-I Owners support water lin. to serve possible industry Proety oOltft on n St. east of Nipissing Rd Tb- tnmn proposet installation of e 12 inch lOnt gentrally support installation of e nem mater uine on a local e.l lg Proet oesmat i hrn oa impoveen:bainMihonCouncil mas edviaid Mocday. improverrent rates on onîy a six loch tint. Tise possibiBity of providing tht mutcr service 10, tise eThird Lint mes dsscustd by Milton Council lest metk in an Confirmation mas racanned ho Tha Champion froa dia singla effort to, serve a possible icdustry eyeicg propry attse onistanding applicant Tusday moroing indi atingtihai fir Itnas alan Third Lie and Main St. errea. appipina for municipal raatar. Counicillors conctuded the oniy way the cervce couid be extcnded mouid be on a local improvement banis, where property omners bear most of the cost. Wjtlh aIl property oranors makling application for the inatallation, tl la non axpactei an Ontario Municipal Board haring would ha requirad on the local imps'ooemant inatallation. MILTON'S NEW TENNIS COURTS ln Rotary Park ara complotat and-ln opeation ai taat. Milton Tannis Clob was for many varn; locutad on Main St. nearBronta St., but tha proparty oras nuld 10 Milton Commninty Cradît Union lant pour for thoir nem offie building. Tha tennis club uaad tha tnna fora the sain cf thn lond nu buld iV.tara ew Urts in Rotary Park. In ha takan ail summan nu gai the groond prearad end stuphultad. iatait fencing andi iloodlight, araci tha nats anti paint tha fine. Nom tIfy're rad for action andi tannin balli ara bounding thera ainnot daily. Two youths a picturad playing on tha riar ourts.-tStaff Photo) ï2he Eut VOL. 110 -No. 19 Sarvng theaComnioytforl109Yan iubïiuEîapo MILTON, ONTARIO, WPINfSDAY, SOPTflMBfl 10, 1969 Secnd Clos, Mcii Regtciraian Soolnt -0913 Tmenty Tom Pages -Ffeen Cents 1,59-home proposed At Tuasday ennofs mseeting of Nassaganrapa coneicil, a hy-Iaw mus pasanti ich paicti tbe may for a 159-home subdinision 10 o b ut near tha village cf Moffal. The dtnnlcpment, culltd Moffat Estases, miii be balt ut W tht cree cf tht Pirsi Lice and 15 Sidarcoti. Tbe hases miii be pniced betmaao $25.000 anti $28,000 wilh constructiocn expacteti ta, begic on the first 50 homes by crut spricf if final apprnali s given hy tbe Ontario Municipal Beard. TOMATO SEASON HAS ARRIV proeral "heicahesa athIb Walkar in nerti Butfingen. toe Ratai e pick-poar-emn puteh et 20,000 insida.-(Staff Photel, subdivision scheme for Moffat area Canudien Mitchtll Atoociotta ostanding accomptistimnt 10 of Bransoleoa isdcinf the dote ting tht engintering work tnginerng mark for dht prcjtct donc in esablisbing tht sattlfite and îbry toptot tht woîk ta bt city cf Btaniotru. dont in tino or thîree phases with Renliients cf the neai upproximaîety 50 houset bting nuhdivision art topetinid In hoitt tht fonst ytur. carat froint the Guelph, Final cosîn cf tht woae Hamilton, Borlington und Metro aubdivision bave nol been inttîd Toronto oteas if final uppronol la but on officiai of Conadien gictn 10 tht prcjcî. Mitchell suld servions and rcadt att txpacttd In n aro ocd IL.. $230,000. vvifiia sees Canadien Mitchell Asacciatts a huas dont other motkin tht flood p roie. housng iel wit thir ost Halton M.P. Rud Wbiîing met -- ilh tomal officiais l'siday moonin Milton 10 rtnînm tht townas long-standing battît witb tht CNR ci drainage problaini creaad hy tht CNR hy-paas tine that borders Milto on to sidts. Wbtn tht meeting tcdtd tht to;naofficiais lochM.Whtn on 10cor cf tht mailmoy embankent alof tht west nidt o on opointou hr runoif fo tht bock ns crroîîng locding conditions doricg roint. Mr. Whiting bas protnistd 10 take tht tttr cp with tht ftdterat mininttr cf transport, alto tht mininter cf tntrgy and Town coccillors tract htld stotrat metings with CNR represeototinen on ui prohiin, mîthoot incch noccron. Would protes t OHSIP premiums Mont inforcation on Octurio's OHSIP conta orîl ke socght by Milton Couccil after Cooccillor Colin Sinillit ohîtcttd 10 tht ditparity in canIn between On tarjo and ottîtr provncces foi tht sercice. Ht ohitrord ihat Manitoba ocd Alherta coald chIait tint service cheapertlin Ontario and suggested a prattît lit lodged mitb the province. Cooccillat Bob Mecatg suggested o cttd for noint acîcol figores htfotr cocoicil moot on recordîincspportoropposition to tlit service. Coocllor P. Bort maintaîned tht ccc service oui cheaper bhan tht forintr PSt sernice for ether thon a single l3eputy-Rrcvr R. Harrit 'ED andi they'ra teint liho tht nuggrnîrd thr Manitoba Saies 'a Lina furm ef George Readhad Tati mon nontn pet crnt and il f Oukoilla filin up a harager in a inus possitl fods frornt tI tomuto plants. More pîcruren weetbtiogcnetlredce tînt cont of mtdicaro preinmi. HALTON EAST MEMBER Jint Snow, warng ufternoon. H's pictteti tiinq cul a hait chieken shorts and a lonu wahite apton, pitcbrd in 10 bnlp 10 Mr W. McIrnea. Oahonille About 600 attandtd ainh oct tht batbeoned chichan an the Haiton tht gel barbher-a pueiy scial avent lot mambars Protremive Consernatiot Association's lamnly wnth no orgern ied prooram anda n batbecue parno lneld an liornby Park Saturday sonachas. (Staff Photo) Test new weII this week Expect two million Final tesico of Mîlloo's cro oeil aI Kelin engm carrird cut ibis week and cil indications are tha il miii lie a good oct. "Il lochs lîke oe'il hie getîcg or to million galions a day freint tht cem oeil," accerding ta Mayor Brion Best. Tin tiown had ropecîrd aI least 1,000,000 eallonsi daily, and op Inn ce million, front lie towiii fourtu oeil and ne fan il leoks capable onf prindacinfi tht 2,000,000 a day, flic Maor nand. Internatlional Waîer SoppIy liai heen deinfi lie oeil moek. Test holes indicated aitîe joia feo yards îeolln of lhe tw' prirci No. 3 viil ai t<elin ouid yield thît required waîen, and nlney drnlicd doon dloieto 200 fret. Bot tint drîlieri foucd îîii and liad In monethme dril ig a fto yards cortli-east of tht No, 3 oeil pomphoune. Tht second oeIl paîd off. This meeh tint film i lenting tht aquîfer. They laianîfoemed coocl rhey miii definîreiy hoe fmîîshed ail tets hy Sept. 30. Meciminîle R. V. Andrn and Asiocialen liant been instrucred te prepant engineering dramîngi lort he e pu mphcont tuaI miii he required Tlie oeil and pumplie are expecîie oceît a lintie onen $100,000. Tht feonrt mcii wiii git Ilie tona capacnry of 5,500,000 gallons pet day. Tht firit 10e mciii on Walkct'i Lice in ot Burlîn gîoc cao predoce 1,500,000 a day and a totl of gallons 3,000,000 pet day i expecîrd freint tht tino oner onul ai Keina. Maor Bent nafs tht denelopinenl of the crin oeil polis the 12 inch mattîmnr ftoin Keino le Milton ut capaciry.* Ht saggenîn this. poicn cp tht faiiacy ef a 1964 coucicil drisnon te inîlali a 12 inch main, ralier than an 18innch main. Ht treuills arguiag fer the 18 in main an thetrime but eppontents innîsted ona 122inch main hecause il mouid nana $44.000. Tht 12 icl main oaa inintalird, ai a cis of $109,000. "Il wiii cont a loîl mort thon that 10 puar ant 12 nnch main itire today," conciudtd tht Mayor. "il loir goes te proce thit c the municipal field, you can'tilookfa eeognforward." Announce list of courses in expanded night classes Cart to hindih up oc nt hiegh gtcri iottrest corses-plus schonil atademic suhjtctn, team both htgintr's and ictermediatt t0 typt ot takt nhorthand, tcbr coursts n cEcgliah for New up auto ineciacicn, team Canadians. drraonulong, gel starttd on conversatiocal Frtnch or tain mort about flomer atracging? wm wwwwwwu m Haiton Coucty Board cf fiducalîo's 1969-70 stries cf Tr.ho, tvncing classes wiii toc froint Tru page Ocloher 10 Match ibis ytat, and o haif page advtrtisemnaiîsidt tcday's Chainpion gpots ail the TOMATOES ale in seaaoo and delails on tht grtatiy rnpandrd ehicgt ate bany or ont district acrais. Tht Board in sponsoingi fari adcernîîing "pich yoar cilasste uat Milton ccd olon "tmtie. Sefarm pageag Gecrgetown high schocin for tht rtsidrctn cf North Haloc Ibis ELSPWHFRE in chic isse: minttr, onith W. M. Tom cf Spoîrts nerro.......4,5 Milton arnd A. M. Bonîrr of Champion classileds . . 8, 9 10 Georgetown cn charge. Saftiy Conter.......Il Tht adnrisemrnî contaîi ail Edilonias, cOlarnt.... BI nctsary information inclcdicg Landosari lecelled... B2 registration dates, ftts, and a liii Sommer Wrdding .... B3 of courses.Thetclasasshavethttc Wmns'newt .... B4 enpandrd 10 include neyerai Animorrdfilnu.......B ccadtmic sobjecn front Grades 9 Ouir rtadtr te ....ai . B88 t1o 13 pion commercial, ftchoicai, home rcocoîîîcs and --------- IIow old are they? Rocks full of fossils Ara thara anprock hound" inch thick loyer ofstina, onth in the Milton district, tntataniad ait aida of the rocho titilla. in lonking tbtongh a pila of "It looka an if dia rarrtanl tussiiaad rocks that mura throngh hara ne enda thana uncocnrad tant mmek nar ceter onera ranbd ocr tha Caraphailtilia' rocks," Ma. Roberson aipaina, Gaorge Roberison, Kilktide, Ha lookasi throngh co of kms mua bluntint onup rth of cblidranna ncycopdia books Cuaphailcille, rahen hae but couidn't finti aayihiag discmaered a 25 foot long ridta taaambiog skis typa of foui in of raf t atone thickip imbaddoed i. witIl foaailizad ceaturea front The ptoparty ns locuteti juan anothar uga. ait ofthdi Gualph Lina. lasa He found norprints of imo dira hait a mita nrth of oarge ciara-like ahaila, plan H ighmay 401. Sevarol nampan of millions oa long, siandor dieliati the fonaila ara on diapiup thia a nimais imbasdaed in the rock. ranh in The Champion off ice A couple of fieras aean lied a raîrdoa. Aepona midi an honoycomk offert. intamest in googy la onicoma te Tht rocks mena founti laus conta in and examntie tham-Mr. thon 10 foat kalora the nsrtace Robearison raonld lika te, fiad of the grond. Most oa tha ont bora many million pona oli fousla vint in un eiht nu 10 tha rock mghikae Keep Halton one unit reeves to, tell McKeough Hutton rapresectotîmas miii asc tisa Minuster cf Manicipal Affairs ta leane Haiton os a regionat gonemeit unit midhiven mîremai divisions, ohen lhey ineet himon Thursday. A meetncg ofl tint Peel-Haitn Inctenrmuoicîpai Commitire, nîudyiog regiocai gocemment for t acta, wiil alto hier tht masuta cf a ficanciol study indicaIting possible rffacts on tht tan rates. Thic study, ordeaiti hy tise Minioter sinon dia tesi meeting Match 21, raill onsador tisma pauMitiau. The dhia possibla ragicoul arrangemeon cenaiderd in tisa study are: Peai-Halion aiparateiy incioding Orangeville, Peel and Haiton together but eocicdîng Burtioglon and Orangecilie; Peel and Haacn cn a single region înciudicg Barlîngton and Oraogevilie. "Thisnisnot te, ayîliat acyof direai lternatives miii he impitnainind. Thry cme sîmpiy haief used as 'a huais for tht atudy se iluairata t fitiatciat canraquences thon itouid ha eoP acte d fromt différent dafinitioos of tht regian", tht Minstir wrtoe. Tisa resaits cf dia sudy are ta ha prasantad te dia Iiermunicipal Cemmittea on Thorîday morcîng ut 9.30 u.m. iToronto. Haiton membern on tht comittet inciade file rterces of rucli monnîcîpality. Tht comi ci e ls week te deinimine lhe posnitin i innuid take mi (inn Ministm lion tre ous inc allempt ne derice the houndueri of tht line aras praposid mithin tht deîired Haiton regian. Tht fini. logions roted ara Burlington. Ociccilta, an aniargeti Milton, Georgelorao'Esqutaing andi Acton-NussaowfYa. Discuuaicg dt propcsed eeiting wai Milton Coocil, Rfave A. Ledraidi undanlinati tint difficuity in reucling acf agreemeton itra hoondaren. Mayor B. Brîl ioggestrd tlhe riolts ef fle fielet Commissien anod flic prepeiiii ain tily .iiiecn Botinniginn ulil lie neqinied hlrienanyntlea rgrinn.nnuidlie made on Hillon hoondanen. Reene Ledwilli ugrerd lie moulsi have a copy cf t Milton hritf on regmonai govemîssali miss hlm ut the meeting. MilIon bail prcpoaid is local unit includa corili Burlingîce, mlîich mas cngicaliy irft cul hy tht Mininter in lus tenttive proposais for refianal ganemmant. Final obstacles overcome zoning by-law is passed Wîîb final ehjectiens cltartd thîeparking ofbouseraniers on op durnng rtctct meetings, teidtnialotifor moîretbuc72 Milîton Ceucl gave iti final boots. Ht mitbdreo lun prorasi appnîcai le tin towmci nto ohe a puragrupb mas deliîd, oonng ly-la, i a pecl a oi ng traies Io leparked in napperînc mingf Tlioinday. a tear yard for ircgthy perîods Tht hy-lno and tht nec of nîmr ansd lic frent yard' officiai plan finr lic lion wili ie htccoponcy lionîrd le 72 houni. finîmardrd îe lie Ontaeno Membr agrcrd le drop the Muncipal tBnard lor .ipîeia rive.ace i on "hpiece'* liahmnnmnhay becono lawe A iiininin.ml pnnpontisfacnnngîthe hnainnng 1eipniiei.nnanCnii main nnnnnnneienianceltith uigad lia OtB dailoiih nii Inon, mmnlen tint planning itemsian lhic e tm ime hocaose consulatpointrdotthii ares rhey are claoly annocialrd milli reqoîres a minimum cf 10,000 oct onoîbr square fout buildings. They bati Lattt ohjectlions deuil mîth feard 'a nocies cf smait bouta" paring tradetrs on rrsîdecîîal on nii prima industriel bond, but praperien, and minimum fiva the majcriry agreed tht 10,000 atre prapertirs for industriel foot minimum building sie mas bonds froeting on Highmayn 25 udaquata protection. and 401 anti tht Base Uinr Rd. Tht antint hy-ium witt ha Coacitlon Colin Smithie liad pubbdied in Tht Champion latte objectti stispolations iiticg sida monîh, ROCKS PULL 0F FOSSILS, grobublp dattng bock te Canada s ice at, turnati up ibis raaek rabot County ef Hulte construction crants blustati uaup a rockp ritiga sanding in dia map of the tara Pive Sidaroati diveraien corth ef Caraphailoila. Gorge Rabertson la picturati mith a rock baing tha imprassion et a featillet honapcontb, anti basida hlm in a latta rock ancruatat iath raornt'iika creaturas,-Siuff Phote)