0Made tht annual pigerrsage ta the griait otd CNB aon the wttktad and ioand ttnlnga mughK ctnanged. Featttdp t waa impraasad wlttt tht maaty changes ted haw thay mue ta hava canteahtated ta tht anjosamatst of tht show whilt edactng tht congestian. le reaBy wasnni had cannidteisg t ftstnd 263,000 watt ihene as tht satane tisane and travellintg as a famitp ataattp nugnifies the namite,. *Mimd yan, pashing s steatten theangit tht foad buildinsg is still sametiting tike dnmning a bulldonzer theangit eowt nf tender tees, hut tht aramas front tht vaeiaas haotht sre titt tanpsing, enen thoagit fre samptes are almat nont-exstent. O It's aliane eautifat fianstshan get pou, tpeaying ast thitti apaeitling stntamt ai watte, lt enangit ta make, atipane thirsty in B0 degrat tmpeeasomes and height mni But dan't laok too itard ta iind a drinhing fauntain, Titeee jasa arnn any convtnietly locattd alang the waBs; ai the buildinsig. But titane sait drink dispensent sre cerisinly canenient. *Ttnere setanad ta hie mont actian aîaand (lie giataiis. A disptay hart and thtet, Peehsps sonne wretnhng on Koeean Kaeate demaonsteatine and even ite glying. Osis oi intenesi that ont atamitita on ta reeiene wit nted ta he ton mach aoonasany. * ar a eeat change ai pose titis tht Ontaria gan-ernnena building. Thepsve gai 1 tesa thene ta give pas a ride aeannd the nana Saans ai the bailding thnaagh Sound and pictare segnnentn. Dan't set the tengeth of the ltne-ap deceine yea. Il anaven qaickdy. Msny nf the atiten buildings te citanged. The autamatine titane n in tht Qacen Elizabteth building and a "mind-strttching" Galany is in the Autonetiva buaildingt ian an example. "The gonds are cleaner Coi "My Ex daps inclade tase seail's pace crawls thraugn Sasanyside ater Ieaving tite titaw whiSt stffi ceps ans ai nte City. Nos ta nane, Teofii Itanen nmaaatty alang tht Gardiner and Qseen E, matsing the trip homne comparaitle ta any nathen frnt, te City. 0We chose tite Arned Farcen peagnace in frant ai te CNE gmandiand and 1 dan't heow whien 5've enjayed a pnngnam an mach, Btsuiiful enening, pleasant iteete despitt 87 degeee tempenaance and a ititn5oasly ialanced musical pnagnaan. t ieated tht ssirring pipas and drumes, te gtasiy taneas tnd the versatile militanp hands ni eh e nesenve trnits includint thte Larme Scats inace itis rires. *Teta in the famaas Green Hsartdt. niitiing frnm Engsand, and paunve gai wit added sp an a titnilling spactacle. * Fria a nainning beginning aheaugit popar nenditions ai Saund ai Music, Oliv-e, and Colanel Bagey, sthe itands titnilled a lange Sunday nigit audience. And jut ta wind it np atey played thte 1812 On-entant inith $500 ai freinants ssandang thte canons tit are pana ai ate finale ta thte piee 5e an as a spectacle escepinnatly aneil dane and ntîneîng an lit preennattas ai thte antitema and thte cancludang Tsps. Tite standing oatian te cnaand gate anas anelldeseeved. THE CENOTAPH'S WARRIOR salin atacn an Victoia Park, whinh sasoo spot lais ana warmantmes dey. ~~EIrnm(iorW a;aoi Down [s] in this Corner with roy downs £ii~r ,1~m Taa Lacal 5222, a Canadien Union of Puhlic Emplapees, c/a UnivesiypafTarnnoa Taranto, Ontario. DeanBattu: t am musaint ta ladge a pealesi opainai lte demssds pase CUPE local tas mode in sitempine ta gain a caninec inith tht Saudesîs Administrative fauncil ai the Universtyof Toronto. Ytun demasds, Psu inOp tecaît, penmit an nigit menS leste uf abstnce fat ttpectast miheas. Wîith ibis paint, 1 havt noquate]e. Neithan hate t any quannel anilli t ite îemauadenaof yas demands casceîsssg mages, actais, hlaldapa, hesefiis, etc. Tht arts tif my damassent is patin requnsi fana la w anen leste ai absence fia expectasif faîheas. o pia ealaze tht fll nîgeilicasce ai titis maie5 Do pia nealaît mit aimao metS leste ai abasne dang thet iuan ai aiildtiatia couid mana tn a fatittal Da yau analiza liai if titis clause ai paun commtinas accepaed, su anald he capied ity atiata CUPE lousis, alias ty athen unians. and aagit tais hecame as acastpted pescasîn an nan-angssucnd îhnps and afices actais Canada, se mante pet-fcdeaal lagilattas, Wtsilt t itate na csectian maith yaan loal, pasi union, yasî SAC ai pian anttensity, t anuat vice any objiections nain, and pshlacly, an case suclu a grave citasnge ai palscy shuld titi meacla flun establishtment nheat t am paeîentiy eanployed. Beasg tht laitier ni ana yîaasg clilditn, t ise jusi pictua anluai anuaId happes ta me if any apaaae titi tas asailuen cild. Bite inauid gai my ami aneek leste ai abtsence anaasgad ta tagis flie day site lion lte hahy-nai ittisua, mites as expectat fater caald aie a lana menS itliday ta pneptne hamatîf fan sucit a japaun eent. Fan te Sîst aneei mites sites i itaspilal hotitag the ntabnit, I'd te niacit t home neit ahe aldet children geatint tem up in te mrnisg, heeding and claihint and halhtsg tem, enîentaasîng tem and putisg thein ta tied ai saglît. Besiden inhicit thete aneuid te tlit lain an cut, lthe intals la plan and prepaît, lita laas la te scnuhittd, lthe dashes ai bt ashed, lthe taune ta ite cleaned, ahi clathisg ta te anaslied and aîased and mesded, and a millitas and astOie citants. Tte second aneni maald hca aitl diffenenatid haie han lu inooS afit, as wl as tht Suds and ltae haute, plat 37 dhaspas la hc citangtdl aih dayand 10oacci, 2 a'clacitandb 6aclacit itadangu ta, itap me hasy thnaagh tht sigt. Whlîe 1inayh tuiforioficenatt, iepaatssg, piîstsgîapity and a liîmatd bat uf' managetial ittpiassiiitits. I ast imagina myseffgaîngitnîsnnit(nu, siaîi îsasg mad mauid hiea s tte termi)muîla ami meaitiof tisaI lo sait iaad ta. Na titanis, gentlemena. Yauî ides ail I metits afltait fae thi texpectant lailîta ahaalateiy îiinhst Nana anani o,%lv latin, eses tht feudai systin maaid te ait imptasemeat us ysuî fond ai "gaictnsity" loaad tht malt itamas heatg. t, for oait. cmn di mitaiut tuai typa o niliaday" [ain inuit. Tell me, ialamws, mas tai cass isntntdain yaaicommeat dimndiity a hasch uf matiaers iii pasi giaaap? Ort mas i a cammsaunst-inspirad plut an daîmugrade tlae sualas ai mas in flite faut woauud' Ora dud snmre sanat-altit paica talatiaots liai t plant tiae ides alitai lau gai as nutanpsycu iauiastt gîtagaon flun sait1aat' Yaaas shaatasgly. Roy Damas Welcome ta the visitors mita mill perioran an tome ai lthe early angines came ta Milton sts neeitesd, many is starfling. ai them ion ttc ftrst lima and msnp Aiter agit shîsms in Milton alae n an annual pilgrimage, fsr tha displup dotsn't taie tht sanme impact ninth nunal Steam-Era. an local resideshs as la doits sn It hrdl sems ossile hatthe visitons bol froe lthe arrivai ai tht sh t earl seavsse iate the fiant irast giants, as titey ara trscited shownet per m5l aiespanedjas n fsr lthe shoaw, i renemad air ai fart decudc. ttpectancp sains in tht air and titi Tht crsands hune grsnn an-en lthe loannspcspte prepare fornas influx ai peurs sisce tue lirai show in 1961 nisitors. ltai drean 8,000 specautars and mas Thase in close pranimity lu tht termed a msonderful succets". Agricultural Graunds miii ftnd tue Cromds as hagit us 30,000 hauve been inhisiles and smake as irritation hut drumn ta tht displuy af stesan and thepite iteen nery usdarstanding auer earty angines and cars in tht tht ytars and the steam anihiasiasis sscceeding pears. havc dose ilitir para in Saapîng Tht 200 mamitens of tht Seamn uggrenanins ta a minimum. and Astiqua Prasti-vens' Association Tht visitant mian ask directions, caine fram mat parts of Ontario milI me tape, risaive polit ansmens und ltae snthars United Stutcs. and helpialtiresimantaus titay nuit Their inret in seamn is us a hoahbp Milton. We hapa ilsapîl fîsd titi and the rasoatias mark titay toma tht pleasant spot me atink tl s. PAvde-ô té pieit ... The bund concert sn Victoria pragraîsn haing inarîdsaced altie hagit PinS as Tlaursdap mus u plassn scîtool thit pear miii pranida a raminden of eanlian daps inhen rn-binatho ai nteresa s inadi and band cuncets iii tire pinS ince mort concerts. Cerlîasly il milI tisa time irequeni. but int look formîrd ta anhes Milton HigtI Scitaa5 Band muy alto ha Tîtasa merna stae dîpu mites mukang appeaninca lcallp. Msilton hîd als oms bund and titi In lthe maîtama ltae Tlîesdîy itustand mut huit hees i taecci concert presestîd hy lthe capable Ina lte Sundup eîenisg eîanss. Wt'rt Lantie Scots Band mas sne tjoyable laupîfal ltae instruamental music evnna M/'nit é0r effippenfcied Whes poî fallom ltae inca fint mux:a:aaassaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,,saaaauso aaaa,.,,.,..,,. a. -a- brihgadt aruta fan a fem uups pas a- appre cis te te tind ai service mernhaus ara called aa Su gravide PEEKING INTIO., MILTON'S rASiseeyci sTneagvp Wttae taid hefane tam effective sthe sarvice rndeaed as bua ont saîli instance reently empluuîized aa us ite kid lott pre-llaig hac 401, place ta mîinalinsu tiaun efficiet masi ut Miltun. Oisa itauck looit flia 401 from Haglay 25 miaila the other ment ta Campbelivilie Sa get an Higitmap 401 irom lthe other diretion and in lthe eusttssnd tange. BUILDING BRONTE ST. mas itetaPpiti Chia raad aqaipmant in 1913. A mud foad stranoltst, tae stetat mas bains tappad miit atona tram at moanitain quae" and tance thaC eraced as tait. Ian the tati photo W. H. Otatin vits aparatint tha watat wagon whila in tht right phoCo Homard Robinson aparaaed the Bawptr-Maapy saterr relier, irad hp soal, Thetsocen macs hearinn thae anst ste Prajeet tram Main Se. en Bartan and te cossnty the balance to 10 nidaroad. Tha pictara wtt tahan and danatoptat hp Ken MeDasagoli, Thte fiatt truckt ut tht fine appiied neuten but it tad ta abstract traifit aon tte itighmsp. Minutes tuten the track in lthe euttaund'lte sard and tht westhoand Snack nean able ta nemave ita lines and permit te fret flowmo su nalin usotu aunes miai tise lira fighitass mas ltes îp itp tht tract an tht eastbossd tade ai the rsad. sa al] lotd su simuple and s0 togical ia mas easy la îsdenstund tl happtning. Bat halare it hîppenîd sameosa assiciated tise peaitiemu ai tlaciîg iraffia on Haglsmuy 401 math tte resulting siain. The trîffic mis permatted aximîsm freîdom ai otueimesi miila as amergascy mus siinpeais jiuauiiaai lliai wauk ofic h'ir araadeius mout spprecaatad mItai yu cii i ion pain oms protction, tut tvery matit the service is on ttc aient ta prateit peopleaund prspertp. Their equipanent is goad and their efficient planning ahîiasslp udds ta its valse. We thinit tht meantens deserve ttc odd tipi ai tht hat for tsein candaît and cficiencp, Mupte pas thin: ta loci, snd anit5 tetl] a memben sotte net time pou set hem. aW prie*. latter oi raoWing. lunction i ta the mtisse ai Sug~ tas been a eaagh naerre fot a lai ai peaple, inclading yaaîs aealy. Titetes aatiitng lite geiaing hîome, tnhaasted, afiet a trap antd fiadîng lai tuait yaaî mie bas tth bouitase key and youhave iabrak in theaagh a cllaemwindaanandi(b)ttan ailimb 40 feetlng nd en nite tak bai fallen acîtasi yasî itydîa lines daîang a Hamesai, illest art minairîlîangs. 1 gai inia tht taise saith na maie tirta scrapedi finee and a had lempti, and a goad netglibhlilmtdup and santhe lim inawa, allamîng liaiifit icis lra daann an my fence. Bat liais sa mue bagatella aampaatd ava it atiteis liait gîtaie ataiogi. Teailteis aie sappased ta recarge atair hatteiets dormingthesmerercaionandtinscoial in Sepiemitertaned, it andhîarsingmaîlî idealism, Welil ite lîîky ta apael lis fall, titi anay out staff is flding up. A lieraandalatheur aitacit, a toal aallapst fîam itîtaistiat, îaîiaas slpped datas and atiailet liave decimsied flictranits Aili l asai as isaca ai iîaîthîaa, and t attîlibtî ltai lia a coaple ai days ai Blaady Staîta lir breakfast, seîsad ity fîaeîds me mata iisîitg. it haen a had sîmmea fat s lai ai patents.> Fiîsi, laa ids t met an a uisai ta tirt aid hiame taon, îaald meananalilsntiy abat tlietad iiîîited atir lart ya ai Caliage. Thaît parettas metenit quîtes nnchtalant. Apapleîtta as flie mîd. Same day I mtîaatldîîtaadmtao as ai lias cottaget Taay'd tin as n ait Ioi maîing. Tilt nigia hafaîî. myiîaaendad îeceîtîd aaial]ntte plienishome tonn Taeyladîadaîbig tetn-ge paîy. At lias plaît. A fîîaîd ai my daiglitta pîaîty, blonde i7-yaaî-aid, iasdîasînttandierî iigha sid is paalyted. Noaneed ltaihiiamw lita family ittit. A dastîsîgit maîliertld meihe wneits agit tai liei 14-yea-ald dauglati lai diiappeaid, lin ait math anîtheî id. Site pliîned, couet, liais week fîam Vancouvet. Alite, but mia Sans mlit sites heat dog lt'tht lady as a gond ~~Page 20 years ago Tatea hrumt flie assai ai The Canadian Champioîn, Asgasi 25, 1949. Utîsal and attractive ptrformance' antîl praîanîad ta ahea citis ai Mltai aaddisictsiiast Sunday eening. The tn, ait opyen ait band conetatirelaLatn Sotas Ragîmnal Batd ai Victia Park sud a daaplay ai fanay figaîe sitstîîg 'a' pîasaîîiad ui Milîton Atea hy stîdaîts etîîatled ai ltae Miltas Simmai Scliana ai Skating. Bath paasaîiaiîaas diew iapacity aîamds front misa parsitte ouitiaty. ta mas esîamatad abotlut îeaaaosand people attnded bath altracios On Fiday aitaînant ai about tisa a'clacit, Mi. Bah Anaderson sigliaing amaite tam the aty fi.mituned in i r alatia ltai laai ciands ai peopla, lthe ftemen and tunî t liune ai Actai and tiainaty's laiget liti. Fit ail unktanw amogn tataily destoeayd argetbarnaanedby G 'A.« Fisaite if Toledoa, Ohui., satîaied ait Esqiesingas lart lit andet flica onti early Tutsday mong. Fiee tînt bookais mill ht applaad la pipais attaaadaag Miltin Public Schasis, officaiasaofthbard have annaiiaad. 50 years ago Tutti fromnt acssit ai Tht Casadian Champion, Aigîsi 28, 1919. Tht persan mha tant the flamer, ta a pal, fîam Mît. Gaiaam's ceiaada lana Sataîday ai Sîîaday, as eeqîeated ta pst ia hach aione Repeai if lthe dayligitt saîang lam bas ha en caeaatd ait an lthe United States anet thi pittidanas vto. Standard aime miii itt îanamedaonOittîe fit. permanantly, it is pcaad. Oaataia ai te liaailscay aitaaelit.iali,i.aaada na.ibciusyitada dtop daslaitsaigi aimsfuiaiii Ytsttîday tîenîng sarie aiou aamnsmen, caacited hy seneta expets, itad a game of golf ai thte fait groands. Tht formation ifsa cash, inita ait-hle lins, as prapaned. Ta tht aditat Stiteal gaedenetn frant the Banlingian distict heanglsa Sage laadt ai A-i iamaiaes itene itis weeit and nald tem ai 40 tenta pan 11 qart askei-35 cents tanne titan the people ni Milton bil Sa. tliti 0 pls tans Ian Sitaald ail laa lonely hlîtsid We magit hi atîgîta hit,. plat atio mitas, gadisiance caii lai Manianal. s, ai huila ha pisad oat as a fuisaite îiaaplaads ta adapt flaoded maitl shapheid's pie, iceîtaîsly miSe file a loi s of the Past from champion files ta pay a few days hefaît. Thisas a stampie ai t he la git cas oi f laiving, Actan haliayets was the Glen Challenge Cap hy defeaingGeorgetowne ai Glet Wtlltams 6-2 an tht bith insa 100 years ago Tian fram tlanisueaf TheCanadian Chamnpion, Aigisi 2h6. 18h9. Wa heg fibis wet tu anaaiic ta u isadeis a change an tht pîapîîtîaîhp if Tht Champion, ta baiiaghbetaapaiihsd hy J. D. Malthesan mita lias titi aametilma pat actued as is edatai. As allia change will mahe noi dîfleenat an titi editiai managemînt tif tht papal, ai eci.stt that thait mill ha ni changa as the palîtacal caasaofThe Cam pion. Assint ha pasi. s an tht litait, abat papta mili almays he fa-aid t-- hi stiangîs aapptaing. and sigsraiîiyiandliuiaialy daaaiinag abuss and carruption asiatiasa i1e îl a y ais ousd. Il wiii ai ci adioatsi ail esar îtiaims admpasamnnirouaatier. Wu hav astat liaite hiapi gîaîn hy Samual MaNaîgtaîs Esqaaiing. flly ilireincti loniag. Tht ciup. ana halieca. promises lai tutu out itill A- niant ait tht Mltai chuiclias a hall, lase -lama bil mill ha îîg eey Sanday liii disant mîaîshap ai lai3 ifa.m., 2:30 p.m. aid 6:30 p.m. Tais iili ha a gîet ailenca to churc.ligoais. Wîaîatd-a cierk tat a country store. Apply paîsaîîally ta A. B. Cîuliaden, [aovlli. Tht airmai Brant Papai Mill paapeîty miii he îald ai pubics aidaisn an Wtdittday, Saptembet 15 ai ion THE CANADIAN CHAMPION nii stan n niteOt.Oa DIL aaMNI:QAN U ISMOC re Sa a a . , E-i ph-, 871r23aa 41.iî mother, in every way. Han tino daugtees oea fine, saeady girl, the other a young nip. Whyl And everyashere yaa see thean on the hagliwayn, dity, itearded, lang-haired. Hithhiktng frtm nanuitte ta nowhere. Soie of them chester i cmmunes" in the big cities. A commune as sally a fallng-daten louse ina slum area. SI has a kithenof srts, taîlet thai waiits oasinally, and the test of the fluor apace is cas'eiedhby maittreset and sleeptag-bag. Theaietacally, ievone contiaien fot food, ieaat and chaates. In iaalaty, dictie aie auslly Iwoaortheeasaring andthetet jasa dift an and sait like alty cals. This piadacet paîsanalaay clastaes antd hassiai and a viyaataeallay psyahlaaical aimaspiatat Add diags tt ias baus naît and yasaaetbaanetpeaayaaick yatg peaple. They claam tlttyie apaaitg ast af a niait saaiatty Woîk ia daeay waîd. Tlaey aie mtdatatang, sttktags ahiipiaiual fle. Ttteîeîs alot att taiS abaautavabrations and Baddtta and paît love foi asaiyaaaa AIl tits it a pg-pan' Tht yaang Peaple aie taat patlaatic bat 1 gîtitv mora faî tlatir parett, mba tinaplydantknaaianastuaaapasaîtaatsay ai tlankang and liviag saalaiaa tatliaiaasn. Tttey aitetaaaang, fîstratedand itlplss. And t savt a ttla paty tati mystît. GaI a tetiei frant nay daugitaît. fîaam Maanîîaal, tellang mie alaetialiy tat st liad airne centi. Waîad tai srne mante yeteiday. ot s calleut cat] abat niaaaaaag, sayataf stt cauldit casi ithteassitlaad na paa afitdentaty. Pltaned Iae Mantîtal îelîgîaph affice, laîld tbem tf mas OK ta cashî tf Na ian da. Coanfirmtato bad lia camte froam aur local tait sfite Csiled Ilien, gat aff a mile and prasuaîhiy slae iaslaed an, as she hasn'taalled baik yet