-t' ~ r CHAMPION CIIÂSSIFIED ADS BRING QUICK RUSULTS murra aa aaet 9 i pari St., MAfton. are pifaed la Bantne lise lins 'l har dasagloer. Angela Lida, uaeiglst a 88-s.. 9 aos., ai iltlon Distict Hospital on Septessier 1, 1969. HENRIMESN - Mr. and des. Diek ienibse ofa 211 0On1- arios St., Apt 307, Milton, are pieased ta anssoscece ie Iirst of their son, Max, welglsi 7 Ias.. 15 oas.. at Miltonstriet Mos- pitl an Auguai 27. 1969. COMINS MARRIAGES JOHI95STON - A(rNEW - Mr. and Mes. Douglas M. Agnese of Cbmçdteilville are tieased to anssuoce the foethcomtisg marriags Of their dasoghttr. Yv- onne Elizabeth, t0 Pie. Robsert Thomas Johmsioss. son Oi Mr. .nd mes. Thomas Leiih John- ston &9 Sîreelsvilie. The wed- ding te toke plane on Sabi- day, Sepleosher 20, 1969, ai tise protestant Cisapel, C1FJB. Bse- den, Ont. pAR87OEM - SMPM' - Mr. and Mrs. Nortman Smith, RR. 3. Catspbellvilie, are pleased ta announce rthe forthomifl marriage of their daaghter, Peggy Anne, lu Mr. Wmn. (Bill; Pechem, son 69 Mr. and Odes. Rd Pariltee, R.E. 2, Campleil- ville. Wedding t0 taire Place at 4 p.m., Saturday, Septetaier 20, 19, at Kiltrida Uinited Chmrcts. DEATHS ATKIwsS, Georgitta Gertrude - ,As Milton District HOospitl On Thursday, August 21, 1969, Geot' gifla G2ertrude Lougiteeli, ielOv- ed wite of the laie Leonard R. Atkins, in ber 87th year. donc mother of Beulai (Mes. Fred Kenny) tif R.R. 6, Milton, Villa (hies. Wes Reid) 4f R. R. 11, Clarksboeg and HOarold a( Claresholse, Alterta; al-o sai vined by Il grandalddn ansd fine gseat granddtiidren. .Fooeral seevice mas sei ins St. Pools Presisyteetali Charci. Clarkseurg. Itlonnent Union cemeteel', Thoenisuey, Ot. BUS3ELL, Edna Jetne - On Sunday, August 31, 1969, at Gsuelpht (nneral Hompitl, Edsa jane Poster, baiaued mvie of Guy W. Bossait of Gonrgetown; dons mottter of Lare Imes. Ciaytos RilisI 69 Clinton, Glea- na (Mes. Paal Smith) or Peter- b<tomgl and Leone (fois. Har- ru Kennedy) of Welland; aiso mervived hy owo brotsees, &Oa sistees and seven graedisildres. Rested at the Harold C. Mc- Clure Funeral Homne. George- towan. Services hcld Wednes- day, Septen4her 3 at 1.30 p.m.. Interment ai St. Stephenus ce- esetery, Horrity. Contràbutiots ta the charitY of youchice soilI be appreciated in lieu 4f f tome rs. D)URANT, -Brenda - By dromn- ing on Mssday, Atagusi 25, 1969, Brendu Dorant, iiliamns- barg, Ontý, age 14, daughiter of Wilfred and Bessie Durant' and twin sioter of Beveriy; and granddoughter 4f -Me. and Mes. Edward Sns. 4f Milton, Ont. IN MEMORIAMS MOL>.UO5LIN - in loviog memor of adear mother and grandtnuther, Annie Mc- Laoghlis. who passed -aay SeptenOher 4, 1967. She loft us quietly. Her thoughîs sobsoosw, Bot lft us a memsory, We are prtd ta Scow. So treasure bler, Lord. In your gardesaofrest, For whes on earth, She scas one of lte test. Lauingly rememhered by the MdLauuhlin Family. dOt-I336 SMITH - I laingmemorY Of a dear mother and grandrus- Iher. Lillian Smith, who passed awray Septeesher 2, 1969. Su many thtngs have happesed. Since you crere called amay, Sa manv things lu share wiîl' yon, Had l'oc heen lait to stal'. Euerv day in saime sesall way, Memoroes of yoS comate a a Though absent. yon arceve Stili missed, loued, ulwuys dear. Always remestubered. Nss- mon, Charlotte. grasddhildreo Peggy, Brian, Dasol' and Linda. CARDS 0F THANKS i wonld lk In thanli My irieods and neighboru fur al the iselp ehey gane MYywtfeaod 1 duriog My confinement ia hou. pitli aiso for flosceru, fruil bankets aed nisit% i rncied. It mas geeatiy appreciatel. e1043i9 George Prior. peupla arm dffgme iar ioss- M' àmofl pour reabIle ,%*detiumts Phtone COMINO MARRMAGES I wossid tuba ta th"a amp iendo aed nelgiboes for carlia aed visils wiie i wau a pt lent ln Milton bisteici Hopi tal. Spaciai tisanko ta Or. Sy- ers, Dr. M4fCutciseon, narses and staff. ci-8 Cecil Carton. 90e wuad lika ta expressoaur tisanks ta ail of aur iriendsand relatives for the iaveiy ilote- ees and coron sent darlstg our recnt isereavement tond a spec- iaI thsanko ta thse norsea and staff and doctoes ai miltan Hiospital for tiai kindos. oe1383 Tise Wingrave Pamiip. I waald ite ta tisankfiriends and neighisors for their carlis and actsofa kindnesn at tisa time ai tise pasaing ai mp mac tiser, the tata Mes. Atitins. Aiso opecial thansn ta Dr. Aiken- head, Dr. Hunier, nurses anli staffa ofise Milton District Htos. pital. Me. amd Mes. Fred Keony. 600I-1386 ANNIVERSARIES Sarahs and Rois Heatheesg- ton are holding Open Hoase ta tiseir friends andl neigbbors, Ns. O Sideroad. Borlingtsn. Septem- ber 17. 1969, 2 ta 5 p.m. and 7 ta 9 p.m., on the accasion of fiseir 5066 Wedding Assivees- ary. rI0-14$6 Mn. andi Mes. Stuart A. Winch ofi 923 Bridier St.. Port Elgin. Ont.. wi11 bse At Home to their iriendu on tise occasion of tiseir Golden Wedding Anniversaey un Wednesday. Septenoter 10, frosm 1-5 and 7-9 p.m. Guits grate9uily declined. r184269 Me. and Mes. Robtert El1h51 of Camptelluille are holding Open 'House to tiseir iriends, neigisbosand relatives, Satan- day, Sepiemiser 6t60. from 2 to 5 and 7.30 ta 9.30 p.m.. on thse occasion 4f eheir 40th unedding anniveesary. Gifts gratefaliy de- clined. b16.13119 COMINC EVENTS Bingo games eveey Monday ai 8 pr.. Holy Ronary Parisis Hall, Milton. Cci395-.f Ettenexer 147th Asniverery Services, Septenottr 7. 1969, 111.30 and 7.30. Speciai speaker. Rau. GJordon Turner ai Actan. b1011909 Chirisen 'Barbecue coming son to St. Dovid's Pres6yter- ian Cissrcis, Campltelîvilie. Watoh int menis for turiher particulars. 603.148 Attention Rangers, Guidon and Bromnies. Registration ýNigrht, Legion Hall, Septemnber 10 and 17 between 3.6.30 p.m. Fee 53. Nem menbers uoelcome. C19-1280 Milton and District Cancer Society toill resume their reg- otar monthly meetins, Tues- day, Septemtter 9 at 9.00 p.m., cýncIclassroom, Milton Hou. pitl Everysse scelcome. cl0.1343 Western Horse Sisow, Sept. 7. Come and match tise fus. Trail rides and pony rides fols.w- isg fise ahow. Location quarter mile mient ai Hoesisy on 6th Line South. tIormtation, cal Jonc Second 8708,23. 01741379 The Milton Arts and Crafis Society isslds ils annoul exhib- ition of ýpuintiergs sn lte Cen- teonial Park, Milton, on the 131h 4f September. Amateur artists are snvitrd to contnihule and sisould contact ose 4f the fol- Icoisg Society messbr ta bn istucrrnd oI the conditionss of enry, Mr%. fluor Hadîcy 878- 9208 or Mn,. Carolyn Goodaîl 878-6613. .19-1142 Tbe opes:sc mclinc.dAibc Milton and DistritI tJnccr.ity Women's Clubuilî bc heîd Thur- uday. Seplemiber Il. aiî 9.30 pre aut Ie home ut Mo,. F. D. Thompson, 382 Maplew-ood Cres.. Milton. This will ,,ke the formof a Cheese and Wisc Par' Iv and ucill scelcome prospect. ive new sm mbers whom itIn hoped unill taise ibis au as sn- vitation t0 be prenent. e0-1331 1969-70 Traufi and Aduentore Senis, Ontario Srbool forlte Deaat Main Aoditoriuma. Tues. Oc, 7-Denoîs Couprr lonside Pasuage and the Aîrotian Is- landu". Tues. Hou 4-Robent Broouwer "Scenir Amnerica". Tua- e J an. 6-Romain Withelessen acanTrails'. Tues. Pcb. 3 RpialGreen munids SOb- eria". Tuses. Mar. 3-Walter S. ûtlion "A Taste 09 tsraei'. Tu- eu. Apr. 7-Bil1 Kennedy "Nova BStEia. Fachb performance &M8 pin. Admision 58.50. sualests Vie. Stuîuen tilesai (6 adliIs Bpe.sstrrtt hv tise Rtary Chah id Miltosn Eih prmiecdo% for community projeats. C2296 5VIENICLES FOR SALE j VEHICLES FOR SALE OK FOR AN. OKUSED CAR THE CHOICE IS VOURS AT Jack Richardson CHEV - OLDS Limited ~i FORNSALE i«RAR-OLD bens. 87&M9.8 1effl,407 goy OUT uniforn. siza 14.,874-9643. s18-1326 265i CU. IN4. tngine. Can be ee unning. 'Pison 878-3X43. loe-344 COITAISE lots. Blackuonter Lobe, iPoney Sound distict. Cuil 870-2974. iroi-8.1390 ATTACHE ruse, oliva, $12; fus fur caat, $15; biaeik cocktail dreits and cool. 14, 120. 870-2739. tcIS-1389 ADDING MACHINES, typa. seeltees foe sole or rental, Phoane 878-6962, Harris Statian- ery. lo69-417 WRECKING a 359 Buicis. Gond motor, rebuilt transmis- sion, custome radio. Phsone 87&- 9922. lci0-134O PERSONSILIZED stationeiry, 100 shoets plus enuelopes. as lom as 13.40 as tise Champion office. lc487-ti YOU WILL LIE isoyiag yoae buoilding matariais and =0a aI Ceamfoed's Compsellville. Ouisk service. Higis quality. Phone Camphallvilie 8342232. lctf.416 1953 PIGE-UP Wth 368 cu.in erigine, ruany entras, automnat- ic, 4new tires, $200or best co- fer; alsu r6hoilt 1960 Pontiac motorand transmission 150 r isesl ofler. Caîl aller 6 p.m., 878- 3287. Irl0-1S9i TOP SOIL 8yd. 'Load 122.00) Ceused Sse, Fi and Sand, and Water Ifaulage ELVIN COWAN Phono: 878-4898 1 C21 irrigation Systemn 40 bp. Wisconsin engine mith Monarnis pamp, 200 gaI. Per minute, 1,130 fi.- of 3 inch alominum pipe. M004cocell couplings, 16 noezles. Cali 634-4918 tii TIP-IN-TIRE SALES LIMITED BASE LINE - MtILTON UNIROYAL Tires ond Batteries cnein and oea thse new UNIROYAL MASTER The tire for tire mortiers USED PASSENGIE ali FARU TIES USED TRUCK TIRES,- an AIl Bines 878-3131 ANYTIME If busy CALi 076-2367 24 Hour Service lotI TV TOWER SALE 30' <user instalied witis ail cisan- ne] bead $58.30. 401' lîxcar inntailed WlilsaUna- ne bcd 172.50. 50' t,5cr inutalied sct aIl chan- orî hsad 587.50. Entra hcadu <for second TV ,et). intalîrd $200. F.M. sîcro, hcad. Installed 120.00. 15 olemtecol cdr <cd, Inutoied 16495. Auoaasa<c ro1cr Intalled 869.95. Repaies of &Rl type. RICHARDSON'S Radio & TV 291 'Main Stree Bas MlLTONf Phone 878-949 -I * HULPWANT~ CLASSIFII -050 NSSI . Mo nonAJ Fait Us , a=5si. - cosanen 5<50100. CAane or T unAOXO IS, f ilaI nc i1 an mI.. so i. si.- DEADLINE US 12 6 The Casadien Champion., 1 FOR SALE POL08ARA 880 2-door bard- top. p.s., p.., auto.. radio, big tires, detagger, 18,000 miles, 15 ino. marasî laIt. Art Hig- gins, 332 Oak. Milton. l819 LARGE glossp prints af Cana- dian Champian staff pisotos, BnM 7 aire $1.00, 8 n 10 sine 11.30 plus tan. Cash must accompanp or- don. Enquire nome aI Chsampion office, 191 Main Bt., Milto.. MAPS of Miltun sos.ng lise sein bosindaries wisuit oef- fect Jasuary I. Single mopies, 24c and Ic tan ai The Ch6ampion office, 191 Mois St., Milton. USED Furoltore of ail binois, clients, dressers, dining sets. Good nelection 4f stoves. e friîerotors and somier mati- ers. Ns. andi used iseda. Johnson Furvitore eh Applianca Exchange. show Roses, 160 Main St. Phono 870-3761. Longe Warehousestlobk 2278 Nipissing Rd. Open evary niglut ontil 9. 101-880 CAMP TRAILERS Brand nom. Pront $369. RassI- aIls atuangeli. FOR SALE OR SENT Book early at Richardson's Radio and T.V. Phono 878-6949 "GET A LOAD 0F 'THIS" " READYMIX CESIOCgÉTP " SEWER PIPE. ETC. for Milton costosasers. 00e have a marehoune ai 3.547 25 Hmy. aI Buralsamtisorpe Roadt PHONE 827-1087 Daily -ex. Sundoy MICHAEL'S BUILDING MATERIALS LTD. KELLY SPRINGFIELD - TIRES - UP TO 50% OFF ON BRAND NEW STOCK TIRES EXAMPLE: 845 x 15" $1 2.95 Similar big saoings os aIl oîber scin Tractor. TracE and Car Tires. MILTON TIRE 191 MILL ST. 878-2711 b-h 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE TABLE cors. Sue Picisaît, 878-9843. 2c17-132 NEW HONEY I lb. container . .......... .40 2 lb. contai=n . .73 4 tb. containr 1.35 8 lb container ..2.30 Comh Hooey .Eoch .73 Bols Honey Lb. .30 Creasied Honru: 2 lb., 4 lis., 8 lb. ROCEHAVEN APIARI ES i25 Sdcn<:.: >if 25 Hcy. Caii 1153A3266 Customn Combining GRAIN and CORN - also - Phougising, CuItiaiing andi Diocing Bullduziop. Droginiai CODECONSTRUCTION PHN 53.1383 - -tf 'I »Q RATES - s- B. se pe1C-d aaana. 101<5<1 - 81.10 to 00.5 fas lsà- VÉÂTZ - $50 P.,~ 00b00 00.. NOON TCUSDAY Wlednesday, Septamber 3, 1969 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE SWEET corn for sale. 275 Commoercial Si.. phuone 878-3108. 2c18-1336 90E ARE ow open for the sao.Apples, ail varielies. as season progresses. 5 mâles north ,of Milton. Bro4Bar Farms (fornserly Glenspey Fruit Market). Open 7 days a weerk ..t- 6 p.m. 2013044e 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE 32 9-WEEK-OLD pigo. Phone 854-9925. 3c18-l342 PUPPIES for sale. Reasoot- able. Plhsse 878-9626. 3e18-1339 taULK shavisgs, blosan in, ba- lsavoulable. Bolton 857-2336. 3e182-l TWO saddle horses, one i 15-3, ose 14-3. Oakville 827-3109. 4.1,LARDOR pappies, or hred, black, molles and fessaes. Phtone 876-3436. 3c17.4370 EREG. quarter horse mare and filly; 2 Shetland marc parties; .Billy Cooki saddle, heidle; pooy caddIe. Phone 878-3796. 3o1&.32 4 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE *Used Farm Equipment -Gobti commercial heasy doly forage harnester aciith 2- owcorn head and hoy pick-up altociment. --Internationall1 andl2rno PTO forage harvesner. -Used Ge8tl auger blower, Kools asd !Istersational blow- - Newa Dion forage Isarvest- ers andhlooers. - Used faise front (orage hooes. - Used self - propelled M asoey combhine and PTO coin- bises. - Used 45 asd 46 Internat- ioal balers. - Used Newu Holland haler. - Used F Cc6h, F100, W04, H. W6, Saper C, Super MID, 350 diesel, F006 diesel. Pool', Ford 5000, Fords asd Fergosos, 01- coer 66, Coclishoît and loader, Massey Super 90. YOUNG pS Farm Equipment OLAPPISON CORNERS Phono Watordown 689-6668 7 WANTED BASKETS, 4 and 6 quart. 874.9408. 7cl8-1408 GOOD homes -for kiltens, 7 wcees aId. 854-9970. 7c18-1325 A GOOD home for 8 week - cld puppies. 8783749. 7cg-1396 CHICKEN house, appel x 10. 87&-3875. 718.1397 GOOD ud -bhy carniage. Reasosable. 034-560. 7CI8-1402 SET ot osed golf clubs for voaso boy. Reasosable price. Phase 87&M652. 7c18.1452 FRIVATE mor tgage r eqired Bo .07, Mltos, ' Ont 7cr-324' Holton County Museum 1. Are yoa lnierested in Ia ong ahout Museums? 2. Are you inieriesied 10 Craits? 3, Are yoa interesied ins fiosa- ers, floral arrasgisg, he9a gar- dening? f the asEer In pen t0 any one, ehen coliu ,. Museum Dir- ecior ai 834-9061 for fariher information &b-oui she peopos- ai ta formia Museum Aooiary. 7b10 s HELP WANTED WOMEFI, bar maitress and diniop raom waitrexs, suer 21. Mohawki Inn, Campiselluille. Please cail the manager 654- 2277. 8olS.1409 3 SALEEMEN needed for sur nom office in MIton. Espar- ience as assai boit sot noces- sary. Contact Mn. Neal for in- terviewo lu discoss commission andibonsu arrangements. 6Ê7- 95fl, N. J. Longe, Realton. 860877-tf SALES HELP FOR GOOD HOUSEKEEPING PRODUCTS Sahexines and Salesmomes ocedcd (or 'Milon and Oubvilie arcas -axsll husehid prad- ads ta picats and cmec ]ai customers. Attractive como- missions for aggressive indiuid- INTERVIEWS AT Canada Manpower Centre 130 George Street OekviIIe, Onterio 10 asn., 4th Septeobar 1969. 801$s WINNER OF OUR $100 BOND DRAW Mns. E. B. RIDDELL. 219 Martin St. Milton JACK RICHARDSON CHEV - OLDS LTD. open til 9 p.m - Monliay tiseosagi Peliy Salurliay 3 pan. 6791 Bigiauay 25. Motai souBh 878-2393 - 878-3812 1968 Pontiac .2 Door Formerly on Ontario Provincial Poli ce car, ibiu automobile la eqauppd witb a V-8 engins, aotomnatir transmissian andi heaoy duty equipment. Tiss toell maintained careitespe- cially prlced on a fiesi came tasis. Lic. 152279. $1.493. 1965 Oldîmobile Dynomic 88 2-Door Hordtop Fininhed in Mise Bine, matcis- iop itterior, eqoippeli mitis V,8 engine, aatomaic trans- mission, pomer braites. Lic. K18893. 1965 Pontioc Lourention 4 Door Finisised in Honduras Maroon. matrbing interior, V-O engfine, automatir, radia. Lie. K17600. 1969 Chovrolet Caprice 2 Door Hordtop Front Green, daeb green inter- ion and top, V,@ engine, hyd- ramatie trants.. pomer utear- irsg, pomer 8-robtes, ninyl top, radio and sterea ttpa, polt, whitewalI tires, miseel dises. Lic. K22244. 1966 Pontiac Parisienne 2 Door Hordtop Finighed in Tahitian Turquoise xoitb matduing interier. equip- ped mith V,3 oigine. automat- itrasmiissison, pomver stear- ieg, ps.er brabrs and radia. Lic. 113270. 1967 Ford Foirlone 4 Door Fininsed in Rinber Radli.etis malchiag interior anliequip- .ped minis an econamical 6 cyl. engine, standard trans- mission and cuastomu radio. Lic. K(20747. 1969 Cornera 2 Door Hordtop RaIiy Green, black and wisite interior, bliack top, culais intersor. pomerisol 350 V-8 an- gine, 4-speed trants.. lounke seats, centre console, vinyl top, positroctian, pomer israk- ns, bunsper guards, wide ou- ai sobitemali tires. magl. style mheel disos. radis and sterno tape pais. Lic. K16703. 1965 Dodge Poair 4 Door F:iihed in Gamnetl Bine mith mateising interior, eqoippli ith 6 cpi. engine, autosmatic trannsission, radio. Lic. l0e6 233. 1966 Chev. Blscayne 4 Door Finished sn Cames Beige seitu csairastiop red Ineo, e<uipped mils 6 cyi. agine and automatir transmission. Lic. 42358. 1965 CheveIle Convertible Finisbed in Enaisar Red milà mairising inienior and black top equippeli mus 6 ociI. an- gine, aotomtnalc transmission, radio. Lic. K021638. 1964 Ford Custam 2 Door Finishe i n Enlier Redi mitit matchitsi isterior equippeli milh V-O erigine, automatie transmission, powcer stearing, radio and fender ukiets. Lic. K-17M0. 1965 Chov. Bel Air 4 Door Finsoed in Honduras Maroan with matching interior. equlç- pedl minis VaS engine autonaI- Ie rasmission, poseer steer- top, power brakes andi radio. Lic. tn9693. 1964 Ford Galaxie S Convertible Flnislhed in Eruber Red mith maiehing interiar and whbite top. equipped mibis V-8 an- gise. aotamatic transmissian, pomer staeering, power brait- os, radio. Lic. 707698. 1965 Metor Montcalm 4 Door Hardtop Finisbed in Trepic Turquoise mith matchiag inleehor. equip- ped mith V-O engine, automat- ltransmission, pomver stear- ing. pomer broas, radio. Lic. 145M9. 1969 Plymouth 2 Door Foreterly an Ontario Provincial Police cr. Eaquipped mith V. 8 copine. autsmatic trans- misonad beauy duty equipmest. This mel main- tained cor is specially priced on a firsl rume bonis. $1.695. 05*Wb dn Ca =-t-SiiI pionne colt tse managesr 34 2277. Se141 WANTED BY MILTON CURLING CLUB CARETAKER and ICE MAN To nset on ar about Septettber 24, 1969. REM.Y TO: Post Off ice Box 25 Miltone Ont. Office HeIp Wanted MALE OR POàMM REperlenceli peeson requireli for general office routine. olt- les inalade payrolt, aanas.oia payable andi receivabte fostir4, typting. Contact MRL J. bumI.IR Phoenix Mfg. Co. Milton, Ontario 878-2818 al 2 APPRENTICES WANTED One Pointer and One Bodymen Gusd mages and ail esspiaye Itenito. Bill'$ Auto Body Shop MILTON, Ont. Telephone 870-2M2 Evenings 070-308 0&19 Maple Lodge Farms LIM11StD NORVAL 6th Lise west of Brompton 16 mile Northi si Steeles Ave. Resjoire: A Trock Driver (miaimum sane 23 yearsl for a Thmre Ton Von Top Salary, 516 dop meek Y6e Pôbt06 EnsPlsyment Detiveriog Egg and Dressed Pouiiry Appiy in Peesan gels ASSEMBLER Knowledge of Electrical OR Refrigoration Preforred Shippor Holpor Paintor Holper Shoot Motal Mon Dota Procossing Clerk E. W. BLISS CO. (Canada) Ltd. 348 Guelph Street Georgetown 877-9611 a610 9 EMPLOYMENT WANTED WiLL lonis alter dsiidren In my o100 -home. 878-3817. 9cr-11328 RBLIABLE wanmun wiii baby sit pre-schonl childeen begin- sisî Septeniber. 878-2463. 91-13M4 RELIABLE person milI keep pre-schonl childeen dorn6 day. Noreth 4f Camp6helluille, 20 Sida. road. 854.2663. 9b-101396 11 LOST OR STRAYED 1 BLUE f lowered bikini, at rtday ntght taplasit Party. Phones 878.663. 11c][8-13,34 12 FOUNO BLACK Labtrador Retriever, mole, as coliar. Phone 834.9963. 1,2e10-5333 13 FOR RENT ROOM and hboard available Phone 8784539. 13600.1349 i.- BEDROOM self-contasned aparîment. 878-970. 136l060 PU9JNISHMS rmo for gentleman. 247 Eisowood Cres, 87&.'M2. 1301&-1412 SPACtOUS t - bedronea ap- artmentin laor3 Burlinulon. Phono 87841819. 136064341 200 ACRES, amatis of Britan- nia, 4th Uine, Odovile. pisn Taronto 221-5M3. 13o194l17 DUMP tracE, ý1952 Ford. Phone 854-2500. 5c18-1451 For Your Next Car ... TET BUCK HAMILTON AT BELL BROS. 878-388 8 HELP WANTED FURNISHED ruses for gentle- mas. $10 socck. 8704692. 13c10-1346 WAITRESS wasted, full lime. Must be over 21. Apphy Milton Ion. 8o10-i4OS AMBITIOtIS, maie, haull lime cier ,oanted. Apply Canadias Tirs. li610.1327 SERVICE STATION ATTENDANTS EVENINGS &5 WEE.MCS2 Borne lubrication asperteaca essential. ApapIy; MAC oOUINTER HALTON TRUCK SALES (.197) Linltad Hmy. 25 Narth, Mlion PHtONE 6483121 soeif 8 KwwjuffED