Velaria met.h uk and cm furt -I OLD TYME THRESHENG mas denionsirasci at the meteeci remaniai, aid there mer. maoy williog huocis wheC the caîl ment oui for mioe ta pitch sheaies loto the eparator. lE beaught bock a lot of nosmalgie for matty aid thresherreo ta tai tht machicies worbiog mpmi. DOG-POWERED CEEUEN owned by Fred Rucicisl, Ashgrove, mai ai interetiCg teature of tht Steare-Era. Fred haldu hlm dlog Rea mhich loves toperfar mcithe ttadle Thiseahb it i prz tou the restent Caledaci a teuein THAT'S SOME TRACTOR. Raymocid Noxel of such rough diape mhtC he purchaoci itoayear ago. Ridgeway littrally brought 1his aetique 1918 e restare i t ta libe-rew condition anci tohibitei Moline Unicermel tractar home in bamkets, it wam i il ut tht Strere-Era. %.Ranuge DooomoUlle scueaui tb selve north area better THE VOUNGER SET gois a big baog out of Stoare Ero and Cecirir and Ross Cloche tE Milton are gooci txamples af how tht younputers love tht ara of staern aad aniques. Thoy are tors ot club dicector Bob Clarke, Miltoo, aid lote ta drive htm 1929 25940 h.p. Ruorely. Slurtirg Ibis week lice Oulcoille Public Librury's hookttobile reilI aperait on a revcueci uchedule for a trial peelaci of four monlbs. A fewmstopsmprevieusly seced have beet omirceci aoci aew oeu have beea acicid, in un effort lo bricg tibruey service ta mare people an tht outtyatf dcstrictm wbo ut premoot are heiog ciaieci il. Tht service %ll opercîr ciaily, Moaciay tbrougb Friciay, on a weekly basis, ancd boucs of aperatioo us eacb stop wcll h. front 1.30 la 5.30 andc 6.30 to 8.30. Chilirto rell be able ta gel their botoks afler scbool or durcaf the eveabigs ocstaîtc of buviaf classes dimeapteci, aci familles miEl ho able la tube ucivuotage af tbe eveoing boues ta g fa l.g tagribet. Fat stme lime tbere bus bora A CORN SHELLER awred by Rass Calder, Preston, was apecatiag Et the stearn show. 'tourgserm proudly tohibioci how il shelleci tht korotîs tramt tht cobs as tbey crarbeci merrily away or the verdît. "KING" AND "BILL", William Rayne' sfine pai of c aught hormes, pull Mr. Raynor and a bevyofyoun girls oin olashiorecicostumes A COFFEE GRINOER, cir 1 897, wasciisplayeciatlthe "Country at the SteamEra. They're riding inaantioque thee-seate democrat Store" at SteamEa by owner Elaine Schultz of Gaît anci her buggy, nom o .1900. daughter La cia FLOIER M-0 SHOP 878-2981. WEDDING DESEGNS ANNIVERSAREES HOSPITAL GEFTS FUNERAL TRIBUTES wmith -CURLS- i r tol stuc 978-2601. FABIAN FURNITURE HMS TUE LOWEST PRmCES They Muufodu C. EAN E RS & SE4ERT LAUNDERERS Alterations & Repairs tac tr- pick-ce ad deiloge phone: 978-2972 FATOUTINCOMFORT ie the PI EASANTATMfOSPHERE Of CARAVAN RESALIAT / j(f~1cAiCtditirod JUNE DRAPERY ojeacîcing EASY CARE DRESS FA BRICS * ALL EN THE LATEST COLOURS AND DESIGNS TO PLEASE YOU e STOP EN SOON 878-2513 CHILDREN'S GI1PTO Il eO DRU PRCSEVRDB LET US FILL YOLIR NEXT PRESCRIPTION-OUR PRECES ARE REGHT! III ELLYPARAC 212 AIN T. 78-492 MLTO I one ý * ~ Get la vtep with tbe parade of happy andi satisfsed custoiners whbuve discoverei tbe cave, coveoience anci pleasure of shopping rigbt bere an Milton Plaza... .where savings and service lead the way. OPEN EVERY DAY 9 are, ta b p.m. - THEJRS. & FR1. to 9 pr. OACI TO SOHOLi JUST A PIIONE CWL WILL GET YOU ACTION FRMsToPPs CLEANERS FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY 879-2972 EVEEEYDAY LOW R ICESc SAV-IERE LIMETED DESCOUNT PATENT MEDICINES, HEALTH AND BEAUTY AIDS. POIIOCK MHE SANDALS 3.71 & 4.11 MILTONS FAMELY SH0E CENTRE. RELAX 7((j Les ra 12h tb.uit WA5IIERS Toba. tht Waek A LAIIIDER EASE AutomaEsu Lauor pt WE CUT YOURI HAIR THE WAV LKE ET A ME SMfE BAUER M~ SAVE WAY FAMELV CLOTHENG BACK-TO-SCHDOL CLOTHES ARREVING DAELY SHOF EARLV FOR BEST SELECTION * 89 CRS. 6ALLINOER 878-2883 MOTORS LOBLAWS 50 VEARS Of OUALITV MERCHANDISE SINCERE SERVECE AND DEDICATION TO COSMR SATISFACTION MITO P A - A 1-j BIG GAS ENGJNE la this 12 horsepoer Monaroh, disptaoci bp John Smith cf Orllla ut the Steais-nIs 1140w. Et mas pasechaseci by hle Wancfather John Studimnan, Branchton. ln 1917 and was cocenly M restoteci to exhibit et the reunion. ~adotaiadac 5.mst.mfs. ~ 1080 %lw it used, to be )dcwn at the farm ., M 1 ý5M0KE & GIFT M