Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Sep 1969, p. 8

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CHAMPION CLASSIRID AOS BRING QUIO( RUSULTS. MSTHS CARDS OF THAMKS 1 Éon "mL DR MUYN - Peler andl Lyn i 6y on express aur lhanks WPâTSR pumn6 for. De ara>. cg 27,1 Sydney St., and nincere apprecition ta aIl 676M.25 Milton. are pLased ta anoioins aur friends and neighbirs vno the birhof ber dagter, Ta. a kindly asssil it the rimie R(XIKET traler, 1 ra Marie Bernadette, weiglsl 8 of aur recent nsod bercavement sleepns 6. 676l-943 lhn.. 3 oue, at Moilton District and ala t h.ï C.WL. lAU1NM Hospital on Sepluniber 2 ai George Enier>. and PuniIy. iMCM9U ~ 12>14 pm., 1969. - 19,1474 wide, $15. M763795. DANIS - Mr. and Mrcs. Babs I woald ire t0 tharnk friendu, O0 RLýS bicycle, Djavin Inee Vartyl 6o164 Main neigi4bors and relativentfor flow- condition. 876"118. Si., Milton, aie pleased la an- ers, cardn and Oct. of kindoas - noace ste birili cf lteir non. during aiy stay in Milton D3is- CXONSOLE TV 19". Donald John Francis, weight 5 trict Honpital. Special tianhi condition, 166. Phtone lbn., 11 oas., ai Millon Dintrict tb Dr. Legale, Dr. Aikentsead,_________ Hospital an Seplember 4, 1969. nurnes and niaft. Is60issTÎS cloth*e RaGER - Mir. and Mon. Walter -319l Jensie Powell. hutchen suite; cedar Egger of RAR. 6, Milton, are Sincere tdinhn to iny relat- 2240. ver>. pleased t0 aamoonce the ives. friends, neigborn and 1EFCTRIC arve, birtis of lteir first cbi-Id, a co.workeos for gSlts, flowM in good condition.]$ daugisier. Sandra Elinabelis, and visits during ni> siay in1 price Phone 8764785. weigisl 9 lbs., 2 008., at Milton Milton District Hospital. 530e- District Hospital on Septens- cial titanbn t0 Dr. Legate, Dr. ber 8, 1969. Edscards, narses andl ntaff. PIREWOOD, mlned GERVAIS - Lisa and Bottons c1î46 Mos. Joanr Fretz. and liaodwood ends.S Gervais are htappy 10 an- detivcred. Phone 878-.i n c h. arriai of tbeir neno ANNIVERSARIES DIG M NN balby bratber, Keith BreIt, Sat- __________MACHIN__ urda>., Septemsber 6, 1969, 6 Ibs.. woiters for sale 12 0011, at Milton District Hos- Sept. 17, 1919 t0 Sept. 17, 1969. Phtone 9764962, Marri pitl. The soi> prod fatber Mo. and Mos. J. M. Wichson on or>. is Buckand motber isJoand their 5th Weddiog Anniversary 308 Kingsleigh Ct., Milton. scili melcoine frieods ai Ibeir PESSOSIAU.ZED haine, 7h Line, 2 mnilen sourt 100 eheolts plus envO GREEN - Mo. and Mos. David of Georgeton on Satooda>.. low as 13.46 $1t lis Green fnee Desaurier) of Septnber 20, 7.-10 pas., and Office. Cochrane, Alberta, formerly 61 Sanda>. Scyteniher 21, 2 t0 5 CHILOS piaypeni Milton, are ploased ta annoooce Pm 094425ecllnS oniin 15he birtb ai Ibeir daugbter, ecletcniin Shelley Lynas, weight 6 Ib.. 6 boy's Bauer nkates, s oas., on Aagant 16, 1969. COMINO EVENTS 20. MUJRRAY -- D3on and Shirley .16' BOAT, windns Marra>. lneo Horabyl of Ko- Bingo ganses ever>. Monda>. contrats, traileo 0e msoa, Ot., are plesed tan a 8 p.s., Holy Rosary Parinb$325or best 46Cr an nouicc lte birtb of obeir daogit- Hall, Milton. c135-tf baffet. 656.2961. ter, Linda Darleno, weight 6 0011., 9 tirs., aI Victoria Hospit Socioir Citizons' Club Pot ýELECTRIC clorbes 4 al, London, on Aagusl 30, 1969. Lock Sapper and pragrani, fuît>. reconditionred, ici Septenibeo 17, in Knox Cbarcb <loodtet'a Hardware, NYHOLT - Mr. and Mms. Ben Hall at 0.30 pin. o194I422 ton, phone 877Q551. Nyboît (nec Inglisi of 263 - dt. Ontario St., Apt. 105, Milton, .Dransilin Rocreation Assoc- ORIGINALedin aeploased ta annoonce th iation corn and wieoer roasI, HalIon's Pages af thi birtb of tbeir son, Tinsots> Dumoqain Parb, Satarda>., Sept- good condition. Origi Douglas, nseigbt 7 lhs., 451 air eniber 13, at 7 part.Admnission 5 . Now out1of point. at Milton District Hospital on 61.00 per tansil>.. c194453661 Septeaiter 9, 1969. Attention Rangers, Guides and IELECTRIC aimves, Brownien. Registration NigisI. reeonditioocd, lace ns Logion Hall, September t0 and guaraflteed. Goodle ENGAGEMENTS 17 'ootncoe 55-.30 pin. Foe $3. ware, Georgetown, 671 _________________Now mendiers welconse. _______ Mir. and Mms. Steve Haddon cl9-1269 of RR. 1, Camlabellville, are 'Preaentation for Mr. and Mis. CAMP TRAII pleased ta annaunce the en- Jus Raddell. ne. Sasan Smsith, Brn ne., prom e gagonsent 61 sheir dasagiter, Ja- Linsebause Mensorial Hall, Pri- aIs arrange&t lia, ta Mr. Paal Hieodersn, non day. Sopteesher 12, 6.30 pan. Ail pOR 5,AI3 OR1 X of Mr. and Mon. Douglan Hcn- welconse. Ladies procide lanch. Boo *a1' A dernon ai Whitby. c19,1435 Richardson's R. _______________ Chieken Bartecue, St. Day. and T.V. id's Presbyterian Charch, Cansp- COMING MARRIAGES betîsille, Saturda>., Septennber Phone 878-61 13t6h, 5 pet. - 7 pas. Admnis- BROWN - STOKES - Mr. Earl sion: adults 01.50; children un- Stoken cd R.R. 3, Milton, and der 12, 75c. e19i1459 Muriel Stokes are pleaned ta hiýtn asd District Horticul- "GET A LOAD 01 anooance teforbcongnmar- lural Societyncillnseet aithbe * READYIPIXaGCM nage of choir oldent daugoiter, Union Hall, Pine St., Sept.n- * SEWRR PIPE, 3615 trene, la Mr. David Brte5tt, 50 ber 15, ai 8.3 pas. Pilm, Tour- for Milton custoe of Mr. and rs. Arthur Brown nament af Roses, Pasadena, Webhave awarlno of RIR. 4, Acton. The weddn Calluatala. Eveo>taody scelconse. 3547 25 94w>. at Buonhi will Bbke place Septeniber 2, c19-4Q6 Roud 1969. at 3 p.ns., in St. John'$ ______________ Anglican Charch, Canolllîille. St. Labo's United Chureb Wa- PHON1E 827-101 b men, Aucual Antique Show and Daily- en. Son POLONI - orna. - Sale. Septeoiher 24 and 25 1969 CAE' Bl aOLN M- W.RRL J. C Mrri . I .0. ta 10 pin., ut St. Lakesý MC AESB I and Mr,. W. J.Curhllc United Chureh, 516 The Rings- MAE AL 1 2irnaioS.ue pleaned ta wvay Inlingtan, Ont. Adission AEIL L annoance the fortficaning mar 01.00. Baby sitting and rrfresb- riage of their danaghtor, Marg- menîs available. ct9-1439 aret Elizabeth, t0 Mr. Deriana ____________ Poloni, son of Mr. and Ids. In BEEFerr SevceaAKo Otol>. Ronar>. Gbarch, Octaber 4, ber 14, 1969, at 7.30 pin. Lt. Col. Of Gaveonsitent isI ,1969, ai 2 p.ns. J. M. Andernon ut Gabville wilI Grain Fed Prime I ho 11he spseaker and special ma- nic b>. Dean and Doroîby Hop- F RONTS 35c MARRIAGES per trom St. Athianus Cbarch, * S1365 .65c Toronto. c1941425 a HINDS .75c HAhMILTON - MOORE - On 'Milton Hsapital AaniliarY Alsa Park Loins. Ribu d Fridayocening, Autant 29, Laces Part>. ta 11e beld at the 1969, ai 8p.m., in Wonter Un- homoafDr. and Mrs.C. Mar- Ct and wrapped t ited Churvh b>. 51ev. Sach of tic, 57 Manien St.. Satarda>., apeciicatiait. Garrie, Ont., Shirley Mario Septenshber 130h, ai 2.00 pas. Manie, daughloo a> Mo. and Homae bakiog, caody eratn, f Mos. Thomas Moore, Wraselcr, aflernaan Ira and 1mbh pond. Deiverien in Milton, A te Stophon Wayne Hamsilton, Dracen ouI labo place ut 4 p.ns. naroounding diste sonof Mr.and Mr. HerbHtams- c194t179 ilto, Woxetr, nt. St. David's Presbyterian Wednendayn and Thu _______________Charch. CamiShelîville, Dodîcat- BUY DIRECT FR011 ARDS0F TAN in Service, Sonda>., Septons- PARIM _______OF________'ber 14, as Il ans. Guent spea- ber, Dr. E. H. Johnson, Madera- B D O G Thans ta Bill Paiternan of 100 af 1the Proibylerian Oharcbl B D R 111e Milton Police and Art Hig- in Canada. The oece manso land gins for helping me on Sanda>. sanliiuary ofthe cbarrhmil'l be 689-6561 Waterî whon Ryle was iacbed in th1e official>. opened.' Ail are met-1_________ bouse, came ta attend. c194I472 cl9-1467 Mos. G. Wbaley. The Miltas Arts and Craftn Wc woald lîke ta Chaob th1e Societ>. haldn ils annual exhib- TI1R E firomen, foiends and neighaors, ilion of paintings in lhe Cen- far aIl the inrlp tho>. gave un tennial Park, Milton, on 111e 13111 otaour recenî fîre. of Septeniber. Amateur artists FI1 R E Jacs, Jean and Diane Hardy. are invited ta coniribate and c1941432 shanld contact one of the fol- - _ lasing Society mensbers tole S L MayIthanh aloviied, iuaormed of th conditions of S A sent cardn, flawors and gifî ente>. Mes. Gwen Hadley 878. in St. Jehs,Hltn an M7&61 . Cal>o(aa KELLY SPRINGF Miltan District. l9142 - TIRES - c19À4473 Patricia Firtb-Vaylon. 19970 Travel and Advenhare I woald like ta tbaab relat- Serien, Ontaria Scbnol for Ose UP TO 50% C DeaJ, Main Auditorium. Tues. ives, friendc and nei-gors fo Oct 7-Dessin Copr"nie O BRN N Soeir cards, ns>t and iboneers, . adih "nid ONBA 0 I chul I ceu in Miltoîn Di 'srict Passae .an h Aloatian Is- STOCK TIRE Hsia.Aluo a special îhacbks lns.Tuq Nov. 4-Kobert tiapilal. r ndth Brouwer "Scenic Auneica'. Tiu- EXAMPLE: e n>. actrad Oe nrs es. Jan. -Ramain Withoimsen and staff for lheio bindons t0 Yucatan Traits". Taen. Pnb. 3 m45x 15" me.41 ua~. -Rapbaei Green "Inside Sib- ______________P__t eria'. Tues. Mar. 5--Walter S. $1 2.95 1 oaM 16k to enpress my O5odnon "A Tasie of Inragl". Tu- Sionilar bis naviga n thnobs ta Ladies' Legion Aux- es. Apo. 7-eSBilI Kennedy "INova . -nTacoT ilar>., Brancds56, R.oxChuith Soudia". Eacb performnance $&M 5ls I Tatr.Ti Irmos and ail ns> relatives andl pin. Adission S1.50, ortudents Car Tire. rlaends Nho sent ine glomern, 75c. Seaso. fickees (6 admis- Ofts, cardn. tetteon and phsone siions) 16.09. stndents J250. O N rais diming ni> Ma>. in Nender- Spoinoid b>. che RotanyCbh M I LTON on Hospital. of Mhon seuls poeedo toc 191 NR6L ST. 1940 Berosius Klwsdp. ooiinltp pmejeota. 662-06 1o19-143 FOR SALE Il FOR SALE o yoanr clos and 9 n 12 INDIAN rug. perfect condition, oitb lcd>. niedal- i on cenire in Wcdgewood blue andt leor for gracins living. 676-4664. 1c19e1444 ERIGERATORS, al tol>. econdiiioned andt guaranteed. A good cohoice, tram $39.95. Goodlet's Hardware, George- town, 877.2551 11111.1933 YOD WILL LIRE buylng your building niaieriais and oibl at Crawfood's Campbellvllle. OoInk service. Higb qsalicy. Phone Canipimîloille 854-2232. lictf-416 .14' CEDAR boat miCh control aittaebnsentî andt taep., also re- bsailt 1960 Pontiac matoe andt transmission, 050 or besi dtfcr, ao il space henter. 50,000 B. T.U. 878-3287. 1c19-1437 (FREE, I linon tes tomel usd11 ever>. $5.00 paoehase of dress lebric fil tuoa cstomeel. Fine nolociion of Pull fabrlcsaitrea- soraable prices. Jonc Drapcrtes, Milton Plana, 678.2513: 1a194426 LARGE glossy poina of Cana- dieu, Chamipion staff photos, Sm 7 aine 11.00, b a 10 aine $13JOphi& canc. Cash inuit iccoupsury or, der. Enquloe nasremt Chanion office, 191 Main St.. Milio.. TOP SOIL 8 yd. t.oad 122.00 Crashet Stone, FilI and Sandt, endt Water Maalage ELVIN COWAN Phone: 878-4898 1cz1 TIP-IN-TIRE SALES LIMITED BASE LINS - MILTON UNIROYAL Tires and Batteries conte in andt aec lis, nom UNIROYAL MASTER The lire for tire morriers USED PASSENGER and FARM TIRES USRD TRUCR TIRES in AS Size 878-3131 ANYTISIE If bas>. CMLL 878-2367 24 Hour Service tit STORE andt living quarlers, 75 trait irees. For tsrnbco par- ti-hinra, appl. Sa>. Rrueger, 20 Jrd Sideraad, Milton, ont., 67g- 2529. 1c11464 MA"O or hiton âhomins lthe ne bounderle. mhid tank ef- fert Januar>. I. Singla topie., 24e and le lac at The Champion office, 191 Main St., Milton. 1a0«94 5 - BBDROOM bouse, largo hitien, baibrooni. largc liv- ing main, basement, barn with daiuble garage, large lot mits streain, situatet West et Upper Base Lin, on 79 Town Lino North. Anbing 119,906. 676-2636. 1b204-423 IJSED foraiture of ail kIndn. ehents, dremirs, dining sets. Good seleclion of scaves, Ta- frigeratooa andt wesoger widi- ors. Nom andt oued herle. Johnson Puriuon & Appliance Exchange. Showe Raom, 100 Main St. POhone M763741. Large Warcimuse stock 2278 Nipissing Rd. Open eve.7 nisiol until 9. 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE YOUNG meutl rabbits. &78. 94N6, 67qf657. 2d19456 56E ARE nom open cor ltse sSo.Apples, ail] vaoleties as season progresses, 5 milen nortb cf Hilton. Binsiau Farmns (tormerl>. Glenspe. Frait Market). Open 7 days a wenb, I p..- 6 pan. PICK VOUR OWN TOMATOES 12.50 PHR BUSHEL Rring own containers 80, First Lino MILTON (PERU) 2o19 NEW HONEY 1b.enainer .............S 2 lb. container........... 75 4 lb. container............3U 8 lb. container ............2.50 Coamb Honey .....Each .75 BuIk Honey .........Lb. .0 Creamed Honey: 2 ib.,4 1b.,8 lb. ROCIHAVEN AlOIiAMES 25 Sideraad o6f 25 6w. Cail 853-626 4 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE 3 BEATER sef1 - unloading forage bon, liho ne. 678-2639. 41019-1460 Used Farm Equipment - GehI commeircial hcavy uI>. 'forage harvester usd1 2- roc corn headt andt ha>. pick-up attachient. - International I andt 2 rom PTO forage barventcr. -Uset Ge6tI auger blomcr, bicl andt International 8010w- - Nom Dion forage hareesi- rand lawer. - Used taIse front forage - Uned self - propelleet utasse>. combine and PTO coin- - Used 45 andt 46 Internat- nnal haler. - Used New Hollanet haler. - Uced F Cah. F100, W4, H4, i, Saper C, Saper MD, 30 liesol. F606 diesel, Pan>., Ford 000, Fards andt Fergasons 01- ver 66, Cookahoti and tilloer, dassey Saper 90. YOUNG'S Farm Equipment C4IPFISON LORN8R Phone Weterdown 689-6668 s MI60 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE FOR AN 0K USED CAR THE CHOICE IS YOURS AT Jack Richardson CHEV - OLDS Limited 1968 Pontiac 2 Door Formerly an Ontario Provincial Police car, luis automobile in equipped witb a V-8 engine. autoInatic tr-anSsision and *beavy duty eqsa.pmnt. This well nsaintained car is enpe- cially priced on a first comte 'basis. Lic. 15U279. $1,495. JACK RICHARDSON CHEV - OLDS LTD. Opec tIt 9 PML - Manday nhrough Pdda7 Saho'day S pa. 6791 H6iawey 25, Milton Snouh 878-2393 - 878-3812 5c19 BUY WITH CONFIDENCE -AT - MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD. 1967 VDLKSWAGEN. Lic. 530066. 1966 CHEVROLET CAPRICE wagon. Lic. 59273X. 1966 METEOR S33. See and drive this one. Lic. K17389. Don't Forget Our 1970 SHQWING ON SEPTEMBER 18 Everyone Welcome. Refreshments. Prizes 1965 FORD COUNTRY SQ il-passenger wagon. Scarce Itemn. No reanonable offer refusod. Lic. X13792. 1964 CHEVELLE 2-door hardcop. Lic. 223791. 1964 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2-door hardlop. Lic. K20292. 1962 PONITIAC 4-door hardîop. Lic. K21187. On>. $495. 1962 PONTIAC, aatonsalic, 6 cylinder. Lic. K18671. On>. $395. Lease your new 1970 Pontiac, Acadien, Firebîrd, Buick or Cadillac. Attractive rates. CALL US AT 878-2355 388 Main St. - Milton DATSUN DEMONSTRATOR - SALE - 1969 DATSUN 1600 (2 Door) REG. $2.175. 140W $1,995.. wilh radio and dlock Corne on op and Iry il unt. Lie. Ne. N422-959. 1969 DATSUN 1000 (4 00cr) REG. $1,945. NOW $1,700. olileage 3.560. P i'OU HAVE TO DRIVE IT TO BELIEVE, ITI Uc. No. N64&732. NORTH END B. P. 235 Basoine Road, Milton, Ont. Phone: 878-2471 7 WANTED 7' WANTED PiSSENGERS ta lOnoagla PROPANSE healer, 1S.2g»6g liocrat train Milton. stralght B.T.U 8714«.6 7o16-2469 layn. Plant hoom. 8789615. _________ 7c940 RIDE available 10 V&W&' SIED britrage and work- Lîne. Burllngton tram Milto. hmp area, appraninaney 500 Arriviag 8 am, leaving 4.30 q. £1., in Milto. Phone 878- pin. Ciii 678497 af1er 5. 75. 7c19.6434 7gg94416 CLASSIFIED RATES T.IsPba nu. com lu1 A" et ISSaS chamion IItou onuia -ur. D5>T.MANB -ý »OVCRM b[AG seoi-AI siu -= .zz. Ne i. "M ai I c081000 XN5NWU. CAIIOS or T8UAOX - $1.50 h.r am1 rive IMM m.aarU PLA. PRAI. MTAIU - $1.1 0 Sb- 10b. Box n018 $1. 1188088tom8 - a Oo80.17 DEADUNEIUS 12 NOON TUESDAY The Canadien Champion, Wednes., September 10, 1969 SANIMALS FOR SALE -BUUX ohviffa, Mlown in, a leu availe Bolton 897-M.3 30054 6-YBAýR-OI miare, gentIe, suItbe for unail child. Reas- oniiole price. 676-6663 3o1941456 IlOREY Iris Hunier, 6 yen. otd, gondi witn children, mouÏ nohooled. Phono 854-9M9. 3o19,1359 Northern Feeder Sales EXPECI76I O19PERING Wiarion, Thors., Sept. 18, 3500, sale tîne 10 au,. Thessalon, Weid., Sept. 24, 1000, sale cIme 10 ani. Manitoalin, Thurs, Sept. 25, 3000, alIe lime 9.30 am, La darre, P.I. I(sae at Dopo>.), Wed., Dri. 1, 900, sale cime 1.30 p.ns. New Liskeard, Thura., Oct. 2, 400, nale cime 1.30 p.ni. South River, Fol., Oct. 3, 1300, sale tins, 10 ani. Wiarion, Thora., Oct. 9, 1500, sale timo 10 a.' South River, Fei., Oct. 24, 4600 sale lime I p.m. For forcher .- fomiaton scli S.Mcoad, Advernîsing Managor, 'Bon 130. Huntsville, Ont. 3C19 S VEHICLES FOR SALE 1966 PONT(IAC, 6 cyLoete nmari, sedan, I omnr ;e~8 67864M. S009-1479 2 W10RES wilS gond tires te fit a Vaunhal, 2 mxtra tires 650 n 13. 976456. 56694441 .1965 GHEV. herodtop. power sleering and poer bribe., $50O. #862333 or 877-3131, 1619-1442 '1967 MUSTANG hardtcp, biue, ntandard, power steerng. S1,760 or- best odEer, 745 SC194466 1934 06536* cou%)e, 19b7 r-. bult nsoio, transmission, rear end; 1966 Trlsmspb 309, A-1 con.- dition. 878-4 aflgo 5 pin. 3019,4457 For Vour Next Car... TRY BUCK HAMILTON AT BELL BROS. 87"»06 @M6VICE galio attendkf oeqsdrad. A»oIy l 0u08Du Doep.Ii. 061110, 67662D9. hotorder esoûk, "la waitres. App>. Castven Reahaeen 8d694«6 VUtEL oil driver wented, full *r part unme, Wote Bom 406, Canadin Chaps ela uIn MsAIN wanled for onisides work, aole to use iractrar sud0 prouer amm, epare dine or tuBi dine. 876M09. 8cl964Ul LAODY, girl or cople equede for baby aiiting, lune in. Eapect- anc inoiber welcaine. Cali 881er 6.30 pi.. Victoria 036-294. "094418 AhMTOS Young nia iwisblug ta Iearn rotait selang, 10 toiteai gremlng autemetinae buiness in Canodi. App. Ça>- adlan Tire, Milton. &919460 3 511LEMMRB5 naeded Cor uni nom office in hilton. Saper. leance an muset buc net netea nies'. Contact M6r. Neal for in- cervew la dlscsu commeission and bonus arrangements. S*6 9511, N. J. Loingo, Reahtor. M017749 2 APPRENTICES WANTED5 One Painter end One Bodyman GoosI wages and ail eniptoye bagndits. Billes Auto Body Shop MsILTON, Ont. Telepisone 878-276 Rvenioigs 678-38%4 Mohawk Raceway Raquims SECURITYS OFFICER Yoarousnd employmesL Ro- Cating obÉits involved. Applicants milI be Interie-e ed at MsOsOl&WK STAUDI. GAITE, Tisursda., Sqotember 16, 1969, betwoen 2 and 6 pari. Som STUDENT HELP WANTED Saturdays and halidmys, maie, 18 years or over. App>. Stanley C. Fishburn & Sons Industrial Contractora NORVAL and HOR36BY 877-6606 6.19 MECHANIC MUOST BE LIGBNSED 99e olfer op-iodaie equlpinent No Saturdays - Pringe benafita Middle-agod nian podeaered CaU Oakville 827-1031 oc-te REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITY Arca residant, miale or fenale, enperiencedl or inexpeolenced. possession genuine dooin te acceed to repreent poen ni Toronto reaitor, full or pari im basin, Unlimitod glznuIW opportunliles. Cali or serite: lAMES FOY - 487-5141 W. H. Shortili Ltd. ÏREALTOR ,M6 Yonge Si., Toronto 12, Ont Mendier Toronto Remi EsalI Board 6h19 First Class Tool and Die Maker Firsi Clans Tool and Die Ma- oer required b>. auomoesbile saris naigammrr bn George own, Ont Musc tec capable of wonhfrg rom blueprinis ta bualltoa- note parts dies. Raperience a rubaer extrusion dico woaid Lbacc average boants' laeà opotl, osedical andt Maf bn- rnepalid b>. conspbn. FERSONNER DBPr. STANDARD PRODUCTS CANADA LTM. GOOR42ETOWN NW66MM »9 Guelphs &tt Georgetown, Ont. uni1 îrsdays TV TOWER 8THE SALE %,N 30' lamer imstalee t h ail chan- clown n I headt 58.50. Ic-tf 40' lamer installer! seisI ail cha. nial headt M-50. 50' tomer innWiaedw ithaml donx- oeil baud 187-50. Entra beads (tor second TV 6eil . Inslalled $20.00. PH. nlerte, houad. Insialladl 12000. 13 elenent color heart. Installed! IELD S6M.9". Aatiaaic rotor. Inntalled $69.95. )FF EW Repaira o ai l type. RICHARDSOtN'S Radio & TV it oliser 201 Main0 Street Sau ck and MILTON Phone 878.949 IRE 1leni #mm 71 Sea amiIMig rhint th0e 1" 1t Oamp"n 00011~ Aua

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