Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Sep 1969, p. 16

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M TiseCanadinChampion, Weeeue, September17.1969 206 works'of art in open air show at Centennial Park ..Orange Cuetains- mmned! wisis numbter of worIn tirey enteeed in Mun Babies" Saturday the show inlade: afternoon aithe Mitton Artsand Mes. Mice Altn, Miltoe, 2; Crafts Society's ansiual outdoue Mis. Eauta Beitiais, Paleroto, 2; art show held at Centennial MrsL A. Beitton, 368 Bout Street, Pork. Bots of thalse were asssug Milton. 15; Mes. Gordon woeka of art esttered by local Coverdale, RJ.R. 3, artiste for sisowing. Campiellville, 6; Mes. Busse Twenty.ueven artists entered Degeaaf, R.R. 6, Milton, 5; Mes. lise show ted 206 puinlinga neere Olga Dewvhurst, 28 Collage St., put on dsly aogwitis Georgetown, 4 Pui Foster, moier itdcaa, sculptures. Court St., Mito,17M.E.. ted isusd made jewellery. Muai Gouda», 134 Wakcefield, Milton, of tise work, teesides being on 5; Mes. Gweu Hadley,Martis St., displuy, was aluo on alie aud Milton, 18; Mets G. Htector, 274 sostse art viewers wstked sway us Base Lisse Rd., Milton, 10; Miss art purcsers. Mina Hume, (honorary Th is stise second yeae for tise member), Msetin St. Millon, 8. showissg ai Centenniai Park Misa Marianne Jansen, R.R. 1, aitisougs previous shows have Milton, 6; Mis. Norman lieou hetd by Oie socsely. Langton, R.R. 2, Milton, 16; Mes. R. D. latitant, 102 Mes. Gwen Hadtey, une of the Meadowbrook Dr., Milton, 19; oeganizers of tise show said, Mrs. Noelle Lotintr, 5 Sida Rd., "tiinga weemed to go fsirly nwll Mitton, 4; Danoy Marcucci, Boit ted wr had veey god respoose Scisool Liste, 3; Mes. Bantyn R. front tise public." Tise onty Mcligan, 7119 Broute St., criticism ws lisere wasn'l Miton, 4; Mes. Froda McPadden, enough s ntw feocing on n4tSci 5703 Trentaine Rd., Mitun. 5. to hang tise works of art but Mes. G. Roberts, 78 Victoria recent construction in tise town Si., Milsun, 9; Mes. Franks Sales, iras mde isis fencistg ai a R.R. 3, Miton, 2; Met. William pminium. Scott, 3042 Maie St., Mitton 4; The Salurday exhibitio aras Mia. Puel Sntiths, 25 Hazelwuod field arros tise road front tise Ave., Grimsby, 8; Mes. Robert Hospilal Ascsiliary litant party Thomison, R.R. S, Milton, 5; ted ntany viaitors aiiendad bots Mes. Reg Twist, R.R. 3, funictiote. Campiselînitte, 15; Mes. D. A. Wenduver, Palerm, t0; Mes. Members of tise tocseiy wisu Campbelil Wdlson, Ontanio St., puetscspoied in tise show aud tise Miton, 11l At their regutor meeting Monday nigisi, lisquesing townshtip Councit: a Pasted a resolution tisai tise Council of lise Townshtip of lisqaesin erepctfatsy requesi tisai tise COU.cit of lise Coanty of Halion consider lise immediale installation of "atomotic traffsc lighss aitie isstersecion of Teafala Rosd! ted Steetes Avenue, sinca tise prescrnt instatlation is very definiiely dageraus. The resolution waa prased ofter a requesi for serti action on tise istersection by flairen County Board of liducation trustee William Lawsan. a Passed a resotation agieeiog lu tend tome snaw fencsng and puai s ta tise Georgetown Ageicalturai Society on lise anderstaedsng thon tise Society wu aid ire respuesihie fan reimisg ramne. a Instructesi cieris-ireraurer Delm Inar Frencis nu tendi copies of a tter nu ratepayera in tise MIlan Heighti area iafarming tisent tisai a meeting ta discuse tise waler situiation in thon ara vitllie field Sepleesher 23 ai Ligoy Scisool ai8p.m. a Reteived ran invitation for counicillors ta aisendîthe officiai opetiasng of Oie Good Sisepherd Menoir in Orsogevilir, Sanday Septemeshr 28 at 3 pe. Wiren you danale mloud tanise Usaaico Red Cross u give osity ane.tsoentiets ai yass, average body conti-nt thner quartiera of a pins. This is replaced within 24 hauts. aReceived an initation front the Hatton Couty Board of lidacation to tour scisouis in tihe coanty which provide apeciai educosion, Saturday Septemirer 27. a Recrived a letier feues tise Haltun Coaniy Board of lidacaion ioicatisg tiseir contera *ne ehuon they ray li Credit ei b contint neai Gien Williamos scisoot and suggeating thor tme type of rrtainiug walt is needad. e Reteived a tetter front Acion Board of Parka Management and Recreation Commit tee ciiticizing tise handling of tise dredging operanion ii Paisy Lake Acion and malcing reconunendations su tise Credit Volley Comservation Autisaiity for lise fature saccmss of situlai projecis. n Rceived a ltter front Pete Poinery sports of Georgetown reqaeating permission lu sein huntisg ticenses in tise townshrip. * Rescioded a previoat resaltian nu lake oui ntonthessip in tise Centrai Ontario Regional Orvetapesent C ounicil h ecase af a nt isunderaanding about membersisip fes. a Decided ta rescind a hy'iaw passed lot peur wlticis limited tise namiser of non'renidenl isuning licences solsi in lise townsh'ip ta 200 per pear. aGranîed permission t lu M Francis a resident of Oie Suis Une ucor Lineisosse nu huild a garage an isis properif dloser lu for beslt choice SKI-DOO j970 SEE OUR DISP.A Y AT ACTON FALL FAR SEPTEMBE 19-20 MURT ALLSON'S SALES HM., NO. 7 BETWEEN ACTON & OIOROETOMP PHONE 877-5259 or 877-5250 "ORANGE CURTAINS". a painting iry local artisi Gavie Peenis muad tire painting nils bier friand Pool Ponter iini nas on dispiay aitie annual art Lynne Gotlonay taises a critical louis as tha show pot onaet Certnniat Paris by tire Milton Anis abstrect nork. -(Stafft Photo> mai Ceaft Society, os smeyed by eme art loyers. _________ Dus't tais lite tue ntruaiy- yousll seur gelta ou t o live. Cisag-crsg gis: Go-go girls -4 over torty. The only one wlin oisnt pet huis In a ratbitt tuotlnaralibit. SHVLY PEEKING mer the table as thalle "maoe Babies" lu threet-year-old Elizabsth Wilsn mhu dormit really sulint nu uderatand tire antiaities aitie art shunt tais are geins on isehind her. Tire "moon Babies" are serait sculptures dore by Mes. Gwn Hadley.-iittaff Ph oo> tise townsip froid thon tise 68 jasa tisr Association ut o feet tisai is normaity reqaireil. mrmherssip fée of $60 o year. Mr. Francis, a Gray Coacis Lise iras driver, uxpiainei ta Coanicit * Decided tisai if Canseitter tisai iaving tise garage dloser ru of Adjsstmet itandecdrd iu Oie rmadl wostd mohe it mach tise future about atioaing rasier for hies to get ta wrr on persans ta isuid isosses on lime in tise winter. anmaintainrd townshsip roada, tisry shoot d senri a O,Received a lester front tise reprrsentativr ta Council and Ontario Association of Mayars thr twa boddses would came oua and Reeves urgiat Cauncit ta decissachetween iseesseives. 5 5 a.ira es,,,rBaR IN. 5 a~,, fg BRAOSATE M ACHNE Or ANIssi O S UE s nES de n. . $ 599 àa sue n a iteNI. Itsuessu dacesa BERINA and h. s$1 9 9 A ý.wBMN D«W Modet7kOdalilnesfSxthn BERTO FB 1 CENTR 12MRMNSRE? PAs.0SU MACHINSN jlems & Nble INSURANCEI IAGE4CY LIMITDU 16 lMARTIN BT. MILTON. .87-9523 878-461I IFREEZERSPCS SIDE 0f BEEF SIDE 0F PORK T BONE STEAK(S SIRLOIN STEAKS ROûUND STEAK $1.09 $1.09 #bu HAMBUR6 STEAK 59 PORK ROASI 63, Smoked Side Bacon l1c Polish Sausage 9 Smoked Ham 65, 'EE DEVRYMN ORE 50 1~ ru41 al

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