M The Canadian Champion, Wadneaday, Aagaal 20, 1969 DIUMQIN Severe storm hits orea eorly school registrotion By Mr. Cecil Potinroar ihot nnwcirc ta ibis orna Mra. Micheinr Vetoa of rgister ticnir chiidmen for schoal Toconta is rajayiag a holiday ay day fronm Aug. 25 ta Aog. wiih hier doogictetand son-lnac-o 29. The schoal office miii We Mr. and Mrs. Tony Sairba and opea from 9 arn. to 4 p.m. rach famiiy. day. Tht principai wiii hn Mr. and Mns. John Moriny ad pitoord ta ment rhe parents and chltdren rnromnd hot Saadoy childn and hy ca doiog, mii Aagoct 17 iram a tmo-wnrk oroid mach confsoa or haiiday or Winnipeg with opniag day ai schaat, whicb os relatives. Torrdoy, Stpt. 2. Ar t mcitric starm Mn. and Mrs. Joba Kahaay occomymrird hy a dntagn ofiain oîcnndnd the Wnin fomity hic rhis orna o Staday rion or Soiorday Aogoct 16 afrrmrar and tenirg. A targe ai the faim home af thnin coasin sprctre îm to the hamn ai L. S. Mr. and Mis. Charles Austmn ai Morley mac scroch hy tigittrirg Etara. Nlty fity aiiarnd this and caogbî oa lire. Lochîty the spaciat naent. Mn. ord Mis. Morley iamiy, atthoogh dard Austiin ranty acqoimed îhnîî hy tht ligh triag hait, caiiéed ara faim ai Etana mnd ame ra saroasaffncismad wnmeahie planning ta moreot ronta ta sqontcb tht blane. Fuses an itit pretcrit homn ahon the hîtchtr mnme blomnanod a Hoîahy. chant cincuit on an apstaîîc hndnaamt amp gavn cause foi aiatm. Ltghtaîrg had lut tht HORNBY sanspîoc trtn aitmwyancao, ta tht atd soyiag - ligbtrîog rnann siihns the samn ptace twîcn - mort bt wrng. Mi. H r b is h Oittday gînntirgc ta Rardy H r b s h Firrin, Claite Norttîcote in, Erma McDowntt, Doyle By Mis. Jîm Hamtion Caîdirgty, Dorno Lnctîn, Tht mnmhnns ai tht Homnby Tommry Matibattat, Cateiine Womna's tttt apet a o ny Nnmtards. pinacari aitenroaa ai tht hotmn Tht nlnctic sîcîm caaomd ai Mis. Pnîcy Mnrny or corcrdnîohtn damagt ta Homby Wndnsday, Aogast i13. Tht Park, ard the toao gotf coursm prncîdrri, Mis. Cecil Potînrsoa mas ctoctd or Sardoy, Aog. 17. mntcomnd tht tadies ard Mmny bridges mnîn mothnd ot cordactnd tht business sessior. and tht Sîath Lin aasclomd Tht toit cait "A coid nnmndy ard fat searnet boots. rat ospirta" wsa smnrnd by Mn. loba Kobcny. pritraofa the iciten tadins pmmaet ard Pticy W. Meriy coot,mrqorsts menatornd saab otd iasîorned Buds bud even more Appaently smnflmctrs aic morm pîctîfia ihao us mighi hart henr thosght. A pitursin ta tot mrnb'c issue ofia ssrflcmnîmîith il big hods dmmw a report front M. Pîoramni thatibths bird of pioduction mara't ail thai orossai.- A piete an Cernt ai ycot mas aratahmn chomîrg a soriiomni mih 24blooms. Nom hcm shoot thctî Ca ut hae îappodi Issue permit. another hangar at Ross airstrip Permissio ta busdd aihnn hmngar o bis aiîctip a gramord Rocs Lake Faim amati lac hors ot tht tort metinsg of Esqotsing Township. Cosocît rodoîntd tht hbuiding perit mhn Rnnîn Gtorge Canrin tld thnm hry baid no oothorty to stop Mr. Roms front boildint. Tht Rossaioîsiîup mas tht cohjec ci a prttioo oird ai sioppig establishment ci a lyirg fid rartunt thît ynaî. Coorcit thro inatrd oriy tht Drpaîtmnt of Transport aastd prrrîn Mr. Roms frsontiding thetaostnip. Hors anc yoc gtttiog alarg mîth yosrneoighhciti aobrd Rnnse Coîtîn of Mr. Rocs. "Escellent," nnpliid Mr. Rosa. Fîrd cach ici tht big haab-io-sahaat rush, by usiog a Champioocascîinid ta seii srnednd iems atoard yoî borne. înmrdinr as ortor ond tost amante poolticts. onîca posîtians, trest, drnrk lîqsîdr nia. Tht caîînspordrrn îraiodnd a lrtit nngsîdîrg tht atm horst nccrcmirt for Haito ad Peel and alci rigandiat tht ttaiaing schoal doys ici tht 4-H Club leaders ici tht iati pîojrat, "Mrat ta tht Menu", tht advamaed Miltcn Foin pion liat and a irttnî frors tht adoptrd ahitd on Hong Kong. Ar tht leaders training rabt cne or tht ingolsi W. I . meeting dar tl mac dnccded ta hotd tht meetiag oa tht Tusday, Srptrmhnî 9. Mis. Hugli O'Connor mpoîtnd ici tht cmmtttt ion tht dîspiay ai tht Milton Facr. Mns. Roy Wilson gane tht highbghts of tht sisit ai the 4-H leader frors Wiscansin weo had mitnao gut in irbr hame for a mnnk. This leader had hoghi a gop ai 4-H boyc and gis op for a viril ta can Ontario iarmc. Mis. Patienreîad a "take-of' rrlitnd, "That's My Boy" mhuah mms qait amoring and rmiadrd tht ladinsof ci iir childra mhen thny mnme yarng. The tapit, "A faornte may ta relao" tmhk tht ioîm ai a dscomsion mîth cach on takiag pont. A romhnî of coatnrts mnd gomtc mtit nrjayrd ioiiomnd h0 O bosatiiot picota lnsaa mid on tht lama on tht shodn ai tht tînts. Arrianicary grtiog ta Mr. and Mis. loba Wilson mhc mdi anibthia hir hîîmddîat aootarrcory or Fîiday. Aogort 22. Driwel mcii thn arr natendtd to Cîaig Royan mho cs o patient on tht Milton Dîctîict Hospiit mhnî b nhrsrntrgnîy. Donald Obto întsmnd horst hy plane o Sonda y rrenîg front Calgary mnd Bmiif mhr hr spart tact mnnk or ahbuioess trip. CLDSELY EXAMININO one af the cahihits ec the Miitan ami District Horrirairaral Sorleicas arnas how n Wednesdaa are John Simbina, tram Dahoilie ch as osnae ai tht jodgea, ond Mr. Wilberî Ford, meritry ai thn Horriroirarai Society. Tht onnsol canr wsta heud ai tht Pire Strent Unian Hll.-lStotI Photo) t again by heavy rain Storm Tht Gattc-Campheii clan hntd ther third iamity inoriar oa Sorday, Aagoni i17, ai tht North Trafalgar Reccîatiao Certre or Sinnins Avenue stith a cmati cîostd aiirrdirg. Foiiorarg o hosotifu iote thsrrîonarntr cstdoort sthr the bidîta trîcyrd a poaiu sarambir and aiti gats. A gossng pamt ici tht adîftir mas moa by Mrs. Doald Campbell of Port Pnîry miîh Mnc. Lnt Smith of Hamiltor irrîrg therseccad pîirn. Tht coople tîrvellmg tht iaîthrci mac Mi. and Mrc. Donald Campbelil ai Port Ptiry and lia couplr macritd tht icancet mas Mn, and Mit. Peter Smath of Waodsiack. Tht wtt tais ait maneiand lititn iscoons. Fatiomîag the etrtamet s ahoît baortess metitg mac hnld mhrr o comnatit ws chasn ta loch sutr the infor ici970. Tht commitite rirctcd mcme Mn. ad Mca. Peter Smith, Mi. aad Mes. Donatd Gaies and Mi. ad Mît. Lee Smtth. A piania muppnî mas mird ai S p.m.orndacaocial bout sprat. Fiitdc aitndtd front Bonbacgtar, Hamitan, Acior, Georgetcma, Part Pnnny, Waadntack and Homhy. Mis. Maigaret Tmeaaaî ai Mnadcmrain rînîtcd tact Wrdnsdayrrengstith Mn. ard Mns. Jor Obra ai Dery Rcsd. Fondr rn tbisdisiîrtrrc xed t il mni mchns ta Cecil Patteror Si. stha mos iîcatnd ot tht Milton District Hospitat ici hnad mnjuries rnarirnd mhîin orsirtiag bis soa Cecil Jr. ta cci Op a icr at bis horst. Tht toit ators oa Sotorday caontd hrary daitiansb c the Hoîoby distaict ici thersecoad im ibis morth. Park hnchns ai tht Hanrhy Park mnîn smapt dama tht flots of tht park mnd sor mît hangat rtors tht smirgs and one hrrch rs aiS miccîrg. Starrot hosnments mre floodnd rn tht lovai district ond soetînts aad tir ctompsomit moshrd dama the dîtahrs. Mia. Gcîîy Hamilîon, Kent, Kenrî and Kimberlery ad Mis. Jien Hamilton attrrdrd a hinthday poniy at tht horst of Mn. and Mis. Ktiny inof c Georgtoma, mhich mos hctd rn haoaor of ibnit doorbiti Shelley mac wsta anirhîaîîrr li Sth htîthiiay. Mn. mnd Mis. loch Frae are njayirg their sommet vacation linide. BELL, UINES a by Arnold BirchfordS your telephone f manager Maac stres and bostnonss in Ontaria and Qanhat broc o spociai h-digt tninpbonanhone inrre cat es o oeil thers tram ast-ai-rame withasi Loag Disrance charge ta yas. It' could Zcnirb seraico ond tir a bada chiat ta hnom aout -nspecîally dsnint the sommer manibambhen omonyaof uscarcsînitinaao tramnt bs hme hase. If o campana bar Zenith seric in a artirslar place cashI lini their aiteciai Zenith asmbcr ta ibaîr local ad ai liarnd in the local telephoan dircctaîy tsar ns bougb h cmiomparo hart o store at attire night thcre in town. Ail cas do rs cr11 the Lant Distance Operator ond tian bcr the Zenith nsmhcî; shahI aanncr cas dirtly ta, the distant compoco. Tht campony wtb the Zcnirh service wili bn hilcd tan yosi oel, iras tihe reatiaino the charges an o Loat Distance rail bot it rocer yac the baibni ai makiag the arrangements wtb the Otteratar. If o cas mot ta condaci smc business tb a bnrm thnt isa't lacarnd here in the Milton orna, chech yacr telephoat iictany. Yas mac tîad the camtionc hon Zsnirh seric in the loaoiy. Il ana'r. mnicieg torus aboure e saephre serice moid vos be acre to maclade yoe rcicphoce ns mber mith anar correspocdnce? Atmo, il Ir mc rcaor ans are uaahe en ieciodc anar paymecr card ard acanret mich pon paymeer, mmild ana mct ynr reinchonecoumbar dama n anar cheque ne mre nrdcn? This miii hntp rura chat anar prymeet as reîicrcd accaracly en che croc.r recorda. Olcer rimas me have dillimulry ascablishina the tdenticy of a aramone mhn hat maiiad an item about bis servine tac as. Wigb the reiaphrca nombni marked or the crrespondene chia preblere le eiimicamed. Diii cas hnam that the Canodion inlophoat indastiyiocsîuîos abot $6 miioiothcofppastic maeriais acd thon mort ci this is licihtd by Caraduan cstrs? Fortbrmart bc the ytan 2000 aria 31 ycots amoc -thin tigsre miii meach $20 million.e The subject was roses ut maii flower show By Mns. W. Pord Milto and Distcict Horectrmt Society bctd a anat arcaccaihat Plamnc Show in the Union Hall, Pin Street Argon t 13, salUs 229 cactrina, The meeting apnd by tht singing af O Cmnada. Mns. W. Fard inicadoard tht golsi speakti Mr. Peter Hughes ai Narrai. Tht sobjtct mac "Rases". Mn. Hugbes gae a chant tais or the enint ai tht rose. Iti o an eirmat flomr bne caid. lits hirtoty dates hacb ionthnr thon aiailitiic, the oidnrt Ilar nw o ar ond cmn le tcacnd bacb 35 milion ynarn. This maaid mahe it aidne thon Eden. Na aitriowr aame ontt mnmroudcd hy cymhotîam ard suptrstition, myth ard magic. Mythalogits til, or tif Ea bisng the mbite nome rn tht Garder ai Eden ard it hiacbnd mitb pinacame ard han nnmoind Pink tati cicn. Aira i is aiaimcd chai orbil the fatl ai mati tht nome s mithosi ihaîrs. The itdiaoenrthetatial flomtt ci Ergiard. Robtrt Bamc ceicîînd ta it in bis immantal limc, *'My ttrt'c lih a med, ccd rasa ihat's rnmly nprg i Jonc." Thnrn ane 0,000 brama nome vastitits. Tht rose r port ai tht North Amnnicar stay cfife Mn. Huoghes cbcmed a film enitid "lobry Rome". Thit sbamnd asitinatior ai tht souf, irrigation, iumigatioar, pottirg popti cati the rail ta stop mmed gtamth. Tht coitirg and hoddir0 fan gnrcahosr. ochro tht cottirîr are rrdy thry ar sent air ireighl t, al] parts of the stand. Itis c stimotrd tbci ibre arc arr and a baSl torts ion racb pnicor ia Canada. Borts shooid tort barv ta rrarr dayr ir tht home if picpry in L. (urnie, o». OPTOMETRIST BURLINGTON MALL TUUEPNONE 632-7788 carcd foc. Cltteinaind an soit mamie la rat gaad foc iacem, thmgh. la la hopcd tsai are caol stores mdll mai flanters, 11dm stand contact more people. Mns. Rommcnry, thmnknd Mr. Hughes fan bis addccs and film. The T. Ertan icophy vent ta tht btgb scare, Mn. Wilmcr Thampsor 57 points; seccard high Mis. Gi. Canncdaln 39 points; thind higb, hlrs. M. Readhtad 25 paints; foacth Mns. P. Cor 21 point; fifth Mns. A. Ctemcnts 20 pointa; siath Mrs. A. McCarr lB points. Sptciat piac for bort in sectiansu l'irit, Mns. M. Rnadbtad; second Mca. A. Cicmtnt; third Mcc. P. Car; iaocth Mis. G. Cancrdait. Chidrn 5 , Karn Dabntty. Mc. Tisisier mas tht erbibitat tha bad actant mon a final at an aonai show. ta setioa twr dos 14 russ, W. I. Thaama lac mtir m glc acln 3$ zoris', cct, Mn, M. Rredbgod, Tsane mccc 19 babky docte prize. The execotine acf the Miliona District Hotcltdr Society wlsb ta, thoaci ther failoicg pclac donon; flac T. Bacont Co. eoyG. W Robinson LIl&, RoatSimsn Co_, MBccoc =a-pcacnc RO ru DrsSe Store, Davis lc.tr,= rnt S-htic, MÙt.Mn Hee«d =ee Ca Worodocck, Ont, vG. S. Stcain &â Sons, Canaclngton, Ontrioa. I I d du MILTON MOVIE SERVICE COIPLET RENTAIS Ir on l6mm Sound or tom Homo MolleEqbmut ROSE'S VARIETY - 818-4695 mi YOU ARE INVITED TO A FREE ouTm BAND CONCERT BY THE LORNE SCOTS-MIARY IAND (PEEL, DIJPFERIN Si HM.TON AEG'TI VICTORIA PARK MILTON THURSDAY EVENING AU6UST 21sf 1.30 P. M. EVERYONE WELCOAIE SK5 i q i j- DATS UN 16OOOOR no other car gCvs o so mnany extras at no extra cost. -k -... --. - --- - - -1 -M ThtDoiar BtODooan4-dor rdr Ml it f .,odopo3 mi., par gaflionil DatOW'atR DASiahdwiodn s.Yadr bacc ia rie t r ot'o bi Irn aoin to h 16 pay acta Ecti 1crC th barmr fas rmotbard n rnrsltor. Eonm=Ct ccn 44do ehtDD TADA ta- hava.R .-l semaD cA tht DDso' atirorD Co mrioo ar avM al ot aiK rohicnta h nyctrayat ieymr rr Cat hc tor yrs aW totr.DrG o c ai orr10 -orinrdo-oa iaiao Ch1 out aivtelatunea N Ô T EN16p(M5BseLn