Have you ete sent a longlie mode hon ofe cookieste ao son or daugistet mho ws a ot as summme campaor who mas oui of the counttry mush tht uctned forces, enlie to Itasa that mises thtp aerîotd as their destination thtp werc ceutoisid te hits? If this isas happed ta you and poo omd to mait the post officeca cashier naste note te teli tbcm off-dosît-atineastsoneuii yoa hoe tist'uii atonie. A Champion staffer iastmceek rcceivtd a packsage of what once weeeconits and thty arriotd at bis drsh in a nery crmhid, ccutnby suate. Ht isecame verf inceosed ut ihis destruction ofe bis metisiy CARE pachage and dccided to do somcthing ahout it. HARVEY PETTIGREW of the MltRon Dinision, St. St. John's mont saccessful fand-eaising nampaign John Ambulantce Brigade, mas reoentty awaeded a ta data. Ganernor-General Minhsnee, eigbt, Prioty Vote of Thanks fot his mark with the presntc the amard as a specia noremany el tin Brigade. Last Rail Mr. Pettigrew organizsed the toal London on June 7. Tmo isuodred and fiftp p ooog people and adulta banc compioted the filet ofe tillac summer swimmiog courses olieered uitIhe swiminog pool ut Kelan sapa Jao Muracisera, bad iatmrlor uit the pool. Tis aumber mas divided int0 12 "Lerni to Like Waler" pmils, 4f mionoma, 51 tadpolec, 57 isegianers, 30 pre-jaainrs, 33 juniors, 15 antermediases, eigist seniors and eigist adoîts miso waere aiso taing amimmiaf lemsoos. Mita MacEachebrn mas pleaseil mies tise fie session alîhoogs tse said! tmo tisg plagurd tise staff. Tise filet mas coid wuter misicis iothered bols staff and studeats, an d tise second mas overcrowding oie tise classes misicb Sept lise staff ataion Ian ss. Tht "Lam t0 Lilse Wutrr" prugratin mata grese ancets, tise said, and tise poangastes tuiig pues, mostle four and fsve'peur'oids, bisl coco Ieaooed 10 dosa front floot misicis 55 uite good for childe tiseir ago, tise mont on. Registratins are ctoed for tise second set oe lessoos misici bave aIreudp startrdl aad go on ntil Angusl f, but Miss Macuaceisesaps registrations are opea for tise tiid set oie smimming lesmens a1 Kelto pool, Angunt 121t029. Ont bundrrd and fite isaoe enrolîrd for tise second session o e rsons. On. foW miles oag Five summer grass firIes A total oe fine grass files bave the Missisnauga breigude mas beta meporred to Milsoa Fiee called ouI from Strertuville t0 Deprment over tht past tmo amsia misen tht file lrupd lise meeba. Althougs weeisead ruinae isondueyfline from Haiton te bave damtperd tise isndtr'dry Peel Counlie. "Il coat as s lt oie puas, firef*tjst arr nsil] uegiog mootp lu figlar thag mur," Cief ifzes to ho cutofoli mils top A. E. Clement said, onîdoor fiscs tisroag tise Dane mons ropoed lise sanie sutomer. dap ut tise lomo dump, ose ist Most serioas oie lise poae l'les nortis Burfiaflon on Jutp I9, mas one rbuaî srrîced out aioof and ont in Nussagumopu Julp 20. four miles ofe CPR rtilmap tracas On Wedntadap aflerrnoon oe tas sas aorth Ouiseille on Julp 15. metS a stomp cauglal fie ut Tise, fie langud front tise Sisith Ra tlenae Point Paris and on Une t0 the Tcnth Lino, isopped Fnidap anotiser grass fire risoke tise county boandury fine mie nto Branle St. atar tise CNR Feei, Msid laid mat ceerai oucison isandred acres oie grass, trees, rcs atterrpo, fieldsaund tolegeups A fiee lat Wodansdap cansed poice. tomne damage ta a trucis fromt Fisefigisters istiieve u spotS Ontario Palier Ce., Givra Rd. E., fromt a train igeitod tise islaze isicis was dumping used wood tht dtp glaiss. Milton firefigseers ut tise toma dnmp. Tise rean oie agent flot boue pultiaf out tise trucs caugisî fire, dumugiog their portion oi e blaze and tht bsodye and sosr oe lise lires. Us. big siren to alert mon Don't ise siarmed if tht isig sîrea mnousîrd stop) a pole ai Milton Fime Hall siaris riagieg la the cool couple oie meehs. It's net un invasion feom space, just a file sienl. Fire Chine A. E. Ciemeot suîd tisas for tise arci few meehe mane oie lise regelar firefigtsters mili bse amap on isoiidups, aad a crrm oe stndsp iseipers han heem raroatcd te tok. iheii pluIII. tise eel oies 0cre. Wisile regolon firefightrs arr alerird hp e trirpisone aîarmi systeu, lise standsp men hsave ne socis ot ap and muet be aierled sp lise big Se if thlisr e matis, it's josî le notifp tis e ' 'summer replacements" te israd for tise lSte hall te mears tise location oe tise aiarm. -Ontario Steam and Antique Pratrrs Association se mahieg fmnal plans lter lise annuel Sleam-Era reomion as Mdlton Foie Grounds on laisor dap weekrad. SMALL ADS HUGE SAVINOS EXAIMPLEI 63 Anadian Selon, aot OnSy p1u. GAUINGER MERCURY Mileen Place 878-2883 Ho utked t0teec somreore, in charge uit the Post Office aod met mith assistant postmaslec R. P. Cote. "Thtis hou of cookies is ciercî muoked fragile," suid tht staffer, "and pet litey case ai cnimhtd upuand in aotrssc state. Wlt tLspprnrd, did pou people use tl for lhroossng pracice or senethingT" Taisng oneilohkat theraier fragile hex, Mr. Core steaigistencti tht staffea est cri qosckip. "Hom do peu eptet a hunch oe coohito wrapped enle onhteswn paper and a rather fliss hec le gel through mîtheat hreaisage?" hne ashrd. On secod loch, tht hox did senm ralther flimsf and tht cernurs did scnrallier caed in. Friends hold presentation for Sgt. Donald Wilson Frirnds aod co-morisers oe Sgt. Donald Wilson oie Milton OF.P. hrid a presentalior parte ut Ropse Communite Cecnlle sou 1h oe Milton Thorsdap eotsicg. Sgt. Wilson is lraosfrrring te head up tht O.P.P. detachmrnî office ai Kaisuheha Faits ntsc Fort William os August i. Ht came te head tht Mdlton detachmrot a pear ugo from Losg SaulI. The Sergeant said il was "ont oe tht heat feros oe mp life" and hie resuey enjoied morising and ioing on Milton and mode a lot oe gond friends iscre. Repiacing hîsa wîii ie Sgt. K. Spiecher oie Moust Forest dttachmrnl. Sgt. Spiecher is preentip isradîng op tht /0-mont sasaar police force ut Grand Dtnd hoiidapretortuand cermot iransfer te Hilton astil Sept. 2. Durisg Aogost, Cpi. Kenntth Kingetan wiii he in charge oie the Milton delachmenl. On hehaîf oe hîs friends ut (ADVERTSIMENT) Burning Rectal licli Relieved In Minutes Eteliiiiv Reading fabstuote ERtîrer Pin Aclt Sbtlak. Hrtorrhaid., If 700 suan msatstort relirE fron litiig Pile'-hre't good es à reooood reserhishbortoryhtu fouod a uiqos lieuline esihstasic bemoerisoia.Tbistohiloscr lis Isrrasisownto peodceea iest effec- tise rate ofe iseetig. lia goossiakiliog =rpta !e alatIo heîp preorat la rce nieter case "cern ttriking fmprorrmtat" mos sîsed, es ru amosn asesof longadinig. Ansd thitisoe= nti wuoc aitaied ocec U.srId iitiliel This mat accosssiiishd hy a e becliat suisetane 0s yî timone. Noce Olmîin. se etc,.d iu aistmenttadoplis'iorp fenu rulird Pttpsroeiesi "1l". As k for it usti d«Il toa satisfacion oR maoney cuae Thorsdap's gathcring, Censt. G. Terrieherre prescrîrd Sgî. Wilson wils a hronze drsh namepiair anti a set of hooherds heuning tht O.P.P . crent. Consl. J. Hodson presenîrd the srrgraet mîtît a maitet. "Wltut sisooid people do, then, 10 muhe suce fragiletlhings tihe coohies gel throsgh mithout isetakingt" ashed thesreporter. Me. Cote explisord tisai sach tisings us ceohies susffer froin hcoaisagtrevtn on their mae flomi astore, hut he did effetr fem druas to lester thn prohlemt of stnding thrmhbymi]. "First oe ail. they slîoold ho pacised in a soid hex and sot semncliing lie a se hox. Tise hox should ho toned wsts crmped uponospapets anid thtn tht fragile ohîrct cao ho piactd on ihis anti coceroi isy inether laier oe papelo.- lie saîd. "Mahe sute tie sîdes andi corners of the eattl hex are oi anî th IIen place "Fragile" stichtrs, which Mapheciihîsod ai the pool ellie, on tise outoîde oe the pachage. Wr cettaiiti make sute itîeceoo kid goe teatinent,- ho sasid, 'hat tise pachage wiii certainle arrive in goed shape if il is packedt properlp." "There are 30 bagsof i] Ieâiis Milltsn eceîy skie hy trucks, 'saîd Me. Cote, 'anid il a hec oe lightip sotapped coohie- happeneti te ho in a mil hog est tht hotiom pile, Il ets il moaidn's stand mchl oe a chance. The great cookie crumble The Canadien Champion, Wedn Bank "inspectors" pull new swindle A new variation of the old "Bank inspecter" swindle cesipped ap tast week and another elderly citizen lest $400. Local police atsk citizens le hewareesfaoyotn purportiaf te be a bsatik official, unlesu they personally ho ltse ofic ii let ihis e twist of tise aId fUmre, a man phones the îîîtndcd eictim, identifies himsclf as a batik inspecter, safs te's siiecking for bad! serial amheseon money, and informe the icti lie has sent uts cîîsptepee te these home, lie asks lie hesselieldes te hold the phonee bejause he wants te lalli te his assis tant whes ihe oceiots. Wiiee tise heipte arsives and spoaks on tht phone, tht oîcim ic.sied bock te tht phone te i.slk sgi tle tht "inspecter". Whîle c eor se is on tht phone, iCONTINUING CLEARANCEi O F SUMMER FASHIONS ATI MEN'Sf Sport Shirts S.S. lai Swim 'Wear Windbreakers Walking Shorts LADIES I Summer DressesJ Skirts m Shorts Short Sets I Bathing Suits iBOYS' 1 Shorts IShort Sleeve i Shirts S T-Shirts ISwim Wear IWindbreakers IGIRLS' Summer Slims T-Shirts and JS helîs Short Sets Shorts Swim Wear CEOF S-E- TE EWFALL FASHIONS ARRIVING DAILY I COM BRWSETHROUGH A HOST 0F NEW FAU L salarMERCHANDISE-CHOOSE NOW A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD YOUR CHOICE FOR YOUJ - i i a n FuIly Air Conditioned For Your Shopping Pleasurej 1MILTON DEPF STORE1 200OMAN E Open Fidays Unfil 9 PM esasey, Jole 30, 1969 tht asstaat scoops ap thse manep and dicappeae. Tht Pont nicit in kept on tht telephons ail] tise tisas. and tisere a no opportuosty te cati police. Milton Raceway Service RE-OPENED FOR BUSINiESS AT Ton SAME LOCATION BRONTE ST. COLIN SMADES O PR RATOR Kelso swimming lessons keeping staff occupied NOTICE Culligan Office WiII Be CIosed JuIy 31, Aug. 1 & 2 6jIdO1hIIG ISOUR SPECIALTrYOý WE OFFER A COMPLETE LAWN AND GARDEN SERVICE LANDSCAPING and LAWN SPRAYING FOUNDATION PLANTING We Caeey Al Beand Name Peetilizees FREE ESTIMATES (OUR PRICES ARE LOW Rainbow Landscaping Reliabla and Eatperiancad JUST CALL 878-2097 or 878-2741 BUY CHECK NOW HS SAVE .,,,P I E JUST FOR THE LADIES AIR SIEP GUW CROSS NURSES 6REB HUSH PUIPPIES WHITEf CROSS WHITEf DUTY QIOES Hmîl's& < BIG 5E WtHtTE BLACK Si BRN. AIRTEP SF0. PRiCED $t1t95 RG PRtCE TO1aJ8S6 W OA'AGE SAL $10 & $1295 SAVE ZU7, OFF SALE s7.00 AUL LADIES'9 SANDALS WOMEN'S PENNY LOAFERS Hes& Flot. ALL COLOURS ONE PRICI .01x77$l . aK SL 699 MILTON DEPT. STORE M1 MAIN ST. E, - FIPN FRIDAVS UNTIL 9 PM, - 878-9261