'Thank You"S]rdaIei -RED OR BLUE BRAND BEEF- Cifoics SPECIAL! CHOICE Beef Braising Rusi ..59C d oB Swi' PREMIUM - WIENERS ....... ý1-cPAt 9 SWIFT S PRIA4IUM SLICED Macae 01 & Chossa Leaf, P i k e & P im e n t e L e t, 6 0 K PsI M 5P R I M ES OR U Luc e on Ro l r ol n iC.,.d A. . 2 9 Ris RIS UBUTTERBALL umo'j' C STEA lBi. teA5MM LB. 85 AM sif2ti69c SPECIAL! SWIFTS SUGAR PLUM FULLY SKINNED MINIMUM FAT.,HA OFFSAMI-II w.9 -11 i Ep m WIIOLE .l mc IC sfu9 SPICIALI Swlft' Lazy Mople Rlndl.,a SPÉCIALI FREIN OR H61F LO. ied C uk B e . 9 un uemé 5,ud Headi.. & Chued SIDE BACONVCFC9 adc Fillets ..79o LAKÏ SMELTS .. pei3c 35 SPECIALI PRIDE 0f ARABIA 10 01.AN JA 123 SPECIALI SETM CROCKER WHITE, DEVILS F000 OR SOUR dEFAM CHOCOLAiE aiccW 2 PKGS.7% SPECIAUI ALL COLOURS.WHITE SWAN TMT4 ROLL PRO. ~9 EVAPORATED CARIITEON2 16 01. 141M TINS VIDA CIIOICE PEERE 70 R is FI 01 TIN 29 LOBLAWS MAJESTIC wjffm àmu S 2402 LOAF i SPECIALI GOLDEN ACRES FROZEN 2 LB. pOL! 560 390 e,» /i/da Thank fou for con ng to address our f Counc il. your talk was most informativ andinteresting. Weenjoyedit thoroughly. Christian Business andW Professionai Wornen, Hamiton ___ 1, too, enjoyed mesting tis group and aise its sster organization eari er tis sommer. in fac, last n ght 1 was in Hamijton again, thîs time speaking to a group of career girls an the National Secretaries Association. They shop too. Thaeuks ta ail of you for vour Zondeeful hospitality. J ust a tip when you Write me: n Plasmntnte location of the Loblawv store in vvhich fou Shop, n piease make sure four name and add ress are on four letter. Yn dnt need t0 wvorry- 1 wvon't use your name in print unless pou oie me permission. But 1 do want ta knowv where ta mail mny answer. And ans mors ti:i our local service Organization is planning an avent that=ned publicizing, wvhy not makte a litte sign or 0 notice and give it ta the Manager for our window or bulletin board? " k -ê You l f md us vsry cooperative. nrtfc.a.,., f R iloi*.ur .bLa.m If u have a shoppingf problem, a asggestion or a complaitt, Hilda warta ta hear fram yqu. Write ta her at Loblauj Graceterias Ca., Ltd. 545 Lake Share Blvd. Weat, Toronto,