SThe Canadiaen Champion, Wedn. Saptamber 10, 1969 Wants pool room open on Smndays A 63-nme petitti declaed. He revsemied that lclt erried te have bacc roqusengSidycnng f ceunicil cnsidce.d a surflar cded tte pontiS sia sbit te reques t lt year and 'l'bat doeai't est assy li talit 'sston Coanil luit meck by uaimousty opposed i. "We sic. There is lots of ictivity in Casir. Ciat. He soglst foutu! receteion le our diy and itis part of the counctry scithous pcemnss for the pool roomn te i wsnst le i pool romr", hie opccieg the pool room", ha open Ststdiy front 2 p.m. te caictudcd. Couricillor Sntlle cetoricd. 8 Pm. Mayor Seat poinsed out tht Couicit igeci te refer the tMayor B. Bcat tctd Ccaicst poot con had been open tee Otitter te the administration th pool cmont hid bacc open Siodays although ti woe net cescee.ttce aid polie chief for the tme pccviaiî Sendayi aid hie legal aid the prebtent of cosdertion. mrais sicpcicd i the easce ef yoocg people on the strett Opeingwold o i ut . anscîdmet te the priset~ *~r Sînday sport hy-lam bot ne t M ilton fair ptehiiciîe moold ha ecetiaey, tht depity cîccit ceporteil L "Im nltral opSed llhe on Sept. 26, 27 optenig op tht poot coem on a a Thieves thwart in cracking Safi Thieves gos iothieg for troubles wet thcy otrempte pcy open o imol sale or office Of SesI Rtolly lnsotaet ever rhe laor holiday wcthced. Owe Sciai BSt diicovd tht building badl bacc fec entered en tht Salur memieg. Tht ecrer dooc ef Safo bad heen pricd open bol thiecci ece thwacted by combication lecit o the en door. ARCHITECT DONALD E. SKINNER BArcli. - M.R.A.I.C. 17A Mill Street, Salte 2, At Ttltptone 853-2740 or 20 Starehaek Rd., Port Cri 274-328 Office Heurt by Atîpolosmi ACCOUNTANTS EARL G. BLACK e.. Cein., RIA., C.A. Chartertil Aceounur 163 Maie Sr-, Miltai Plhait 878.M42 CHIROPRACTORS A. P. KENT, D.C. Doctor et Chimupractle 237 Kiogi Coirt Cretest Corner Martin St. PHONF 87i-2031 BY APPOINTMENT INSURANCE CO-OPERATORS INSURANC ASSOCIATION Aire-Home, Prottctio-Acci ts aid Sickîtîs - Family LlablSty Fane Liabilily Yoor Milton Agent Mr'. Thea Rire R. R. trie. 1, Milion Phene 87g.9741 CO-OPggATOgS INSURANCI ASSOCIATION Homne Prreoeriee Aute. Accitietoal Death andl trepainneen Silo Drlieig, Etra Veblcle Reductirer Preerioms Mont Eonomiesl CaS, R. S. Hearheieeloe R.R. 2, ýMilroe, 87&-455. Oser 21 Years, Service rRThe P4Utual LU.i ROBERT S. HART Agent 341 Oreille Roed, Aýcon Ses. 416451-3460 Rre. 519-853-1527 FUNERAL DIRECTORS S MeKERSIE ForeraiHomre Il 14 Maie si. Or lirh vear ot helptul. c ouOi iees servic e. 878-4452 OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A. JONSON, 0.0. MILTON - 184 Main Si. 878-9972 Toesdaye aid Pridays ACTON - 54 Mill St. S. 853-2520 Worîiediys andi Saturidevs Resideece prheee 878-9678 UB1RARY HOURS Taisday, Thocsday aid Ftiday 1200om te 5.30; 6.30 te 9.00 Maiday, 120000 lte 5.30 Cloucd Wedaaiday Satssrday - 9.30-12; 1-5.30) ltt neorly "heigh, he, ceonte t0 tht fair" lime in Millce again. Priday aid Saierday, Sept. 26 aid 27, tht 1 l7ih aicual Milton Pair sell hae taged or tht fic greunds, eeder the speesership ef the Haliee Agricureural Society. Presideer George Readhtad, aid tht fair beird's 95 dîrecters aid associore diseciers have bacc morhieg for the paci year, linieg op aioîher fine counîy- show for ihai meckend. The 76-page prize lit s esreeîy hein0 distibuted te hundreds of ruhhiiors ehe ase Prepotieg their etries ie horse, bref aed daîry coutle, cheep, goar. ceint, poolrry, grain, hay, Vegeiabît, fruit, domesic and pttstrres, - oments mo floees aidplaiîs, arlsa erafte, school, junior aid4 club exhibits. There is $5,000 prize money amoiting i MitIon's 1969 fait wdît op on tht Fridoy mith mst of I firsi day spet en judgiî tehibits. Thai eeing tht ha aid mideay mîli hae opten te th Public. Saierday as Eue day tht fait, ith tht grounds ope le tht memieg aid cesperisier ond prograns coetieeing uer ntpptime. Harets races wi hagie at 1.311 p.nt. on the tac mrach aid the Hon. George Keer Ontario Mielerer of Eiergy on. R esourcea Maiageent, mil officially open tht foin ai 2 pin cht, ed I-H in 6e et Ils Okay one terni Thece wilI hieaon clectioe for council, foc o oct year terni'e Bocliegton on Dec. 9. A sajnrity of ceaccil appeovcd tht clection for a one-year terni, ofler swo tachier decisiens aid three mntehs e debale oner one-, tee-. aid three-ytic ternis. Tht mont is designer te hreg cooeicil eleclions coie lice ecnth ceîety board of educolsor electi oec nhueiiservobot KNOX - PRESBYTERIAN CNURCN litterim Troderuier: i. P. N. Yong, SA. Georgetown 877-6206 O0 conne lot es ecoreblp aie So lown; lt ris neti belone the Lord 0cr Maiee.' SUNDAY, SEPT. ldlr, 1969 9.45 a.m.-Sr. ChrcohoShool E 9.45 î m.-Yeouic Poopleos Bîible Ciase. 9.45 ae .-TIre Thinhors'. 10.50 as .-Jr. Cherch Schheel lI.0 a.s.-RALLY DAY SpeakrR,:v. Professer J. C. Hay, BýD., Ph.D. 11.00a.m.-Nursorv. MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario Si. N. 878-2022 Christians garhertd le the carme of the Lord Jetais Christ. Lord's Day SUNDAY, SEPT. 141,h 1969 10.30 a.m-Breabing oft Bread. 12.15 p.m.-Suoday Sceel. 7.00 p.a.--4ospel Service. Wedeeday, 8 psm. - Prayer anti Bile readitte. All are melcome t0 lime Drciii rgit c . mad Ho eri:ll dra, ighiouyoe BOSTON AND OMAGH PRESbYTERIAN CHURCHES Minisier: Ren. Staney E. Srith, BA. SIJNDAY, SEPT. l4ili, 1969 10.50 .î ii-B-,îrn: Wîî, hip (Chui,,l Scoal orrîll 11,30 a in.-On.,gli Railr Drr Soir iço. Chiirch Soirool rrrllrrvorehiyrrrrb.aongre- canion. NIONWAY GOSPEL CNURCN A local aaserribiy oft THE PRPdTECOSTAL ASSEMBLIES 0F CANADA Panier: Rev. M. Ch'itiletti. LORD'S DAT SUNDLAY SEPT 14ih, 1969 9.45 Schonl. 11l00 are -Morineg Wcrshtp. 7.80 p.m.Evaegeisrle Servie. Wtdesday, 8 p.nt. - Bible Scalp cend Prayer Mtinge. Prlday, i p.m. - Young Peeple's Service. A Chuarcit Tosu Cai Malte Tosar Hom A Wami Weaae te Evmerci ST. PAULS CNUECN of THE UNITED CNURCN 0F CANADA Maie St. ai Jarnes Si. Mliiier: 1 Roc. C. A. Hainer, BA., B.D. Organisi ced Choir Leader: Mcc. Haroldi Maget. SUNDAY, SEPT. 14(h, 1969 Il.00 as .-Ral5 Day. CHURCH SCHOO>L Sendav Scheol ciii attendi Il s.. Rally Day Servsice. 11.00 a.m.-Infant Nereerv rn chargeoflregiserednus anti nurssryideyartrmoi. 11.00 as .Kiodoigarico anti Primai-s lirpirimeit, ago-. 4 - 8. Invitatieon To Ail CNURCN OF CHRIST No 5 Sidcecad anti 41h tLùrv Traflgar SLNDAY, SEPT. 14n6. 1969 10.00 asm-iIe Scheel Classes fer ait ages. 11.00 am.-Morning Worehip. 8.00 p.m.Preaebicg of tht Gospel. EMMOANUEL RAPTIS? CNUECN Commeroial Street, Milton Paîstr Rev Clayioe Colts 878.4473 878-3042 Tht Lord's Day Si NONSk)' SEPT 1416, 1969 9.45 a.s.-Sîndr Soheo. 11.00 .m.-Moi-nie0 Worehip. 5.30 pe .Youih Time. 7.0y0 p.Ereeirg Worlep Wodniedar. 7.30 p.m. - SBitl Srîrds anti Praet meeing. Nirrsrrai Sund«creervices. ORACE ANGLICAN CNURCI4 Milton, Ontari. Retir Ror. R. W. Pester. Assistart: Canoe P. H. Masen. 9I.5DAY, SEPT. l411, 1969 Tirirl XV 'IIii,.-J,ý Sund-l.î Srhrrr 9530 asm-i Eeoharîeî -ind Sermon. l0.45 a.m -Sr. Saedav Scheel. 11.00 as-Maties and Sercmce. Thersdoy, Setemnbtr Illh, 10 a.m. - Holy Commueion. Tai are Almua Wietearnd ut Gruie Claad 9.dloe St. Dtovîls new mon» on Sundoy st. Davida$ peaytaclon Chateh la Caa#atlsllhi- ceotly minovatail, carpatai aild e.daecated foc tha ghurels' centeial ae, mil bu officfagy e-deddsstedl le a spal seavie aI a1&.n. îbis Saiday, Sapt. 14. Fciowng the servce the coesisiai lg maie te the new manae nent doot to file chîech, wtdch cil ha ofcically, dtdicattd as a clbhai estting cesemony. Tht Rtc, S. H. Johnson, 5.Se., Th.B., D.D., Moderttr cf the Otoccat Asictnbty of the Pttsbytttlae Chch in Cainada, mîlI hae an haid foc tht day aid mitI efficiate, ai tbe tee commuie. Dr* Johason mil i ct attend a niti's centennial breakfast as tht chuclr schtduicd foc Ram. Ht elill ipta as the il o.m. servie aid Irmaiol te ceediet the dedicatiee if the e maese. Fellescicg tht dtdlestioe cetteeoy, tht maose milI hce opte te the cigegation fer Assistina in theserces miii hae SGT. M. R. SPEICHER Nec Head at Milton DPP 19-year veteran heads Milton OPp An Oetario Provincial Police etîterait of 19 yeers, Sgi. M. R. Speichet basjusl laitte charge of the Milton OPP dtachmtenr, afiet spondieg tht sommner in charge of tht suaimer detachment ar Grand Bond, Sgt. Speicher is marcleil aid has thbse cblde. Hentered le lbe OPP as f Keoora aidmoved frontthere t Dryden, Guelph, Kitchener, Walterîoe, Mount Forest ood rGraid Bond, 19 years le aIl]. Ht says 6e htked his eorh on tht eorih aid mas rmpressed hy tht site of the country. Sgi. Apartment is damaged by fire, smoke An epstaire aportimeni ai the home ofiJackt Hardy, 91 Ml Si., mas badly damageil hy Erre, cmott aid morer Wedeesday afie meon af lasi wetit. Tht opartmeer, vacaet aI 1he rime, e as renied le Mr. aid Mn., Michael Denîre.' Il brohe ourlen a hadroom ehere flie mesi dama ge reselleti, and fjrrfighters laier seporîrd il appeers a Eaulry tîrcîrical cord mas t6e cause cf the blae. Fire Chief A. E. Clrmeni sard tie lied, fleur aid maIl of tre hadroo ere hadly hemeti halose the lire ceelt ieh ceetarrd. Srrbe and warer damage aire reporred lrrougli lhe aparimen, aninethe loeer fleurrrocepedby Mr. anrdMrs, Hardy. Seih famrlrrs hati The lrre mas Oirsi noiced hy Emereon Docos of Robert Si., eho mac driig pasi on MillISî. aid sac emîrbe pooring out fic epîrar e-rndoe. He ilerieth le Eirr brigade front lie (ronte of a nerglihor Mrs. R. L. MeIJuEfe. tlien 6ie anti aeorîer nerghhor Maurrce Pîoolr grabloti a gardien Ire anti siarrd pooriegewaier ian upsîrliri cîndîow Wiineses raid teliese mas sufell of rmoîke ir as impossible r entr., anti hîrelglîreri riai iii don machs iii smoke-rlediapariten IJOHNSONI S DOCTOR 0F OPTOMETRYI MeLTON ANDACTONI Otcatta.p fet Datait. Eye Specialisis t. Oculile-an esc deeler orophihameiogiei, eeoaily confinee Praoriie le medicel anti curgical iroarmeot et e5r cronditions, eisioest m.g, tYe mscie exercises aid prescription nf glasice. Sonneteye dociors il-oepe. cle inear, nose and 2. Opiiiori,. i a r medilîr griaduiat of ,I.-l« Inge of opinmer liconsoti te test insin, Prescrrhr aid fit glasses andltreaiepical aid tyr ntuscle defecis mithoat drugs or sargeey. An opiien is a eblilled loch- ician e-ho grfnds leoses to prescription aed flts te glasses. Ht des nt test vision aitesais lsa aisea Speicher sait! il mas coenttse investigote an accident mlticb bîd ocesered up te 150 nmits amay front tht delochiselt. Ht aise meesioeed tht eîly commntuications shey hod Ite mos thetîelepbeee. His hobbies include gardeeing, tropicol fish aid eearly any acrisîty te the onîdoors, ioctudieg hockey. His ]bot pestieg, et Graid Bond resori ehee 6e mas le c haige of tht suaimer delocherent, lasied frot May 15 tloSept. 2dlaiead his 24men loobeil afler tht enormous job of croed and traffre conrol. Sgi. Speicher isin charge of 30 men or the Milton deiacbmnt. the ilasar cf St. Danld'a, th 1111. D. R. Nichlsons. A wan wmalos la axtendad t avacrycca tc attend Ai Ounas Sccetaay cf Th Preibytatiait Chach in Caiadl Dr. Ichason* ba hacomas scidat katomas aa s histaiai wcc itateana, Cipaeuily foc le ticalcai affarti le hcleg relif ast tc affect a rccifiatianin th irajie Nigaria/Siafra ainitict. Samin Moalmatl, hos gradîatcd fcem MeGil University mlth tht goird mcda in mithermatics aid-physica. Ht teck lea sheolgy ai Princeton Thoelogicit Stminiey aid wen on tc poat-gradiato studios ia Uc ývCoScge, Edinhach aid the Uslvrsty of StlI, .rach , Ontai... in 1935 h mas appoiiicd by the geoccal Board of Misions te oereas service in Maichoria mîtes 6e sered oosiî 1941 mhee hce mas forced te milhdram by the Iapaicse aggttisiec, Fer tht eonoing Sie yeais 6ie served tht chîrch le Caiada as Sectasy fai Nassagaweya Council Briefs Ai lasi Taisday's meeting of Nassagameya Tewnship Ceuncl, menthars: a Viemcd plais of a peopesed trailer parfit mhich had haci peoposed ont eek cailice hy Mes. Eilet Chaplin of Poet Crtdit. Mns. Chaplin lid ce defielie plais as tht lautcouect metingt aid ont asked tri retuto mith a proper oulline. Afcer viembo tht plais, coincil decided te furiher eniem tht structure of traîler camps. * Gave final appeoval te the hirieg of thetlomeship's coeauieg engeet. Anthony Dias of Bramepton. Me. Diai, eho is haing hired on ai heaeiy baits hy tht township, has doe mork Phon RETV ' 8864 SInt LrgEN 4aiCE TRUAT &UC ..O R S nTORE Mapît tea0 GOLREN GRDE BTTER ..........1c lb. Allan GRAPEFRUIT JUICE .....48-oz. tin 29c Libby Brand 140e. tisra Savetflte FANCY QUALITY PEAS ý ----- --2 for 39c Tender Ptîmp CHICKEN LEGS or BREASTS ......._55c lb. MAPLE LEAF WIENERS ...........55C IL Maple Lcat BEEF & PORK SAUSAGE -----2 lbs. for $1.00 Cent. Packera Devon Brandl Rladtaia SLICED SIDE BACON -------------83c lb. 878-3272 lSer Milton THEATR . m. WED. - THURS. - FR5. - SA?. SEPT. 10.- Il - 12 . 13 WHERE EAGLES DARE (Aduit - Color) RICH-ARD BURTON CLINT EASTWOOD DOG NOUSE (Cartoon) MATINEE - SEPT. 13 ZEBRA IN THE KITCHEN (Color) SUN. - MON..- TUES. - WED. SE"T. 14.- 15 - 16 - 17 GREEN SLIME (Color) ROBERT HORTON DRACULA MAS RISEN FROM GRAVE CHRISTOPER LEE (Colon) lAdulri MATINEE - SEPT. 20 WALT DISNEY PROGRAM 0F SHORT SUBJECTS (Colot) TI-URSDAY (7 DAYSI SEPT. t8 - 24 BULLITT (Aduit) (Color) STEVE McQUEEN LIGHTHOUSE MOUSE (Cartoon) THUIS. - PE..- SAT. SE"T. 25 - 26.- 27 RING 0F BRIGHT WAT!R (Color) WILLIAM TRAVERS VIEGINIA McKENNA LIFE WITN TOM (Cartoon) fer Albionosaif Toronte Gore tomnships aid Dufferie, Weeimeeth, Waterlon and Pterth ceanties. Ne bas aise doe n ie tachier mork for the township. SIitracitd tht teendilpis huilding inspector te issue a builing permnit le Mt. Welles eho lices aotIhe coreer of Guelph Liec aid flic Third Siderond. Me. Welles soughl Council's permeission sine tihe coestruction ef the peoposed addition te bis ho moîld coniravne Nastagaee yac, nee zonieg hy-law. 0 y a t t 1947-nl954 hdecti mas OFMmaa Secetary cf tht Studcnt Voliote Momict for Christiai Misslis, based in New Terk Clipy. In 1954 hae mas called te les Preseest Position le whiclt hc bas erersigrs ef oic cliareha everseis missiani leesct. Ht bas haci actiee in Wortd Coancil '0f Chitches esmntlttees aid is a een observmr cf martd affaes. Dr. aid Mci. Johnson have thbse daoghters aidaite son. Mes. Johason bas teuealltd midely acesmpaimg lier hîshaid on maiy ef bils jeirneyt as Ovetatas Stctetary in tht Carihhai South Anascles Afries, Japai aid Pormosa. JaLftCIITIO O.D OPTOMETRIST BURLINOTON MALL TEWMONE 632.7788 Gulliver brings a f ree America to Burlingfon No kidding! To mark thc openircg ot ooe ultra-modern new ibewconms as 2300 Farvrent Street as Drufy Goîhooer Meon is ceivn yo a chance te win a olcamnc e Austin Amoerica. The oriar laits oîly attil Scptcmber 30,19iii, sc docit dlay. Jais tilt in he coupon below andl brna it aloni wheo voit cornte toto.e aIl thc giai imitori tOit Oalped os iront tort bigleor Hamiltoncalooa. At lait noa'lhaire-a.r.Aodi antnre toc impeescil cars., OUEEi ELiZABEtO WAY GULLIVER MOTORS 2300 Fairviont Street. Burîrîgron. (632.5371) FIRST PAIZE Aui rne,i cr Dram Septrnbor 30,1969 SECOND PRIZE Free dcncrs ar Jorn iarrow's "Huedî ORsauranr. Tocenter.îousrbrnrethris enry feint withrou to Guller Merers Lrd.. ierhrtngoe. NAM E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ADDEcc . . ..u.e. . . .. .. . . . REV E. H. JOHNSON