UtHITNS COMIN MARRIAGES BU Mr. and Mrs. Man R0t4UOTl ot - 0115014 (Pp)Sl(uDennisont, Msre and SMr. Prendis E. Coot- -01 hesodDr., 0660. are son, 'RA. 3. Cacophotivitle. are pleasesi to annouaice the birth pteased ta annoonce Ose forth- 0fl their daugister. Anceta coming marriageo0f their Lyco, igUot 6 lits., 214 oas., at yoangmst daugtoter, Tert-y An. Milton Distrct Hospital on Aug- to Mr. Douglas Roy Rosobot- ust 24, 1969. tom, con of Mr. aid Mrs. Rit' liam Rmo4sottom. ESt. 1, Mit- Md£"Ai - Mr. and Mr. Jerry ton. WOosding to taise place ion tatLtan (mse Sarient) 60 Milt Sepiteinir 27, 1969. Lonvie ton are pteased ta annoonce United Ohorch. at 4 o'ctocb. the birth of tteir daoghter. Laora Jaie. weight O Fos., t oz., StoLKR DREDE - Mr. and1 aI Millau District Hospital on Mos. Robert E. Dredge 0f R. Autoot 19, 1969. A sister for ýR 3, Milton, are pteased to Karhy. announco the fortiscoming mat- riooe of their daathter. Dora MORBAU - Mr. and Mus. Ro- Iront. to Mr. Douglas John bort Moreao (nee Corgot of tOather, ton of Mr. and Mrs. 20 Hostop Rd.. Milton, are Hectoor Walker, tOatherton. Ont. pteased to an once the birth Wedding wiIt take place at 60 thoir son, Foot Robett Boston Proshytoriai Charch. tvight 6lias.,9 ors., aiMilton August 3, 1969, at5cock. District Hospital on Aogoot 20, '1969.ANNIVERSARIES NICHOLSON - Jion and Set-- ty toto, Rommery) arc pieos' Mr. and Mrs. Robhort Ettiot edi to ancoonce tise hirt i ofci Caonpbeiivitir are hsolding their daoghor Jonet Lynne. Open Haine tn their lriends weight 7 fis. Ilors., atBrant and rotatives. Saturday, Sept- Memnoriat Hospital on Augoso rmuoet 606, from, 2 to 5 and 7.30 i3. 1969. A sister liv Pain, Aton to 9.30 p.ns.. on the occasion 0f and Shetlley. their 400h wndding antiversary. SAM.BA - Martin and More' Gilis gratefly dectiotd. ery Satiha 0f RAt. 2, Hoishy, ________________ are pieitd to intoonce thie .Oar Friends: Rovretdand hirtis 0f tiseir daoghter. Patricia ,Wrs. O. W. Hobots of 765 71h An,nteight6tRs.,15 os., at S. A.E., Ocet Sound ,witi bc South Peel Hospital on Aug' at houe On roeive oheir rota- 001t 22, 1969. A lister for Tony, tives, lriends and ntigihois, Joe, Daioy. David and Andren. Saoarday. September IStis fromt - 2.30 to 4.30 and 7.30 to 9.30 p.m. WO014 - Mr. and Mis. Don- on tise occasion of their 50h aid Wango0f O Martin St., Redditog Annivorsory. No gifos. Milton, are pteosed ta an' please. cl7-t30S nuetht hiros 0f their dougistor. oeigiso 7 Rts., 4 ais.. at 'Milton District Hospital on DEATHS Augoot 26, 1969. _________________ MERY. Giodys May - Sod- ADOPTIONS donty at ber home, 64 John _____________________St.. Milton, on Motodit. Aoc' ast 25, i969, Giadys May Homne- CLANCY - Mr. and Mrs. Am-s- nood, belovist ndlO of George otd Ctancy (net Finoie) 0f Emery; deot-mailler ofAoin- 5655 603- Lint. RAt. 1, Hornhy, elle Dosons of Milton, Lorraine wishIsio anonnct thelfinalad- htts. Gerard Sceisten) of Mt. option cif theïr daoothtor. Lo-o Footest, Sonia (Mm. R. Mil- At. A sisttt-forJames. 'cr) of Brantford; and redec- 'aoedby Yvonne; tister of ENGLISH - Gecor emd Fat. George of Cimphtlvilte, Vin' E.R. 5, Milton, art pteased ta '000 oI Feoercoroch, Bad et ooooonce tht arrivai of theit- hlilhorako Mrs. Gnon Tyler adopted son, Girnn Aesander, .t Acton and Mrs. tris Bennett unWedorodîy. Angoso 20. 1969 if Hanilton; aiso sot'vovod hy A brailler lot- Tracy. i0 grandchitdreo. ýResting at MdKersie Funorot Home. 114 Main St.. Milcon. MARRIAGES Fotnorat to Hoty Rosary Chorch 'or Reoquiem Mass. Wedses' Mc00.FFE - PIGKETF - On -isday ai10 I a.m. Interment Saturdoy. Aoagist 23, 1969, at Eset-groon cemeteot. ilton. 4.30 o'ctoci, 60 St. Fait's Unit- K5ERVtN, 'Moria - Suddeisly edi Church, Mitdon, by the Ris. on Aogstst 22, t969, ' Mario H. J. Mahoney. BA., B.D., of Ciaioto hetoved nOte 0f Nor- Loondon, otovie of tise bride. ma !'n dear daogistor of Mar Witî.daoghtt- f r 'Ar andi Mos. S. Galicto ci To. and Mrs. Nelsoon t.afaytte root * sIoer 0ff Antobony. Gs Ficheto. ~ ~ so a te rod O nd Mrs J. Rocca (Josophine); of Mr. and Mrs. William Arnold ,Od daughter-in-tOn of Mr. aid MODuiffe ol Miton. Mrs. Arthuor Kiersin 0sf Milton. ýFoneratservice waOs hed in Toronto un Asagust 36. Inter- COMING MARRIAGES 0000 in Torontto. ,BOUFFARD TAYLOR -Mr. WINOROVE, Alma - At 'Mit' 'Fpo' ton District Hospital on Sat- and Mus. Wiliam N. 'ayord Ags 13, 1969 Ami Rit. 3, 'Milton, arnouoncethe rdy . gs lot-thconing mat-nage of sheir. Penniogton, betoved nide 0f daogister. Mary Robot-ta. ta Henry tOingrove of R.R. 1. Moi- Jcat'Faut Bouffard. so oft- fat. aged 81 yeors. deor motiller- and Mrs. Gerard Booffard 0j of Mary itro. Wiliam Finlay) R.e. 3, St. Voltier Comici Boit- and Con., baotho0f Pustincis and chaosse. Que. Wcdding ta taise Lornt 0f Woodstorh. grondmro' ploct on Thurodîy. Septerobert htr of Joan (Mis. Nemi Hal- 1,0a011.00 o'clocis, Hoty Ros- steodi, at hbain ior0Mis ory Chonis. Mlton. es Margaret and Alice Penning- ___________________ton of Toronto. FERRIS - BRANDENBURG - Filte-ai serie nos htid at 'Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brin' the lomley - Shoomake- Fun- derlharg of 1u1 Bell St. Milton, trot Home. Acton. on Tuesday Ont., are pteaoed to announce ai 2.30 pari. Istet-sent Ever- tise fcrhconcng mat-nage ai groen eemetery. Milton. choit daugliter. Beverley Anne.,_____________ to Mt. Thomaso Paul Forris. son ARS0FTIAK oi Mn. and MNrs. Harold Forris ________OF__________ of 351 Woodoward Ave., Mitont. Ont. Tise octddisg nit tobe Jim and Nadine Bell and place at tht Kingdcon Hait of famity nish to thanli their Jeheoch'o tlneoses on Sitar- lriends aod neigthors for te dao'. Septernho 210h, at 3S0t nonderfnt sourprise pîrty and clcki. tovely gOfto presented to tisem peior tatai oigto Pertht. FERRIE.R m GALICK - Mr. and tOtsnr l741272 hOrs. Steve Galonk wios to an- _____________ noorce tht forthcoming mar- ý o1d ihe ta thank Joyce niage of theor diofghtet. Rlia and Jltie Hastaso for tise norli abeth Rose, to Mo. Jimes Fer- ohey dcd ta givo me a vtry reson oî Mr. Richard Fer- ploasiot evsing. Aiso Doog rier and Etisti MoDonaid. ot ancd David for giving op, their Septensoer 6,01969, at 4.00 oi tht home for the occasion. And to GraceAnglcan hurc, Miton.es dto e-e ahne o Y FISHER - ELSON - Tue forth' fen7'tllJ ar Rie achard. coming martcage is ansoone- c717 agRcad ed ofCaren Elsooc,daoghter of I wooldtike ta thitkrela- Mrs. Moisti Elson, to Jams tives, lrcotds and nelgthors for Fisher, oniy son of Mos. John chrir ,.ards fluwets and visits Stecee.R.R.3, Milton.Ont. Car. and for thýeir many actso0f on and James are hooli Iran kindness nite t n'as in Milton Chatham, Ont. The wtddirZ District Hospital. Aiso apecial nul tallt place os Septtmber chanks tu Dr. Aibeniseati, nurs- 20, 199 at the Fat-h Street Un- es and staff for tiseir kindness itnd Cintath, Chathsam, Ont. to me. MAFYES - WAY'NE- Me. and c17-4301 Si Tight. Mms. Josepht E. Wayne nisis Wo nioj ta tisank ail tise to annoonice the lonthconing people who helpesi toisn Or mat-nage of theit- dioglitt,. barn wao lota. A opocial Nancy Eleanto'. to Mr.ck o hak ch oocthtgentleman Who Wilfrcd Mayes Jr., son of Mr. wtco Octhe ncghhoro oa toton ard Mos. J. Mayes. C&coPhell- ic the ilionS, the non ocho iselp' ville, Ont. Tise mat-sage to taht ed got tise cainl te the Ifield place Satot-day, SePtember 20. anay tram fit-t. the lironen for 1969, Bonton Ft-osbyterisn coming Go quickty, the ladies Chares. villa mode coffee, aod lunchs and serndi ita th Oe liromen anti People are detporatu for hem-l hpro, dio tise mes vtiso es. Announdo pour rentablu sotayed att sigUst ta seatei tbo vu Champion -For lenat" cIao- fira, ,MWj vndsliuIats. plols Chario and Lutta Esytoton 17050. imsi boys. al?4368 1N MEMORIANS CHOAMBSERLAIN - In toving intomory ofa dear lather, Idanceti Chamberlain, seho paser!away Augost 27,1967. To us hio naine witt ever bc,. The koy titat ontocks noomory, Of a dtor Dad. galle bat cher- iohod yet. A heliod lace we'tt nonor for- Alsnays rernernthored hy Marie and Eboor MoDoneti. C1743î53 GILMOtJR - In lavito mrao- ory ol a de or sister, Anna, soho passed aoray Aogoot 26, 1967. The dayo ne opoot togethor. Tise happy isooro we tison. I tivo agaio sa often inomy meory ofyou. Nover lorgotton by lier sister Isabelle. c,7-1271 COMING EVENTS Mitton Schoot of Dancing ctasoos hegio Sat., Sept. 13. Tep, jazz, Itri, Scattish Official Bd. Htghltand. For informatioo aod registration, cati Margo Clark- s0n, B.A.TID.. 8794832. s'l7-13IO Annuaidomoril Service, Bc- thet Cisopot cometory, noar Kit' brido, Sunday, Sopt. 7, 3M8 o'ctoch. Spoaker, Rov. Wim. E. Sootor of Nelson United Choroh. Speciat music. EvorY- one neicomne. c17-1372 Knoo Charch bootis witt ag- ain heo pen for te Stoam' Ena, Friday, Satarday and Monday, Aogost 29, 30 and Septendber t. Hontooade pies, stoofisargors and refreotont sorvtd. .1258 Western Horse Show. Sept. 7 Came and watch tise [on. Trait rides and pony ride oo loon ing tho oson. Location quarter nil twst of Hornhy on rotor Lioe South. Informnation, cati Jonc Secord 878M225. c1 74379 Msilton Hospital Auxiiiary Lann Party to ho hold ai th0e homne off Dr. and Mrs. C. Mat- tin. 5' Martin St., Satorday, Srptooober i3, ai 2.00 par. Homo boking, candy crafts. if' trontoa and fisto pond. Draws ndl lte place ai 4.00 pao. c174,1t78 19-70 Travet and Adventure Seroos. Ontario Schoot for tht Deal. Man Aoditorium. Tuas. Oct. 7-Doonis Couper 'tosido Passage anod tht Ateotian Os- lands".- Tots. Nov. 4.--Rohort Brauwer "Scenic Anserica'. To- es an. fc-Ronsain Witheimsen "Yocatan Traits". Toes. F60. 3 -Raohaot Green "tosido Sis' eria". Toto. Mar. 3-dOatter S. Dodson "A Taste of Isroot". To- rt. Apr. 7--But Kenoedy "Nova Scotia". Each performance Oct0 p.m. Admission $1t.0 otodons 75c. Season tichets (6 admis. &Ïonsi 16.00. stodeots S2_50. Sponsored hy tho Rotary Clob of Milton nids proceedo for commonity projtots. c22'1261 I FOR SALE PIANO, gond condition. 878- 93tO. tcl7t3O2 21" ADMIRAI, TV. consolt modtel. 878-6150. tct7-t377 25 84INCH cernent bloks; 120 bey accordion. 878-3235. ici 7-tSi 3 26' BOYIS 3 spttd bicycle; 28" boy's standard bicyclt. 876- 9263. lcl7'1365 1969 NORTON Commndo, gond condition. StiSO5 or istt offor. Phono 878-3145. lcti7'tStO CANARY. singer, cage and stand, lI0; hadgit. maie, cage and stand, S10. 878-3795. lctl't322 ADDING MACHINES, type' nrittro for sale or rentaI. Phone 8714692, Harris Station- ery. to'tl-417 PERSONALIZEX3 stationory. tOI sheeto plus envotopes, us ton as 13.40 at tht Choampion Office. le407-tf YOU WILL LIRE baytog yoor hcuilding materiao and coat al Cranlord's Cnmphetlilto. Ooieh service. High qoatity. Phono Campheitvitte 84-2232. ct-416 ELECTRtC ftnst nitis roll 0f score andO F oots, 2mas. otd; aiso tarpaotifl. 10' s tO'. Total valle olf both, $45. Sait price. $35. phone 8704592. tet7't278 MAFS 0f Milton nsing Ose new bouindarites Ih L 10 Cf- fect Jatsaary 1. Single copies, 24c and b lain at The Champion office, t9i Main St., Milton. toOOt9-td CAMP TRAILERS Brandi non. Fram $369. Rain- ais arratterd. FoR SALE OR SENT Book emAoi et Richardof's Radio and T.V. Phono 878-6949._ 1 FOR SALE LARGE gîasoy prints af Casa. dion Chamnpion staff photos, S5a 7 sise 11.30, 8 10 site $lSOPlus tas. Cash muaet acoaipany or- der. Eoqairo 505v at Champion office. 191 Mins St, Milton-. SPICIAL CLEARANCE ON Air Conditioners 4 ONLY Tent Trailers Spociatiy Friced RICHARDSON TV& APPLIANCES 87U-949 Ie17 TIP-IN-TIRE SALES LIMITED BASE LINE - MILTON UNIROYAL Tiren and Batteries come in andsece ewf UNIROYAL MASTER Tise tire lot- tire seorrlotto USED PASSENGOER sud PARMo TIRES USED TRUCKC TIRES on AIl Sizes 878-3131 ANYTIME Il buoy CAtI 078-2367 24 Hour Service TIRE KELLY SPRINGFIELD - TIRES - UP TO 50% OFF ON BRAND NEW STOCK TIRES EXAMoPLE: 845 o 15" $12.95 Simitor ig savingo on att other scîtî in Tractor. Truck and Cor Tires. MILTON TIRE t9i MILL ST. 97&-2711 bc-tf TV TOWER SALE 30' touer instatled nids aIl chan- net isead $50.50. 40' tonor inotalied wifh alChan tel head 172.50. 50' touer intattesi nith att dani- ne] bond 187.50. Entra heados (lot second TV soet). Instaited $20.00. F.M. otot-oo heasi. Installed $20.00 13 clamenst cotor head. Installed! 104.95. Automatit rotor. Installesi $69.95. Repaira 0f alI typms. RICHARDSON'S Radio & TV à&" IhnStreet aom AMUTRO Phone 878.949 604 à, 1 FOR SALE USED Furn:cure of ait kinsis, s'hests. droasers, dinisg set. Gond oeleetion 0f stoveo, ri frigerators and nringe- nol- er. Non and sioet bette. Johnson Par-titaro & Appionno fEschange. Son Rono., 160 Moto St. Phone 078-1781. Large Warehouse stock 2270 Niptosing Rd. Open ec'ery niglit aitil 9. '1GET A LOAD 0F THIS" " READY-MIX CONCRETE " SEWER PIPE, ETC. for Milton cuotouners. 50e isave o nareise at 3547 25 Hny. at Barnhontsoepe PHONE 827-1087 Doiiy - os. Sunday MICHAEL'S BUILDING MATERIALS LTD. bc-tf 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE TABLE corn. lac Fickett. 078-9893. 2f t7-1520 SWEET corn. Chat-les Inglis 954-2367. 2cl7-tl'1O SEE0 ryo. 8-14-2496 coup- hoilvitie. 2cI7-1356 CORN for freezers. Delivot-ed froe in Milton. 8780122. OIÀOOFS favorite poars, otarl- ing Aag. 29; Bartinît peau., ose nrob tater; oneet otn. Bring containeis. Roy Booalield M70 6355. 2o17,1366 TOMATORS $2 per bos. Fiek yoor uwn. Briog uwn contain- ers' Open daity 12.3000a4 p.. and 6 pou. t0 8 p.m. Sot., Sao. and Laisor Day. O ain. to O P. mJ. F. Hotchioson, 622Waik' er;s Line, 878-6316. 2o][74308 '5E ARE non open for the sao.Appies, att variotios. ai seaoo progresses. 5 miles oorth of Milton. Braa- Fat-ss t'foomeriy Gionspoy Proui Market). Open '7 dapo a ntek, 1p.s. - 6p.t. 2vl304-ff NEW HONEY t lh. rontainer.......$.40 2 lis, container........... 75 4 lh. container ...........1.35 8 fil.container............250 Court, Honey .....Eath .75 Bulk Honey .....Lb. .30 Creamed Honep: 2 Oh., 4 lb., O Ili. .ROCKHAVEN AoPIAMOES 25 Sideroad off 25 NnY. Cati 053-029 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE BULK sharings, bioson in, bo- tes avoitihie. Bolton 157-2336. SelO25-tf WELSH gttding. complote with sasidie. 4 yrs. otd. 878-91l16. 5017-137'4 LIABRADOR poppies. pur hrod. black, mates ansi femeso. Phsooe 878-3436. 3c1741370 4 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE SMALL laron tracter, perlfect condition. non rear tiros. Fait prico $575. Gakiite 045-9000. 4d17-1357 New International Harvestor stlpropetted -Combines New grovity Grain Boses, Aug- er-s and Etovators New Gt-ain Dryors Used John Deere, AllioCisotm- et-s and International 'F.T.O. Combines Used Forage Horvesters. Bleus and Eirratous Usd Case hocother. inoexcellent condition YouNG's rFarmn Equiprnent Ctappisooss Coners on No. 5 Hiighnay Phono 689-66684,1 1965 Dodge Polara 4 Door Flnicihed on Gauntol Blue wittl matciting intorior, equi91ted niti 6 cpi. engiso, Gateroie transmission, radio. Lic. ]50- 253. 1966 Pontiac Parisienne 2 Door Hardtop Fininistd in Fathon Blut nillo *motehing interior, eoluippOed nits V-8 esAine, aatontic transmiîssin, poer steerlng, power trabes, radio. Lic. 690- 673. 1965 Chevelle Convertible Pinishosi in Emiber Rosi with matching intorior and black top, equipptod actth 6 cy4. onu- gifle, autounatit transmissoan, radio. Lic. 01630. 1964 Ford Custom 2 000F Finisited in Ember Redi nits motehing inttrior, eqaipoos niti V-S ongise, aotomatla transmission, poneroteering, radio aid tender ohirto. Lic. Kl78f0l. 1965 Chev. Bel Air 4 Door ,Finioited in Honduras Haroon nis matchisg interior, eqoio- ped witb V4l engine, autouat- ic transmission, poster 61eor- ing, poner brahes ansi radio. Lic. 694493. 1964 Ford Galaxie Convertible Finisised in Ember Red wlth nateiig isterior ansi white top. eqaippos i nti V-4 on- gine. astouatic transmission, pouwet steering, poster b-b es, radio. Lic. 707696. 1969 Camaro 2 000F Hardtop Rattp Green, black ansi sslito interior, blaokt top, coStom intonior, poneefal 350 V-S ot gine, 4-speesi trans.. bachot scats,. centre console vinyl top, positraction, power hrak- os, hansper itoat-s, isde av- ai nisitonoli tires, mag. stylo niteel dsso radio andsi tero tapo piait. Lie. K-16703. 1965 Chevrolet Impala Convertible Finisitesina Ember Red welOs t-ts isterior, V-S angine, io- motnc transirnîssion, paner stooring. poner brakes, radio. Lic. K(17775. CLASSIFIED RATES y"s,. Ils mo soi à*& et. roi 4AIFiiT 10.-1.0 00101 -"rO eI .. 0) -#.11 »U101001 15100 C0 le 01"*0 ft p«1 0010 01t10. C101110 EVEOITS. CA"I's r0 "tILIOK - $1.60 f.rfît ave1 LIl-0 0LAB0tiD DMIOPL. juAL aTAIM1 i- "r.5 000 inch010. 0100101 010ý o1066o111a« - à 0.50 111100. BOX 10111010u0 001.00100i10.001sac 0 DEADUNI 1S 12 NOON TUESDAY SThe Canadien Champion, Wednesdlay August 27, 1969 LAST CHANCE TO WIN $100 BOND Contest ends August 30. Deals entered Up to and incîuding 5 p.m. that day are eligible. JACK RICHARrDSON CHEV - OLDS LTM. Op-. t 9 p-s - Moeuday tim'nuli Fiiay Btsada7 3 pas. 6191 Elligham 23, oN& Ieoi 878-2393 - -878-3812 ___________________________________________________ O i VII41CLEI FOh SAIS SVEICLES FOR SALE 5 VEHICLIS FORU AE BUY WITH CONffDENCE MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD. NEW VOVA DELUXE nith aatomatic transmission, 50040 lor de- livery. $1,960. 12 New Pontiacs Must Be SoId BY SEPT. 15 Premium Prices on clean cars 1964-68 models needed to stock OUF used car lot. 1966 METEOR S33 2 siaor harsitop. See ansi ride thils o. Lic. K(17389. 1965 CHEVROLET IMPAI9. Another 1 onner car Iront me. 1kc. 693205. 1965 BEAUMONT 4-dont- nith outomnatit. sien anby 39,939 miles, 'local onot. Lic. 10301. t163 FORD. 6 cyt. Lic. K(14433. Onty 5495. 1962 ACADIAN soith atomatie, Lic. K20791. 1961 CHRYSLER, ton mileage car. tac. 010444 Lotie your new 1970 Pontiac, Acadian, Fîrebird, Buick or CadiIlac. Attractive rates. CALL US AT 878-2355 388 Main St. - Milton 5b17 FOR AN 0K USED CAR THE CHOICE IS VOURS AT Jack Richardson CHEV - OLDS Limited 1961 VRLASft 666lo. A4, 31150 or bout ç7,2 - 1966 B1MI, -olt dssnk. lose nolleege, Souci seond car. Mort sel, retosrning ta asooL 60& 232. 3d"M25 '66 D000E 1100dtop SU6ID nme* gond condition; alto owý log naditlue, 315800. Art tr,332 Oak, MS10sa. sei? 1963 SIOMELER 6 - pauueger wagon, reolinla 001010, ratt rock, nMW tirs. Do0 met. 359. privatie. Phone days 877-7616, seenina 059-36M. 5:1741*5 190 UCK oonvertil, Id Sabre, V-8, power atmirng, powe- er bruites and power windows, 1 owner car. Fient clane condIt- ion. Apply John Anderson, 25 Olglseway. Acton, 853M25. For Vour N.ct Car.. BUCK HAMILTON AT BELL BROS. 7 WAMTED i OIOILOS no>tip sealker. 876122180. 7o17-486 A 0000 home for 6ffloek-oM puppios. 8704749. 7c374351 W3L'Y ride t0 Grâe i- erslty. Phone Linda 8784650. 7dl7446 TRLANSPORTATION, needo ta Sheridan Coltege, Brampton, 874625. 70l14 SioAiL propanre lrig. or lI titde large one for oiller sûre. 978034. 7<67-4249 5353E ta Toronto or GO train station, working bouts, 9 t0 S. M031-35. 7c1-7-1361 214 OU. PT. chinent mimer with motor. «Ourd condition. Phono 870-4527 aftcr 7 p.m. 7o1741 'OREfNrMY neodod, a ride te Hailton Teadoors' Collage oi noarest startng Sept. Plboto catI 0704604. 7o16.123i ANYONE hoving ovornl0o accommtodation for Stemi Et-s visitors, please phono 076-529 or 87M3661. 7e17448 RIDE noodod for toacher, We arrive in Milton by 8.30 a.m f rono Guelpth Lino. 200hi Side, road, nort of6 Brookvllo. Cal] colteot 854,260 7ot7434 Halton Caunty Museum 1. Are you intereotodl la loarza mOg about Muqms? 2.. Are you lnteresled lai 3.' Are you interested in flow ors, floral arraoglog, heu> gar, dening? Il tihe answver la yen tu an) one, thon catI the Moseaun, Dir ector at 85~66 for forlhol information aboot the propos ai to forma a lOuteumo Auxltlary 8 HELP WAITED C4IRETAIIER, alto t lady lot cteaoing. Phono 070-2741. &9617430 .PPuR piokers, sarting Sept 3. Roy Souofield, phono SM0 6355. 8d17-l36 IMANTBD inunedlatelyhouo keepor 1 pro-school dslld. E50 2381. So17l4,3t7 000001ER fltime, femnlle Aly Ledwito Sopor - Save Milton. Ooh7-41'tl DEPENIOBIJ mate doert niinitiative. Apply Canadior Tire, Mitton, ffl174351 M-IN to wiork ln atal feei Mili, excellent Iringe bandits Apply 70-1391. 8ec7451 IRELIOiNJE woman omer il yoarsto baby oit part time, it My hm,3411 pin. 910466. So17-131Q PULL, litOE and part tino etuperrionced ieallresses. App1 Caravan Reotaurant, Millier Places, MiltIon. 80164251 0iNwith ctaoj0l.res Rassose ta drive panel teuskli. >150 Tal96sere Moaioroom Co. Ltd., Rt. 3, Milton, 078668. 8017411 PART9 ItMMt bot driver for Arc Indostries, approo. 2 bim per day. A.pply 878-3369, eveco ings 054-9966. iMis. libain. à:17-4371 3 SILES1IM soeded <or cme ane 6lce ln bo1111. Empor lonce an asset but not nomhs mt. Contact M-r. N96. for let tervIew to dlacuss commlseloot and bonus arrangement$s. 0 95X K.J. eni, RstOlSd 1966 Chev. Bincayne 4 000Fr Finished in Cameo Beige witto controsting rcd intorior, oquipped nith 6 cyt. ongine and automatie transmission. Lic. 42330. 1965 Oldîmobile Dyniamic 88 2-Door Hardtop Finished in Hist Blue, matdh- ioog interior eqai-pposi sith V4 engine. atomnatic trants' msinFoe-brakos. Lie, 1965 Pontiac Laurentian 4 Door Finisised in Honduras Maoon, matchiog interior, V-S englue, autosootie. radio. Lie. 0(17600. 1969 Chevroîet Caprice 2 Door Hardtop Frost Green, dot-b green inter- ion and top, V-8 engine. hyd- ramatie trants., power steer- iog. puwer bnabes, vinyt top, radin and stereo eape pair. tohitonai tires, niseet dises. Lic. 0(2224. 1966 Pont ic Parisienne 2 Door Hnrdtop Finished in Tahitian Torquoise nits matdising interior, eqsap- ped nirh V-S en-gioe, automnal- Oe ransmission, poner steer- ireg, puwer brakes andi radio. Lic. 31-3270. 1968 Pont iac 2, Door Pot-met-tp on Ontario Provincial 'Police car, itis automobiile is ettqippd %virih a V-8 engine, atomnatie transmissin and heavy duty equiponeno. This soeitmaintainedcar is espe- toiaily priced on a lit-st calme 'iasis. Lie. 152279. $1.495. 1967 Ford Fairlane 4 Door Finished in Embor Red osoOs matching interint- ansi quip- *ped nith on ocosomnical 6 o.yi. engine, standard t-ans' misson and enstoin radio. Lic. 0K20747. 1965 Meteor Montcalm 4 Door Hardtop Finisited in Tropie Turquoise nis matciting interior, equip- ped with VOengine, automat- Oc transmission, power- stoor- ing. puwer istabos, radio. Lic. 14568.