e~te. * ver rThse Canisedîa Carepiaoan, ýRes4énts ofM11 Mfin Heights to decide whether they want water main, hydrant Thee on f or he innt:la"*-in cf an niitnh mater mainuand Itydrantt in Milton Heignîn wiii rent mtth lthe hamiet'n ranidenîn. Enquesing Counol dacided aI Mondoy'n regotat meeting. Councior Ken Marchailt bld uii lire hait dincusned installation otf -ater servicen I0 ons ~Ilte lergete ith Milton miayne O~os~.ag~Breon BncI who raid th1e 10011 a couid increase tir e noter presnure Ob$. ~fror pouidc t0e noie c. This 0n mrtld liandlr lthe towfl's necrds as oeil as a lie t0 lthe Milton der ~Heighits re Mi. Marshtall sard te mac nîîll drckeritg wîtît Miltoilt onprce. ENJOYING TEA an the Maîtan Conry Masaere the Hautnen Maner Auxliry. Museum Gaide Janice He ruggested teridents slitoud be ara raldonne of Hailon Contennial Maner whn Straub and Auntitary mambar Mes. Bae Cuilin informed of the total cose of inctedodd a toaseo etahe Musaam as para nf thr are nhon evne Mrs Kai M ee Mr E tappittg into the Milton mater pien an Kelsa Conservation Area, spnnsored by Campbell and Mes. Ma Bli.-Staf phj) lne antd onless Itle moîorily M il1to0n WouId form Halton I Cou n cil1 Br ile f sJMuseum Auxiliary In commilîne and courcu discussinn Milton Coancil Monday: Learned the administration conrntittae mas conideelcg a bnif ta the province an met fore. Councittor G. Krantz poinîrd nut that mach of lire correo watfareeexpendilare is foc transients who ramain in tomc. aHcard a meeting of lte woehn commufilleen d staif mac plannad Ibis merh te innestigate re-roaling drainage te tht. creeh te onercone tite flooding on the wasl end ai' Milt St. *Receined a report frutt the administration commilce tlieut nine applircations itad heem rece ined for lte position of building inspecter, eocing adminintralor, trench inspectr and ptnmbing inpecter. Interviews ane lobe arrunged. n Approned a cuti for tenders on the Main-Martin repaneng penjent folinming Deparîment of Highways approral of flie pions. Tenders on 1he work wiii clone Sepleffbar 8. Il mon enptaened 16e final cool of paning miglel n0t be appliad ontil spring and some sidemalk cnnstructin miEls' atme be delsyrd untt spricg on the projeor. Acanpted flie tender of Dii Van Soaten aI $1,180 Ion the Mas portfolio of aid transportation Antique hobbyrsl George Jackson, Qocen St., itas an icîerenîrcg portfolio of eurig Canadian posocards draing wrte urasportalron, thal steouid be o big attraction an Steam-Era werkend when energone lis llnnkrng about Cacada's eoriy days. Me' Jackson lias beere cottecticg anteque Canadrana for saenra yrars and liras amassed teucdeds of blackt and nhite and coiored ponîcards in a large bonder. Ttreg porleof such ietes as tractent, trains, boots and earty netoicles. -Equipment for ris weehend'n big Sîram-Era reumu.on began arrrvng by flire Inctkload on Mooday of liis IJOHNSONI 111 01 0Fr ~OPTOMETRY IMILTNAND ACONI I ftli"en al. DiruIoey for Dotala Eye Specialists t. Ocuit-an eyr docîce jor oplslhalmotogisl, usualy conftsas penchac te reedicat and surgirai trealmeot ni' ing, eye mandle eseecisas aend preacehllun uf giasses. Soase eye dodes alsn spec. cialize ia eue, nose and 2. Optometrist - a non- medicot graduace of a cl tege of oplometry ticensod tl testrnision, prescribe and fit niasses and treal optirtai and aye muscle defects WlIsutdeg or gerp. A. optIiteCia skiIed tech- ulciare sala geinda tressaes ta = tionalu and fits eya Hlsra e dum eslt Iec chlore enlae le la aise an lomo hall. - Requestrd an estimole oit th nost of pretrmeoory engineering for uwo noir Irroni semer uines. On is proposed eari on the Bore Lene tuflte Titird Uane and norlie on flier former Enqoesrn g Tteîrd Lior t0 Hrgitmoy 401. Aeeottrer is proposed fron te nen maor lrunk uine, nolth o f flier CPR eus, o Maio St. * Aoîhorized R. V. Anderson and Associalen tir prepore dramings on lte peprot ond provinions for fle nen meli a Kelan micit in espected tri ire connecîrd t0 lthe îown systee bg Novrmber. * Accepted lite teneder of Britisit Peleoiron for lire ssppiy nif gos, diesel fort and fobrcants. The tender mon lte toment of several sobmitted. Plans sare uodeenayloufocm a Moseoter Auxiiary tosnorknrith rte ira on Costry M oseone at Kenr. ald arr appeal rsaîirt tirtoe.l'o outeees wiling ltu contrits te ,oine olti une and t aloents tu rt ie p tîjece. Letiece leave grene out t s evral Holeun organreorroor, appeolrng tor memitrsto laoncit an ooxrieary for tire Museom. Tlie Moserner prescrit itudget and staff moite et iempossiitle rt do reeyliig lie msu rliouid ite doing, rire bitter roplaens, and non eleot rthe Hutt Cooeeey Booed of ivdocaliion ito enpeeoda denie lte ose tire moIron's fociierers lot educatrien, te staff nieooid be npeoditig more erore on cestoea te oe and le ne oecle. "Thiesris oit oppoeeanîry fier oeony people ofnaredîereereet oand copobitiee tu expres tenevs itmi iîeld,- roge lte museum's direceor De. H. J. Newmnan. Titey oie especitly iookîng [iir people eneretedrin ceofts, fiîînern. floral airioigeete and iterit gardenr te g. Holiien Museom mos openrd in 196itn oftee oid bain on the Doff Alexander frreinlicecentre of Keiso Conservation Ares. Il iton geann and grorro, more btuiidnglhaeleen opened, and flire ccond itave encreared yrar ofeer yerc Tite Coonlg of Hollon Ceolerorai proîrct non a correage itoone tolt opened tere in 19it7. Todag tire msseom is reenreed as one of lite forst cooeegmoseumis in Canad, et museonr officiais admoit trg are nîrill cofferog frott "gromeng po trie'. Aregne in Hailon mritring 10 offr tlune ard on lire proposed aoniiay sicnnieed oe contact Dr. Newman or ieaistantMrs. Erlo Brillain ne lte moneom, or leleptione 854-9868. SI i i 'gAI ISALE' I GROUP WOMEN rS SHEAKERS 99C GROUP WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES $5.00 GROUP MEN'S SHOES 1/2 PRICEI 3DYS ONLY - ALL SALES FINAL Go back ta school smartest siyles decided in lavr of tire projece tiraI the malter be dropprd. Pnttoîed wett n cflie Milton Hergits ares onst year preciprîtîrd a detnond for anoterrsource of noter fromt residenîs. They appointrd a driegalior 10 approaci Esqoesng Cooncil or flie mnalter. (Residents of Milton Heegits are aboot 95 per cent i Enqoesrng wirr lthe remarnder on tie orther ride of flie town mie in Nansagasoey tonstrhip.) A tomet meetrng bteeen officrais of flie tot ownîships and represeiîrarines from Milton prodoced no solutron t0 lthe probient itecaose Milton hod no entra mater at flie tnte. Howenrr, rince deu rte lown han added o nen weil and the incceoced gairirage wooid make et possible la soppiy tire Miton Hergitn orea nîith mater. Citarge for the service enouldibte mo aned a lirof tes the normai rate. Corcril decided Monda5 o pric mereting toc cesidete of boli losrisiîips ta rnorete t ofeiiecoî of thirrprojct would iLaiiluIq CHICKENS---- CHICKEN LEGS CHICKEN WINGS........ PORK CHOPS -......... Waxed BOLOGNA--------- Fresh SPARE RIBS ------- Mapte Leaf Sreoked DINNER HAMS ---------- RIB ROAST --------- --- ROUND STEAK ý-- -------- SIRLOIN & T.BONE STEAK-- ----- ------_ _.. .. - --43c lb. - - -- -- ---- -- _ _.... 63c lb . ---3 Ibn. 99C -----85C lb. ---2 lbs. 89c ------79c lb. -------$1.o9 .....79c lb. ....$1.09 lb. __ $1.19 11b. Primo COOKIES --------- Reg. 29c 4 for 99c Nescafe INSTANT COFFEE - 10-oz. $1.59 Five Roses FLOUR ------------- 7-Ibs. 59c Maple Lodge BUTTER ..._-------69c lb. PREM LUNCHEON MEAT -------12-os. 59c be lthe cent ingrcal ntep. Renidents couid then decide nteda, August 27, 1969 whether lhey wanted to proceed. No date was set for the meeting. Councilor Marshal atno asked coanicil for an oulline of' tIre stepn necennaey to inntall ntreet Iigtt in Milton Heigiets, since a renident had drscrassed the nobjcct weith ii. WELCOME TO THE 9TH ANNUAL 4STEAM -ERA FOLKS ... WHILE VISITING MILTON, DON'T MISS OUT ON OUR ANNUAL AT MILTON PLAZA WITH MANY SPECIALS OFFERED BY ALL PLAZA MERCHANTS 1ý eý iý ICE CREAM FOR THE KIDDIES Friday, August 29, 3 to 6 p.m. *111V Saturday, August 30,2 fo 5 p.m. BV THE MILTON PLAZA M'ERCHANTS ASSOCIATION EVERYBODY'S INVITED TO THE TORONTO) ...by Bus! Low Fares - Good Any Day One Wuy $1.65 Returu $3115 114E TABLE CHANGE Effective September 3rd MILTON - TORONTO COMMUTER TRIP NOW LEAVES 7. 10 ar. ARRIVES TORONTO 8.20 ar. MILTON - TORONaTO 7.50 ar. SATURDAV TRIP CI4ANGED TO LEAVE MILTON AT 1.15 ar. ARRIVES TORONTO 9.35 ar. SERVICE VIA HORNBY SIDE RD. TEMPORARILY DISCONTINUED COMPLETE SERVICE TO TORONTO 7.lSa.m. -anxc. Sat. San. & Hnl. 8. 15a.m. -Satsedays Onîy 10.15 arn. - anc. Sal. San. & HnI. 8.35 pgm. - Sun. nr HnI. COMMUTER SERVICE EXTENDED TO KITCHENER TICKETS and INFORMATION AT: M ILTON TRAVEL SERICE 14 MARTIN ST. s Elen Casson Aent going. Choose from a versatile group Yu DRESSES of tweeds Citoîne $9.9 and checks. 000 riase leater SWEATERS iustarrvedSIIELLS Ptanlo Hon Reg. 3.002.40 Two Pr, 4.50 N OS PRICE I 5OMECIAL ST. Ladies Wear MILTON.ONT. ýt