Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Sep 1969, p. 14

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*lte Canadien Champion, W.dtuadey, Sepnentb.t 3. 1969 ; Tte monks of maanty conanciltati have cbagd more thin yeii titu inancy Srniaut yeai I cmn recait. Deputy Renvo voytBatke ditd ticty ta tht yeit and Reeve W. M. Hcey died wtthin recent weots. At te tanst meeting of thi contty onancit a durid chtange vaes ivideat teien Buitingtan's replacement dtpony ceeve teadettd bit ceinion. Bert Rient badl tion etectad in tht aotth of Suttingfo a mi coaaiciltat and toit the fate Mns. Sacitet ptace as depeiy ceeve. Tht pretsres and frutrtatins of municipal petiticn are non atwayn at evident rote tht auttide at they are fart e ite uirce bat tey do faite a toit, piiiicuaacy in tht individuat wbo ns aito stnving ta utintain bit oma husiness. it coettiia ta iteep i mind an ftea occaninn, anc ten pan are next inctined ta thoot that paucie payiag pour taxei n d tèent tomifhtng donc ahout a peeticotat mette, (titi ceanciar atseopays bin taxet); and titi othîr ts thit fait svhen t etection yean in a namitit of muaicipaltiet, inctsdiag Mitton, ced you cao have pour bling at hirgaon the intidi. * When t svanhed tht yaung people mhoîantîcîd the twni-a-thoa af tht ntmmunitp poot, complting rte tapi thaf added up ta mieits, t gat that freit encouragement that ta many youag people tee wifthng ta participatn ta a moctittet effoct. Tteîntp nmimmeen, teiti the suppoct ofnsponnorn, rard unt St1,00 foc rte St. John Ambiutance Brigade thoti matkit apprciated an ce teaap locat evntn. Tht Dn you kaow a paning marn mio ts tooiig foc o jobt Lit hiterositdu before hi guet foc thitrienw: Dean Kid: Today ynu atited ut foc a tnit. Fromt tht mook of youî nhnuldîrn as you taeatd out, f sospect yoo'vi her tumîd dama hifore, ced mayiti pnu bittia iy note that itidn ont of igin mitant cpi lind matit. Bot, f itired a teenager todap. Yoo tam fit. Ht mas titi ont nait tht potinitîd aitues and a aîrit-tnr. Witat mon ce operiat abtout Itim? Not eopeaci; nînitîtr ofpyou had cep. If mon i attitude thon pot bite un titi payratt insnîod of pou. Attitode non. ATTITUDE. Hi mceted titat jobt iadty enoug te r u tci tht teaftînr jaritt, gît a hiarroot, ced lookit tet phone btooi ter fnnd ont mt tin cotepcp teakîn. Hi did itis ietitn te piens me. Thons mitent hi idgtd yoa oat. You ici, Kid, penpte mitn hi peipte mrent terit'" a lt of thingn. Wî bom tente aitout Brrr thon aitout Riago, ced we h ave sorte Stoor-Age idean abotno mto omis nahoc a lirvteg. Mapite tit a eî on preitrC, hon titînen notiio ng nait tht chequenw mi aga. and if yoo mant one pou'd boittertun on oui mati tiagth. Eoit itear of Oepathy'? nts tht terik of meng rte otie fîttonan aidi of tirgn. t cooldo't have rard tint tit punie beitotd ru yoot car payntîonn. That'n poor peoittît... What f nîîdîd mon nomecone mito'd go out ta titi ptant, iteep hos eyîs open, andmworit fotute ita hî'dmwoti for hrmnitf. If pou have even titi nagout idia of mitot Ian trng to sap, lit in nitow tite ont trute pou anit foc a jobt. YoutIl hi head a-rd thoondern oser tht test. Look Kid: Vit ontp nrme toits grena on nree mas mwhite tonst of the nranpooen mas mtaring G.Ls and pottiro K.P. For A tht tîst of hrstonp pIo'i id tur gît a jobtirite yos gin a girlt. "Cote" thre situation, mie a clito shrnt, ted tnp tuoappearteasonahiy nartrnrg. baviag daae uoting fot atiteeT thraugit sactifice and petsoaa effort mnd frmttiy I don't thiak thore la uny tmtaan for tife mare worth taring. * We let go of tht tammot ced tht relaxation it ns tuppoaid ta reprsent, with may mingtvingt don't mie? f knaw I cei thmnit huit on sea ontoiects thit isa ntaldn't find accommodatiaain theanemo metitendi aithaugit il tetutd qoite fiasibte they caatd hi warited in befote rte srtntrer gai uaderwîy. Untfottuaattty rte bast my teifi prepared as macht targe bat equatty inntntpltend. -The fait bings teithiti a witoto aew round of activitien. Shteridan Collage hît a breochure out an its niaht courses, tht local aight schaat actinitiet at Milton Disttrict Higit Scitut mili îs epmded ibis yea, tht Rotary Clubt it mancing a rie netiet in their Travail and Advettae films, ced ait titi oaiiationt teitt hi rgaouping. ia' a baty tinte and if ihere are net esidelits in tht cnmmunity tiace tant tpcing teio ire toaking fat thtii nichei n tocat actîvitiet I hope titey fnnd it. * Tht Recreatror Comnittet ecennty prîpard an updattd tint of toal ocgaicetiant teit theii contact. Tittîti a ntpy te met office if yaa're wondeiing nahîthîr a certain type of giaap oitn. Givi un a calt and perhipn tee cia pat yoa in touc i eth tht iid of action in tehicit Suctiter was, and se do.. the sky. Not downrliht lire. Tftey asmly dt, and se dol1. How and wity do ale wua? ditort andcollerte "ew". dpodis on lie aummoer watt.. witb "on. and thitol policy end poitits. Howene, jres W digaity, an s botie custom. Thre sity waas free country, andl1 gisai thoy're fine ta lis., THE THRILL DF STEAM enrompasî mien a igiorigin rumbles y. ThisSawytr utny people, of many agea. Vounastaîn, Masv mas ane af 34 sieate orngines on ottinrers, and ait thaoa in botweeti suffot a display an rthe 1969 vertion of toacit of tanitement, pritie, or nostalgie bteam-Era.-(biaff Pito) tehlrato of youu iI t patiipt Down [s] in this Corner witIn roy dowas ~~e~ ,hepfÔb/t Mayhe john aien't an ptîalifot cigit nom, hon a lut of on con rettembit mtea maste croaftnutn malitod the stmitn. By cotpatinon poo dor't bnot tht meaing of"n*caco". You may nut ititient il, bat ail arooad poo emptopîns aie looiig foc yoong mon tuait enaugit ta go aftec a jobin l titi old-fatbionid naay. Wfn they finid one, rtey rantit te unload sat of titeir teottiesn abi. For hutit oot sine, gin eagei, wilt yeto? In pcetp ot of fanitrua? bot itooit dealers tlùni nu. Altioag noue modem bards mitit o pepular heat, hiti Rad McKoîn, havi booit and îrord satesin atiti mittions, mont atm booksn of petc, mmpy pohtinited an titi authoc'n espînat, go qorrkty nu titi cimaindit tablti. Bot mond feote Nia Yont City indicatin thita puemns may hi te popntae titan evrdiared an te hooittuc. Mare thon a mitlion peopti havi rînpondrd tn titi tîtepit ni roarpanyPt innitation nu Dnat-A-Pcem (628.0400) ta te fient bi monthi of titi atm nrisons operatin. Att of tituni rutd't havi huan titi mrong ntmei. If poocio non natinfied teit titi neten of Dtat-a-Potm tnp tii ove. Col-i trten ntme atteont 3,000 an Nia Yont Citp. Bînidîn tieti ime ad meatîer chiots, recordîd suroît offret itd-manrbiag reportn, train tritidolin. storck pres, musnicat prtrhîs (for bonen instruments), poletnrounn, aderri on enrqoente, prapens, farrytati rrctati, assistncer on ceont mord puzzten. and titi iatestrinformatin ovacancereearch. And if aoy of te reports mate pou verrous, yoo cao that N-E-R-V-O-G-b and tranr rthe reonnorrag orre of the one and îtvly riginaltrme-cnickitrl. PEEKING INTO MILTON'S PAST i THE JOHN ROPER HOUSE uteti ta look nom Adams Furntturo and Funk's lae Iguet this bock in the 1930'&. Con you figure office mim dla for the attonor. ouit eore it wu? Hmn a look at wftat la With titi btack-io-ncitool ceovent ai lthe elnentary and ngrondary tîvîl accomplinheil and ai titi contntniiy col loge aad uaivicnity unitl sooa ta, crta, perhaps mi ian express our roncera aom tit studîntn not hi diverti ta titi ntai action of mitict ta, munt ta narittin tihite dayn. Geaetatty poung people are an asiate aad perceptive group. They aria t givin t la h connîd iat nontethiog jont hecaune il mn acceptablte or traditional. liai of equal importance, mi hope they maa t bi canaed bno sontimngjasi itîcoone eiag radical or chaliagiag in titi "in" thing. Parran are gobog titroagit coafasng tintes iao. Afier ail, 50 ntanp maujor articles and televinion "tan-dipt" pragratan havi heittid ihern for their itoadiquacies thon ihey tao, ntay hi developing an boferiocity roceptex. Titîy've hein tnîijictid ta hcain-mathing atour bote they taust allaa tante frîndont ta yaung peonple. They've itîîn tid ihire's a gînecatian gop aad thon itey jant doa't uadicntand ttc ltit i miicit thîy unve. buddîalp thîrî's a drnag proitten nahîre once it mus jusi smtoking; thîre are meoral problerris mitere once it mas mitîther ta, date or non la, date. Titi availahiity of automoitiles has increatîd fan hiyond tht îarbîcr nintle car family situation. None mould denp tit tinis affluait agi in mach differini front titi dîprînnion or mac pcars n emiicit todop'n pariats min mainag. But freidont hasn ot yen citanged to p e rtatii inn divorce frot retponnihiliisr. Pariats of mitatevîr agi, have front thi expîriîace, nufficient to prove tia. Young people front titoir inixperiaci must nt leara ilto mnature. Unforinnately titi camepus moits, mt oaly mnoriiy support, con deniray n01 oaly bitldings and iquipteent but titi atmonpitiri for lcacning ced lthe rigit toar for itaadridt of uainvolvîd ntadenin. . ht mili almnyt hi imnportant, mn any gîaerntioa, t o intaýitisi objectives aad portai titîn diligîntlp. No nttiir hom ohnesnivily mi moy hope, titi dcîamed of Unopian eitence miii non crta in titis agi. Civilization tan yen a long mny na, go before any naît remord mitI hi oa the horizon. Wî tapi yoong people naill hi ablte toauppreciati titi coafusion tht 'exst in a na parionts' mndn. ln lcansloiing dusres into objectives thîy havi only thîir onan ixperteaci on micit ta hutid. They only kon froin tlhir life titi aîîd for objectives and for titi disciplinen mnci t nreagihian titi miii ta miii titane objectives. They kantw thal shallona objectives bîgît shaltote effort aad ihîp kaom tit feedont mihutn nînponsiiiity dois fl t l file civilizaiion. 7ine-bn~',e4 pI'iftcîp/e4 its giuiiag ta te came oi a complimntal al titi lti ta hi raid tit me are trying ta, 'tan tact titi dlock" atmn mi stand up foc a sotid, rime itanorîd priacipli. Some hark-trarkiae nnould hi good fanaus ail. Befart jumpping la conclusions il mauld hi miii ta linat hona Gcaadpa proailp moald havi reaclîd ta suggestions thon hi gine ap ittessins titi thesi: Respect for lthe flig, tam rîplaced hy lthe tind of arts and ultenances thal ment once poorithen as tnoasvr. bafîty an lthe Sinues, 50 fac gant tit tain uap scon orn tiîmnelvet ta go ta citant, lite titi Piigrim Poters. Discipline in titi nutoals and ordir on the catapuses. Modenty in eniertainnient ntead ai te Iemdnens and fit, ta miticit me are nom subjicted. inspiration in literature, ntead oi citasisementn for aur "mass guilt .1 Couriesy ta salîsmnship lthe indifferînt, snippy attitude of today's ntare dlents "is titceareaiing ta heconte titi significat faitut oi Amejican îaterprisi," accordiag la Jack I. Strauss, R. H. Mary and Ca. Prideint crafismiaashiP, nom givîn may ta rthe ntîdiacrity, fiaticiteddiag anti fieegauging prenaIent ta se manp tradin. Titi cigit ta mort, naiicit in deaied in manp places to aIl but union ceenters. 'Me rigit to npînd one's eanninns, tnstead ai biing forced ta tuo r an tverage 35%4 ta tus coiiictots. Ail it ait, Grandpu ntap hure pcifinred it lite i mas. Andi if lthe prescrit social atbintns get mach marte, ta uap me. It's tte ta revive tantie aId nirapits, ta reitcovir thei narttes ai ttest mort, lthnifi, renpect for authorlty aend personal and camtaanity retponnibilities. If titn coquines inrtatag tact titi clark, thoen Iei's niait tarntng. -Citian Science Moitlor. Saon people grote benevolent end kindly as tboy pet oldar. 1 juat golt more violnt.1obelle1tuen ouf to h. an Angny Otd Ma. And 1 itaow t tettI, if 1i Jusut hbang on tong eoogh ta Jet old. Its aa woridro tam iayoao, ovoa a gatio, sweet cbip tiko myseif, a bit alle. Don't thinit tit rau jusf ptting crotchety. lvo beot cratcttety for Yeats. You boit people goûag saoad ait ovor Canada sayiag, "My, isn'i tit Saaitoy crotiboty?" And othens raplylag, "Yea, ctotcboty ts the wotd. If titeo'sa word for Miad yoo, I tove rthe wartd itoaad tn, and ap ta haif a doton people, and1ltaagb tike a montal caso ai smo of tbo tiigs I set. But there is a titait ta theo amouat af girbige t cati stiad h.iag tbrawa in my face day after day an tbit ytae 1969 AD. That makes ut jaîr lite tbe Prime Miaister. Far intaite. Wo have we macb surplus wboat tbat vie bave a natinail bernie, ttiag ta lifti t frant heme ta thote. Paliticies ga whtite tryiag ta figute aat tebat ta do witb it. Wity daa't mie give tl away? I don't uian tht fermer. I mcmn Cmnada. Pay tht goiag tate ta titi fauter and gte it imay ta people wboaire statving. Up go tire tuxet. Sa wbîi? Thoy go up unyay. Fot inace. Oui oducatianat tyatemi citera ta titi mediacit, ta matai-ptaductiaa af tht utediocie, juin tike big induaiiy. Tht intellectuel elite uaaog ont idu art staed ta deatit, that it, itattd ta dtath, and tht kids teio are hitaw average are twtpt aadeî tht raig. Thisns ut mchciaat are full of fat, Jazy kidt teho are thete mtly hiciate thty dan't munt ta face tht meai, cotd wortd. Id turf out aa hia or hec tait, an 16, tveiy kid mita mati atetetird. Anrd lId [et bite huit ta, with geattoat hetp, miter ie hecrne iateceted. For intance. Daily atewspapors tie daily. 20 years ago Tibia bote tht issot af Tht Canadien Champion, Septemhier t, 1949. A capacity cromd jautid Milton Arisa Sîtuîdîy nigt fot lte cnctudirg performance pretnnftd hp pupils aftendiag tht Milton Seuere Skating Schaof. Duig Satuîday and Surdap manp of lte studenin mati givia îtîeiî tanna mn ait. Mmny Mütaniens meit tainy na ate thene young actaIss teave. The mati e anocdeety and retpecnîd gcoup af pouag Canadien urticean, mati thougitt of hy titane mito rami in contact teit themt. Tmo canes of patiompyeitiî htave been reparttd ta Haita Counfp Heatht Gain duin lthe fournt matit of Augosl, a 19.month.otd girl ced a 12'yiai-otd girl, bt n Oakvitte. A tlof ai5l canes have hein îtporcd i Haiton this niai. Woît n No. 25 bigittap oa tht neyan mile nnietcit under construionp tit session is ualing good penniens. Wbiti tan in good condition for tranel, il it pamsble and getting ra taenr condition tnterp day. The sectin frota Spepstdr oa No. lb bideîoad is atmont cantplted. The niete junt hitona bpepnrde han hein iupcovid. Cottin titrugi bitls mnd itimiafin of bad cornet tas ttft an unohstcttd niete. Mari îood Jerseys tefi Halon Cocenp for U.S.A. lesn meut nahen R. B. Kentfrbot Birminghaom, Alabamao, puicbasid bromt A. J. Muray and non fi af nheir fine tmmpyeoi-oid heifers. fi semis tend ta reahze thal HaIfan'n Cunp Pair ai Milton miii hi un in ltret matits ced ait indications ari that the f949 cvient mi irlipti ils 96 piidecesnais. There wiii hi ptîany of artivitien and, of course, rthe Roinson iohy Showt mi nelect tht boîest of tht itahp boys ced girls of Milton mnd districn for a ig tnst af pîrien. 50 years ago Taiten brot titi isue of The Canadien Chitonu, bîptîmner 4, 1919. Lotmiiitme onked ifttîeertnan natives of Haltn îsttit ivinginnthercountp ted more titar 8g pers rtf agi. Wî art rnfarmnd thon Miss Retercai lianîdu mita bivîn an Butligtnanmd mas hem an Nelson mili hi go ptain ai agi if site inta tnt il nent Januacy. Duritg hie long tife site bas rngid tii residrace mtly once baun the faten ta the bouse in teiici sha naw lires. On Taesday evening tht tome countil passed the intimats aid foned tis a x sre i 36 utibi. Lt« peir it mia 35 tiills. lt Manday tigit, s baegty thiaf or lieve n teiît tihe inbon of tihe Hotul McGibhon theaugit a wtadow and cared off s tast of piek, &ase pudding mnd cake. Na cite. tremendons farce foi spradlag poarce -md love ia. tine wottd. Wbatit hdones la spread jus, on cake, mnd violence on igonae. With a foie notable exceptions, If serves lis pattons girboge in a fmncy tetîppot. fIs ontartalimoknt do. nat entndia. it news easa ont tho sonaioiti or tire sflly. lia coammerciale are imeed it a woeld af matant., Do yaa resffy belle", for eeample, tit a certain brmnd of bute la oang Caada fiatons titougitont th. teoridî De thif ymu carn git clothen demie la cofd tester thain laobt? De tit you-l amoer mate it if-yoat aripits seit? And fat ail ohms ohaaity tht thuile big U.S. mietitrsafit y oie splt onur two billion dollfr iral profits. The CDC, w"tci givea ai tht man. refise, geîotally, cire, np teith iii urial delicit. Thtis shows ti saperiarif y of Canadimn talevlsioa. Someoan. Pot insanuce. Thore are two lites. Ono for the icit and one for thetrest of us. And aiy liwyot mnd uny palicestmn linceuls It. If poa'ce a dumt itid feo Netefie, or ai Indien teit got dianit, ymu cmn rot la jii for a mioath or itea bofore yoae caoe is evea itoîrd. if yon're a miiddlt.class doctot or husinemsnun, mdr yon bave the atoaey aid tht tignt comnecioni, yansro home fies mnd tvttynthing la busited op. Pot instcece. Povet. Twentp million people living i one of tht iigpst conf ita in tht warld, teit eaiomoous atureal retauccea. And millians living in aatdid, tepatid poety. Par intacece. Thte Citurcit. Agoin teit a fesv noabtîe exceptions, it donts not face tife. If tetingt ift binds, ai teathes thoera, Pilata-fathiaa. You doa't sot miny preicteca citcgiag inia a ftince Compmny aid biundisbiag a teiip theat dayn, do yon? For instance. Tit columo ts about gathige. And f jan 1ieemmitred this it gaibagi day and lf forgot ta put mine out. Tht officees and umrbecs of Hornhy LO.L, N.. 165, teith ta thiait tht Ilomby aid Omagi frienda mita ta geattaanly cnttdhated ta tht Tent Blue and Orcege Orpitinage fund. Tht aum of $2005 han hein îaased by the totige for the aiphinage faad. Miliae public mnd bign nuhoata opeid Tutsday under thei atm ptinipals. Bath mode a gond aint. Titite ee 23 boy pnapmla if tht bit sicitoal, a large Jacmit ontit liaugres, tht Intendance of baya itaving folle off duriag titi mast. 100 years ago Tioia bont tht issue of Tht Canadien Champion, Sopteuhet 3, 1869. Mteaya taosea the chteckt-rein baftre giviag i boiese mati. Enet if the pail ta botd, ta ig thaf tht rein manti drame right, tht position isneta a naturel one la micit ta drink. Tht hitd htaifd aitttiff of Huron ban stized a lady'a fire taeth. Wby thauld mon weat bourda? Dtcauas thîy ate a gneat ptotection ta thethoim and lung and add orth ta their Porermai appearanie. Thatsday mas a gala day la Kilhtide an tht nra a iti haut pic-nuc, taated focteird ta ongingly by tht pleasute laviag people of ftat it, caet off thenand titere. Tht afhmt mes, ani Initiual wioh att cetebtatiant mnd feivt occasions la Icilhtidr, in entiy tente of ohe mord,a sucuets, ced tifituts gret cdii on the tcanaging commtee and thon mita patiuipanedl. A machine, manufacturtinl Briapton and ated by William Hardy of Chatchvlln, recenily ohieabod SOt bhsiti of miteai in nix botas. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION P.bW..d We sfui 94ains. 0w. mmmuea CO. ave. 191 M-, S-9r tEtot ah.-8tt234 so. 0z, '. a Pt aia.. meia.aseaalroorî 'l le . ie..l. atee o i', di --i m u. su" r young people leamed

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