g Thea Canadien Chaempion, Wednascfay, Augoît 27, 1969 SOCCER IS A LtVELY GAME ami it's catcintov pretty strong in Mileon. Tire newiy fornetif Milton Minor Sacrer Association iras cime ta 100 local bonys inuainati in tira sport anti aperatar senen trams titis yaar. Tire s ana Atoar tean tac irays 7 ta 9, tara Mosquitos far ages 9 ta 11, tara Fie Wees for ans 12 amil 13, a Banaar tearbeoriroys 13 ta15, ad aJuniar Ateam for boys 16tt 21. Staff Piratograpirer Roy Doarar gt innoineti in tire action at a reoent Mosquoita serins garve iretaeen thre Miltton ami Antan crears Scotch eock du and resorvoir wilI stabiflze Sixteen Mile Creek anti causirt tire play sirane as a Milton foemard races far tire irail. Eisemirare in tire piratas, Mitron's goattender rusires ta block a blirk an tire nat; coacir John Kennedy poors drnknis ai naftim e r is tirirsty crear; anatire Milton formard Istripati suet tears up tiro fialti ns at Antan boy races in; andi coacir Geore Winney gines anme kiniring tipn as coacir Tony Masir and Micirael Carrait, Brian Wilson, Saoul Sales ant il uFrancey tank on.-Stafi Pirotos) Higitsay 25, one of tire itasiast rais in tire nartrear part of HaItu Coaoty nuos pacallel sentir tire wset side af Scotch Block. Thare arn no accarate recards as ta miro lire firsi sellier mas af titis dense forcst of pion and irsrdwood. Hamener. 1ams Hanse and Ranald MracDonald are ta tlte records as tire finit. From 1822, lire setulemsent really incarne tire "Scotch Block' as names s tilt famitier on tire district roday wseere r eg i st e red ans oseners-Ruitertron, Pattersun, Macuitr and many alirts. By and large tire firntsettterr in S coat ch stoac k aen seell-edacated, God-fearing peapte, sa if wsea anly natural tlîeîî Srst concert sirold ire for cirurches and scirmîs for tîreir famîties. Tire firif log cain scirool mas tuit on Lui 2 Concession 3. Troar seere felled. triaraed and rnsired iry ox-tease f0 tire site of tire scirant. Later ofirer ad iretter rciraoln sere ituilt in tire coararnity. Tire lirsi iroose cetler lires a log cuin mus ituill on tire farar of John Stewart. Froar tire front strps of titis lonely nid iroase Wiltiam Lyon Mackenzie gave one of iris roasîng addtemses. Muckrenzie lied aa floyal rappotrterr in tire Scotchr Stock and none more faitirful tires Jotîn Stewurt. leesings tire Scotchr Btock mas on tire %vitale s cansparslivaly quiet setttensent, tes far firan lire itattlegramnds ta ire ittvotved seitir iloadsired and destruction. Even tire Ierdiens gave Uile trotuble. Mast uf tire seltiers seere nxce lIent faresrs, isdasttiess aod tirrifty, and they birlt arany fine homaes, mnany of icir ate stili standing. Todsy tirere is ajsor construction gaing on praclicstty tn tire middle of tirt old Scatcir Block settînarent. Tire Haltes Region Conservation Aalirarity is psrcirased a parcel of lis lad mnd a dam mnd teservair are gaing ta ire consîrocted oa thet site, The mriddle irresci of lthe Sixteen Mile Creek ruas tirroagr tire axea. Becaure of tire oumirer of golf courses tirat ase tire ctenk for irrigation and tire oends of tire aret gaîdenets in tire area, mater is ia irigir denrand. Tire Sixteen Mile Crenki s a sasî seatersired mitir a irigir radiant. is ireadaters are in flie escarpareot mnd il emplies mbt tire lake. Tis means tirait enen under normal conditions rirere is a font tati-off. Dutiag periodr of irigir raînfaît titis con-off itecames entreme. The streamn als, tias atendency ta dry up daring tire drougirl season seien tire denad for watar là avai greater. Titarefore, ta alteviale lis rituation, titat la, ta redace tire ran-aff dnriog itigi raiafalt aad morase lire domeretreans fiaow dariaa drougirt conditiong, tire Aatironty decided ta coastract a dam and nreevair. Titis ws desigoed ity C. C. Parker and Parsans Brinkerirof. Il suli ire a 45-font-hit nartir dans, 575 feat long octans tira volley and seul flood an area ofaitoat 125 acres, fornsing a taire a mile and a haîf long canlaiaisg 1,800 acre feet ofsealer. The dans aperoles as tseo principles: s amnimuma floaw dariog drangot conditions attd a reservoin la store encens mater. la otirer seords lire streans ia coorlestly iteisa fed o matter wiral tire cnditions are. Tire Aalirority is asisg las ao creses to do lire clearing of tira lad. A nese mre efficient arelrad is iteisg sait calted liree teaglir laggisg. A rimmenjacir sidder is aeed t0 lake aat lire mlnole tren. The log ls pulled ta a centrsl leations whe the salvqaole maiaa is ont sau the tapa ame destre. saay oaa-haos are sved and lit ragota ina arasaI mare drereegin job of clearing the aires. Tire Aotirity la in the praéaes af cattiag terder.1 i l errpected tirey sein ire awarded gsaias tam i Sepearber. Tise devetapenet Plans for tire ares cil for tire resanvon ta be raso nxclasivnly ar a rellenvir. seL CU"r hure. Miltas Haigts is tire irapu of the sortr edircatias castre for Haltien and Bard af Eduaioa afficiais ara 00w haosed ln rnnovated arens of the foner Miltas Hnigitr paublic scirool. Assistant Saperiateodeola M. Laveerder, J. Monnison aad R. Campbtell are irnadqaarlared in tira former scirool syti a gftfa firme secetaries. Alsa wiels ireadqaartnrs tirare ig s Esme, supervson of mtainteane yand csretaking. , Att have speclfi. raspaasibifitlns in tirs Actes, Georgentowen, Esqiiesiera, Nassagaea and Miltion sraa. In the U.S., iesllng of ruhber front, highway veloctes andi rariroai cossigs is nin on. trains, yrt reitound t0 original Heavy lag hieîs irold ruibier potis position afler the load is in place on ties under the rail. removed. Maintlenance is Pads "rll with the punch", negligihie, more than offseîting absorbing senere war and t0e tire higher origial cost Lt. Col. Donn F. Eisele of Apollo 7, tiri astronaut to visit Canada, will officially open the Canadian International Air Show ai 3 p.m. on ils second day, Friday Aug. 29. One of tire world's iggest Air Shows - certainly the mont spectacutar! Sa brig tis peur, it rns for four days. Carne on dawn - get a trant-rm nîew of thn encitement! US Nanp Bise Angeis HigO-sperd preciain ucra- hutios in Mach 2 Phunlamn fighters. US Aemy Golden Knights A feamn of mer who've made sky-diing a precînlon art. Watc Ires faits tram 13,500 fest! Royai Air Ferce A disptay of strenglir and spenil iry Lighfning tîgiffers und giunf Volcan bonabers. Bd Mahier and Harold Krer, wortd champlnnship cinîtian aerohatic teum, wtli perforni bai-bortl uern- batins, over fhn maferitont. Canadian Arnred Forces wili open the show auth a massive fiy-pusf of Tobor jets n ukons, Hercules, Falcans, Tracirers. Argon, Voyageurs, Vaadaa rn teroepforn. - anuo awespiring dsplayaofpreasan fing. You Il also nse waten homO ng aormuan ftying, andl a tlypant Sp a amrie Spitie. Tire s 21/a-iuurn of eucifement in the mn ld*s mont spc fucutar Ait Show! This Thuraday, Fridsy, Saiurday and Sun- day ai 3 p.m. Canadiari @ National Exhibition tili September lst front 1.30 Admission la groands: ciriltiren 12 anti ander ffl; aludents 750; O.Uh L. J.4. P..Idad.u0tsP- 1 .50 M9- SIZES INCLUDE: 120,120,127, 126, 35mm fLT.dQbmnIMirfa A M ut' au MIN S - MMTm SPECIAL PRICES ON ACCO BINDERS FOR BACK TO SCHOOn -/~ FREE 49 i e /7 -#60 DOmMAM /' Reg. 49c O L 39c EECONDITIONEO OFFICE MoSOL TYPEWRITERS FOR RENTAI OR SAIE If yo mant tn iruy a typemeriter, se. ns aboui nar rentai porcirase plan on nem poables or recontiioneal office modal ippewniters. Gaaraniee on ail eype. spd gars, HARRIS STATIONERY A OFFICE SUPPLIES 162 Mai l#. 3. 8 784692 SPECIAL PRICES (WHILE STOCK LASTS) CUSTOM WORK COMBINE PLOWINO 818-3454 G. S. HULLMAN LAWN bat plRa eîstng outside E officeri aI Mil h tutal a 8.673 i their jt charge H.T.A. offenc p roc c convict Offio period. reparte addif i distart otser 1 by our a tees persar inne 1t Contra prsan pretaise aras aI s daarag investi@ Traff Don' Espacia far a s the ea nopresi tire oth