Kelso Rover moot f'À here this weekend ïhJ4IJLItbl laWitrII Kelsoawill be humming wlth aiity ibis weekend as Rover crews front ail ove' the provioce invude the orea for their 26th aniual four-day moos. The moot miii hi on a srite Jme thanti he Boy Scouts' Ontario Jamboree hrid at Kaelia lait year, citti ccli oves 600 Rayera expecied la ateod. Thies were orariy 3,000 ai thr 1968 Jambhorer. "K niIlhthilo ode Ttiouth Chtalleoge" wit hi the thmeo tue evet and ;Kio Arihor"P will beth.echasm Iloonf e cam wzth ttie h att crews us has adoisars. Rover le,ýad aod ther dlstingulshed persooIl m iiih pages and ail visiors witi br chauad as pages. Oas of the louglighis cf the moat citi ho a joustio toumrnsrait The purticiputing =agt wftl i mousird au dekp sudl ciii try ta dismouert each aiher using dummy tusscrs. The ohstiinant daakeys cil nai he saddtedi, which mutl add ta the difficuiîy of the joust. VOL. 110 -No. 17 About 14 Miltton Rovers wiii participise. 1til îtfficiatly "pn Saturday * ai 1 p.. ttouh Si arol hegins on Priday. Ai 2 pi.G a Saturday the Raversi dli siari ltse fir.I rou.nd of iheir challenges and evertit. Saive of the caler challenges inclade canve racing, canue praficieacy, tog-rotting, Sagao' car and cnoe jtig.Tedyitencihalent show and campfire ai 7.30 f and a car raty atB8p.m. Fo y u f h On Sunday Shere witi ho more m girc llgcis ohlegsadeei tul l 10.30. Soe t he ansd they're ail îoiling jr Some of this week tuset the uctivities inctude cross country, Sirae a '6,hea horsrhae pitching. archery, log reu cf9 he Oni iawing andusabre tos. aod Antique P Mondap wiît wend op the Association. mulot wîrh the final challenges Milto, and especlu and averts hoîng mun ai ibis Fair Grounds, wiii lime. Amîrds witI ho pvesessied glow cf yesieryear ihi ut nuain. as the Strave-Era MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1969 itsof yesteryear roling in weekcend Steamo-Era reunion pt the yesierday's îlling, and lic Milton stage foi nîh anocal ric Sieam îliy Milton take on a s ceekend pscudly parades ils sieam engines, ils gas iruciars, gas engines, antique cehîcles, lice models and thoutaods cf precicas aotiques hofuîe ao expecîrd crccd cf 30,000 patros. The illeaus-Era prcmctees are hahhyistin sthe alden style cf agsiculture, and iheir sonual Jahct day weekesd îeunions sn Millon atiraci the steuam huffs, the couacus, the young mnd the old frontal]lover North Amrica. Crowdsîinpasi yeaes have ranged frcmt 5,000 tc 30,000 and club presideci Gardas Rayoes cf Milton is predictiîg ascîher record clieodacc for 1969 if the cecîher hclds ul. tat yecr rajas foccd the show îa close ahout ihiee hours early as the holiday Mosday. Sevesai oedly resîcîed sîcave engises ccd gos iraciors cdll ho an display ai Recno '69, as viel as as especîrd steamers, 40 gas isacicîs, about 100 îesîcred gasalise engu et, 25 viniage cars ccd truckis, acd c hasi cf cîher miscetteneos eqoîuci sucgîsg fromt ihiesheis ta drag îaws, watch fch collectîions la dog pacrred chant. The club hus 225 members îhraughoct Ontario asd sarihers U1.S. and ail] cf iheve hrisg iheir astiques and iheir sscchisery tu display ai the show. This yeuaa innatiîon cilI ho (Cossttsoad ou Page e> MEETING TOGEfIER ei Nassigiweyancnrc t meeting aid mil rabus upa the cacascy tefi seben Munday nigbn are the nae depasv escve Gardus Mr. Agem snepped up lu the depcip rese Agew eve, the nese resse, Mrs. Anse ManArthur, posinion. Mes Macnrthur mas sarved Reece sehen cesses, and the newest meveher of coanicit Allan Renne W. A. Hie>, died.- Seul Phaolo Aciean. Me. Actiman mas vssesn inas thencunnil Not depressed area No provincial "9plumns" for Milton Miltonuis siiucted in a grcding provncial pluins lîke ihose ihut ccpilc isabchce tire provincial aiesancd industieîs licai teille are avuiluhîr i "depressed" aeage. here munIt ho gettili cny areasof the country.Thî cre Iî fas billon Cauncil gai the muislîrd ie at No ruises message on Mcidap afr mr hale y tire Depusiment apligfor a listing us un ciric cf Trude aid lndcsiry io crace aping buscfnnia nucmn s ato n ils ccc, cilîcugli il for ~ ~ ~ chchfuncicuib c lre o indument s ednti cul hr a fotre counc i eresce cf that estchiished here. $300,0001 ial freitn opini in fc cmiutiee îsdustsy as maiage fonds fac c memnties, Reere A. Ledwiih iold e ilbuncs ssiiuaied in an ceeut lon ormat io ashî mevers cf Milton Ccuocil that is enjcyin a rrasonahte scie The îfrcîccnrfse . ., of ,rowthiî ta tise todasirial Commissicn. recommeudutios muis uccilabte os increasisg ccuncil salaries. - Couscil pr,impsly caied the malter ho gen no furher cassiderciios tiren ccd the Ci subjeci cas cancluded. "Gee, t didait expeci ta gel cul cf tl that easily", Rens Ledcith chseined tsi 6e had Cilier cgîîed hîs cammittie wcuid report los the sens macting. Steam- Era programn Hrcdîog for the Steuv-Eraelaton sn bilton Fair Grounda tis weekeiîd? Heir's a hasdy dcîly timetale cf aeetis ic help ensore ycu dccit miss csp cf the argusied uclicliles: 8 a.m.-Gsaunds open. 9 c.m.-Buildings cpen. 10 c.m.-Sawmîll, fus, etc. an apecclias. 11 av..Thrrshisgcandheltisg up ccnslrkingcccs. 11.30 c.m. Dawntas paradr scris ai Milîton Pluca loclorday aaly). 12 ccci Naca whistls. -ofca pnnbytrli.W.A 12.30 p.m. (Scturdcy ccly) afca pîiî ylc tc .A Stecurt, Osicria's bicistes cf Food acd Agriculture. C. 1 p.m.-Stage pragruve îilh Vicce baucifcrd as evee, fecasuing socgs, stadies, aid esierîcicers. 2 p.m.-Antique cas coniesis, shecf tiisîcoitesis. tc 3 p.m..-Ccsiesis heicees steave espars ccnd gcs tractais. 4 cf cli echihîts caucd îruck cnd pust grcsdstand. 4.30 Actîvîtîrs cnd cossess coninue. Aisa, daily ai Il.30cm., 1.30,2.30usnd 3.3 3p.m hoisepacer Seuig hy dysamameter cf the sieave esgîses ccd tîcîîs. Allan Ackmaon belomnese Nossaqaweya councillor Allan Ackma, presîdent cf Animation Productions Ltd. cnd c sesîdeni cf Nassugacepa township fcr the pasi fine yecrs cas iiacid ibis cîîk la fil] the nccant post cf cauncillar fan the Tocnship cf Nasscgaceyc. Hi cas scasa mn office bcndcy nigh i ca spec*ul c melnci iaeting by clerk-cdmîiicar Cal Mcl asyre. tIn acceptîcg lus nec office, Mi. Ackman saîd hi ihouihi il cas c "solersn ohligation," and lie agreid "Ibis is a crucial period ce are gaing shicagi, iefirring la t6e pruhlemi cf regioac ganemment slckng acr in the aria. The sec counicilai huas hen actine sn municipal pclluecs for mcsy yeass hcih in Torontoancd in Nasscgacrya. Hi brud ccniîsied the reeceshsp cnth Deciehber eiectiic cf 1965. He and hic cîfe lice ai R. R. 1, M offas chere he praduces asîmaird films for telenisias cnd educclioau puspaces. Afier lckîng hic secs an caucicil, ha pscceeded lao gel riglsi dow ccslbsiness, isiesely questîcsisg depoictians clong cîih clhes members cf cauncil. Six sec industries cire estubtished pracidisg 98 sec jobs sn the ut five yeurs, atthccgh une indcslry emplaying 20 clcsed. *Milton bas c reasoabir ratio cf îndcstiîl ta residesSial *The average incame par Pool swim-a-thon nets over $1.,OOO Tcenty sccmmnes raîsedl ccii Scimmers c ire requîred ta $1,000 ut c scîm-c'ihon Fsiduy scîm cidiha cf the pool and 88 ofierno on and evniog aS midtba cas the eqaîcaleot su ose Mion's scimccsg pool. mile cf scimmning. Some ient The mcney ciii ho îoîîîîd onur 34 laps ccd ose scimmes, ta t6e St. John Ambulance lifeguard Dehbie Siîli dent Brigade here 10 80 iccards their 536 laps or 6 miles. Ail sent out caru in soc. 10 beip c gccd cause during ire peid fram 4:30 loaolmosi il Sid.waI sale PThose cho pustîcipcied. înclcdisg ibeir laps cee: sufds 'M «r"' Kimberley Pettigrec. 34; Siephîn HaliOîld, 77; barle Parîy-icc Miton marchants Shuliz, 96; Bîad Bîcsh, 81i. Pool cilih b akîng part iii a iianic Oprocu, 88; Richard Wooiaîîd, sidecalk ccile, hrld in 100;Bob 132; Mary Ans conjonicti îith Stettin Esc. Khip, 200. The suie dîtl be saking place this Thursdap, Frdcy and Anse McPhaul, 240; Jeif Saturday dueiog reguac store Wotand, 264; Heutherlea Eige, buts ini the front cf stares alang 226;, Teevor Haustan, 100; bain Street and Murtin Street. Oebhie Finu, 268; Harvey AS dise aie merchandise dli bc Pettige of the St. Joho an diaplsy catatde the Ambulance, 100; Robert pcrtctpatlng stares. lassgrtdge, 200; Julie StImer, .Thse sale dBl cuiminute dîth. s 440; Aune Rab., 440; Miho tir an Bîtaeduy faima portable Clementa, 300; Debbie Smith, Clat taleniiln. 536; Jlt Hearst, 450. TOOT, 5001'.. ERE THEY COME AGAIN. the tiens ta, arive lue the show und local Siecmn esuines. gas traciors, astique cehicirs and a yougssers Sois Resd ccd Jim Bard wure on hand hast of miîsrellcseuus dîspîcys are courîroîcno tiuwelromeiI on. MilonFair Gouds il Miltas ihis week, in preparciioc for ihis weekend's heîtrccsormed issu a sceve traie yesser yeci for vinih annuel cersin of the StearcEra reacias. the Pîîdcy. Saiarday ccd Mucdcy show.-(Staff This cargn Cave trartion sseamn engine wcc ose ut Phuoo Erolment now 550 Another full house year for O.S.D. It mill ho an ciher "full hocar" yod lasr Ontario Schl for liilii Deufîin Milton. EssaIment is rapecird ao go up about 40 aner ccit year [ora nec high cf 550 wchi a aousd 100 mare than ire residensial tchadls darmiiosri ccc accammodair. The schlci hume residesce plan clîich hoîco lans yeas cîih about 50 siadînia cîlI hi caclînurd thic yecs cîih theanveîflcc siadenia living an ihîîî humes and cammaling daîly la tha scoll viacbus,ti and yiinaecr. Studînts ihcougli Halaon aid Peel Countie andas far aoy as Guelph, ii ccd Kitchern ciii hi licinigai home ticîyrar. Salîcal Supeiiaendeni Don Kennedy ai, reports a chociagi ofciasaiiîcms for lic secon d yaina îcc. Liii per stha aclîoul puicli.îcd 100crcla portablirclasarcs, secird a roin Miliaii's iliuce Si. public iclîccl, atliced Iwo ic.ciiiicalsirops as5 olaciiiomc anîd setap aoiiciiiiiithricoioii rhich lrcirn. Tira came apylies loi i1969.70 acd thier more ypoicabec icave beauî addcd. Siaalaîii wiii stcci aîcîcîsg,în Tuaiday of next week and iii clsss ili ho lield iii Wedcecday. This peai 0.0.. i pcocîdîng grecier facîlîlies far muliîple icandiccpped cludens and cs deveiapîng an enpacdîd psogîom lforiliem. Theischolis aino primnsîg niaisa selected grcayccofiodents for gradaion iii Galicudet Courege inWaington. D.C., the osiy colîge fii lice deaf in North Amesîoca Uas yeaî threr O.S.D. îîadrîîua poarsd thei ectruace raamîsaîîoîc anidiiiiyweiiithe fîîai 0.S.D. gratds fromt Miltcs cligihie a raies lice U.S. collrge. Staif ai O S.D. ciii grcc ta 325 foul lime hbic yeai, plus ceea suppiy aîaffeîc. "THE ROBBER HOTZENPLOTZ" and uther play end senacal ynung teienagers frnt Hamilruu's assuresd chiracters entarimined an audience oflaner Keniltht Librar>, acrad ami ans citîsO 100 nbildren in Virsuris Park un Manda>, "Sersuade" The puppsees are touring serinas avîsmaun. whsn the Snuth Central Reglun Librar>, tîbrartea in the aceses. with teeis performances groupas ruueing "puppsieera" nisited lace far a designed nu Inierst cbildeen in bath puppars and second lime. AdmIra perfouemed the "Hotzenplutz" books.-(Staff Photo) A proposai ns eslahlich [alion and Pcolas adisrict health unit cas icuecied hy Hailon C..unîy Counlil on Tuesday. Itiîdacîag the resolutic co deleur the propoai fraie a omte repart, Reene A. Ledciih cf Miltas enprecsed objectionî ta heisi "blackmailed.' iciciainiai anal6 eî cauciy la chiais addiial glacis. Depusy-Reece T. Tyler, Acuca, aoppiucurd the ioiicion, icioîang ici li,iilîi i i"' ccri n duiidcci hi jing~ to0ii giaca.- lie îaggîîicd iiîoî alihaugh ail tire aricca point ao a Halics'Peel regian, il ccold sotc tike place if cccîsîes cf bMunicipal Affcîîc Dcîcy bcKecagli listened la people ci the local levei, os 6e has promised. "We top ce ccci Hulasn as cie region, and if ce ihen cap mie are dtllisg ta merge heclih anila cith Peel, me dili bo defraîng lthe paîpase ce are tryîicng 10 acali ec,- Depuiy-Reena Arthur Speighl deciîred. Rimae P. G. Gakes, Acion, emphaîîoed the camimiiter hll agcîed la tire regiciiol piapoa in ani aisempi la chIais the anaîlahie 75 per ceci îîanis which il ihouihi ought ho Possîie, if Fiel Coasly cociced la reliai the margerl Noiciy eirourd Depcîty-Reaco i ,:.don Agicwo I N.iui.i8,ioo emiplia,weod thi îîard to be poaitiveril iiiiikiig. Il ictlii:u crige cf the cedgr la aiiac c marger cf Halo ancd Peel hîalih cuis, hcilcd. The sequesi foi the anios ofthe hiaith anis a defecied dith sorme opposition. -Schol's in seul Tuesday. -Brîsg pour fiiends ta Sieuve-Era Reucion ibis ceekeud ai the fuie grunds. Depul'y-Reeve is resigning W illi amn A . Reeve, Dîpali R erne o f Builinglan, tiî ceek annoasard bis irsigialian. Mi. Rimve cas eeied lao Borliion cauncîl la capîreuilt Waîd Tillac for 1ii4,8ii9,anduc.aiiilrdtoithe o. iii[ipiiîcReeae eily iii iSîOi ,ioitii the diath cf Enripa Burke. Ianoning his reaigectian, effecive Sept. 15, br. Reeve scid in c laSter 10 bapor George Hareington "t haie falthfllIy dischciged 16e iespenaubilities af mp office and served Burheugtra and Hulon Caunty ta the funt meusure cf mp capahalitiers, svan ta the entent that my heatt bi nom i jeoamdy." elîion Semai Clam MiiOeario Naiber Oui 3 Twenty-Foae Pages - Fifteen Cets See extra grants in the off ing health merger is turned down