Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Aug 1969, p. 14

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M . nu Canadiien Champion, WMaeedy. Acegusi 27, 1969 Drew-Gardner A dosuble-ring weddlssg cemmey in St. Davidse Presby- teilse circ b Cemplietvilie an Jaly 5 ueited s local couple ic marriagle se; Judiths Aoc Gardner. daunlstrr cf Mr. and Gardner cf Campbel- vite , beceme tire bride cf Larey Jotephr Drel, soc cf M'. and Ics. Josephr E. Dccc cf Mitton. Rrv. D. R. Nicholson sotenmied the wrdding vols, Jl es Zeir wa oageiet. Gtitvesn awsy by bier ferrer, tire bride coue MR. AND MSS. LARV J. DAt a futt tengrir four satir empire caistie. ccd e lace Fertey cf Godecich edged trocn mes hrtd iry a satin usirers. bom. Tire steeves ccd recirtine For rire medding dnne were edged cn tare. Hec cntl was cirurcir irait, tire bride's a cluster cf irccd-made nylon rererird in e macce sitir sireer fiomers wrth ricy dues miti mauve and scoutard cerd peauls, acrerhed eccesscres, and a cor to a errer-uier nylon illusioc pink sweriheart rose eratioped bouffant cei. Sire groom's uter moue crrîd o bouquet of pck jurnior tace dres murh tite gre miss rosece and haby's brearir. beige acceesocies, ccd a Marron of hocor was Mes, cf goid suretheatero Docca Ftrey ci Goderîirh, dance mas beid et Br vicier of rire bride. Bcidesmaîds Hailt liai rvening. wece Miss Linda Milter aid Miss Foc tire ironymoon t gronda Milter of Campietivrite, bride more a mauve tic acd rire tlomer girl mes Miii ccd drrssrensemble wtt Jacet Gardner cf Campiretisîiel. arcessories aid e corsage Tire marron cf ironor and surerirear roses. 'Mcr bridrimaids more fuit Irîgrir rîcurid ro ive et 235 goure of yeiicm lacc orer ruffetu t. N. Miltron. mîirh empire waisrlires, acd carrd houquets of daîsies. The lrddrcg gues w tlomer gici more a drees cf chire atiesdancr fronct Gi embroiderd orgacea cir Guelphr, Aitoc and Milton yriiom, and hiec bouquer coi a Mîsceit accouss miniatre cf rire bridrumards'. ircccing tire bride mece Tirrir hradpîecee wece moîrimg Miss Sanra Moore cf dursîrs. caMipec re Is. Doreen Billand Mi Rinrg bae a tpe w Wireeilian, Campiretviti cf Miltoc, brocher cf rire groom. Docrirhy tldey ani Wayce Duo cof Miloc cas hot Doueeri Wilsoc, Miltron, a br'ocheris geoumsmans. acd Marjocre Pomys, R Glenr Wilsoni of Mitoc ccd Butl Georgetour. c in ther motir corsed oite sage cf e. The a beige en and corsage ses. A cuirvitir rip, rire ec ccci h chie cf pink y have Ontario idericir, heid iry Moffat, ss Anse r, Mrs. t Mes. cd Mes. .R. 3, Me. Si MSS. DAVID FALKENSTEIN Faikenstein-Elliot -i c double ring candtrigrc ceremcîy inîEmmanceliBapret Circci on Juiy 4, Jrai fluor ccd Darid Fatirecelei cece marrird iry Rnv. Cicylci Cotes. Theircide is lire daugirler cf Me. ccd Mci. Wiiford Wiiiams, .Miltoni. Tire groom i rire soc cf Mr. ccd Mes. Leslie Fatirecclei cf tusses, Eigicvd. Ar arrccgemevt cf pinr cac'nations ccd white mus decorcîrd rire frontl cf rire cihrcci citr tli standing caîdriabre cir whrle raidies ci erirher ride cf tire puliî. Tire pecu ocre marired cîirl chile rocs and prîk flcers. Tire birde more a fl teti drîs cf hioc chiffovocier reffela, a long ciffoc capr c f tire saur cotor garireced or rire necik cîir a cîrcier cf lcec. Hec ircadprecr was rthe came cotor as hircdcesî. Sirrcarried aibouquet cf ced roses and curte Tire irrdeivîcice, Carolir Brown of Toronto,cwamaid of bondr aid ccr a fuit tenglir gccn cf cordon raflera miih an empire coult. Her irradpiecr cci a bancd oi norrefaîrd pick carnations and sihe caccîrd a irouquet of rire saine ficcers mrtlongcigreenucecmrrs. T ire bicde cas gîsen in macrage iry lier falir Geomsmai mue [IorIn Faikenscrîn, brvlir cf rire gr om. Usirers cere Wiford lliamts, brocher cf cire bride. ccd Lettre Faikecucrun, irecrier of tire grom. Mes. Fred Briscri cee soloist. tire sacg, "Loe, Tire Perfect Gif,- "Tire Lord's Prayer" aid tr oue ili rhe.- Mrs. Nocu Hare piuyed tire ccgac. Tire rrcrplrac mas hrid in tire tomer auditorium. Tire tables weedecocaîrd cir dîffrec ccirredcroses inirowis, edding hel,, and ecceamers. hIcs. Fred Bevici ccd Noru Mare sang c dccl, -Abrdiig Love." out cf cour guesîs mece front Halibriruîc, Ockicîte, Camrpiretivrite cnd Torontc. Triegrame mece reîeved front tire greccus pcret aid fcrcds in Erglcid. Tire bride's moirercrecerved hiec gcesrs cecciea uppe crepe dcess cir mitce acceesorres. Hec corsage cas a cuire gardenra. Mci. Ciresset tisci cf Maibro ceceîvrd fcr lire grioom aid coce a ligirl green andcwite forluitiiandcwitel accossîrrîrs. Hec corsage cas pick Tire coopte reft for a mcccl trip 10 Vancouver, tire bride mecrvg a cocai dcess aid cccl mrlh beige arreescories. Hec corsage cas a clte gardecia. Prce t lier weddicglthe bride cas iroîcced ar a pereocai shomer or tire honte cf Mes. Fred Beisiri. Campbeliire, a tîcer sirocer aitie home cf hIre. Fred Robbins aid acrystci siromer front tire ladies cf Eimmood Cresceil cas ireid a1 tire home cf Mci. Don Hcyccrd. GSILICTION WALLPAPER M T TOCK AT M Pint As W.Ipapar OA - QUEEN-MALI. 71,0, aanier uns the ring f« er . Bsy flie dimsnd eing front te ismeler tirmr she knows and mavnt, Ross ersecier Jesselery sg. in e 15Sled.. CEr dimnd ntfrad tcea bou bs rirîcksd certeeacc Ev Mc. Bsicler fe, ceteityc. ura m vetae. Vear ririerd itae hot i tie maseities of roue chcies ru cokte Ors rarfer engagement ries. Tsarst ae e raeri nde ta sie yoc peri teia as 31 ROSS BRANCER JEWELLERY 220 MAIN E. MILTON 818-6341 Ekampîn ~ GiIrore-McKerr Milice wss the icone of che chamspagnes sar shatungan csadleliiirt, double ring.wsddlng blsck patent lialirer accsuOri of Joy Ann McKers nd si s corsage of yelicî Rsgnsd Chartes Gilessre ce sweethesrt coese. Tire groom's 1uset7. The bride, s secretay si mother wors a coat-dress Sheridans Bquipniunt Ltd., is ch. ensemble of pink shsntusng wiur daugirter cf Mr. and Mns. Bruce white sccessories ccd s corsage McKsrr of 260 Woodwsrd Ave., cff ick.eeethesit roses. Milton. Tire groom, a ceai estate l'cno Mounctains in sslesmac with Axter and PaSlr Pennsylvaetf mas thre Ltd., of Toronto, is the soc cf hoccymoon destination, acd on Me. acd Mrt. Ken <tilmore of 5 Iesving tire bride wore a Reid Court, Georgetown. coat-drent ensemble cf pick Rev. R. Foster-roeducted tire mccl witir blackr patent 7 p.sc. servicr. Tire orgaccst las accessories and a corsage cf Mrs. J. Ledmilir and tire solcist whrite smeeticresc rotes. Tirey Bill Brutir tccg Tire Lord's returced Juer 16 and tockr up Prsyec ccd 0 Perfect Love. resideece je Cooksvitte. The bride, givro ici marria Tire wrddicg cake mas made ry hiec ferrer, wore a by tire bride's eurit, Mcs. Frankr f toor-ircgth gomnocf mhite McKerr ced les iced iry Mcc. Art organza cvcr taffeta, upptîqced Wilson. A tccky irortechor îus îith Pinktom-wrrerlheadrts fiole fromn England acd was îas of Pick organza rose îhich pretentsd tu tire bride by Susaci hrtd lier ftoor-trngttt viert Burton. appliqurd murh pick Itomers. Sire Weddicg gorets "came flomi cerrîrd o ccteguy cf ptnk Milton, Georgetown, Toronto suretirt cotes and babies and Lodon îilriirte bride's breatti. cister and brctber-ic-tl Mater cf honor Mes. Lynn tcaveitedl from Saskatchewan for <tee, sisr cf tire bride, more e tire îedding. fuit tengtb goîn in yettcî Tire bride îas frted befote tire organca witb a fuit length train. medding et a mnisceiteneous tire cacrird a mhite orchid îitb shomer betd by Mes. Ciris yrttow swertrt roses. Burton, Mes. Lore Gundiecir Tire tirrer bridesmaide wece and Mes. Dicir Martin et tire Miss Lrcda Gitmorr, sister cf tire bome cf Mes. Burton. A "com, Mes. Diane Cirestnut, a miscettuecces shomer wes hrtd frrecid cf tire bride, and Miss by Mcs. Diane Cirestcut, Mcs. Sherry McKerc, cousin cf tire Sadir Watsoc and Miss Sherry bride, wccc paie mauve noom McKecr, îiit acotiser shomer tecgtir gomcs cf cegeora murh mas tîid by Mes. Fracnk McKeer. traics. Tbry carcird mauve Acother ccscettacrous siicee orciridt frethered wîtir yrticm mas beid iry tire groom's retatives carcations. in Gecrgetown. Tire besi mac mes Bitt Gordon, a fcirnd cf tire groom. Ushers mere Raymond Gîtmore, brother cf tire groom, Bilt le, ircotir-ic-iw cf tire bride and Don Mahon, freed cf tire groom. A n evecro g erception e' , fottcming rire mrdding mas hetd Tleepteone ut tire Mitton U.A.W. Centre urth 150 guetts in attendance. Mcs. McKerr, mother cf tire 6324111 bride rceived mering a blt' 5.1'-list Girt., Tricot scieT. ssoiai 99,e 1-- ~ 3/1 .99 it-ylles TriecotN lc-ttiddnt Contient' mer, Iisa. Yl5tec it . 1t izik PiehMls5Ute.et4. per pack. 8.14. Gidhsa cet ep. Here'sg proofe...you 1~ T- -Uap Clsamgslon clsaslfibda te il dapuse _Ms fthe tâoin lanid district schsls ham bisas retsneclen6 and bsck-tO-school trekr next Lot Us Wlth Sides and Quarte Of bof 4USE OUR BUDGET PLAN 140 Main St.-Phono 879-6501-Pros Dollory WARREN CHARLTON, Prop. Ogon i l W.-Chsad Moe -TIsses,, à Sel. Undl-9 oI.M. 9 Red and $lue Srésid Only lia Trimmed and Cut QUality Moats Th.e WayY.Wn IM SUMPSONS-SEARS t. O , n~e~iÔ d 6,- Drpe. 29 Bes. 2.99 71~ Little Boys' Czeeh Cordurcys 'a i Grs A-L.ine Jumpes L ite Girls Tgt T. ch Brc, -11d. Cary, Becr ad ic ie- ,..< l 9 Sdi.-c . ri- ep. 29 ODpc Bdoch prattrnLSjan einfr beliue erd it. os 1.49 'ttrirw, ciir m, ry, runera Whie. suvpphea Biar M46X. Loen, .9 GBrys' JuPer-rstSort Styles . r.r.h. cpc. d-ei -- d-» e,, .iiitcee. ih.ic ht i ~ ~ ~ s BO -\e Grs' FortarelCtonlouses sts ac hinceeee eceas .ie d ry , .89 c lion.r. S irie R e r.tentie f sie.ren teiue l ains conte ot inth7 inh 1.59 Ia. 2.9 1.99 spie 2 2.25 t eeg. Sa . Blue, 1.12.2 lGirss' slssrtlspt Ssaem StDles get ~~l àow lowCh prices at1 Simsos-Sar Brlmg MS. AND Met. REGINALD GILMORE moers merrid et Gramo Avglirai Circh Jane 7. Mrs. Gimove s rire former Jo0 Acn McKer of Miltoc. LOW DRUG PRICES EVERYDAY ELSLEY PHARMACY .ésý -

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