Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Sep 1969, p. 13

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WHICM IS BIGGER, the atuffnd toy or three anal a hatf-year-ola Tassa Watinea of R. R. 5, Milton suho la the proud ameer ot the toy which mas hought for hier at tht tuy baoth erbe Hospital Aaoiliary lame party Satsrday.-Staff Photo) cuit d they ast ou %pew 'et for plant 1.00 7aUa A.E. LE PAGE APPOINTMENT GLADYS RICHARDSONÉ É iÎ I fae Dirctos of A. E. LePage Ltdaz upeadta anuue ttsat Mrse. Giadys Rrhudonaun a,,uiated with theie ~5to, tispose57E777 seaso 43 Kosith Crot OVER 1,000 ATTENOBO the annuel lasso party Mrs. C. Martin, 57 Martin St.. offered tny home edbythe Mi Ion District Hospital Auxiliary mode articles for harpaie humtera ranging from Saturday. The toton, beld on the lasse of Dr. and aproos to taffy suchers.-(Staff Photo) Guis announcos a totally new EscUapea Machine: 107 Ctlas uprmj Onders. COMPlalnte. Another Ynungmnbiîe ta the eacuel distingaîSb il: trito net, stytieg und on@eof tholse deys. Oldamobila's laxurlos naew Cattas an eteguntty formai net, ronfline. Wouldn't OfIllbe niS to halte Supreme wll whlak yoa away tramt Olda Cattans Supreme. Juat une of an Escape Machne? rouftine for as litte as If laksa la the 29 Esaupe Machines tram osen a routine car. To power pour Oldsmobîte. getaway: an exlranrdinary 4-buccal, Cér«MÏtes flîsiiecrsýrbereoptmaaiexr ca. 350-cubc-lnc Rooket VS. To Oldetobil: Escape fmrnlthe ordnrtay. JACK RICHARDSON CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILI LIMITWD Mi9 No. 25 Hlgltway - Mf Ban - Phonea 878-2303 up huogatas ut te Mitoti Hospital Auxfaty's annuel lawn party bitld Satucduy ou tht lusse of De. and Mrs. C. A. Marrin, Martin Se. Fourlrto hoth, tote set sp aud eeettIl feom oued ruys lu 00W utothes passed uver the fund-eaîsiog evrut. Tht women als uoeîted their neo cook hook ut tht sale and il sotd totît. Auxiliury womee speut over a ycur and a half cupligdffrutcupes fet tht book sshich toits ut $3.a uupy. Muey Auxiiucy metohers couveed thc,.ttothaansd they iaauluded Mca. E. B. temots-*Usique Boutique". Mes. John Bvecley-wool hoolh, Mca. L. Diekaun-upron huoth, Mc. R. F. McCuig-suok houok buoth, Met. M. Hutbecley- tihcuty booth, Mes. O. K. Van Sictdo-peserees boude, Mes. H. Beuon-tea table, Mca. D. ODellt-aud tht huspital Csudy Stripert-fish pond, Mes. D. Gceee-csudy huuth. Mes. E. ioyce.-hakc houth, Mrs-R. W. Heucd-utod euys, Mca. K. Etsley-sufi dcieks uud food, Mca. G. Stark-peuuy table sud Mra. K. Youug-whtite etepiat. Mes. William Rowney wus tht cn ene f tht maesmoth affait tohite puhlicity tous hadled hy Mrs.J. Cuuway sud tht dat sud tichket tales tocce handtrd hy Mcas. R. Frume. B usinessments foul course flot yet full Tht course lut Milton businessmen un marketin.g ptoucls sud sereice la sltid to hegiu Musduy elgt audioa date, de cegiaiter s nul yee fu. Il is beiug couduclcd joinity hy the Milton Chambet of Commerce and Sheridan Coltege sud rams euch Mouduy nigel for 10 toebus. Subjcis ceed by tht curse inctude consumer hbeavi, pticiuf and froapiuf foc profit, te auesmunas too sud udetiaing. Cot fot tht 10 toeek course is $35 sebicb cuet tht muttrials util aind a fraduationurctpon. This ye the course is being cunducird ut Milton District Huspitat's lectuce hall hy Fred Ittolu, a prieute consolant in marketin. Tht sessions cu fronm 7.30 ta 9.30 p.m. lutreted upplicnuts cue cunlace the Chamber stcctuy iluel G. Black. 25%oePF BOATING EOUIP. CHRYSIBU OUTOARDS * OARS 0 PADDLES * LIrE JACKETS 0 MARINE PAINT AT MILTON MARINE &SPORTS 25 Commercialt. e- Miltaon Guide truining toms ta truvel shure recreution, culture skilis "Opertioi Out-Looke", a miles frot Yellotoknife. pruject of tht Girl Guides of Tbey touS belp tirtrlcisems Canada-Couidra du Canada, touS plan camp pcufcama, tmns, tube 13 youug tomen ftom huyurg of supplies, meach bmlth accusa Canada tu the Nurtomis and sufrty colos and share Tecritocies sud Neufouoiduand cultral akîlis aocb as Ibis somnmer. Chucen us fuih-singng, dancing, pupptcy, ulslndîeg toptestsiuiiees of ceuls, naure and gamme. the Guide association tht finls, Teumnees toho toitI come frot ail agcd lb - 20, toiti forru Issu 00cr the Tceriioies, tout loe traininf teumtonl share their bot l orgunizt youlb acioites recreutional and cultural akilla in Iheir oton commnunitieb ou seitb young people ai opposite ibtîr roture. Their eiaitiuf ends of Ibrîr coutaery. leadtrs alto hope lu leaco frot Scee yoong toomen troa tera. rasîcru Canada toili teud 100 Guidriu.cbacft is Dr. Mary tocck-loag trininug campa foc Habgood of Inueie, N.W.T. and yoong adules ai Fctlude Laise, 22 bier asssuan la Mca. A. E. PAM'S BEAUTY LOUNGE Miiracle Wigsx A wiothat never needs eash itat homeby hand wihrgua s hamopoo m'y ;in Ws redyto go e b> You chooso the style you wn.Only 29.7 styled 0e your TWENTY BEAUTI FUL SHADES heu) tu suit you. NO APPOINTMBINTS NECESSARY Open S Deys a Weeh. SA.M. tuf6 P.M. THURS. & FR1. te 9 P.M., SAT. ta 4 P.M. 160A MILL ST. 878-4581 Suc girls fron sutaern Canada toI irseel hy bues tu sacb Netofoonansut posîn us Fort aux Basques, Sorfeu, Raa, Si. Albans, Harboot Brcton sud Tttrtnceeilje, end hy car and bas tu Grand Fails, St. John's sud Cocehrooe. Thce vAli be hilletted hit loalt schaudhauua sund oifl bring deilr cealla, asns sud leaderstdp training abiUta people of uIt ufra. Guidcr-n-chargei ha yllis Red, a public hralth ourse frain Nowfcuedlaid, and lir assistant is MarJorir Plke, it St. John's, Newfoondand. "Operulion Qat-Looe' bas hotu planed for mort thana yeuc, and. tht girls are tlsorughly hriofed hy moutMly lttera fromt leaders. Also bains circulacd arc tmaining its cuetuiniag records, tapes, slida., hoks, cruft aseigsmenîs sud accuphJouka lu fastiliadize tht girls td tseit respective aeaa. Teams touS moel ha Tortoa en routo lu bath peojacta fat a compdte briefinsg and luar for evaluation sessions. WeII over 1,000 people attend successful W.A. party -CLMEN-W FLOOR COVERINGS PROM CARPET TO CONOOLEUM LMOl Expert Installation 123 Tlsmas St. 878.2194 Second section aget BI tu B8? The eont tous officialty upencd hy Mca. F. Wte of Siancue, cltuitmuu of Wumeo's Auuiucay District Fiee. Alutnf ssilh Mca. Wthite tous tht petideor of tht Hospitl Auxilîury Association of Ontario, Mca. W. F. MacLoe. Oee $1,600 tous made hy tht ladies durn0 tht ufrernoun lusue pucty, and tht cuok hook sales nettcd $555. Mca. Robert Thompaun of Milton Htight toe tht huud-ombcuidoced choir, Ronnie Bell of 404 Mactio Se. toa tht portablo tape recorder, Mes. H. / H.» Crippa toe thetuiskey uud Mca. Iean Hanter toe tht decoraîod Chrcistas cake.J C uneener Mca. William Rutoey said. "il tous a mccy mucoesfat lusse puciy ibis yeuc." 'I MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1969

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