VOL. 110 -Na. 16 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AU131USO5 2U, Iov .gcryccor.tceqt, Blast destroys building, hospitalizes workman ONE PERSON WAS INJUREO tand tics setli maotey welts ese oat thes masone watts ed talsait the coot eftche cetaît hcitdimg- demtrayel ethes an eptosias et the Rohert Se. paetp eg statice Firet gb erc are cse haise selcaltiog the fice filac tll ood the rekeli the est etey Scdy etc eg. The farce e the h st biswe plOc OO. (Staff Photo) Storm dronches area floods roadsbasements Mill St., eccl ot Broote oct ltooded and oorkc cceoc mosed le targe paetprsg eqarpeet t0 cetiece the probteet there. Heesy eqaipeta, silsat for the osekeali as the tmenk teoet peoject, oct mlced ohee il cectedl betoeea the CPR lracbc and Woodward Ave A gesecetor oas toejlit leo the ctream bp the force cf the ccrretand on Sacdcp the heesy eqcrpweet oct occched oct. Wheee the cntruction creo os thetseoee pcoecrowachorisg ceder the CPR teer Id foot deep oork bote et oelt ce Iheir 55 foot tunnel oct rompletely f'tlled oitb ocrer. At Mclerde Drive flire Stream ercmeded tlie ltergh ot fit eccd and tan eccots the surface. ' A 100 toot section ot the bceik os fle mers hene of flic CPR et Kelco oct oesied oct et oeIl astccectionof otheesdregrin the ca me rices. Mayoc Bcias Bcdt ecîreccred ehere must bacc heen 100 hactements flooded dccceg tbe clst. masy foc the frsc limie. He sotei tit tome acceity flooded oeee dry. Os Moedcy aI Mitton Cocicit lie repocreli formec t)epclp Reece C. tceefy os Bell li. bcd a coecpleltely dcy hacsement. Mr. tceeefy hed erpecteeced roosrdecebte octet proleosicser yeers front sece bock uns. Maie St. scores ilc ae front Mitton Depacîmee Slowe te Ledoirh'sucffeced octet damage and Milton Hardware repocted aboot sic esches ot ocrer ce Ibrir becemeel. Bîcecier's ieoeltety teoered a foot o 100o fee i c e i bcseneeelufterowegiheedOi anecocsod beeo esîccece, Johnoo Broc. on Main St. et the tuertros of the 100 branchces of the lirclees oct bit oclh oetee inltce bemeol. te the toral urces c emaîl bridge oct octtcli oct os the flifrb fine le Fcqoescg' usOuc" of lire uidccoad airdeaPoron of tbe Base Lote Roui ocet of TIremeese Rodotcce t ca t rh ncus crdf ceaa tor'(ts.dI Dercy Rocd ad Ib tirtr Croc in ce Qaklltt thrIoe Mee l' foot feel t ocrwaer. up lu 300 feet ocde floudol a portone ut che Trcfalgar Golf course and eecccby tcctctt londc At Hoscby Peck fliolig caosed coosdecobie doatoro ad pack beocesrocdhydflchiglc cae cest clicougît acovr ocidet hrglroay 4li1 cre loood soc mlos Ifroct flic park. A hlcedreg race Satcrdcy c lleded rdecles, and hacemeals, osecae clsertc and ctretm batikc, cedetmtsed ccctocp batkc ccd mcced bscsp coanctnaction eqaipeet ethite tightesitg hteo tacet, ctaeted c bacs ire and keocked oct trancfacecerc. As attercoos tees gcrced tsteacitp dumping ce ectimated tactr to lII and c bctt cachet on the Milton aoca. The lirclees Mile Cck bit fihe Fulton St. Icecîmeet plant oeer veecisctcikscloodreglthecterd ta lie plaet and thec municipal orks building. Wtt et rascded oser (i esIlîrcece tuaid 10 Johcncoe Broc. Trackceg, off hrgttoap 25 ced M acs Bt. ceti ef Mertie acccecaced icebecftwtec accoms ils oldîi white seircles cpladcied tfiagh. Ooe peccococasocjocedande a mnces eecaose otle ecceots or mootcipel cewage Pe mpre tere Stocrm btad! beee oreercOee. sctton on Robect St. crac Tite poocpie g station tercet romptetely demoîrrîced li tee ce the ceotral ocest end oftwn esplosion, juri ettet eodotglt Batocdap, blewouot beick watt Tr s sf n er ccid tcfcted the cool of the soclit r n f m s hecweetr lt0li00 ced $15,000. D 1 , George Preor, a wocbs inI 00,f o ligI emptope. seffeced scoond degcee horis te 10is aeo oed egr D3amage was estwated ci and 30 pee rect of his body. Ho h15,000 as o ling ko lied face wes aise ccocched. Ho tead eut two 750 KVA crtsocees been os dcty et the stetoe clore et P. L. Robectroe 'c Mrlton plcot a liacacdey atcewooe tare Sccccdcy. aod rîtut doei the daceped op oe lice and a taIt licedey ordnrgltcitft oendl locher os che acea. Ho cs powercoetdhec ecoted. repocted le cctrsfectocy Plant meeagec fceoff Dcogec condition et Mdltoe Distrt pcatred flie wock of tire Hospit. S0 0maintenaoce rceo te tocoig a T h e Ioo d of ttt I l C 150 KVA ttacstcoec and pocr-wideight htastcrocked certoeong powec hy 5 am dishes le adjaensclcouses aed Moeday tocining t0 allose a tccgtcteecd eeighhocs tcom their cecusn e or o Icrlle day doiti hedccenthe centcal sectionoftirce towe. It cmcched oot the soIr wcsoecy ocirs aed caie thelic coof of che hocldie g which dcd R s ue 5 e set seulle hac eeeey oe ls coppoctief watts. Fiee fotlowed the explosioe ced Miltoe Acea lghftiing tire c Foegcigadeeres suoeoed tO erttegoith tl. Militoe Hylico Frfty hecad of Holstern cercle cesoweeasooshaed tocut werceresroedcsheecthehcareon te power t0 thceec tcceetocwecc the tucet of Chacles Bcyeocoe. hecîde the building. e octh ot Cewpbeicille a Mc. Prioc was opecctief destcoyedhby fle dosengthe acdcecay powpieg e qocpweet et eletercal ctotw Setccday che staticos. heccace of the eceereg. doweooc ed thre loodceg Of Destcoyed le lire hlaze wece ewghc.ttircs hoofbt the 5000ilhaerofheiyeandt1000 explosion mey heve heee ceosed hochets of wlheet. hy tche gatote powered Feilcccrdl ielc Wocls Sepeeleteedeet Bcoce wcth eisrhtttcy ltawpeced hy the MrKecc scid che eosiccay heuv aeyccecocwbotweceuable tc eqoipmeet wocld hace becs case as adjoceref pcg pee aed cicoe eoued en choct 15 aslayhbuidings oe the fie Zoning by*Iaw nears council concludes itS cooe's e oorg hy-lco oece werged anddebcredwinatpecia meting of Mdlton Coucri Wedesdcy or meerbers cflieli clrcocgh the 100 pcfe document ToaieclIcoli hsl prepacasioo byotemboesofthe Mnister admits CDVIT. APPIIES BRAKES ON REGIONAI GOVERNMEN Il oce hilleli ce a diatogue oc ouneciipat goseremeet Tisecetore ce need artrreger bracori ictr ciuit ocl sonoi br matoii tirrcti d- reooc otth discussios o the 000 Atreceoceent Art bot rooltet c Wr' co ase acae adeccrslloree allnsecere.li c onservaltionrlc the esephosie et cet Thoredepes ronfrontation betoceen ma"y,." fc munstreer assrced. li'etdI Ntayece Bia traeti of arreirce re. lcal erccce cinciorile r. McKeoogi deteedlitirs MIio are licte ras or erretee arrd lier drpaecoc'cet cauld four Ontario rabinet orielecere cnd 200 munoicipat regroaa toeerrecercet proeposais as fablr t or (lie establishentr rot acqîcea tnd ,cc tire ecarpoae repeeeeteticet roi Hettos, Peet, Wellington aed Dofferlo bereg claie eo lcr ptriccpirc cl' terfeccai c ovrcrernlet cci 11lieci fi) pereet rcro irl trrneed cocentiet a o se egioset gosersrineet proporats. 'cep by pop' cirast peeet aird Proli "Tira corrrtie r aret lu c ii Mls ice B art orei ta Most of il oct c retrlis of precloors meetings oit deiirar le s i err tI sard cliracrioo utrlie clle ic rc ll.ec'erelrc p e iie.t 0c. peoblon muc roc litle ewinfrmaio bu i wa obiois he ealin f r eiicprit% c' trieai est etcire bcear rira errer Tirey ar ire' tIiiectg BIlle~~~~~~~~~~ -c leoecisbti0.roeortr eaiiefr~oe000 ligota car ottord cairiite rcarre le utlia 'terrir Mayore Brrr drainied loci% regioset goserereeset in the Peet-Hettos ceea oct protertrooci lieip anrd etac tuc capot oicai ce erpocted ali île \Icrrr fle[taille cccl crhc'rdceg cuhctcetictty etowed doot, by ecens set the pact fer ofl ferrr tabla. prebahîr ccc c1raerr No place t c cirer d cira monthe. Octibcei te \ci] mer oikce te ia c ietrrrirhatit ier l tha i A octo, hcoid, ceomete Hocet' Wortoo ced Rer. A. W. impcortatrciicadaticierc li ie r %vto Nteeto oct the Riviega forb ihe Qrosers oeeliecopa accorer ilrlc iflic ,,i 'croc b e îe, i, alec aoed tr eteoows ethlie estiecfo thce Dutoo e er rct pc iaacbll erro Burle Mrt KeBtrac aira t [oid meetinf ohicht rmed 0110e a theer oor ocreeri, ctep ote rce ri e errlii e r litllreo \irii MIat)rcs quctionre cec cecies et lodicidoat rooplernst microphoneeand eck questiont chul. cenrali urococacronb h tating fro seraI oaeirrpoaltrtec and ohechte Ie deffererel rrrrrcrclecc IrAit' baccl fucslicigfliIll tIvr carcocot ad o sert' feo cefèecertle te eedire teerepect tic treerc sert ticicraleIl cirateirc)erp las crtirt fli% ccc it rner eecratie i rt e tefr beotet(lie tr hrurceetingl Dot.hcylaccturl okcor ai lecI c cci eie ciiloh cc are war aritflitec.tcatttett m ark. cin dbaserledrcgre eriie clIle e Il, e1ý, I Il ,,, c Proviocial treaccrer Charter questionsr leourised hor l lr ,1i liii Mi Kîri til il', 'I lai MeNeoglîtos, Municipal Affaire provinrcee to ettehf some cf [lia re ciii iiicit alucaikai crieiri oui if lard III aires aird M iaictr Oact McKeoagh ilic decitios oakieg pooett berk Lorgy cîrd Rtacrca MnSteeter 1 t hrrk iceati a tire Edacation Minscer Bitl Dasiec r cIe the bansc et thre Gore ei clie fositive anser r ad Neo Etrgy And Reccaecec ontncrpal.tot and modeccie a carra ou hl o i Niagara NIc. Brrr cerai o ed tihe Miistec George Kere the ocncipaltstructure desipsed escarpeoteuc fotf 10t be gacererotCý puliry. dtrotgun meprated the cabinet oble 120 yecet cgc. The difféeace cekes acd %vitlec taot te crocd raies oicih e i rec.pcltrres etetett 200 teat'occ, meese herorea loos and caaatry are MAVOR ARIAS BEBl ai raie. cocid oui attord toa c os, ceaaicitacc cand adoitratls cny art cgiaal todet', be ctcimrd. Milton watts toa ser ler Mr. K err coercccred ocei MIc. tel ecetef rpectfeil t' theso questioas, obicb the 00e shuatib ho teetgthraieg tcbieg Enrge aed Retacce Bcl rtal tire eMiton a'ec bcd tegirltece pcalribereg dcmp acaitee feietdd. local geecmeat, Mc. Misistr Gege Keer etict Be hce hect hiard by qceccy hceerrg. Atme prescet lna e eppoetieg McKraagb naid, "aad gel the intends ta de aboace cerain ogecacroor. A report lias beee use Acchdekrs. deply-rese toets for the gaceormeat wecm decisias matsleg oct cf Qeers se tics Niageraetscrpet. schoirred la cite depecîmeent, lie of Brpton, oct totd thet lire MP.ts Jahn Root, Jie Saoo, Peck and ick tatae tae hada. -(Sttff Phoata) tad, and flie comoittee ocd Coehcaued Page 3. tcbject ofteeeccjorntrmeceigs et Board acd Couricil, ccc rainr 1,pcgsrof deicoroccus and tire balacre deergeater pecertied land ores ort ail] r ffi A ourd et of rceest aotieodoteocr, pscprred by hor Planonioacrd. urerereid by Board(lhiacaNoso Pace fr e coobetc cf cocrocer] d or r r e c.ouccd ruppcortuorte and crecrihecrs Wîcro tire byrico ooceodweecr arecu bcttei oe hol piace Deceli Little accd cecerro hic support. coulcil orl gire [lie hy-las (lie seqoored eadocgr. rl orSl he pubiisli ud li0c Octatrio Munrcipal Board apprecal seill borsouclt. 1Iclt ole to pbic licrcg. Aic atetp turetccoOr airebî rtf ccc rocicr l a potr cul flic dangr uit 0cr detcdofg rqcoremtct ts chlar ce c sdesrchl type cf cevn POOtPiOb'lot alit e ta fowes ta ti lrcatntOOt place sec Fucton. Rolimer qo0rckty unocked oui iing sirikle Sectie floodigakso occr tcd lt tire piance seareleccre a od seori prdoctc roaild bacc tu0be sepccked. Crglrrorrrtaircrpiired a pote croar i c oer c poer suppit' ta Star Steel place bar tlie poseer Oas eo ce rercroptedl 5cr 5ocslf. Fuses crere biownr ai tlie Coooeoeuittchseoeeceg Poaiacd c hlci boib ni (lu barrseici païen cot biecr oct at foui meanager Bob Mtino oas ccking a qui pota rit rd o! caill faims hum rt Bayetoo r.p, tled Il li as pc paeeng o attend a weddiek cboedeeaod lookodouc cItree111 les ci flcir haro. Attectpts oi rrsruoressuoiandcsssedhbyils sorHoward tey ledflieceaai lu sefety. Tire cacil lcad beco placed ce flic bacs cîlet ftr c prorcoor ChitA. F. Clertciadeoui ortceace of duccago reocodrrcely asurtuble but etrotoed flheos wes pccaiy ocsrcd. completion debate deceloptet eigrit cakse place oser ohrr icr Ile nutccpalrty would ot hareoanctrcu A bytlas provisocptrot che parkiong ut' a ostrie aodhboat traderccta driv cra fut orce tîrtr 72 lrc ccc l ruento by (corc îlot Smuirle lie e iturieod t crwac dcsccocec iatucog aooccrt tire ndisvrd ual Ih owe 1c rrscc tc t hliltt aeieedootr Oece cppcroved rernoroco ocy cotie houi os parking a tcariec ilce cear yard butcreaocengclforudo ut front y ard purinog lcgicterccctrl cra a1tprocrod toc buildingr toie hurle acrer brolcoay 25 and linglicay 401isi) ru cecil I oold coce aic ccppcctuncics ccc cncccrdrtire appeatrisce or pcoporodi troflc acdet lacoe hi oct aotreed ail place ocuid coqucr i lie station ofa tCoiued ooPage 3 eruptetoaod uciieed a fle puter ta ctti e aey floodreg reltcr coold rei if flic Robert St. station crac teft ouio rvice Eacly Sueda> tre deinotion ut tic tlcceatoccg truIte ut the building rrar comploteli aod okrtett begare tire cieao op ut equrporot. Tire aocrdirey oqutpent u.asrotoced and asmocecr otcturdicceandthc cocyot 1ccerd ce acoistteg orclin. By Torcdayrrooorng a rehuilt tepaiced and aor ranfrmuOer rortaliod, rrar hack i ctin Mayot B. Bort pcaosed the local cocccc'atorandelectcrcrcet asrwel asclirccrrpoctshletfor copaccotte tlie tecorsr. tehece promept cocipraotolteestoref tieho rtilsrie Better deal for former Frocuit ad regetabie farmers aee 0li dicseeoatedi egaist Ily goreerorert teos os arresmetrcid astownshrpof Chregcccocry represes tarnoe et Tlccrrday'r *drilogce' beteee ceu cabiet mouseracd muocipal represretatie et Claoeecghleourhs g ested ordocrytfariet t'oc filad,flice 'trjcrt -ad regetchie or s erd tire Meerceer of Mcueicipal Aftoirc Do tcf hlcteocgh i lire provinre urteoded cl do ceythorg about et in[leeesArsseetbAct Mc. MrlKeocgt cgeeed thal farine rseeerg asessedltoo lige $1,500 as acre bel arscced tlire qcesleucor tiret fruit ccd regecebte land crut secth hcotauns asch cas tordocet' tacot lard tuch aspastee He tadlie gcreerieel hoped Ie atieeed sorte rcehlieor taurrs bac ehee crac nc indication of crhailtincO seocidilie. Thc're rstar te id he proterc e d cu)acee tacoti land onlichacs ci mearket valce but rîIt tie torcer oe 0 had hoe sececycef erre ormcbr aboat gettrsg cpecciatere and tarrec fileur prfier aid trot rpeednog eeuugh lIrough our paya Srboolhs oes....r..... 6l& 7 1 t,1seitrec .............12 trlrtcsralr ........ Bd 1laci er........ B5 Reaers Ico Be. -7 TORRENTS 0F WATER mestecl mat tirs btck respîtel Bccdtp etaceg tse Il foce snce cners e seclion ai cidicg ce ths CF ai e c et daespaceut icr tee tonet SttetpStefi Krlit Setrelit. A sectiaon of tics etein tics batik Picatot t00ftest long etas atse eroded an toi Il tae -I