Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Aug 1969, p. 2

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2 Thse Canadien Champion, Wedn«eady, August 20, 1069 Neiglhbors dry, holà wot wiII check flooding Afller a basemnent floodangtisat tbe boome be bopeai moola desteoyed a meraabon montu J. neliee tbe peobtent. Dellacourt. 413 Moosntain Viem Cousait ageeed to base tbe Dr. wondemed if coancit cooldu't probtem innestigateai. cbeck tbe situation. He soteai Mayot B. Sent suggested ibat sseigbbors os tither sole [sud dey on futore compluiots bc made sn baements but tht bouse dieectiy rtiOR s tbeme wouid b1w aceosu tht eoad sud bts ores wee mecord of tbem. Ho ootedsi sobjectrtroserions floodiog. boos in Kinsnigb Court bud Me. Deitucouet admitted tl mus muser as tbe baisements, unte wib the Eenst trme be bad compluiseai 15 iocbes and tbeee muy soi bc to cousicii atbougb wotks staff asy asyolutron lu the bad bren op os ocasions to peoblemt. abeck for sewet biochuges. Coueciliot F. Brr wosdeed if Mt. Deitucoursoid be realized a Stant couid sot hamride in Satoeduy murs abud atoem but installation of ntorm sewers to the peobiemt occur on nmer retreve the drainage fromt arousd rais tou and ho bad spen s humour oie nom flowrsg rno St 1000 in muhing reporsu 0rusd the sntey sewees. Seek Authorit y plans for Crawford Lake area Specilic pluns for the ose of th e reces tIy purchased Crawford': Lake ares roi bc requsird from the Halton Region Cosservatio Asthoeity. membre: of Miton Council agreed Monday. The action foiIowed objectons by Cooncilor C. Ornaire Char the rea ws posed ARCHITECT DONALD E. SKINNR O.Arch. - M.R.A..C. 17A Mili Street, Suite 2, AcCuS Telepirose 853-2740 or 20 Stavebank Rd., Port Credit 274-3428 Office Hours by Appoistmest ACCOUNTANTS EARL O. BLACK B. Com, R. SA., CiA. Churtercd Aocounat 163 Mais St., Miýltous Plaone 8784542 CHIROPIIACTORS A. P. KENT, D.C. Doctor of Chiroprabtic 237 Kings Court Crecrent Corner Martin St. PHONE 878-2031 SY APPOSNTMENT INSU RANCE CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Autoomne ProtectionAccid- eSt ona Secinsses - Faeeiiy Liabiiity Parusr Liubiiity Yorur Milton Agent Mrs. Thea Kurs R. R. No. 1, Milton Phone 878-9741 CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Homo Protection Auto. Accidesisi DeoSs snd tuaparment Soir Dnc:sng. Extra Vebie Reductios Premiums Most Economical R. S. Heatherisgton SER. 2, Milton, 878.4855. Oer 21 Year:' Service The Mugtual Life ROBEET S. HART Agent 341 Orvitie Roud. Actote Bus. 416-451-3460 Res. 519-853-1527 FUNERAL DIRECTORS ~J 9 MoIERSIE Forerai Home 114 Mais St., e Milton Our ibrb noar of heristol. 878-4452 OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, 0.0. MILTON -184 Mais St. 878-9972 Tuesduys and Fridays ACTON - 54 Mill St. E. 8,53-2520 Wedrto:days and Saturduys Residence phone 878-9678 LIBRARY HOURS Ubnday à Felaiy lIasm tao Lu 7uesdsy é; lmsdsy mm IDs 8 SJ Md &» LS 09 Wâdmdy 9.» t0 12 nosm i te S» Cloud Batq usno00 open 10 the pubic. tlow cao yoo sperd public money for publirc lands and ban the public'. be mondererd. 't donCt thinhiiscoosctilcari go uloseR with ihal htnd of ebrcg". be marotarned. Ht ase, nord! b: undrslood restreictions mere luking place ai Mounlrbrrg rohere groupa wre sot peemntted 10 boni docks ai4-ough thar mas permîssubie in orbe, cotnervation arros. Couxuilo, C. Fay raid he had rnquired about acces: t Cesoford's Lake ced wsr errai thece mus no objectiron 10 tht pubie :rsrtog rte sea "tf lty lefe notbrrg bol ibrîr foorprots bebrod". Ho nord Il mus explinrod there wereno fonds in the hbudget 10 peovide the hind of maintenacecrequirto open 4-erma. Derpie the adrvances i tubeecolostn contrai, about Ose and a boif bilion people hure becs rofected roith tubeecit bouilli abool haif the worid's population. tiC 'tic cosstiee wilh tht hrghest populaions Chere s 100 pretcentinfection by age 14. jwnsmlo KNOX PRISIYTERIAN CHURCH Ieai Modta-neor: Rev. P. N. Young, BJ. 8776200 "O cosse lot as reorship and bore dores; ira ushned before Cisc Lord sur Mabkr - SUNDAY. AUGOIJT 24ab, 1969 JoittService witrh Se. Pool': UniraI Churda. 10.00 arn -Morntng Worrbip inKnoor Chua-ch. Guest, Ric. O. S. Nichol- so ol St. Davicd's Presby- sa-ian CharSh, Campibell- MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario Sr. N. 878-2022 Chrantians guehea-ed lu the naeof rthe Lord Jeson Chaise. Lord's Day SUNDAY, AUOTOT 2916, 1969 10.30 a.m.-BOmohing oef Bread. 12.15 s m.-Sunday Sehoot. 7.00 p re -Oorpsi Sernice. Wrdnsrday. 8 pre. - Fraryer and Orble reoding. Ail are roeicornc to tse Jirti. Christ, the srarn rot:. tra., ad ioda:, and for- e:vr Hs. 13, . BOSTON AND OMAGU PRESBYTRRIAN CHERCHES Minister: Rer- Stanley E. Smith, B.A. SUNDAY, ACOUSI 24tr. 1969 10.00 a.irrr -Omagh: Woa-:hip Servce. 11.30ar..-orton: Woarbîip Serav ice. Chua-h Subool ciored durant abs mraint of Augura. GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCU Milton, Ontario. bcoir: RevR.W.Fote-. AssitatCanonoF.H.Mson. SUNDAY. AUGUST 24tb, 1969 St. Oarthoionerc's Day Triniry XLII 8.08 a.m-Noiy Comuioon. 10.00 a.su.-iýHdty Communion anai Sermsna. 10 as.. Tisurnday, Auguse 2t- Hltoy Comuonion. Ptase aote ine oft Sornaer services. Yeus en Atwsys Webasesd lit Grecs Ommish Study emerg.ncy imff. ""' to asslst town wows Marthe and Mary 4-t gasiasud osteltias BER HIVE 0F ACTiVITY is the mcene ofthee Robent St. pumpsng station un rohualdinu progresses. Hydro worbmen are op tise pois reseortng service wnhite briablayers eriet the building anti elctreusl work continues amside the building. Compîstion mas made ho Tutaday eceniso folrowng the early Surday morning explosion Chast destroyed the firse pump bouse-(Staff Photo) Plon early for approvuls council urged Deveiopment of otut yeur's rouai pegcamt Ibis yeae mus ueged by Councilto, Colin Smillie ut Milton Cousuil Mosday an tht toms mus advised by the Departmtst of Hi gbmuys so fuether supplemtntury eood copeodilues mouid br approneai ibts yetir The cooncilior. chuieman of the steetr ced moiks committet, suggested bce necessily of plcening th.teoad progeam nom sotengineering and departmeot appronas couid bc obturord ix ime 10 permite unpetOg start on construction. Ht noted tenders ment yer as 1w cuiied on tht Masn Sa. retostrinaste, enginteeaing and HO appconuts mece "draggtd oui". Cousicillse Smie ulso orgeai consideeslion of tht puechust of eoud srefacasg equapmcnt by tht Coron. "Ht roouid 1w ableto1 do tht roerk cheupor and ]et tht Departmeni keep tC'heit subsidies rohîcî reqoîre -a loi of osorcvsrary coginerrisg". be deciareri. Coonctilse C. Fuy suggested Ihe Coron': engineering fhem seemed 10 1w tuking Chero foc geanted. t feel Ihey moeh os o0e peojecirs robes Cey hune noring eime as do". he decîured. Membters re:ieroed tht probieron geting tht nero pumpiog station in opeestao ut the ecearmeni plcet and action se deirreef of tire pumps came oviy ufeer tht togixeten weme requetid to call tht ptexident of the roppiying compcey. ADVERTIrEMENT Announce New flealing Substance: Shrinks Piles h.. A"sa Pls, damossisi, rsennaai mscscrh inatsteltbu tbunai aunaqu g a hline subsance .aih tsh.ab.ty t.ihfrik hee- ,huaaa. inlrulisi1 t reesitchias and dirm orin minutesand spetets or helitig o[ tis. inioteai 1. e atne sas, .4ilse gusti seiýagýi.Ac Irduston mass important Of ala-ests .sreathenughthsthbisapsn vient wu imistaas"ose àpsaicil This wu. sec= ~shs astis a MW hanli.stsas80es.ID NnmElme oismsil ineoiet- serit nd try âmaEissi gares nstamstise se ynaoaste ST. PAUL'S CHURCIt of THE UNITED CHURCU OF CANADA Main St. se James St. Minister: Se:. C. A. Hamac. SBA., BD. Oa-ganise axai Choir Leoader: Mar. Harold Maae. Unons Service rilir Knos Paenyrrian Chorale SIJNDAY, AUGUOT 241h, 19 10.00 a.m.-Muoing Woarbhip in Knox Presbytnrian Cboa-cb. Ouest. Se:. D. Nicholson of St. Dovid's Paerbyterion Churcb. Camribeiiville. An Invitation To All CHURCH 0F CHRIST No. 5 Sidernuai anai 4th Lisse Tafalgar' SUNDAY, AUOLOT 241h. 1969 10.00 a.m.-O6ibte Scoo Classes for ait ogre. til00 a.m.-Mo-nng Wornhip. 00 p.rn.-P-eacibg of 4-e Gospel. EMMANUEL RAPTIST CHURCH Commercial Staret. Miton Partua: Rn:. Cisyron Cotes 878.4473 1783542 Irle Loa-d's Day SUNDAY, AUGUST 24tb. 1969 9,45 a.m.-Sooday Stittoo. 11.00a.m.-Moaing Wo'ship. 5.30 p rn -Youîh Time. 7.00 p.-nenang 08oe'silp. Wodoorday. 7.30 pus. - Bili SCudy uaid Prayer Meeting. Nursery set Sueady servic. HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH A local oassmly oft THE PENTEIOSTAO. ASSEMBLIES OF CANADA Paqri: Oet M Christussen. LORD'S DAY SUNDAY, AUGUOT 241h. 1969 9.45 a.-Sunduy Saisot. 11.00 arn.-Morni80 WOs0fls. 7.00 pms.-Evangetlstic servine.- Weatuesdoy. 8 psu. - Bo Stssdy unit Frayer Mseotiag. Feliay. 8 pars. - Yosssg Peoiptan Seroits. A ahsid You Cmasille Yow o m in A Warsn WdiMMfl m0 Bresyeis Approcaion u mss bc doms eneud publicly Eu Il who asalver saatddudsng ths storm, bliltos Thse Counicil agreed Monday sud for al Coniltor C. Psy sdded tisa riata Lties shuouldai so bc expeesssd iscobte tu ail tise braSe eutepayecn math thee flooded basemuents that didn't oporat sppeae aSt coSaci to complain. One IL He rephssed tihe suggestionl, 55w isowenee, toi exapress eegeet ai the ttnaem leuonvnfience of floodang sud sud ut thg damtage doue. emterge Mayoe B. Betrpre etn eun assistece froren s in the oThea Woodward St. sies to mone large staff i tratmel heep tbem from floating coosas Sleep-out and trips bring seoson to a Ftaygeound dirmulot Paut bustos Foster snsunfeai day ampet: feom mitl hase 4-sic tant steep-oot of lesoisi the mcasos su Wednesduy sud ut 9 a Tisursday nigisis mitis 20 hy 5t ampers ont each ttglt. tb bei Attogether tbey base sud t160 4-coul chtiten oat on linre uigbts of tisee camping. mucent Fine te seoen-yeac.otd ubitdmoe left thit moening foc a toue of Rineedate Zoo in Toronto and lu t arg expeuted bock by 3:30 tbis nuubt aftrmoon. as Car On Tuesdsy, August 26, a snayoe sugested tise sutid Zsil tissei tmsgesy staff usd bw uata n dueing sus. Hae noted 4ere mecs emptoirees mito uoutd le the tceatmtnt plant sud sd bren hospltalized. Thse pumrping station lit the nut ptsut had laege poups so a geneestue s5rsten for enuy power whists woutd esoine training to bandie. matliec of an emeegeouy s to bw disuusutd by tise t sent meek. :Iose md of about 60 ubildmen tise ptaygroonds miii bw gl for tise CNE. They leane su. sud sre expeuted back p.m. Esuti uhitd is enpeuted ng a tunuis. The admission sib the gutes mitl bw paid hy nouty eaisedl during tise Bounue-a-thon. 975, moce tbnn swiue tise er of tices miE bw pianted ada Chas in 1968. ROYAL CANA&DIAN [EGION BR. 136 DANCE MILTON LE6ION HALL SAIIJRAY, A&i B3 et9 P.M. MUSIC BY "TUE DEBONNAIRES" refreshments -~ admission $2.O00a couple 878-3272 YSHOW TIMES J~ x 7 &Ril"' MSait. Marines THUUS.FRI.EAT. AUOUST 21.23 A FINE PAIR <Color) (ROCK HUDSON, CLAUDIA CARDINALE) THE COW DSG SKY TROOPURt (cartoon) sUN.-MON.-TURS.-WRD. AUOUST 24-25-26-27 PRETTY POISON (Aduît) <Color) (ANTHONY PERKINS, TUESOAY WELD) NOBODY'S PERFECT <Color) (DOUGLAS MacLURE) THURS.-.-.SATr. AS TNU AUOIST 28.29M SUNDAy. ^UOIST 319t, 2 p.m. SWIsi FAMILY ROBINSON (Coler) (0080784V MCGUIRE, JAMES McARTHUR> ((DISNEY) .CATNAP PLUTO <Cartoon) By Mrs. R. MeLean lai. Pislsy's sersuon Sseday dcslit with Msrtha sort Mary. Wlnen. Jetant vititeai 4-cm, an decribed in Loke 10, Ht mas su Htia way to die. The siates susuted diffementiy t0 Hia nsud. Muctis muane hm a goua imeal. misile Mary isad tise gift caf listening. BiMle Commustutos sunteast Mary and Muesisa unfaiety. Rauli -i mi sashe culd. lesus 4d not fet ite a hig mua. Mary servali hum. ix the msy 4-st best servcai lus necai. In Quaker ptayer-meetiugs, the morsisippets ait quietty ontit the Rioty Spirit speaku. A uhuci bultetin mais intcodeai 80 report the titis of tise sermon suisjeut as, "Hopùeg in the Lord." lu errer, tl appeamed an "Hoppimg in tise Lord." People 4-is the miore they stte and isostte the more they set done. Tise necai is to 8mdai plaue tui bc qoiet. Lozocos huai bren aiead tmo days befome the nema seauheai Jesus. Mantisu mou tise finit person 10 heur thc monaisrful Weil floàsled duri.g slomn A fiudeai meS said front yatai aiem the ime of Mc. sud Mns. D. Joues aftee Satuas stocm misen they changeai Esquesing Township officiais mcme ignoring tise dituising said dainage peoistes on tise 4-irai Une ots of fine sidcaai. Me. Joues poisteai out ditubing huai bren dont to tiseti neigsiors caid miie att 4t uulneets huai bren replactai utong the wap, tise one next to theit boeuse huai nos bren aime. '1'iey tetl me thcy haven't tise equipment to do tise 4-tubes peoperly but lois aitie dituises su tise fouctb tise", Mr. Jottes deutateai. Tise Sutucday flooding mus tise 4-irai in tise six months tisey'oe tireaion lise bouse Mc. longs eepoeteai. Mc. loues suid contacts mush tomnship offliiis said tht cepeateai deulacation thcy moutant do suytig about it mccce frustrating. mords, -1 set tia suseeisus and the f." Titi isusuortal .tney talla an of the gis tof knowlng nira' necds; of keeping fai4- shimosg sud dtis gcest belief 4-at Jeaus la the Sus of God. Shenezec anniaersary is ting belai 4-is year us Sept. 7, uit 11.30 sud 7.30, mitis Rex. Gordon Turner, of Auton, as speuial speatker. Mr. sud Mes. Rd Wilson mnd family enjoyed a casupintg trip to the Maritimes. Mra. Don lu anmd sous Daid, Demn sud Douglas spent',$wo meeho ut Butm Beacis. Watter Lucas' mmny friesds ill bw gladi to kuow 4-at 1w is home frein ergtts Hospitalt 7io"s brg'erý un the lins f« é«- - nay ns continents ne strm the jselîer 4-at adu [sasss aMW trusts. Ruas Bcaenia, éoseers spatialiss in aimdlassns Essy isansdsere tos, asou s. haen nhaohad pe.caanelly ho Me. RectieW lrty lentour reaid vslue. Toar iami lathoan le the mouesîsai af ou, cholai ta miss the. p55ci seabsares Those Io a scratar diemse sait u Prierai mstn l55 "f.ss ROSS BRANCER JEWE[LERY M2 MAI E. MILTON 8186341 Dutch Canadian COUNTRY CLUB S WILL HOLD THEIR ANNUAL PICNIC (FOR MEMBERS ONLY) Sunday, Aug. 24th ai the Windmolher tir. GAMES START AT 1: 30 FREE ICE CREAN li GOODIES FOR THE KIOS HOT DOGS AVAILABLE APTER TUE GAMES. PROGRAMS AT THE GATE. . . . . . . . -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - Phoet RETIOlc88 14 1~ --ras $ SUNKIST ORANGES .....3 doz. for $1 .00 Fress Homegromas HEAD LETTUCE .....2 large heads for 39c FIrse Crlsp RADISHES .............2 bunches for 19c 90 Red Rose TEA BAGS --------- >---------- 69C Pkg. ZEST SOAF .......... Reg. Six. 6 for 98C CAMAY SOAP .........R.g. Six. 7 for 98C Budget Brandi - 15-sa. tins DOG FOOD -------------------5 for 49C ban LOIN PORK CHOPS ............. 79c lb. Mais Lest Wax Wimpped BOLOGNA.................... 2 Iba. for 89c Tendie Plump CHICKEN LEGS or BREASTS ....... 55c lb. Ms"sIe Lest Vacasum Pseaked COTTAGE ROLLS ...................69c lb.

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