KING - Les anal Edylsse Ring (nec Catteriok) cf ES.. 1, Olornby, Ont. arc plesed tnano- nomnce thse bu-lb of tbcfr son, Russell lames Leahie <Jamie). weiglst 8 IUN.. 53 oats., at Oak- villeTi-atalar ifospital on Aug- usl 4, 1969. Fimot granduon for Boatai-a Ring, and Doris and ihn Calci-icti. IsEOINTAIN - Nil My nane is Gai-t Brett Mouintain. On August lte 14th aI 427 a.m., 1 came bouing9 maso te worM., welgbing 7 ]lbs.. Il oea. My prend and happy parients are Lin&a (me Bates) anal Gssrt cl 199 Main St. E., Apt. No. 2. in (Maton. IIH(Ut9f - ESephen ami Scott are pteascd 10 annaunice tise arrivai of eheir litIle hi-atbee, Stuar-t James. wciglslng 8 UN.,' '1854 ors.. on Tuesday, Aagust 12, 1969. Pi-sut parents arelsvk anal loreen (nee Howden) Thorne. IUWANA - Mi-. anal Mns. Anvg- dlo Ultiana ai RE. 2, Homnby, are pleascd te announce lite bu-lb ai Ibeir dangbter. weigit 7 lits.. 963 oas.. aI Milton Dis- trict Hospitl on Augt 16, 1969. ENGAGEMENTS Tise engaemnt is arnounc- ed of Geraldine Mary. douais- ter ofMr-.and Mrs. F. J. Bntan. Rit. 2, Non-vat, te Joisn Gent Gosclanal. eldest son ai Mr.anal Mmr. O. Howaerd Gewlettd. LE. 1, Milton. Tii. sedding wil1 lobre place on 3-sai-day. Asagust 30, 1969. in SIillciest United Churcb, Hoi-oiy. Mns. J. Frede-ick Little ai Ottainaeneounices the engage- mient a iber dauglster. Helen ERébecca, te Mr. Casincr Vin- ren Eroît, son ai Mi-. ccd Mns. C. W. Kruîl ai Norths Ton- as-andu. N .Y. Tii. -eddtisg wi11 takre place on Satui-day, Sept- ember 6, in Victoria College Chapel, Toisants,. COMINO MARRIAGES I9EI1BURN - VAN TOL - Mr. and Mrs. Klaas Van Tel ai RA. 2, Censpitetlville. Oct., are pleased te announc> the forth- ceming mai-riag. ai titeir daugit ter, Essanea. te Mi-. Stewart A. Hepbumu snof Mtrand Mrs. Beverly Hepburn of 298- Maic St. Weddinf s-itl tek.e place at Kcox Presbyterian Cbui-nh. Seplenihcr 6th, et 3 oMcock. DEATI4S HOWARD, Jeeny L. - Ai Hal- ton Ceneeciel Mener. Mil- ton. on Mosday. Augont 19. 1969, Jccty L. Kennedy. s-ue ai ehe lete Willion- Howaerd of Nassafasocye Towcnship. Fenr-al service ores hrld et the Rumley - Shoen-ker For- erol Hon-r Acon, ce Wednrs- day (<tooay; ai 4 pre. Intermont Nesscgcîceya Presbviorîav e metent. b ROBERTSON, Mai-foiel Jean Reid -At St. Jiîsepbs Mns- pitl Gselph, on Monday. Aog- est 18, 1969, Marcaer Jeen Reidscife offGorge Rber-tson ai RER. 1, Acloo; deer mor-ier ai Jean of New York, and thbe lete Moi-gai-el Robertson. Fstnerel service Wrdnesday et 2.30 p.e. toternant Feirvims- cemrirrx.b CARDS 0F THANKS M y sîncre thanks te every- one coenot flicoci-- gAifs and cards durng ny i-cent stey in Hamilton GiereraI Hospital. Wie aise eppirociaeo all the ects of bindnesseand sitîs since mny relo- lion-r r16-1223 Elhcl Losh. Sincere tbenks toe ryoe for flin-srs, gift enal cards dorîsc n-y stey in Milton Dis- trict HOospital wouk speciel rhbeks le 'Milles OFF.., Ont- ail Sicaaned Antiue Assoc- iannrses end steff, Dos. MeoKey and Lofair. cl6-123i f ileen Dos-es. I s-osid like îo tek.e tise ap- portscily te thenk ail MY friends anal relatives for Ikeir oerds ansd visit5scwiole I wss Milice Di, it Hospital. A spe- cialith.ukciîihe oîîîs aool staff end Do. Syot ior ilir kicdness te me. eI6.1J2P San- Mils. IN MEMORIAMS 711CR - In loving meesont of a duri buband and fathcr, Preder4ck Rober-t Ttok. Wo paaed amay Augant 24. 1966. iBadty missed but a)ways re osessiereal hy wife Eva. mon Menvin, bis wife SAargareI. L - gradcilden ndgret grand- conibldren .164047 COMINC EVENTS Ros Churels bodi w61 aa- ain h.e open for UNe Stonm- Ers, Pniday. -aloi-day and Mo.sday. Augsnt 29, 30 and Se9teorhr I. Hianemade pics. stoitburgers ami refrcniste sei-ved. e17-125O Donkey Basnitalt. Sunday. August 24, i Kilhride selseol greunds. Preg-ana sîorîs ai 1.30 p.m. with girls sailisall Omagit and îBurtington Star Cîenens. Admission S1.0 per persnn 50c: toi- cildrcc 5 - 12 years. Sponsored by Kiberide and Distict- Rerreation Assoc- iation. ol64206 SIca,. - Sm, te 9tis aniual resision ai lte Ontario Steam ecd Antique Pi-cscrvers' Assoc- iation. retaren Friday. Salai-day and Monday. Angsast 29 and 30, ami Septi-nier I. la Milton Four Greunds. h-a,. cugines. gris t-altors, antique veisictes. mortels, gois engices. son- miii- ing, tbreslticg, parades and many el-ber attractions eacit day ai lbe show. Admission $1, obildren 50c, parking on grounds 50C. .164129 1969-70 Trae6 anal Adventure Series. Onterio Scbonl forthe Deai, Mein Auditorium. Tues. Ot. 7-Dccnis Coaper "Inside -Passage and lb. Alcutien Is- tends'. Tsi-s. Nov. 4-Robci-t -Bra-er 3-canin Americo". Tsi- es. Jan. 6-Romain Wilhelmsen Ysoalan Traits'. Tai-s. Fit. 3 -Raepl- Gi-n-n lensie 59e eria". Tues. Ma-. 3--Wat-r S. Dodson "A Teste of Inreel'. Tu- es. Apr. 7-.ýBiIi Kennedv "~Nova Scnîie". Eeob performence 8.00 p.m. Admission S1.30 studenis 75c. 3-ess tickets 16 admis- siens) 86.00, stadents S2_50. Sponsoreal ly the Rotant Club of Miltnn s-ilh proeed for commanity projects. r22-1261 1 FOR SALE GRADE 13 lent books. M78 9451. 1C16-1263 WRINGER weshing machine s-îtb psnp. 878f-38. 1c16-1233 1JSED lutober. Appiy Sctrite Store, Milton, 8784463. lcl6427O 2 BOYS' bicyvles, gond con- dition, $10. eeoh. 879-22,14. let6.l240 REFRIGERATOR. smeii oize. Appiy C. W. Clark 870-4463. tcl6.1255 BABY CARRIAGE; higisokair; crîi aise 34 lied. 878-67(68. li II6-114 SILO. 14- s 36, sIel i-oi., excellont condition. 870-9613. Inl63239 EXTRA strenga naler w'ith 8 fi. bos. Eeasonebly priceal 378- 9413-9956. 1o16.265 ,MdCLARY slose anal Zenith nofigieraton, i gocal condition. Phone 878-3500 lc1is218 30" STOVE, goud conditio, 150; J pîeccoseclionol chester- fieldl, hi-o-t, W50 Phone 878- 3214. ic6,124 ADDING MACHINES, type- scritnrs for sae or rental. Phoene 978-962. Harris Station- ent. tc-i-417 PERSONALIZED stalionent, 100 siseets pius ,neiopm., as les -us 03.40 as 0he Chamioln Office. tciO7.f FULL set of -Ludscig Super Clessîc drias, coospiete s-itit Zilgie cynthbais. potifecl condit- cen 878-4693 ealer 6.30. 1o16-IJ4S COMsBINATION Moover wseser and spin dry, 6 moths ol, imnmaculale condition. Phone 878-399)4. 1o16'IJJO YOU WILL LIE bsying your building materials anal coulr aI Cran-ford's Cempbeisille. Ou)icb serice. Higk quality. Piton. Campbllville 8%92232. cti-4161 MAFS of Milton ibowing lise nos bsandcricn s-ich rok cf- trot iansory i. Single ostpien. 24c ami le tan i The Chaampian ahfiie. 191 Main St.. Milton. lc4O19-td .MAN'S black suit, estre pair pacîs. i pair drk gray andl1 pair light gr-ay parnis, cire 34;- s-edlisO i-es., sire 12. 878-3294. 1 c 16-122 2 9 s 12 WOOL RUGI wi1h enderpeals, I pear oid; vrger wsahingnmachine, gond no-si ing condition; continental b.ed. 30", cloe condition. 878-4359. lcl6-I?29 LARGE glossy points ofi Cuna- oian Chamspion staff philos. 5 n 7 size ît.W0.8 x 10sieSlP lUS tast Cashtmsst accsnspafly ar' di-r. Enquire nos -at Champions office, 191 Main SI.. Milton.. USED Fsmiture of ail brss ehens.s dresscrs, dining sets. Gond sciectîca cgl stoves. re- frigerators anal wringer mas- ers. New anal tseal beda. Johnson l'untre & Appliance Exchlaisge. Show Rocroi 160 Main SI. -Phone 970-3781. Lai-gc Woi-euse stock 2278 Nipissing Rd. Open i-vent nigOsI until 9. 10111401) 1 FOR SALE ONE 258 Ideal An-rc o s-etlci-. AC-DC, uneal about 3 boars. $37; ane metaI cottlng banal sam. 505; me DakIl Bual wclde-, 81-75; one weldlng table. $15; one beneit grinder 6606 mri- toi- aad stoaes, $15. f18902. 1016-12a9 CAMP TRAILERS Brel ienom. Promt S3M. Re.- ai. ai-ianged. PFM SALE OR RENT Book eaa4y ai Richardson's Radio and T.V. Phone 878-6949 bef "GET A LOAD 0F THIS" " READY-MIX CONCETE " SEWER PEPE, ETC. for -Millon costomers. Wc have a marebose at 3M47 25 Hmy. at Burnbamuthoepe Rond PHONE 027-1087 Daiy -ex. Snday MICHAEL'S BUILDING MATERIALS LTD. 1.-If KELLY SPRINGFIELD - TIRES - UP TO 50% OFF ON BRAND NEW STOCK TIRES EXAMPLE: 845 x 15" $ 12.95 Similarhbig sevings on ail 006cr sires in TrectsrTrajckand Car Tires. MILTON TIRE 191 MILL ST. 570-2711 t c-tf SEWING MACHINES SPECIAL 2 WEEK SALE OF FLOGE MODEES AND DEMONSTRATO)RS GLOSES 61k SEPT .. 1969, AT 6 P.M. On-eco 82F straighl ns with re ers Re.69.95. NOW $55.00. On-ega HA4 ulelue sslaightsw wt-h ros-orse. Eeg. 589.95. NOW 170.00. On-ega R30OSB zig cag. bul-m botienhoier. Re.. 11.995. NOW 199ý95. On-ea 450 eig eeg. bouit-m but- hattonhoier. Eeg. $119.95. hon-n-ci Eeg. $169.95. NOW 1129.95. On-igo 1000, aaîsmatic. 14 baill- in pette-n discs, astomalic liollonholer. Shimd bn-n-mer. E g. $209.95. NOW 1149.95. OPIPER GREAT SAVINGS ON BERNINA MODELS Cashlfo lo ur olal machines. Higi trade-in aliowanocs. Milton Fabric Centre 1cI6 TV TOWER SALE 30' os-er instatid s-itb ait chair- ne] hecal $58.50. 40' toier installeal 66italchan- nei beed S72.50. .50' os-er installi s-ilb ail chair- ne] bocal $87.50. Est-e ioads (for seond TV si-t). Installai 120.00. F.M. sîere bead. lostaleal $20.00, 15 omn-coeler booM. lostaleol S6.95S AS69a.i95. i- isilea VEHICLES FOR SALE -1967 PLYMOUTH -Belvealere Repais ai eSt types. 2-uloni- horitsp. 874162. 1964 PONTIAC Sports Coupe, RICHARDSON'S cunveribdle, 409 cri. lu., exccl- Radio & TV elter 5.lton hn 5c1641243 201 Main Street Baset 1960 VOUCS9R462N, gondl MILTON n-dur, front enal anal transmis- siun. Ni-edt tires anal mailler. Phono 878-949 neOpen In cffci-. 970-4M9. S1- CLASSIFIED RATES z,,6AOUe - N. CliM. Fm 8*15. Pm N311T. NmmC - '08p5as 68 doe.= la 140g - 8 M 310" 80NNO8N s 8. 4585.8*0 nNe . OvNi-i- CARD EN TISANUB - $1.80 i- that ffve Ik*8 IN W0N1A58 - 6,0 qN 1*08eN 8,08 Um i oe.%a8NMN OUPLÂ. MMAL WTAiU - 81.0 0 ur, Sb.69.I aOm NquMN 88. " tn» - a. .8800.aL DEADUINE US 12 NOON TUESDAY i FOR SALE TIP-IN-TIRE SALES LIMITED BASE LIME - hILTON UNIROYAL Tires and Batteries came in anal uee lte esa UNIROYAL MASTER 7he tire for tire manriera USED PASSENGER and PARM TIRES USED T'RUCK TIRES in AIl Simas 878-3131 ANYTIME If basy CAIEL 878-M37 24 Hour Service lotit 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE TABLE CORN. 878-99liI93 SWEET corn. Chai-les Inglis 93423M7. 2c17-1199 CORN for freceer. Doiivcred >free in Milton.87612 A QUANTITY ai second crep boy. msstty alfalfa. D. Lawson 878-629. 3.161262 ,MELBA apples, gond fui- eat- ing anal csoking. Brin gconain- ers. Roy Bosfiebi 87-33 30.12Q2 NEW HONEY 1lb. container ...... S.40 2 lb. container .......... 75 4Oth.container............1.33 8 lb. container ........... 2.50 Cent Hsney Eacb .75 Bnlit Money........ Lis. .30 Creameal Honey:2 Ili., 4 lb., 8 Ili. .EOCKOOAVEN APIARIES 25 Siderseal off 25 Mn-y. Colt 833-036 2it13 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE -PlFFIES, 4 male. 2 female. $5 eaob. 878-3614. 3.16.1232 BULK shevi.qs, blos-e in, bu- loi ai-aiiable. Bolon 857-2336. 3.1025-tf SOUI-REEL MONKEY. I yeni- olal. grolle pel $25. Phone 8M8 3M9. 3e16,1141 FREE te fond bome, pari block Labradur puys. Cail after 6 p.. 878-2276. 2.164143 MORSES., 50 anal up; colts, 160, ysar oice; ponien. $30 and op; anal sadalles anal tank. 1354Q2340. 3cl6-1244 IREGISTEED quarter herse, n-are anal fiily; 2 Shetland mare ponies; i Biily Cook sadle, -bridie; i pony nuie. Phone rnyîlme afIn- 6 p.n. Friday. 878-3796. 3.16.1-145 SADDLE SALE inciuding CUTTING MORSE SADDLES ROFER SADDLS QUARTER MORSE SADDUES BARýREL RAGER WESTERN SADDLES & somte ENGLISH SADOIES AT SPECIAL PRICES Fairbairn Miloage Station 48 Broadwsay Orangovillo, Ont. 3b16 4 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE 0F HAVE c- si ,n-ors s-aiting foi- gond os, M.MF. "3M","3' "65 Pi-acIers PURCHASE a ýei Massey Fer- geson Tractcr befure Sept. 5 andl sas. 3 isess: by taking aaoniage e' ou correnî spe- ciels. bv a piie increese f- lectise Sept 5, by oui- nue- inle-est pi-o asm tn April I. 1970. Milton Equipment Co. Ltd. 3163 Baselîne Rd., MILTON 878-2121 4bh16 4 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE Nom internaional Nanctter self.prepetca Cantines Nom gravity Grain Botes, As.g' esanal Elevators New Grain Dryers Usai John Deere. Altis-Chato- ers anal Internatiunal P.T.C. Camines Useul Parage Moi-vesters. Bolers anal Etevaluns Useal Case ES-ather. in excellent cunditiun YOUNG'S Farm Equipment Clappisuns Corersu No. 5 Higbway Phone 689-6668 4c17 5VEHICLES FOR SALE -1961 VALIANT station wagon, A-t. 150 or besI ijier. M78 4784. 5.161267 ý1966 EPIC, safi-ty check, tow mileage, gondl second car. Must seli. reiureing tu tubent. M70 2710. 5.17-1256 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE For Your Nect Car... MY9 BUCK HAMILTON AT BELL BROS. 8754300 7> WANTED GCOD homes for Icittans. 830- 2396. 74161351 GGOD homes for ilaen. mentis. 8.94-9970. 7c16ù130 L3RGENTLY nmedad, a rida in Hamilton Teariters' College or nearesi. storting Secpt. PIons. catI 80-4604. 716.1236 300 GAL.. upright ail tank, mat le gonal condition; also picnie table. atlacheal benlis n. 87"-101. 7o164239 -RIDE tu Lakcshure Teadie- Cotiege resteirea hy Septamber 9. Phune M709314. 7o66.219 RIDE Io Ysne St., Taronto, 5 days a s-ebk, ta arrive at 8.30 i-.,lave 4.30 p.m. 87846473. 7.13-120 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE FOR AN 0K USED CAR THE CHOîCE IS VOURS AT Jack Richardson CHEV - OLDS Limited FREE DRAW $100.00 CANADA SAVîNGS BOND SATURDAY, AUGUST 30 Fi-ee Draw Ticket s-ih Each Car Perchosed JACK RICHARDSON CHEV - 0105 LTD. Dpen tilt 9 Pm - Monday tlrugb FeldY Saturday 5 P.m. 6791 101j.way 25, Milton South. 878-2393 - 878-3812 1.15 BUY WITH CONFIDENCE - AT - MILTON MOTOR SALES LTD. NEW VIVAS, rcady te drive. Oniy $1,767. 15 BRAND NEW PONTIACS IN STOCK Youroear s-ut neyer bcen-orth more money thierrigt now. Visit sur lot anal clsoose youi-iscw car-. 1968 PONTIAC 4-DOGE L AURENTIAN. V-8, double power. Uc. 11137L. Only $2,495. 1966 METEOR 4-DOOR. local owncr, V-8 and auton-ati.. Lie. K19273. Oniy 11,495. 1966 MERCURY PARK LANE 4-DOGE. Drive Ibis soce. Uic. K20767. OsIy 51,695. 1966 CHEVROLET CAPRICE 2.000E HARDTOP. Lic. 8M86. 0.17 $1,995. 1965 COUNTEY 3-CUIRE 10-PASSENGER WAGON wits rébullt mater. Lic. X13792. 1964 CHEVEOLET. 6 cytinder and aatomnatic. Uàc. K20766. Ondy $895. 1964 BEAUMONT 2.000E HARDTOP. Lic. 692113. 1963 CHEVY II, aeîcmalic 6, original paint. Lic. K22476. 1962 MERCUEY 4-DOGE. Gosca transportation for small montly paymcnts. Uic. H26341. 1962 PONTIAC 4-DOGE HARDTOP wills loIs of unosed msiles. Uc. K21187. 1962 METEOR, gnd second car. Uic. K4087. Only $391. Lease your new 1970 Pontiac, Acladian, Firebird, Buick or Cadiiiac. Attractive ratas. CAIL US AT 878-2355 388 Main St. - Milton 3916 a Thse Canadien Champion, Wednsday. Aouals 20.,1969 sHELP WANTED, soOUSEtoeatooo taE or prit -ie chu UNe Mansuer 8.86-1146 ptLL I7MM and pu time e.perenced waltresses. ply Carv. Restaurn, Ut. Plraa. Milton.. 3.1642 l'AUt driver with s tock ex- perlence. Apply Ombyille Auat- motive. 390 Baselline Rd. PicS. contact Neson Rapp 878-230. SC16-1250 i9ousEIVES nceded. v yota drive and have 2 ire evecim b.g. a week., love doitbea andl neSd extra money, coU 4596<6 Bitrtmpton. 866M 3 SALESMBN needed for our new office in Milton. Expsi' le.,.. an assat but flt nae- saey. Contact tir. Mout for in- terview ta, discma commission and bonus arrangements. MiS 9511, Ni. J. Long, Realto. SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT WiIII esperience. Pull tiîn. enyrmeont. Durante Esso Service Phonie 878-2079 SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT Efflrieoed. Steady empioy- ment. 21 ycars or over. MILNE'S SUNOCO Guelpht Lice North OA&UqoaLVIIJJ 85499 Onc good Piller wlth struc- flural steel cxotcrlcnce is reque- cd at STAR STEEL LTD. Milton. Ont. Apply to: ME. 0UNNY 878-2858 8b16 Good Opportunity 'For MA16N wilth Service Stat. ion experlene, 10 (tain rapldly cspanding Truck Rentai Company In Streetsville 826-3722 EXPERIENCED TRUCK DRIVER FOR FE MILL. oned f ringe bcncefits. Write to: The C.anadian Champion Box 403 Milton, Ontario Icli LANDSCAPE GARDENER for RESIDENTIAL SOHOOL SALARY $2.59 to $2.88 an Hou! This is a permanent position which inctudcs ail Provincial Gnvertsmcnt f ringe bctscfits. Sacces9fui applicasst wut have liadt considerabtc noper- ene in he planting and main. tenance of flawers atnd sitrths, aiong s-itls the use af trnotors asd othcr nord.. equlpnnent. Application thoula lb. made A. H. BRITTN Business Admnnstrator Ontario School For The Deaf MILTON. Ontario 9016 Furniture and Appliance Store MANAGER IMMEDIATELY REQUIRED Some Sales Experience Required SALÀEY AND COMMISSION Opportunities, for advenoement. Medfical benefits, reltremient plan. - CONTACT - THE MANAGER ADAMS FURNITURE STORE 47 QUBEN STRET EAST Brampton - 451-2660 i.- j. SelS Il à ONU 9 EMPLOYMENT WANTED 0kVY GARE or soll board a chdld, 5 day. pcr wecb. 879.660 CONIh.cT 87966115 <ior dary cue. praier irriant. District, Maln N., M.ilton. 901&-1231 R.iLIBE worman w611 b*pb ait: pre4libol ds8fdren itcgln nb etember. 8706M0. M06-12«0 REIABLE person wil0 keep pre-eool childre. during day. Nortih of Cannl.ielville, 20 Side- enad. 854M0. 9016-1254 13 FOR RENT ROMes and board for watt- lng girl. 878-6797. 1_3.16423 IPUENISNRD reom, for woek- ing gentiennan. 87-313 13o1235 6IEIIENT for couple, near Milton. 879076 emenloga. 13016=23 îFtJR88NJ9H romo for mo-k- 9iran 10 per week. 30 ACIRES of fores und, 2 miles West et Georgetowon. Phone. 8761918. 85.16939 2 - EROMa apartâtnent, conip- letely fumibcd. Ideal for 1 or 2 teucher.. 876.6M3. l30l1437 WILL board eldcrly men and Ivoiren. F'or fourth.. Infonnat- ion. catI 853-0079 Act. 1111115446 PMECTBI HMT W A T E E IAT7ERS 661- hm re rv6-e. Phone N.amo Hyre, 87mm4. 2 - EMfRGts basminent ap- artment, I dtild wlcoenied. Pitone aiter 5 p...., 876455. 1-3.164148 BACHELOIR furnlded base- ment apartornt sait I perlasn. Availcitle Septentber lut. M7 2579. 13.164217 UNPIJRMSHIED apartmen, uitoble for couple ail-ou child-en. Apply 13 Young St., lENT T9AIJEBB. Book now for yotar bolidays. Variety Carnping Trellers. 530 Broute Ed. 8274M6. 13.17478 îEXTENSIEON Iadders; power momcrs; praer sewn; wheel- barrais; soukael sets; varioua tols etc Milton Party Rentai. phtone 879-9413-9956. 3o16.1266 5 - ROMS barnc, tilod bath- roor, fully vinyl <boors, 4 miles fi-ove Milton. 080-930. 13.164212 LARGE co.. in basemnt, partly fornitsed , sbmcer and 2- piec. bai-broom. 878-3946. 13.16-1241 5 - EOOM moder, bungalow heateal anal partly furnisited. Rent f ree in cochange for ro anal board for abnlaining eIder- 17 gentleman. Middle - agtd or relired coopte. 118 Aslsbrook Court, 870-3544. 13c16.1-150 14 WANTED TO RENT 2 OR 3 itedroave home, in Milton or vicinily. 878-695. 14.161216 3 - BBDROOM bouse, as sbon an possible. in Milton or vicin it. 878-909. 14.164213- HOUSE for yoang famity ai 4 Edferences. Colt Garry or Uin-, do EIIn-od 878-3233. l14c16À1238 SMALL PAMOb or base 660 t or 2 acres. Reply Bas 402, The Canadias Champion, Milton. 14.151211 M9MILY necds home in it- Ion or vicinily 3 bedrotas i-e- quired. Phone Guielph 519421- 2699 collecL. 14.101253 3 - BBIEOOA8 bosse. in or nerMibon. by Setcsbcr t. References if rcqsaired. APPIey PC. Box 646, Mount Foi-est. 14.171215 15 PERSONAL RNJOY quarteR.e or choir singiaag? Jon UNe White Oaks Csepter Barbuhppem. fin- day cvenlngs, 8 pari.. et Traent gar Man, or contact Res u st- ness 87M.952. 15c-971-0 CHAMPION CLASSIFIED ADS DRING QUICK RESULTS