic îCntaurd taPae t> Milton Heights, Peru study water supply About 80 rîîideti cf Pra be passible ta, buy mater fiait Peter McWilliarni, solicitor for utd Miltan Htigbti gatbtred ai tht Town cf Milton ai twice tht Miltan Brick Ct. aaggetîîi IÀgty Hall Tuesday tight tc existitg aratr rater fat Miltans reiidiirts of tht to triai discussa ro rt ta their waîter eidet. cccsider paititg in dtir ownr supplies prpaîrd by R. V. oatîr rystrar. Tht Aadrson Andersoa and Asarciotti. Tht Tht repaît tapsi t ould caît i report raid il wculd toit a total pîcblîmi cf waur fat thire toconsumerttt 179.56 pt fr ta cf abattit 0200,000 fat bath sial ctmmuttities bas tomte ta a baie mater braagbt tto bus Peruancd Miltan Heigbts te btad duricg the port fto montbr harne ia Milttot Heigbtr atnd a irsait mater moiti caeria asaîorly 50 pet test cf tht Pita consumer old bote ta 30.pttt pied. btmttoaers cn thear airs baie a S 0185.56 fat lus wattî. Mi. McWilliants tald tirent il rttrcrtîd their ot o rlis bave atd Erqaeriagnd oalil ccst about SI110,000 tace became rt pallutril ta are fat cousraaaocya cad fat ail ta par ta a millIta dikiag motet. nautils sirlit the $1,000 tait cf serve bath ttittmatio. "Ycar Tht îtudy, doct by thethIe report, obîcb bicagbt stîaag ittetets oaM bt bîttîr setatil engiaeeiag but., statîs it wocd teacîlcas fîcai many cf thare oîtb panut m o tîwel", he laid. prearat ai tht meeting. "Yct oat camte second afr Milton witb yaar oc oeIl. Tht land ta wbîch Miltat's oeil is i lacatrd is in Nosagawey ~ . ~. Townsip and yau have jair as mach, if att moreof a right 10 dîaw motet frcmor it." Mdlton Htighti teuideat AnMhe Service tld te meeting there oas a Oly in tht aitmeat, ihtagh. Ht emploaed dhe mholi tiae iighi hectare paît of Miltan if regial gtterameii coeins iat heiag and raid tht meeting il mculd be a grave tniriakt to spoid tht mcîey at tht prescrit rime. Esqatsing Reeve George Camre sai "If il tut hi treanged Ytu coutl have ycaî cmn weil, yca woald îeally hi indeptadet." Ht remarked il utght be bettît fer el if ienlcaîabeer andlfogî about tht mait station, MEN DIED in a spectitela i nle-.a, inil.inei.end collii A tandoner on Peu, David ahray 401 tint ai Trafalgar Rd., Mtaday or on. Fiast aideis, Green cf Miltars Etuuifaet an ati-doty policamani iîam Loidon, bellp ta, miie tu th Ltd., put forwird a mation Sin thaearagudmwho iticd the is. This man lota,îdiid. mhich îaggested bath thai vitl seaen tyiag paitly on tht raid miih a maman Waho Naaiagaseyo utd Esquesias insu bis bidy oint thea mbulance arîriden. Names of rira Couici ask: dt Onaio Wittt ad aid dertala ai tha ocaident coutdil hat liealaasad ha dt Resiarcea Camission ta miabe r dartacharei ai the OFF suinc ttrt-o.i lied îoî t i survi of the ami's siti idet pessaima.-litiui photo yBion Wod) nocids aid ta suppiiSr the isimaati cosi of a matr syom for tht rabola aras,. Thia wu aimait uaaanudy araaqsted by the peciPtt or the maasiq -I

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