Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Jul 1969, p. 2

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2 The Canadan champion, Weelnesrlay, Juiy 30, 1969 "New look" night school offers dozens* of courses An expanded programn Ibis futl mitl set liteeaiiy dotens of courses offéred tu aduils of Mâtom mnd district in the "em look" Milton Nighl Scheel lo be operated by the Halton Counly Sourd of Educolion. In addiion lu the isnia "interest" courses designed for bobbylals, a fuit range of acndemic, commercial and tectmical courses miii 6e offeed t0 belp adalis brut up on ooy j schooiing Ibey map have misued. Wdiamiù Tom, vite-principal of Miton District High Sehool, has been named prtncipal of t6e nigt uchool progcumn Ihis yeor. Ht reports planning io meli undermay for that should 6e t6e moîltetenive and interestîng nighl uchool et record. "Wr are offertot contidrohy motre suhjects thon in preeitus yerr, bot il miii depeîd on registrations." The nigt scheeis in Miltos and Geergetomn miii merk tn coopetiot mith ont aneiher, 10 tat tome coorses may 6e mergrd te carry et if there are net oufficient registrations tn ench lomntle mariant oponîng ef a clons. Academic courses miii inciode English, hitory, mothemnaiict and science, everything fromthe ARCHITECT DONALD E. SKINNER B.Arch. - M.R.A.I.C. 17A Mill Street, Suite 2, Actosi Telephone 853-2740 or 20 Stavebank Rd., Port Credit 274-3428 Office Hoi-t by Appointment ACCOUNTANTS EARL G. BLACK B. Cern, R.IA., C.A. Chartered Accountant 163 Main Si., Milton Phone 878.542 CHIROPRACTORS A. P. KENT, D.C. -Doctor of Chiiepractic 237 Rings Court Cresceot Corner Martin St. PHONE 878-2031 BY APPOINTMENT INSU RANCE CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Auto-Home,' Protection-Accid- rot uod Sichotns Fansiiy Liability Parm Liability Y.o Milton Agent Mrs. Thea Kurz R. R.' No. t, Milton Phone 878-9741 CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Home Pretection Auto, Aocidentai Deontt and Impairmeno Salie Drivioz, Entra Vehicie Reduction Premnioms Meut Ecoeomicut Cali: R. S. Heatheringoo R.R. 2, Milon, 878-4855. Over 21 Years' Service The Muu Lite ROBRT S. HART Agent 341 Oreille Rond, Anton Bus. 418-451-3468 Ret. 519-853-1527 FUNERAL DIRECTORS S MeKERSIE Foneral Home 114 Main St.. Millt Our 1(ivh 'vear ef helpfsai, 878-4452 OPTOMETRISTS ARTH4UR A. JOHINSON, O.D. MILTON - 184 Main St. 8789972 Tuesdays and Pridays ACTON - 54 MitI St. E. 853-2520 Wedoendayo and Sarordoys Residenne phone 878-9878 LIBRARY HOURS Msaday & eRdoy 12m te ILI Tu.iaY & 1hwaimy mm goR 5.10 Wa.modoy 9.10 t. 12 sou 1 ta Lu1 Ciffl -W d unique paront,' as ûoiii, îhouid 6e fermrd te hardie sofeîy requiremetn of chîldet in tht fou r aparîmeni buildings onOntarit fit., Milot Councîl ogrred Ibis mehk Ceutecil badl heet osked t0 protide a crossîtg guard and hetîr cressmaik rvorktîgs t0 lieip childeet fromt tht aparîmenîs gel t0 and freint schceiî aceoss the busy Oloarie St. Sut a survey tif childeen shemed there are oniy 20 yotgsîers ef public schiiol 08e livitg in the four aporimenîs. Council bad raîlîi iorrd domt a crossig guard teserve 39 chdldret living mesi of trotte St. Afi ceiislaitiiot oîsh tht police departimet, a parents' associatin mas S uggttted. Through tht association, mnillets mooid robe tuens guiding lite chîldeen acroîs the htghmay. Lettrs are gintE 01e aparîment emterî Ibis merk, explaîttîr te proposa. Mtonmhie coorcil premised te repaînt tht ceeumoalk markîtgs aieng the street. Tht police have bers oskrd te motch for iraffîc violotiîns os Ontario St. N. and a report ai Monday's meeting îndîcated 45 chartes hart bren laid there sisce tht firsî of Jn. thuith S~rvice5 J KNOX PRlSBYTERIAN CHURCH Inrtrrim Moderustor: Rtc. P. N. Young, B.A. Georgetown 8r-6206 O0 came let us mtrship mnd bien do-s; lt us kstei belte the Lord or Malter.' ScNDAY, AIJGLST 3rd, 1969 JeoitService wiib St. Paul's Unted Cburch. 1O a.m.-Mortog Wortbip in vas Cbnrcb. Guýt, 'Rt D. R. Nichci- sou o Si.Daviid's Prsbv- MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 finrorir St N 878-2022 Ottristia garlseed in the numie ofth1e Lord lesus Christ. Lordus Day SI.NDAY. AUGUST 3rd, 190 10.30 n.m.-Beakiut of Bread. 12,15 p.m.-Sunday Sceel. 7.00 pmo-Gospel Service. Wedsesday, 8 pan. - Prayer and Bible madling. AIl are moicomo te thest Het bai cemeîb te Ccd must beiovc bhat Ne is. Heh. 11, 6. IIOSTON AND OMAGH PRIESBYTERIAN CHIJECHES Minlolur: Ret. Striley E. Smnith, S.A. SUNDAY, AUGUST 3rd, 1949 10.00 amo.-Omagb; Worubip Service. 11.30 ain.-Bostot: Wurshîp Service. Church Schoui closed durit8 tht mosth ot Augut. GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH MiIten, Ontari. Renter: Rev. R. W. Poster. ltsigtant: Canon F. H. Masos. SUNDAY. AUGUST 3rd, 1969 Trinity IX 1 3.00 a.m.-dtoly Communsasion. 0.00 a.m.-9toy Communion andSrmon. 0.00 ace., Thusay, July 31- mfoly Communion. F Iarse nste limet of Somsmer orvles. Yeu sam Abways VMeuasàd aI Qre C'ubsai A ST. PAUL'$ CHURCH THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Main St. at James St, Ministr: Rev. C. A. Hoiser, S-A., B.D. Orgotist anid Choir Leuder: Mrs. Haold Magee. UnonoServiceo-itttlKnox Presho-eins Cbureh SU3NDAY, AUGIJOT 3rd. 1949 10.00 a.rr-Moringgt Weîsbip in Knox 'Prtbtrian Chorcht Gncoi, Rev. D. idichoisen of Si. Dîvîd's Pretirat Charch, As Itvitation To Ail CHIJRCH 0F CHRIST No. 5 Sidteoad and 416 Lin Trafalgar SUNDAY, AUGUST 3rd, 1989 10.00 o.m.-Blihin Scheel Classes for ail ages. 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship. 8.00 pint.-Prmtching ofth1e Gospel. EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Commerciol Street, Milton Poîtor: Rev. Clapen Cotles 878-4473 878-3542 The Lord's Day SUNDAY. A1JGUST 3rd, 1949 9.45 a.m.-Susdoy Selsoot. 11.00 a.m.-Morting Worthip. 5.30 p.m.-Yourh Time. 7.00 p.m.-Evttiog Woruli1. Wtdinttday, 7.30 p.m. - Bible Sludv and Propr Meeting. Nuersery aI Sunday services. HIGHWAV GOSPEL CHURCH A local asrmobly of THE PENTECOSTAIL ASSEMBLIES 0F CANADA 'astor: Rev. M. Chrstemun. LORD'S DAY îLNDAY. AUGUST 3rd, 1969 9.45 o.m.-Smday Sceel. 1.00 amt.-Morsing Wormilip. 7.08 pats-Evangelstin Service. frdnesday, 8 p.m. - Ba.t Stuiip and Frayer Meeting. 'ridap, & p.m. - Young Ptoslo's Servie. A Chssrch Yen Cest Maile Tour BOssa Waran Welteo e rpsse lFoetiIo in EuI'og a e. Black Sea cruise begins grade nine lttrugb grade 13 leveis. There mdfl alse bc n mie range of commercial courses (typing, booklceepin, M'ing, business machines, etc.) and a foul compiemeel of techoîcai courses (auto mechaoics. drafting. ttc.) Amongth1e interrît courses is o oem one in antiques- mecegaiziog. coiircling, and apprecinliîîg antiques. Law for the inyman is anether inteert course, mnd even intrumenta] music miii hcoepenrd if there are sufficient registrations. There il alto an advanced aotomotîvr course thal mouid soit men almeady ettaged tn automrote repaie mork. Most of thecourses miii rut 20 metks-113 hefore Christmas atd 10 afler, et Tuesday and Wedtrtdoy eveningt. The nîght school miii 6e adrquateiy ads'rrtised en eoriy Septrmhtr ith a Sept. 22 registralion tigt, and courses shouid liart tn tonly Octeher Mr. Tom reports. Instruciens] staff miii îtciade stme prerent high scheoi teachters atnd others w6e specializt on certait filds. Most ef the courtes mii quoify lte succetssfoi stodent fer a certifîcale frem tht Ontarie Depariment of Educatien. Boy bruis.d in accident A 10-yeur-nid boy was strunis but only aiigbtly itsjumed by a cue Wednesday, ut the corne of Woodward and Martin Streets. Alto Riddell, son of W. G. Riddell, et 21 9 Martin St. waa r1trock by o car dniven by Peunk Marcantenie of 396 Highside Dr. Thne boy received ooly tligt bruiono in the mitltap and hio bicycle received $15 damage. In other occidents invettgted by Milot police, a car dîmves by James Watt of Ruelington and a parked car owoed by George Sandero of Duodas collided on Elmmood Cresc. Tueoday afleenionot f lait week. $125 damage mat donte th1e Watt cee and $300 damage mas dote to the Saoodrrs car. Another accident on the saime day, thistlimne on the early eveetofi invoived a camper traider atd an automobtlerit the corner et Mate and CommercialtSt. Tbe trailer o-at bettE polîrd hy a cor driveri by Norman Klodt of Duodas when ils oxîr brohe ond il bit the ride of o cor driven by William Ilîlton of t1 Commercial tret $3 damage mas dote to the Hiloot car and $75 damage mot dotc te 1he camper. Police repert a inter accidert et ioty 25 mith $125 damage and another inter addidrnt on July 26 retulîrd in $40 damage. The compien of buildings heing huilI jusi eorth of Highmay 401 on Highmoy 25 miii seoti hecomeîthe nem main offices and truck depot for McKinley Tratsport Limîîed. Construction mork. heîog dote hy Gîhh Construc-tiot ef Guelph, il senti te be compieted, atd job topetitteiet Met Gîhh îoys hîs drem ef 25 ntrt is morking o hit ohcud of schcdoie. Whal they are building il a cempiex ef offices and trock repoîr garages. Tht main office is a I-e ond o haif storeytstructure mhîch miii nt oîiy honte 16e motn McKinley offices, bat o-iil also have mrts for truchers tu slttp in mie ihry are et long cross-country hauls. Tht battement lieuses a cafeteria mhiie tht first fleor is cemprîsedl of administrative effies and tht main dispatcheets effice. Tht top floor bouses the trunkers' hedroems. Adjoioing tht ollîces is a set of londinE docks whee larger trucks con uniood their carre and il cante bet6 unioaded ote soiller trucks for shonser tript. Tht total spoce for 16e offices and docks, occording le Me. Cihh, is approxîmaîeiy 15,000 squnre feet. A teparale 330,000 square font building miii 6e nsed te honte compiete regain focilities for trncks atd Ibrîr traîlers. Drivers wiii pull righbin tet tht boys, have tht trucks checked, atd if ihey nerd repoir mork il con ail 6e dote tn the total of six boys. Aise locoîrd brr wiul be imaier offices and a parts Because -we don't have to spend a lot of time on this every year, we co n spend a lot more time on this. v-1 r o!,: he V dtwoenryc t:h r reinerchan- -P, 1 -g50 e1l E hc et t , oet tht V lsiec:heýry o vlt Vie don't change the V&kswaen ls t e i loottferevi, ovlyit e b- workbnittn Plauza Motors 88 ONTARIO ST, N. MILTON N J 878-29e2 stîtroge area. Tht McKinley frmi miii be prepared t0 (tondit ai types of repaie work on theîr trucks front lite changes lte major body mnrk. They wiii 6e eqoipped o-ilti frome sitoîglît eners, minches and sîeam cieating utiîî fer trnck cleanior. They boa sotd hiosiîtg building o-hidhi s mhere prtimitary paitingmorh wiii 6e dent. Aeettetteparait building boutes a motet filtration unît o-hidli ceitecis ail the miter usrd for trouck ciratîng anod maitenance. Goitg ihrongh senerai processes, the mater leavei tht plant in at ahsoiuteiy pore stale. There miii be a totl of 30 ocres avoulable fer porkitg lthe truchs atd their troîlees atd tht tracter parking tl itciodes a 500-font letg stretch ef block heaîtg facîlities fer miotertîme parking. Cîhh Coînstruction miii have theîstructure ready for McKitley hy Octobr atd tht firmi plats lu stori operatiets here tn the tomne menih. They att pretttlly lecaird in Dixie. Marray McKinley, geserai matuger of McKîily Transport laid hcexpecis te bave helmets 200 and 300 people empioyed aI tht sto compies mhich miii service 600 of t6e McKinley trucks. Maty of tht staff mii meve mih tht compaoy but Me. McKinley saîd if ihey coolt recruit enoogh of iheir retulo- stoff, tle cempany mceid 6e sn stme difficuiîy. urge highwuy If and inhen the Deparlesent of Higlsmys builde a nem bridge on igsmoy 25 soulb of toma. Milton Planin Sourd mould Eike 10 set il detigaed to allo for evenluallp changing 16e higbeaay fromi ils prissent Second Lime (Ontuio St.) roule t0 tht Tbird Lisse, AI a meeting of Ibe Board on ,Tbhuesaday, mammbars revlsmoda uta f tb. bedoDpuyRv Roc Hurl nil woutd bae a Rond timn te rmmd the Deparlmant tbe toma would Ilker t8 ste Higbway 25 akiet thse tnwn via the Tbird Lina, tailber Ibmn rua tbeougb il. Olthers on thet board aptned and nid if tht bighmay ovni beadsuop the Tbird LUno, il would bave lu tnt beading etard about t601 bridge. Our footlooae and faocy free vagabonds, the 42 M.D.H.S. studenîs aed Ibret teacber-cbaperones off îooriog Europe, bave bourded the sbip Autonia for tlteir 1 5-day croise uoound the Black Sea. Il sounds like fun, ut you'Il fmnd tut o-bm Yeu read tdant Aire McLarens second itîtalment of the îlery. Joiy 18, Aheard the Amsotta. Wotderin8 Parents: I hope my lost inter wasn'l laIe bol I fest il mas. Il mot hard le fitd lime helmeen tours and partiet, etc. atd I mas very lîred te I foond! il bard te transile Ihîs spentacular etîperiete toto wrtiog. Anyway, after the smoeth and etjoyable bal tilîng plate ride me embarked et letterai fatcitatin8 tours of Auttria and Germany. 9-e found tht Alps brealhioiotg. Afier tht lides tn the sait mine and loeit8 Innsbrhuck ne visitd tle castie of Lodmig Il et Ravoria. This most le richrît building I have sert. Goid mas piated ot eer ythtgand tee werematy Five major Parents asked to handie crosswalks on Ontario St. SISV fresh an a dainy ail summer long when rooros are COGbRd by ans eleCtriC air Conditioner. MILTON HYDRO COMMISSIONA 258 MAIN ST. E. - 878-2345 your hydro accidents Tht Millt detachmenl ef tht Ontario Provincial Police report five major acctdents occurredîtn ltheir coverage regien during the paît meek. On Joiy 21, an aflerneon accidet et Highmay 401, es ef tht Caanphtiiviie Sideeead tam a car driveti hy Martin Cote of River Canard. Olnti, celiîde mith a cor driven by Pem Ratger of Naîîatameya ownsip' Damage te t6e Cote cor mas iisled ai $250 mbiie Rooger's car rercîvd $350 damage. On the tomne day, anoiher occident et 401 near Keiso tom n cor drivet by John Sretdie of Witdsor coilide mith n cor driven by Arshur Hemins of hast Flamhere Temnship. renendir's cor smstained $200 damage and Hemîns' caor recr ived $250 damaoge. A Thorsdoy occident in the toriy moritt samoacar drivet hy Ciate rord of R.R. i Miltot coilide with o cor drivet hy Herbert DeHon of Rockmood. $350 damage mas dote te tht Fend cor o-hile $650 damage mot doncte 10h1e DeHaat car. Me. DeHan rcived a hruised chrît mnd eihom in tht eshap. A truck corrylat morm pîckers ment off 401 Priday star the easthouod truck scaies, coosi ng $400 damage atd srnditg ihre pichers and tht driver of tht trock t0 htspitai. According t0 police 16e ean, driven hy Sandor Vient of Toronoo o-et off 16e read, dome inIe tht mediian d flipped over onlo ils side. Virag receîved forrheod loceraltons tn tht mishap mm a à painliege. Von eue oniy beliove il o-bon Yeu uncir. Or Moeday we vitited a village in Norîbeve llaiy mherr mmyl of os gol good boys on fine leather gonds. Tuesday me spett quielly in Innsbruck, sboppitg mnd mooderitE mhal the Aumonia thtp mouid ho like. After a 12 houe trip by train me starîrd maikiog, joli prayitR il mooldo't be faor l k fcontî the Trieter staion. J 001 oround lthe corter, many of lite kidt crird oui er stod tpeiibootd. Tht ohip mas flie tnot brootiful îhing me bail sert. Tht group mas on thîs ship se faut il mouid make yoor tend spit. Tht meais are meaiiy glial. Il's thte eatîtg in a big restaurat. Wr siopped on Venice on Thortday and net maoy of os etjoyed the amieil or tht dirty bock altys, bol me cooldolt see moch of il in Ilîree or feour heurs. Personaiiy, I mas disappoitd o-ith St. Mark's Square. Rîglîl nom me are a fem mintes oui of lthe Britdisi port se I mast gel ready lo go Sîocerriy youro, Aiex McLaren Truck complex iearing completion 878-3272 Yun 084G T M THE STALKING MOON (Color) (GREGORY PECK) HOME MADE HOME (Cartoon) SUN.-MON.-TUIS..WED. Aue. 34 HELL IN THE PACIFIC <Color) (LEE MARVIN) FASTER AUTO NORMAL NORMAN (Cartoon) TrHUR.-FRI..SAT. Aue. 7.9 THE IMPOSSIBLE YEARS (Aduit) (Color) (IOLA ALBRIGHT) FISH - WHERE YOU FIND THEM PUSH BUTTON KITTY (Cartoon) MATINEE AUOUST 9 CLARENCE THE CROSS EYED LION (Color) YOU'RE HOT? BUT WHAT ABOUT YOUR CAR? Hotsmhrdriing is vr rdon the Oriineof your cr. Be sure te kssp il tto on m ditio wh55 raouiur Iclurto s d oit lanr. STOP IN TOOAV AND LET US GIVE VOUA CAR A PIRST CLASS CHECKIJP OPEN 7 &.m. ta Il p.rn Monday theaueh Saturday. 9 @r.. il 1 P.M. Sunday las MILTON ESSO ConrMi & Ontario Sts. 878-341

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