Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Aug 1969, p. 10

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____ ______ r I WHO DQES Il? UEAUTY SALON 1 DECORATING Vogue Beauty Salon A NE5W COIPPIOE Designed JunC Por YOsa - and - COMPLETS BEAI2TY SERVICE Cail 878-2461 192 Main Stret HENNY'S HAIR STYLING 198 Mi st., Miton CALI 878-3711 FOR APPOINTMEMT Modtrn eqatpmmst. aESpent atylîng, cotoeta,. wavtag. 2Ic0M Pam's Bouuty Lounge 160A Miii Street 878-4581 No anponnîent nncesury. Opn (idavs a week- Tnursdvsuand Fridayn - tam. tn 9 pm. Sadvs -t8a. lin 4p. IManagnd by Orenda Rnwley PAINTING AND DECORATING GIL VANSOELEN PAINTING Contractor tadustriat Restdenttal Inttrior -Enter Cati num for Fret Esttmates 878-6137 Box 114, Milton. TAILORING - REPAIRS MEN'S TAILORING ALTERATIONS KNIGHT'S'MEN'S WEAR 202 Main Steet PHONE 878-4472 2lt47uet WELL DRILLING WELL DRILLING J. D. RUlTAN R. R. 2, Milton, Ont. Phne Sueliugtun NEtson 4-6W2 PRINTING For Your Printing.. *Top Ouuiity *Efficient Service *Reusnoble Prices CALL THE CANADIAN CHAMPION 91 Main St. Milton 416 -878 - 2341 GARDEN SERVICES WEED EXTERMINATING Residentiol Commercial Licennnd Operator DICK VANDENBERG PHONE 878-3959 Work Ootranteed Ztc-tl ORNAMENTALIRON Wrought Iron Railings Clarkson 822-0151 (CutI CelleetI New Method Railing ES. i OAKVILLE. DRAPERY BROADLOOM " Residentiat " Indutrial " Commercial Ready - made Drapes iu étotk. Pur Custom Service CALL 878-21167 FOR HOME APPOINTMENT SYERS 228 Main St. 878-2067 21o-58 ELECTRICAL SERVICE McPHAIL ELECTRIC LIMITED e INDUSTRIAL e COMMERCIAL a FARMS & HOMES e ELECTRIC HEATING INSTALLATIONS 66 Char]e; St. Million 878-9513 _ 877-3752 CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY MILTON UPHOLSTERING Nuw onned and optrattd hy Lorne Arthur PHONE 878-9094 R. R. 3 mIlton * Reupholstery " Auto trimt " Uphnlstery cleaniag " Custom huilt ftuaiiture * Fret pick-up and delts'ery 2ic-tf REFRIGE RATIO N KING REFRIGERATION tNDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL SALES & SERVICE Member of: Rterigeratton Service Englaet' Society -mad - Association ut Refslgeratin Contractons CAMPBELLVILLE 854-2228 île-.tf TRAILER SALES & RENTALS Taylor Trailers TRAILERS and TRUCK CAMPERS Sainsý and RentaI REESE HITCHES Parts & Aessories 878--2694 21c-tf CAMPERS Truck inn traiter camping nquipment Sains andI Rentais Fraxer'n Marine & Camping Centre The one stop Centre for the i1249 Gueliph Linn, Burlingtue (,37-5288 21 c-tf ALUMINUM ALUMINUM " DOORS e WINDOWS @ GRILLES a RAtLINOS " AWNINGS e SHUTTESS Oluns for Evry Pomepse Only filtv equipptd gluoni shnp on the arcs vAill truckas and nnperiencnd glanants. W. J. KOSKI LIMITED 878-9452 FINISHED CARPENTRY -REMODELLING - EC. ROOMS KIT(Ftt'4 CABINETS - Rt0OSIFE COUNTERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS - CLIFF BARNES RAY OLAN 878-9135 Building Contractors Ltd, 21t-tf *Home Inuprovements *Renovatins *Additions ADVERTI1SING 1S AVARAILE *Commercial or Industriel IN THIS SECTION AT Eoetê 854-2263 (JMICAL RATES. MM<0( FM 21v-Mf COUflETE INPOB8.Afl01. 10 The Caniaien Champion, Wednesday, August 27, 1969 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE .. 18B MARTIN STREET MILTON, ONTARIO WE TRY HARDER LISTINGS NEEDED Homes, Farms, Commercial Properties Requirod for our newly opened office in Milton - 5~ I r7O O1 Cali Mr. i'eaî - 0107JF Etroîtitn Sales 7c17 S. S. 2, GEORGETOWN. 19 LEGAL 19 LEGAL Phn 7-7020etf - NOTICEFor Complote THE HALTON COUNTY uto Sevc Roman CathOIiC Separate School Board CRSA. C O TE N TAKE NOTICE ihai Thc Haitnn Cnunty Roman Caiholit Saie ot s aIl d tptu i. Separaic Sutinni Bonid on the i7ih dat ni Jolie. 1969, patttd By- itniIId temal Lao.4uaina hnnizthe brrt-ing f mncy by theise nd Sales conducted anywe't. tain ni at Dchcnture nf the taid Board in tht princnipal amnouat Te.8 -27 ot 133,10.34.R R 3, Milton, Ont. 1. The pnrpntinfortthich the oneitohbehorrowed ts te 20c-tf contructiotn of tparateschool ccomemodtio and the stliply nI nquiymctt. 2. The amonnot no bc hnninttcd ts $323,000.00 un thetseturity af AUCTION SALE (ietnsid Dehcninrc, thich shail bn a chaurge opon tht Inn tchnnhusc pocit.tandpremtisstnd any ther ral nr persnnai propriiV tid in thetuidBoad and upon WM. VAST th, scparuit sctnn ratesctu.nictibie y the sailliBad. 2nd Lin and Derr5Rn.d in 3. Thei DcIcninnc iý. no bc dauid Augeisi I. 1969. tsI bheur interett ai the rte il 71/0.' pert annumn patabln ttmi-annually on SAT5JRDAY, AUGIJST 30515 Fehruanur.tincAuuttt1 iitcaii car ofLtc uurtnnty of m the Dnthcnin, c and tiuý 1%) bc payablin n ttaimnts of 1 princ.ipal nn August 1 in flic ynars 1970 Io 1989, as foltowtu Applituncs, u tiinrec, antiqu- Principal Year Annotant ctldes aretr os Year Amount Principal lunt aund g.rdcn neuiomeni 1970 I 8'000.00 1980 S 15,000.t0 WARD SROWNRtDGE, 1971 8,000.00 1981 17,000.00 Phne 8780730, Auutionctr, 1972 9,000.00 1 982 18,000.00 20c17 1973 9,000.00 1983 19,000.00 1974 10,000.t0 1984 20,000.0O 1975 11,000.00 1989 22,000.00 1976 12,000.00 1986 20,000.00 A C IN SL 1927 13,000.00 1987 25,000.00 U TON S L t 978 13,100.0 1988 27,000.00 1979 14,9W8.00 1989 291000X fnr NORVAL JUNIOR FARMERS JAMES D. IICIGAN, S,,rctisr- 19e8 iii N,u.I Fa iih Hall FEIDAY. SEPTEMBER Sth NOTICE t, i,cuc, i-t 7 tumhi.i ,l nuuhun 30 daitelri Ai7p if the tInnunt ,utiunt,,hic, in- publicaini ui iis notice, îhct ut. ttiuqucsD.vcý clnding a 1951 Ford Tndor, tt1 bcOu ditpstcil crns 1966 liu 6W-936; au c'" ,l [Iu,ci W-[u hall nfi e cl' tluilinun 1c9,n 64 iuu 195-1r63; th.Cn , t9Nutstgttnya. ADSOWSDE . id j t 1'1u1. ii),ii Chritu.ur ranuk. WR RWRDE 967 ticu 646028,. a- u, irat 20,17 Auctinncnr. Close Main St. Cuiid.r em.rgeucy staff Members of the Works OepstY -tte .Ron .Hàis Cosootttee will consider an expressei d upot o the emergency staff for municipal propoai advanced tIse prevlus rquipmeot, Milton Couricil mrkb the M oayor and asked agrerd Monday. for etohorution. Mayor Dent emphauieed the 20 AUCTION SALES tomi had a million dottar tromen t plant inctudiog ouxitiary power equipmeat, "TlNYt HOP INS ould hune thre quarters of a LICENSEO AUCTIONFER ýn expenstivt mater systeot. You coo't hart somenne who Phono 878-2657 juat ttinks tttey kos how to 21-loperate these systems", hie suggested. Councittot G. Keante Ward Brownridge sgetdpeetsafb Licd Autiioreer trained, mIe ure nom on otîser Fcm Lvntoh pos.tions, sathey could itl in Fa ni Lveo A lurang eogeam monstE for two Motoraiss ute reufnded that Main St. ai Fulton St. mill ho closed on both lunes t0 ail sehlitalar traffit, nent Tuesday and Wedoesday, Sept. 2 mnd 3. The closing i s necessary 10 allow mutekoten to lay tht 42 inch tilts for thetbowns 0cm tmunk semer project. Contractors peomise îIsny tan ceose Main St. on tht tmo day period-they reuchnd there Monday of this meeh aftee iotlong tîscir may np Fulton St. frot Oak St. preset staff and promotion uhen qualified! woutd ho or assistance, Coulîcittoe P. Date suggested. Mayor Seat empliatîzed hie mat concrerd about haning enougte peoplt e tople mith the systenus in emergencirs, oleether tl he tlooris or itîness, and tnggetted tIse works cominittet innestigute the besi solution. George Prior George Ptior. tht toma employe injured in last wtrkendts explosion at tht Robert St. pumping hoase is reported to be in satisfuctoey conditioni at Milton District Hospital.. Me. Pnior teceieer second degree huensto hit orots and legs n tile explonion. Hospital officiaIs tuy tie is comaing atoeg 20 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Fnor ESTATIE 0F WM. BLACK In Aberinvie, ninsi FIca Mae- ket, un Nu. 6 Hurt., un SATURDAY, AUGUST 051 At12enn. i cd hangu ug iimp: Nuns Abnech; pimn fiai bath; tirow - back chair and rnchnn. pin bnby ciadile; Seth Thomasisnighit cinck: 2-seated democrat. 2 iope Suds, bitehet bon; cuffîci ing iron:10 ohions nîd 3 îItii,s 'and mny orei. Few impieinui; oid John Dnuun.itnctur (1925); ceduit p-nts etc.; 1948 Plymouth. CASH DAY 0F SALE Nul intynnibin for accid- MAX STOREY. Rockwo,d 20b9 Anucionee. riýii tronl$2175 NORTH END BPi 235 BASELINE ROAD ý- MILTON -878-2471 Stock up for the holiday weekend ENJOY, STEAM-ERA ALFONSO'S SPAGHETI or MACARONI 3-R991 VEGETABLE Oi 2O 1.59 oE ot .2 GALON PRIM E RIB ROASI 69c1 RK HOPN 19 FehPot Roast 59,111 1 STEAK 49b B EA > FREH CN .NED 45 LOAVES 99C STW NOCRISTIE'S CHRISTIElS J BEE H M R1AMOUOFGu .WIENER PLI 610SUICAR C 10 ; Oe 33,0,5g ofO8s Reg. 33n-12 untha 6 9 1b 'NOi 1 ONTARIO HOMO GROWNS PEACHES 8C 6 T.ST HOMEGROWeN NEWt SOT, eSnr FRESH FIRM LETTUCE 2s" POMMTES 49c CUCUMBERS 3FO BANANS 5 RADISHES 3 .CE BANANA 5 '~GREEN ONIONS 3 -LIN-_ PRICES EFFECTIVE N000 WEONESDAY TO n PA M 0070800 ONLY 850 OR SEEOLE MI days ho dinetted ti pire, St. Humnter, o bridge on Fine St. rpateicts rehicutar teaffit to a meiglat of not more than fout tons, su tmuch traffic miSl hune 10 diveet nround tht tomn peelaseter Senerat othte, atieats at Milton mill he affected! hy te tmunh semer projece in tht coming metha. They inctude Mitîside Ptaza, Woodward St., Riterpluce Cresc., Mountainviem Di. and Higliside Dr.

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