nuir Canadien Champion,. W.dneady, August 27, 1969 *C'ville sparkles in 23-3 defeot of highly rated Penetanggroup .Canssrh.llndl ipeaed thdr.f Wl eir. in Canryhellilie on Bmnday mnd ovnrwlsehand lte Geogran Bay com.naty by n rcore of 23-3. Peeang are a batte. taese thon they rhomed on Sonday but Cantpbeliinde complelel demoriliaed lten in lte finit inning by jumping into s aine cmn iead. The dam.age mn. dote by a doublr hy Lang, singler by Moore and Dredge, a aacrifice fly, a walt, Cherler's single, an crier, singles by Andrews mnd HumilIon's racrifice, mnd ringles hy Moore mnd Dredge, lteir second of lte intitg. Carnphiiville mode il 10-0 by rcoring aglait n othe ird. Andrews wrlbid, siole second and acored on Lang'r ringle. Two mont camte in i the fift te milie ilt 12-0. Lang got lu second on o 100 base errer by Penelang'r dhrc-stop, ntoie second mnd rcored un Moir& rgl.Dredge doxbledl but MeP9Iti liard into a double play widr Moore baing caugit off dutci. Elliolt and Chter ringied t0 score Dredge. Bickde 10buck doubles hy Achouor mnd Timmans gave Penetarig dreir fini to in lte First of goes to in lte finit gamc cf Ontaio Junior "B Bameboil playoffr Sunday ai the Foie Grounds, Stoney Crrek ment one up in lte cf drree serirs ity drfealing the local Nadalit Electio Flyrs 7-3. In a rater lacklusrcoolesr lte local lenre coold oct ger unlcach.d mnd coasnitledl foui errorr mitile Stotty Creek jurdi on Mitoars pilciting for Il bits and amnen ig rues, Ride Cirments ran inol trouble i. lte freit iaig miten leadofif batte. Orîroon rpird t0 deep rigt and Salter follcwed miit o borne ion in lte saine field. Thercigittiander sellîrd dooa afler ibisanmd sirocit oui to mnd forcrd Carter t0 groood out 1lte e id Milton came bock sit ote rot in lte iotoocf lte firit ohmn Sean Bougitton singled mnd weol t0 second on apars hall. Poggron mas ot ohmn secood hasemut Saiier erred and wolen T. Housroo sngird, Boagitlot sir mnd Faggion wenttoisecctd.' Don Hearosirmit cul mnd Puggict mas ltroon out siraiing t0 end lte irning. Houstot came op oiith o grot ronning catcit on P. Watt i the second and ultougit R. Watt mnd McLay holth ringird, n o ruts more scord. R. Cirmeni singied for Mirton in lte second but McLay piicited oui te îoniog ojahoul troublie. Stoney Crerit came itace mt duree hig ruts in ttc top cf lte thîrd on a it batter, ltre singles mnd a oaik. Grahtam Hem thud but Carpeldecm rihi bock th. i Z I iihlf to badld the suoe up t0 16-I. Andrews aingled. rlole second and Mmcre bornereai Tteo Dcedge singled mnd McPhaad itomered. paletong picked up mnotter in lte reenth mitru titey emndwiched singler acoand a Caenpiellndlle error and they gor dreir final rua in lte eighdr witen cenrefeelder Si Dennir lest Dercnier fly in tre srt mnd il ment for a triple. Moreau singied bim home. la teir itaif of rte righdr Cantph.llrdle reoird reven rots t0 moe rte final 'score read 23-3. Dredge mnd Eliiot ringled mnd lEvant dooblid mnd Demits îripled. Andrewr singlrd, Lang walked, Mooce doobled and ten for lte recond lime in lte garne Dredge ringird foc lte secotd tinte in an imning. Peselmng picked op ten lits off Hamdlton and Roberts inciuding o triple mnd titrer doubler. Tis output mould h.e more titan encug te ru it moi ~un ePenermng couid oeil h.e rado front yet. Thte Cantpbaillle duo strrmh out tait and oniy malked on. ah. firsi botter cf lte garne. Elmr .Dredge, Halton Coa.t r viat able player of 1969, hsd six for six includirg a double. H.l alse walked once. Ken Moore hsd fine bila iaclading a hum. con mnd a double and Petrr Andrewsmai. drree bit5anmd reomed four roms. Doug laag doubedi mnd ringled and George Cherter singled tiie Larry MePitail homneed. Bdi limais tripled, Bruce Evans doubîrd mnd Bill Elliot, Bi Carnie mnd Hacry Hamidton ringird. The second garne of ah. sortes miii h.e piayed in Peaelang mn Saaday Augari 31 at 2.30 p.m. witit tite third ganse in Campbelinille on Monday Septnehber I (Labour Day) abco ai 2.30. If a fifdr gaa i orcesarry il wiii be in Campbellsille or lhey mon rte Manager Eail Cairnr bad! bis tint runoiag more titan t aay previnsr tinte in lte year. Vclermns Ken Moore mnd Elmer Dredge bot stoirrsuccerifuily. Doug Lang pieked up another mnd Pae Andrews purloiced four. It ma enooragiog for Camph.lliivle fans t0 me bot Doag Lang and Jackt Roberrs bock in action after ouI midr injurier. series play Stoney Creek ended tite treai ot a fine runting catcht i n centre field. Brian Bougitton singird agein for Milton in ah. Ibid bar ccuid sol ads'ance us Fuggion and Houston hcrh Plied cul te right field. Stoney Crint added one more rn in lte top cf th. foucr on to errcr mnd a single by Carter. Plied cal tc iigit firld. Stroney Creek added on more run io te top cf lte fourio00100 errors mnd a single ity Carier. Fiflth, sîxtit and renenlth ianingr more scorriess midr racit tram ccming up mith 10 its mnd Lar ialang oner fromt Clement on lte mound in the fift-Lae aise sitowrd power otit lte bai as etr icpird in thr sevelt bt mas unabie t0 score. Mlon closed lte gap in rte ittont cf tite eîgiti ar Sougitton came up mt bis drird loi, Paggion mas o. (errer ty lte catchter) mnd a single ity Don He arnr cashed io ruci. Homener Stoney Crerh conte bock mt one: on an ternir, 100 miku andia firiderir citoice. Milton mas hrld scorelrîs In th. nindr alihoogit Craig Brunit sin gid. McLay on rte mouod for lthe ti sitors drooed gocd control and Aid n0t malt a man ohile rtriking oui senen. The Plyra. afler playing outsianding hall 10 n over Oahniiir mnd Burlisgton t0 wifl the Hallon Comnty gcoop, gol a b.ed gante oui of lteic sysiems in ibis one, bt ocre definilely neo uf ciried. The secoad game il it Stoney Crrek Sanday Augasr 31 aI i p.m. mnd the titird gins Monday ai i p.m. aise ar Sitny Creit. Brion Bougiton mth thîre li. mnd ah. fi ne running catchtes ity Housron mnd Hemn mie lte itigit rpots for hhlion mnd lte slrady pircltog cf McLay and fine defensine more of rigit dieider Carier (rsi putouts) atcod cat for Stoney Cretk. LowviIIe stili in ORSA play Loondie advanced lt t.e ltied Jacques Paqurli, colircîrd imo round of lthe ORSA singles mbiir La. Coulson and I niermediole C playoffa by Burk, Hareison racit doubled. donixg Gmeenmand 12-0 on Doug Powell, Don. Gales fni Wednesday mnd 6-0 on Friday. Deoisis Sinelair ail added singlea. Jaeques Paqurlîr continuaid bia britlant pilcbing in lthe Murray Dawso ird thr bitlitg Ontario playoffs by itxniîng bt altack Fciday nigit i ot a triple drutouls. He allowrd six its, mnd single. Brue Cirver douitled maiked ose and srrck cul 21 in and ringled wbile Paquelir PbbW eS Jead gane Paqurîte hurîrd titrer-loi ringlrs while La. Coulron rwhall stihing out 14 mnd osued dmhbled and Sto King alro had aM &B.A.pgo une wolk. to singles. *VaMIU.Doog Conrrdnlr loât 100 Loovdie miii nowmee err itr itomers in lte firsi gome, Bruce Prioceton or Oxford Centre bn Bromniers Pee Wers playeri Camver, Murruy Dawron and Sio lte nrxt round of lte ORSA jhurt on Saiurday to Krog racit douhîrd mnd ringled. playoffr. Peeanguishene in lte firit gante of lte O.BA. playoifs and t e n ir ixle W Milton mo 13-3. cf. d Tite home tram du a big IA X D lY FAMILY PAK second oig, sendrog 10 irl55AV R -& SVAV 5 SK boîters te lte ploie and scoig CNkt sa. 0'. $4.39 senen iota. bMilton collectrd 13 ent lot. off te Penelaog hurler orit ; r 'j. PARTY PAK Roc Romley geting a big triple 2F C $ 7 o iesecond inrxiug. Ken Fuy and Joh Toneli Chichere nha rrd lte pitcbiog for Miton, grnrng op nine bits and stroong TABT oui Il honnrs. 'îCHICKEN SNACK Poat sad The second game of lte rerier f Pienot of O mdIl he pluyrd in Penetmng, 85cke NOAVAILABLE Saturday at 2 p.m and if aihrrd rench Friîs F85 li Bae gante jr neceasary i wil h. her HCE ~~mx Fersli. lm at Rotary Park on Mny, FCHICE oin Ch Ohi Fren rai s $1. Seplîmber 1 ai 2 pro. Fr1v u it Coh m FmlyBakaleia n lîcoodllan B .1 Fmam o oe SwM Patermo wins HI.un Sine OrCherr c Six Packs of Hoay 30c series opener PICNIC PAK FON Froorcs o! Pionne Crisp HN 708 ;% Palerme, defeated Binhro k~f Chx"' Rrjd je s A O vue OIfOER WILL k iu 1-0 in their fini gane of ahe $2.3 El~ E .e EPAeE FOC F ORSA ployoffr in a gama played itu Se.rve W PIoCi ai Binbrooh Monday night. OEN DAILY 8 arnm. ta 11 pr.. hiol oe drrc uPalermo pilter Ait Femmas FRAIDAY sod BATUADAY te 12.30 am. oJ Binh.ook baller. mitile Binbcook SNA 1a.t,1 '. ;k Lpitclng gae upfiv hits with reoi sterb ours. Tire oext gante gant Thurdiy n urra Hood Dri. a li t aiPale n ,park under the h 1d ite wthtw ' : _____a_8._0 eîikampîii THiRD BASEMAN BILL FRESNIAK maits for place in Miltas bantama' 18-9 min octr Acton, in catcher Kit Mountainrs thiont. as Acton's Gary Acton Sonday-iPhoto ity Destis Gibtbons) Mmsten attempts t0 steai third. Th e action toi flag micit lthe leaders iad obiyd Il mur for rbir reuson lthe rue ment itacte 10lthe 121h iup. In the tiid heur of lthe htobby division, il mas Millon driverr in ail titrer spots sit itre flag gcing 10 Eail MeCoy, Harold Woditom recond, mnd Wayne Howden tiid. In lthe laIe modris, Houi Scantril came second in tce second itrat mnd feul down 10 tbird in lte festoure race. MILT NICHOLSON Jain Richardson CfMsOlOs. Ltd. le pleaeed tl nnource Ctre appolntiment of relit Nicoonl te ti s r inn ctn ie Milton ares for mar nears aind à eoheC.Cl eaxunt 0f tie Cimne hmr bane denCdCnCfthe atooile lrrdciamv. MiC nould ilkeCtosaka t,. orvortaniCi to Imite tir mair Criende snd acmasintarcea Co mome i n and tell, mer Cheir aninoei reairnmet. Jark Richaedean ChevOldr. Ltd. 6791 Higiemey 25, Milton S. 878-23931 878-3812 Gien Williams, Homby clean up in »eries Resulîs of the Hallon Rural on dreir flane pironnc.Te Millir Sqrairt Softbaîl woe pr.esura tein acheh.La. tournament hold at Glen Bucler trophy and crante front williams are' the league. Eaclier in ah. day la ah. irat rond it a litmre awarded lthe ibride Inth fft onditws nDiatrict =saltrstoh ltonby A31 - Omagh 0; and ceat forlihrg in=le Kilbride 23 -Drureqain 3; place ai th. end of th. cau Homity B 16 - Looi 7. ecitedule. Gn Williaens, who received a Membeca of th. exentive wiait bye in th. frrit round by nirur t0 drink eveeyoee teho h.lped of placing ficar in the lengue, etiake lir avnat a aucceani. elirninated Kilbride by aurcore of Special drinks ta Sari Cudhert 9-2. and hie crew for a job well doae. In ah. rnd-finale il mai The Hornby Atoutr omre Horoby A 10 - Hocnby B 3. la declaced Atore Champions by ah. finale il was GI.. William an defeatirrg Drurequin two Soana ah. way over Horny A - 9-2. teone and trey wore Ialaided! the Robert R. Ford trophy, The Gien Willianmr players and white sic ployer aisrceived n coachra are t0 h.e cmngratalated creat front ah. longue. GRAVILI FAMILY BILLIARDS SPUCIAL THIS MONTH FOR THE EFUOYMENT 0F WQMIEN AND THE FAMI LY WE-VE c pe PRICED BILLIAROS AT 15' Houn COMM AND INJOY YOURSILFI UTS WORTH UT 181 MILL ST. MI LTONONT. POER' * Y! .CLE~ARAC SAVE10YOFF AIL MODELS WHILE THEY LASI 2 AND 4CYCLE 18e" A» 22rCm AND SELF PROPEUH)D MODLSI 0 TE LOT Seo Othor Specials On Our Sidowalk Sale HoId Insido Rain Or Shino Milton Bowlaway WILL RE-OPEN SAISI SEPT. 6 AT i P.M. a Loques Start Wuk of Sptomhu 8 Somne League Space Avoluble for Coming Season ANYONE INTERESTED Pleas. Phone: 878-9175 or 878-6986 YOUTH BOWLING FOR THE Registration FOLLOWING AGI GROUPS SAT., S&T. 13 Up to 12 Years et 2 p.m. 12 to 1-5 Years - Tell Your Friends 15 t020 Y«s Regitration $1.00 AS 0F SEPT. 1 PUe perees Any parentn ne anyane interested Ie rissh.lng, a.arlng er instructing will h.e greanly eFFreelted. 0 Sponsored by Bowling Proprietors' Association cf Canada MILTON BOWLAWAY 878-9175 Flamboro Milton' in the money Milton drivers aire in tht aoarded t0 Fail McCoy ol* ntcney aguin in lthe htobby class Milot, The proitier mur couird os Eari McCoy tockt top itonors ohmn Rick Burbridge hum bhis in the feorure foiloord hy radialci on lthe bock sirecit and Wayne Hoodet in second spot conerd thte ibird and fourtit mnd Wanoe Thitrng in drird, oc tuctî mitit muer. Sencrul drivers Sriurdoy tighi ut Flumboro. itciuding lthe leaders, McCoy The hobby f ratore race as0 m ad Wayne Hooden sîoed strange ore. Afir lte reguaîiox doon ibinkig lthai r cochion 16 laps Wayne Thring mas flag mus comitg oct bul il d amardrd lthe checkerrd flag bt nci, su Titring pinardl dren. Il effcr o driver't meeting mas itrid mas laier discoeed ltai ttc tite rie mus ta bock t0 lthe bock sîruightamuy flag man itad end cf 12 laps and ther victory ntomentarily rhowoan caution EAR L FOX, the nnw Miltnn Merehant. Juninr Hockey Club ceoc had aichance t0 mml and h.e met iy hir futore Ployen at a srnial1 gante playnd at Rotary Park Sundey eceninu. Mr. Foo la ahown heme with lte hocke club's manager AI Pearon, lvii. ti was decided at the garni Chat the fini pracline for lte teoi wooid h. heid on Sae. 21.-iStaff Photo) "Ar Little Ping in the Engine ... *... Muffler sounds A Bit L oud.. ... Wonder if 1h., Radiator ha been fluahed? ... Thos. Tires look a Little Thin taoî" TAKE TH1E WORRY OUI 0F DRIVING. [ET MILTON ESSO CHECK OVER YOUR CAR. OFEN 7 @.m. le il Fm Maadeay ebregi Seourdey 9 a11 to il p.m. livrai FREE PCK- UP AND DELIVER Y e s MILTON ESSO Ilne in & Ontario Ste. 878-3641 lý McKIM HARDWARE 260 MAIN F 878 9222