Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Aug 1969, p. 17

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Lgon Notes1 BYG .DAY COMPARING FIGURES of the Elle Jersey herd Canadien farming techniqsuns. The Elle fanrreta ese sire delegelion frein Feruaned Mn. Elle (miii Humby vier; the finul stop un their ohirlird soui book). The men are in Canada un e boyiOR trip of formc sn Hlion Conîy.-(Staff Phroto) anal are aise geting insi-hed information un Peruvian caitie buyeérs visit Halton.County farms A delegtilon frone Fein isîleA of tire Canadien embassy is Hallon Counly fores Moisday Peu. wah tire puepose of investigatng According lu Dr. Fumae, tiene tire mearsket for baylug caille in are only about 350 Jerseys il uhsrnera. Tirey are afler Jersey Feru ai preseni and nsuny of caile and Halbis Couniy irerds lirese bave a large percenlage of bave appealed lu tire deliealion. Canadian blond. Tmp ar suiled fut Perunlun conditions because Tire mîenî loured tire Ellu fains ut Ibeir ability to wîtirstund tire in Horisiy is tire moromng and irigir altitude and isuirerne cao prime enaotples of Canadisn lerperalures, tie tient on. Jerseys olîcir haove alieady bien Ken Rita and Due McCaig, lwo ' inleoducel is Southr Americo. aras farseers, receerly visiled Accompanytng tirn aIre Southr America aisr lire parpose Dudley Oliver of lire Ontario of iisteresling bayers in Jerseys Jîeesey Clair anA Dr. Lucio Pomsints _sPCaneano JWey ccliii are 1968-1969 R.Q.P. resuits final for Halton County 1In 1 968-698 record nf performance suarieîs bure b een rece ined for Halton Cnunîty. A total of 103 berds arr eneulîrd under titis pulier. oltir Holsîrîns accnumng for 78 ced Jerseys t16. rn tire Holstein section tire aloner for Ite second conisecu tire yeur sucs Claude F. Pichet, R. R. 2, Georgetown, r oti 26r recnrds cverafrnR 15,439 of murk, 589 fat.' foîr t breed class averagesnof14-1, and 147 Threrunner-up H. C.Reid, s R. R. 6, Milton,oîllî 40 records, 15,493 pounds of nîtir und 617 t of fat, for O.C.A.'s of 136 and 147. le Ihînd place tics Howiard Tarzellt of Georgetowun, oitl 69 recordc urerceing 15.354 pounds of nilir. 564 fat, fr B.'C.A.'s nf 139 and 139.3J C. Reid of CGenrgetown nus ti urh pliace outir 45 record s userag og 14,797 pounds nulk. 543 fat. or B.C.A.'s of 139 anA 139. F. J TirA tics M. becCullougr, Acinn, 33 records -124 and 121 B.C.A. In the Jersey section Ken Eia anA Sons, Hombiy. ore top cir 33 records oneroging 147 anA 144. Second oas Fred Nurse, Georgetown, eteiri records- 145 ondl 141. Tird oas S. L. E. Harper. Georgetowin, 27 records -135 and 135. A. Failerson, Milton, ruas top lt tire Osai Purpose Sborlirom section iritir 19 records -141 anal 131 R.C.A. Runner-up cas C. Peacoc, Mltnn4, 21records 120Oand 120 B.C.A. POOR SPORTS FINES BEtoren 2,500 and 3.000 persons are convîcted of fising ne huirung îlegally in Ontario erery yeaî. Tbey uose urner eqaîprieot and pcy fines ouicit ttlmore titan $50.000. cunsidered lu ire superber oner Jerseys feont olrer counteles. Boiies vieu.tng catie, tire delegalion vîsited to ni tire largesi arlificial insenrination unils in lire province and toîred lire campus of tire 'University of Guelphr. An esecaue miengluarlduon Mnnday Aucusi 1l lu lire cubsoon. Presrni unie Lorrane Sshultz, Tony Macir, Rai Mongeuir, Len Poire. Hani Allre, L. Lobera, lim Smith8 aod D. Gldr. A ntier fron Provnciul Comnaind, reling ar l=Mro to chanein lu lie adluerciion of liedl brancirew iead. Tis loiRsr s t bc 8 siodird, lu derýail, by sire enrucine. 51ICK CALL Glad to c ota George Fasoisl mi riroipieadoas bockriniire clubiro, lail onnir. Tire onlyrae on ther ir-irousd ai lire momnt le lirai of Crlie Kennedy. CLUOROOM NOTES Oncl ee iradualrmtaillrqi unîbl iCcloirooie.l1udesliid boursIn, lira hieo or "noler" inrs glrai roeraaion irli unîirînd and pîsrape ligs il bc0 lu iti mosîllely aSn. On Fnidup e,elug eiaita ieil bront AI rsenwood, pesideni of Bronteirnocr, andOnrivhrsBnei Strawb.rryc final me.tini Oy Janet Hunier Tire Halbis 4-H Siîawberry Club hl iA final meeting foi lthe pear in the broard rouie of thr Agricullural Office, Milton, or Augunt 11.Trrre was ausual overwirelingv attrndaoce of otembers prseot lu proupitly irie ir e meertng a 8 pe. Tire meseting opeurd suili lire 4-Il Pledge, foltowed iry lire lrogtiry roll colt and minutes of tirr iuly ocievîiuint night. Feuil and vrgelairle sprcialisl, Evans Eîlairooir, and clu leadr Petrr McCartiry Ird o li e ly di scussion witir lire moteers un tire lopici 0f renovation and otulcirg oif strawrry pulcires. Tire tesson wsfollowed by a quit lu lest lire nrenrries and irooolndge of ire isembers. Cluir pres'ident, Roseisiary Bouer, reypoîled lire plans oflire displey coiemittl airicir il alreody irdustriousty piepering on exiiiit for Milton Fair. Il is lire ferrant irope of lire Struoirerry Cluir lira as maisy Wit SRETEST ENDc0 and Quartiers BUDGET PLAN 140 Main St.-Phone 878-6501 -Free Delivery WARREN CHARLTON, Prop. Open AIl iseal-Cloeea Mon.-Thans., & Fnl. Uccil 9 p.m. O Red and lae Brad Onty In Broon, Lîmeirnuse. a it oltir 27 recnrds, 14.62pud ofml,574 fat. P.C.' wof 133 ad143. wihOrcompliments A. H. Cluek nf Gogtow bil lire top Ayrsltîre recnrd suith 26 cutis overoging l1i6 ad 159 - aine1î ni u onv deicions hme .C.A. Alton Gunry, Ruilintigon mad N ra utkewt oas bighirilin tire Guerontys * he * o mad ui ead n o te vse olirh 28 records -148 and 136 tw MhI &is bay e ni (tI D.C.A. Runner-up cas Jolît Y.50&Sea records -128 anal 129 O.CcNb. enenn.A22 JTHESE SPRCIALu ARE IN EFFEOT FROM WED. AltO 21 O SUN. AUGO 24) 10 OZ. T BONE OR ENOLISH STYLE i ELECTRICITW SIRLOIN STEAK FISH & CHIPS 0/ Is Our Business > SERVED WITH HOME-MADE WuITH HOME-MADE SOUP j , PjUP AND ROLLS FRRSH HOME-MADE ROLLS VEG & OTATOES CHOICE OF BEV. Ri DESSERT 1 1.95 11 à_____________ DROP IN ANDHAVE aeetccvsr.îcaA ACUP OF COFFEE WITH .1ati.efo, WPE HAVE SFECIAL CHILDREN'S PRICES 2 JUMBOSIZE HOME >l eune SI MADE DONUTS 297 p urc Um 1A M & R RESTAURANT 1 Il,1 HY25 ONE MILE NDRTHOF 401 HOMM elTARE DUT ORDERS - 878.4551 ELCRIC OPEN SAT. AND SUN. 5 A.M. ta 1 A.M. FEAIERSONESAME HOURS ALL WEEK 678-6378 TGODUR CUSTOMERS-5S DISCOUNT ON PULL TANK 0F OAS M I eminen. The malu ressrtofaeePir vsitl isas, appurngy. Me brag abolit Ris irey an glung lis Mai sire MOsos claiub ire eloccen match lbese thr lais branches on Sept. 13. OuH, anO sc abtin liroit ENTERTAINMENT Memrs lirdaitsotirn nrery eljoarme eocial enenîne in lire ,luirun on Saturday luiaitur upesion "eiop-up", nCenseiaed iro sire oret taie in lire aflemn, bit ern ,îrpleled. M usic Oas peoviddirytJack FeîSuiaiirhe *îlo, air pacsiase iry iris Anonons. e dace res weuicroded oslof lire nlgiri und il wua nmd 51,01 "Olsedîii" ecurerî sul doue lire abute moeia. Nesi Seinider, Aug. 23, urnte wiOl lu a dance in sire Bei ,loO sariis ai 9. p.n. Muaic wil lu ,eonldndd ry lirai nese populo geuup 'IMi Deiroseaies", so is sirocld lu a mery jo oir lr enelue Adonso ahitii 12M8 pen copte, payeirle aIn lire dune. Refiesirmente 1 wire Selecd :Iub holds of yeur ciler clubs as posslirle iîll enter disptays lu cieîie tire bren coieliios whmr is aloaYS promirent in Hatton 4-H aclivîties. Tihe meeting concluded with o reminder tiraI att 4-H Sîraoirerîy reports ane due iry Augusi 25. FLO WE R (97VUC HOP 878-2881 Forh s:Ir en: WEDOING DESIGNS ANNIVERSAR lES IJSPITAL GIFTS FUNERAL TRIBUTES miii "CU RLS Tpy our Swi fYPeruan g.Ieco y' 878-2501. FABIAN FURNITURE lIAS THE LOWEST PRICES Th.y f.&ufacfure CLEANERS & SHIRT LAUNDERERSf AIteradons & Repairs E far fres pik-u aid dclîaann phone: 878-2972 EATOUTINCOAIFORT in rire PLEASANTATAIOSPHERE nf CARAVAN RESTAIiAT JUNE DRAPERY is fearsnng EASY CARE DRES FABRIC I *AIL UN THE LATEST COLOIJRS AND DESIGNS TO PLEASE YOU ns STOP IN SOON 878-2513 CHILOREN'S GIPTS « TD'S SELECTID! (~nK A GR SHP se conte alusg asd balisa yose frende. eseodirgi alose oi, the "Spoe Faite" das,, gorc. Mont ainsiibia Excepri fas ustr ad garne stoodea eytiiru n the sport las-rea qui. Thr scc, peopyle an. irropl oey irusr flcsh airoutltie rnciirog saine uihniSesoî. Mariro thcrav o,.rootiu up thir -Invitr your fnierds 10 Siene-Era, on lobor day wcekend in iltlon. In Englord cancer of thir long ir lin 45 to 64 age grnup iras încreased front 85 pet 100,000 lu 180 pei 100.000 in rthe posi Iris years. SMALL ADIS I4UGE SAVINGS EXAMPL8I 1966 Pontiac Coach tArulnoti,. Radio Lic 807161 Ssseclel $1149 GAILINER MERCURY Miltan Plan 878-2883 The Canadian Champion. Wedn.cday, August 20, 1969 Ha-ton places oh- efp-l-e-I in field day uelph j0-unio fumncal nth The Junior Farmner Field Day zone fOve chiratpjonsirip. was irelal August 9 and 10 ai the University of Guelphr oi a The Haltis relaY lento team fronn Haison Couniy members ludeOd Jeff Nurse, placing second lu the mess ' a nry Camupbell, Donnis Sinclair relay. and Murray Harris. TH4IS SUMMER- TH1E CO-OP*BULK SPREADJNG WÂY EARN MORE The ,,-ieenan estithid himmîeedrate aqc i re coltie is anecied ii,îce ith erofl. ,,naiuSe tienne. Ones isyr a clore0 appicsain per inn ll mviith.e Ce. ag- ai lnet a $2000 Cenueiie Tire usool prtiî,itli.Iiisi nîid-seucn .SeusatteProfitable. SAVE MORE CO-sP colo Seerideg aiscs ornne rd efrt i .0t-ety,-t. -y ittre. Y-srieiîieeàsned .IeeeintnteirasepilS Osh CO-OP nodern aqolpennilos Tein . sunlcn-e pestulet..n y..r nCeO-OP ccd cererar roi thînou nr... i Ce ......nsr,1 sprednanetodtefor u rarm 5.. k Fn erize Seneat s ce ..cdors CO-OP Snele talire Ostade Fmn.er SERVES VOU 13ESTI LJ1 UNITED CO-OPERATIVES 0F ONTARIO tncis Se. Mîhea 87-2391 7 One Kid Get ini stey catir tire Saisfied custOiers cJ cio've dîscovered lire eose, conventence anA pleusure nf shopping rigirt brr in Milton Plazu. . cwhere suvings anA service Iead Cire cuy. OPENREVERY DAY9a.m. lo 6pm. THURS.l AFI.t cap. WOMEN'S SHOES FINAL SUMMER CLEARANCE WOMEN'S DRESS & CASIJAL SNOBS 2.e77 3.e77 4.77. POLLOCK SHOES MILYON'S FAMIY 5110E CUIRE RtiRRV DAY LOW PRICEO S&V-IiERE LIMITED DISCOUNT PATENT MEOICINES, HEALT4 AND BEAUTY AbDS PO(OCK M SANDALS 3.11 & 4.11 MILTON'S FAMILY SH0E CENTRE. RELAX Let nue 12 fir. bca OsuSHERS 780e lire iork OutofWasiirng LAIIDER MA E Au500nc LaundrY WE CUT YOUR FlAIR THrE WAY L~ LIRE UT AT ME SMfE BRMR SHOP SAVE WAY FAMILY CLOTHING SHDP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION GALLIN6ER 878.2M8 MOTORS LOBLAWS 50 YEARS Of OU.ALITY MERCHANOISE SINCERE SERVICE AND DEDICATION TO CONSUMER SATISFACTION W. stock a fuli lin. o MRASTER FEEDS MASTER FEEDS (STUWAMIOWN) Dial 877-3512 - Georgetownl e TO .P AZA 1

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