Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Sep 1969, p. 11

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Ixpins trip to Alaska at meeting of institute BpM ita Hasasoon refreabaeai baoUnat a w: ag e rhr ln i e Mes. Herh Hamaflin Floyd A t l wAsaauaib the opl f Une 0meJ Urayetî aii Anl n.ie Ronald Plant Hamilton anti Jira anilton. OfUn guras sear Mes Jak ith bin =enrpPeucok and aitended an Case thlpai e FeitownB the entertannneni U nro as tha eptm Mes. Cecil Paitern as Une homo of Mesý aenOmeusof Mes. Artur Plant and Mms Jm eisgof UeHorh =oie' cueeas Britanna on Monday enentng. Hamilton who tonne an charge of amiltue hield at te homeo0f Moinleos of Si. Stephens Th regflar mneeting of the Une oening, catird the Young Mes. Httg O'Connor. bleu. AnCMn Charch Gonld held Ede Uniid Charch Womnen at couple te Une front cf Unrhai bo .M£arroa nd Mes. Wllbert Pord m ra ieting tif the fait hold ai Une homoe of Mra. mbich mas decerated miUn Pink meUt on a coaducîrdl tour te meuo ou Tusday BlEhta Sept. Melbourne Boit on Menday and whiute streamners nd wohite Alatsia Unis paat smner and th. 9, ai Une bonts oaf Mes. IConsnt erin Set. B. bina. Blier medding boita. The gifs table uni ladiea snjod ber sary of Une Jamnen. Mns. Jim Plant, tbo Wat peir for the meeting decoratrd uith a honusifut bride trip !hih seenied niant prealdeni. walcaated the ladies lh tar h ow ned wiUn the UCW doit. The gifla user pilid ha a hsteresting. ~ t thylfiTrai u Ue mBeeting udtich Noas Oefelloued by prayer. Mes, flouer gardont decoratrd miUn yp train and traneied te Calgary oponed aulUn Une Guild Phayer. John Hansilton mas in charge of varieBa cotoed flouses. The tohece Uney apent a day or tue Ibo roit tai mas anasred b11I the devotionni peeied. Minutes bride-to-be mas araiated on ,and frot e . tBanff, Lalces membera. The aecretay' aeor of Une previoua meeting uste epening ber gifla by biergis Shen Louise and on t0 Valncouver by uni rosid b bina. Bob Coola, red b Une ecrtaey and nd hien sistes Joan, vile mode a bus Thy asevWtd Vncove cetereprtd tat henom cerrespndencr inciuded ou merp attracive bot ouI of vueloua Island and Victoria. They h.d a fumente h.d bren ntaited. lit invitutin froni the Bothel rillbonsand bous. boni trip op Une cross, talus us mwas declded Unie Une guUld Unsited Charch Wemien who are F.11eming the oenio f thb enamerai planta of Intenat, thon m mbe iid huld a buansaie enterta iningt mourut church .it Bh Yo ng copl extne A CRAZY CAAPET on te Alaska uhere Uney usere in Une fuit nd alan one an the greups on Oct. 9 ai B pra. t0 Unteit aincera Unanha teuail for the appareotly dcenos lhink it'a s uteo ntoetted us seeing the 5lto55Ba raUner thon u rumanage saoia, ni esefutg la aoe it nll crahapplos Esimos: nid oUnse thinga oif nd bats sale. ovening a ndvOap u gifla they hud linterOU. Thep retuoned! lu Mn. Anotr Plant niad the Senseul Unnita Yeu notesmeere rcio.Te Innited rvesyoe orin eauyspin,bu Sehoo euv Voanuver ubes. th.p hoarded a lreasurer'a report and femartard tstd front tonnent people uhe te vitit mith thora uhen thry n th nrlaninu,(a b o to pIano for home, bis. McCaren on Une three usddings mbiclt merenhasted whito ud by Mes. rtithm n e oe e up alto til of u trip %ita toot 10 Uey had atered to during the Lloyd Marshall. The nom Ssudy Uee apuesmunh ira Brmptond a O I Plorid and hoîng dicte uben aunmuner. Poitomosg the business Booka is Recuncilission and a dsoci ou lunh os ed ui O IU Une barricanle bit, mlsicb mas pare of Une meeeing the progrumn Erokon Worid. Tise roll cuia a. ca ere yd quise as oxperience. comanittee, bis. Eldgar Oliphant ourse froni Une Bible ieciuding a Mes. Clarence Troaner s bin. Percy Merry mo iho nd Mns. Craig Roe conducird man's name aharting miUn the tacaisn for a miscac o us M s o convener for Unis prograi and tue conesis, mish Mns. Acthur mIster "S" mos ansmerd by thse shouse ina honor of Put Garno ea sriewa edS site rend an arsicie on ubat Plnand Mss. Pal Plippanco 14 membbrs uttonding. Ourins bride-se-be of George Treanor PuetsoacuahldS h.ppened ira Toronto ai ibthelitig the minneen. Tira meeting* Uns pregruni hoeue, bina. Jaca uho miii ho marrird on 12 uitIhe MeKersie Ferte Olympics heid for rrtaeded mos ciosed wlth pror and a Nixon shomrd Unides nd gane on Saiurdoy, Sept. 27 in the Tri Home, Miltcra, fer Mra. Lt clidrea i haUe oiape' Leaf delicloan lunch mou served hy informative tai ora hec recorat Angicn Church, Stouete-ilte. wh Je i Mito Klalaisti Garderas. The pse ta Mss. Mn. Nurmuan Cramp ano the trip se Une British laies. A Th livingt rcumn sss tastefully Hopia bilio Set.10 Ire hei atesn ai charge of hostss. doticioua lunch ma served hy decoraîsd Ira pink nd w hite atcSet Unr business part of the meeting The fient meeing of the tar hostera uhe moas aitnd by strounsers nd whbite usddieg bren, in houpi atl fcr sic marks. and moioumed Une ladies. Tise Hiornby North 4-H Club for bina. Btl HMt nd Mes. John brns. The farsi port of the soIt cuti, What it tatani to hca £ jonior ginsawa miS hdaid utshe Hurnileon. The ramI meesissg miii evnotg mas apeni pîuyiog games bien. Eltmocd mua the fcor good neigbbor mas ansred hy bome of laina Roy Wilson on be hrtd ai the home of bis. whics mece enjeyed by the 20 Dcreshy Gertrude Hen Uns 14 ladies preserit. Seing Tuesdep eouning, Sept. 22, aI 7 Leaile Ruttedge on Mondop geess attending. Pus was caiteil doeghser cf thr laie Tom a: readp te hoip uhen nsaded, p.m. Tise project il buch on enening, Oct. i3 The ladies are to tar chair of honor mtaere site Edoa Hensry. Staa mua taom beirag friondip aod ceurteous bus "beis n haUe Menu". Anp ginls remiradei te heinit nogetabtes for mas eaiatnd on epening hec gifle Saskatchemn and bail linril mindirar pour eus business anse Whso are interseil ira taking ibis an aucin sate fottoming the hp Lilndo Pearson utale Mangie peurs in Millon. For maop pet sorte o the anasen. peojecs andl arr i12 to i15 yeaen of meeting. Sta deccrused a fncy apeen ste dit hairdrsi ee ai h The secrt ary rend the age are asked te cuit the club miUn riahona ndai houa of uad ha the past t en peurs ta anreesporadonco mbicb included leaders, Mes. Roy Wilson or lain. Birshdap greesînga arr vurleus reolurs. Put extendel donc taolrdrrasacg us Hall, a ltte frttath ditrit JhnCin i au n oxtended te lutte Darryte ber sincre thanha to the boutera Centensiol Murier. exiscutive teiting of Unr spscisi eov. Cnon B-. M. O.n rem-Brook mhe miSi coeler and. the guesta fer the i2ouiey Sriigaehrhsa day pianouil to honor Or. BUnol daugbîeen Laurie nd Msary Jean bis birshdop on Sept. 21. gifla. A delicieus lunch mos Suvvgun tarhsr Chapn, and a prograin of th as ixwell eajoped a mollet trip te bir. and bina. Frnk Peucuca served bp the houtess wbics turne, tmc elildarai Guccy rs convension te hae heldin ha the EutI Coast during Une and Duvid hune mnrdei t0 their included u bride's cakce. 211i Onario St. and Carol (Mr Guelph. Seourut of the menihars holiday sauson. raem home ira bilion. BirUndop greetiagu se Une C. Habkurta) of 362 Boit Si îlaiti on going te the convention Me. nd Mes. Paul May and A miscoitaneous shouse mos feiiemmng mho ne colehrasing gruodchidres Cougia, Cenr Iorone dop. Shemrep bien. lmer May and bield on Fridop eveming,5 ept. birsthaos, Vingissiu tue Ipretn ___________ The sectetary reported Unep imo poung chape fromn Hoiand 12, ai the NorUn Tafalgsc oo Sept. i5, Jenclfer Northcote had haro uoubte te set leaders rinjoped s trip te Niagara Fails Communitp Centre ha honoe cf on Sept. l6, Mymo Campbell oss flou arrisai us aidn for th. session 4-H club ibis titile. on Sundop. George Treanor and tais Sept. 17, CDavid Plant oo Sept. bail diamond.Hob h a s Ctdo E lits. Cecii Pusîersoo andl Mia. lio Plant of Une Eighth Line bride-to-ho Miss Put Gardea 18, Coald Lolis nd Ony one runeo hywntt Kian mii ho the leaders for Hos.hp mon second prias on mbo mili be married on Green on Sept. 20, aod br* i h inlin its. th hein Une Homhp South club and bien. Smqyni~p~gs ira thse hobby Surp, et.27. The finit Vicier Huit Se. on Sept. 24. noy Unefin a nnî mIt ta tao ao lsu nd Mie. JBhon Ibgs ehtu h .lnhr patu'yh ' ofUn voi o sprat The Hmmba Jumenie sofibalt bcoysredngHr bye3 Roy ilso »Toý n theFlaboro'por f fscoren A beautlful bons hy Cuvi Cerdingiep miii ha the leaders Rantmop. Thin was Jas frsi piaping ruhs nd vtsisg em cneu ihars Noad demis the firsi huas fe he Harnhp North junior pear ai the nacrsand he han Prises for Une euche usere aqueuker Wedoeadap raigtt mtan changed the gane mbica cada club. The meeting cinted ulUn uit ruppedl ap sommrai prizea duning amarded te th. feitomlng Unep piaed Culedon Rosti lethe up 6-3 for Horsshp. biexs gamte i repoating the loalitute geaco and Une sentoa. mineers, bis. laorgurot Trenon, Unird Saime of a hast tarer eut of Wedoesdoy Sept. i17. socialim ni appn dusha Une lunchneU aicit mas sarved hp birs. George GalithU and the hantora. Sovra fnlerals froin tise Hohy district atrnded the w o ' 's o o o 501h msddieg aneiaersurp rrcopîion ut the hume of Me. nd Mes. Stuart Winch ha Part Elil on Wsdorsdop ofiomoon nd ovening, Sept. 10. Mn. and bina. Winch mero former residents of Hamhy nd faiUnful meehors on Hombp United Church. Congratultins 10 Me. und Mes. Rohart Gaie (mos Christine Ceebien) who usme maenied on Seîundoy, Sept. 13 3ai5 St. Stephen's Anglican Chcrch, Hornbp. Rrv. Caon James E. Moumait perfonmed the usdding ntremony. The Eden Uinited Chueca annioursaey service mli ha hetd on Serao, Septembr 28 ai 2.30 pan. The gurat speaker mili ho Rev. G. K. bicMitian of Streesvilie United Cbuech. Me. and Mns. Vemt Goudieg, Me. and Mes. WilUns Hamilton and T I C i .i Mn. and Mis. Atbert bianchment 1 1 more gurats ai tbe usîdig of but ius wait nuil next usi Me. and Mes. Stephen Humion (nes Shirley Moore) hoid rsceoîiy us the Wnoxeîer Uniterd Cisurcis. Rom. Soch of Goreo, peefeamed the medding cererony.SEPTEMBER 23 Binshdop greoîiogs t0 lttle Bruce birbiln taho mitl cetebrase his ibird birtbdop onth 19 0' w II b h re Setundop. Sept. 20.th 19 0sw i e ere Tbioous beohe hase the home of Me. and Mes, lNint Na, ofîthe Lamer Base CLos on Fidyand sisalo a sîreo set morUn $1,600. C r s e - a Thep entened the home bp o g oftehome. A very aucceanfut auction acie reileinher nexi Tuesday -you have a date ut cf Holstein caille, Impiemenis nd fuceiture, includiog antiques - nd oid halls mos heid on Ssturdap ut ttae faim of Me. anU 405 Martin (corner Base Linel 878-380 2.0% F ln lte mean ime .. MATCH Box TOIys M om We are clearing out ail 1969 models MILTON MARINE at big, big savungs. And we have just a few Ieft. Ps. nel Ct. icI ad ry, cd 19 id i i anîd Clînapi Hoakir anud Tersy ond Scott Elîmoi. Sha lsaiuse ssnvivrd hp brottara bein Henry cf Ki ngscss, nd sialers Mia. Gordon Lucp (Stell), Mes. Greorge Fletcher (Jean) ansd Mes. Bruce Ervia (Boîîy) cf Miltone. A tarttaer AI of bilion predacruse l ier. Mas. EuîmocU mos quite actire in the Royal Cossodin tugin Auoiiorp, Bruoca 136 bilton. lonaemno mes us Evergneen Cemeleay, muta nepaemo Merv und Barrp Fletctaer, Bill tucy and Lture Cornac, and frienda Clous ond Evass Bootta, att of Milton, ai pulîbrarera. Ren. C. A. faisser cf St. Pool's tihatei Chuach cossdected the service. The Canadian Champion, Wednna. September 17, 1969 Water bill complaint CA ltter to MuittontCouncü tits afroma a consoperated mventuit y dra discussion on tte avater metors h tatona out. bydro rates an counicillora ranged Counclt C. Fay sgesdit the fietd and mound Up mas difficuit to ept heod mnstructing the anayor t0 ctarify for a minintum bilt but it taad te bitllng and discounting ho donc to cuver auct hinsi an procodlures prrsrnsty apptied t0 overmze mains for fire hydro accouoitt. protection. Mayor B. Bras totd membera Counicitiort C. Sauille anggested of counici there mou nothing ina the hydre wau batnnig thse water ilsowd mar ase by-taw that like it bitts etectricity and"if ttwda1 per ceot promupt poure tryang to figure thai paymeos discount. He aid it waa discount yoo an gel very bis recrilection Ibis wni t0 be confuaed". the poticy as thr ousset, wbich Cterk J. McGeacbie observed woutd bave made thse n shere wasnoo discount on tnr nimumt rate within abouti 25c hsydre but a 10 per cons of the otd minimum rate. surcbarge man added if prompt A tetter froan Mits Elsie payanent wan nos made. He Pearason pointed o t be prescrit noted tbe municipality cou onty flat rte for tmo mootas is $4.43 chsarge a saat peecensage for resuiting in an assonil iocreuse of drtissqoent toues but the hsydre, $2.88. She objectrd t0 tours charges 10 pre ns for about 16 people haviraite5 puy Ibot dayt. araount and formera obtainion il The masser of mater rates oud cbraper. She mat referriag t0 discouns mas referred t0 the toon practiso te toit 10(X) mater commsnstee. 'Me Rotary Club nf Malton presents The Travel & Adventure Series as the Ontario Seboot for the Doat Oct. 7, Feb. 3, Nov. 4, Mar. 3, Jan. 6, Apr. 7, (Sc otWng Eents for détails) Ticbets aailable from Rotoans-Chas. Andersons, Ruai Black, Doug Browno (Campbellnlle), Joho Beomo, Chas. Clarke, Beail Clronns, John Conooy, Chuck Copeluod, Dock Copley, Lloyd Davis, Jias Dilla, Reg Di Cola, uün Dur., tri Gamoosil, Doc Gootard Hoord i .omld, Htarold Hueosa, Aoily lCeilty, Den Knnrdy, nos ICoigha, Mian Ledmath, Samoe Lonule, Bob MrCuaig, Lacbae McKer Dais Mcuoeg, Jack tecCeachie, Joho Galles, Noro Pearcr. Becs Perter, Bob Reail, Jack Richardlson, ian Srager, John Semple, DavidThompnn. MI TOWN 0F MILTON RE NTAL NOUSING 0 IF YOU HAVE ONE OR MORE CHILDREN OR 0 IF YOUR PRESENT ACCOMMODATION IS INADEQUATE ... * IF YOUR INCOME IS MODEST THIS IS 0F INTERESI TO YOU The Ontarao H-ouaîng Corporation, as the requrast our municipal council, iaanideriog the dlevelepment et bouain tse bc renird on a geared-to-income hanis in the Tuo. To delermine the local vend tor Ibis type ot accommodation inserrse tamitira are nibea te complote s.asvey qsuestionnairesaand toeurun îbrm se the Onlurio Iousino Corpaoration. ONLV EV FILLINO OUT A GUESTIONNAIRE CAN YOU HELP TO OBTERMINE WHETHER A PROJECT SHOULD BE DEVELOPEO. For tamilina intereased in renting an Ontario H cusng un it additienal informatin and queasioennoiea arerarailable ai: CLERK'S OFFICE 251 MAIN ST. E. TOWN 0F MILTON tEE an the W. 1. Dinh sehoo ametgounds ho middle et Septenhar. White the trac s he Flowerivit Crahappîn Tran is dise Len Archor raya it ulnuys bitonms îo he hnteî dîtafne blooms onis~ ie Ellwood

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