Cooseroation Week was anoîbar des-lded secs-ss la Molloin =il er Lasonk prouoin proiosad. sornselllg to lierait pras-illyl eveepoor la tbe Mallon Reglon Conseîvation Aalbocilp ataerobeda, and il did. Inovations la tbe pi pcojrs-l tbaï: bega brr ls per (and spreod ascons Ontario on '69) dcew gond erowds o lu sts ut the ss-bedaled evnos and officis of U.R.CA. breoibed a big aigb of relief wben il eodcd, oowiog il mai a lerrifis- sancsno Front lrop sbooliog lusa lios derby, fions playgrond cs-oevation progroans o ban ioleidoasliooal oulduni cbors-b servis-e, Conservotin Wrck os peoplr-orsenied and famsilies os-rois tbe Maison regin joord le tbe, funi onue ooy ni Nexl yerr oigaoiorsireport tbe eeno uapC b eld in Jonc milb tbe empboses un "edua-asno. Misa Mary Fosses', poblic- relasins officu tus- U.R.C .A ., eoplaied Cooservation Web Ibir yeoc enspboslond thbreccaiooal ospecs-of uts-osci-oasion, bot Iber mos o obole field open on edus-olios. Sbe bnped o Jusn s-lrbrolloo ors-i peri ould oliow tbn AoIboeilp lu oî oilb tbe s-ounuy bord of edos-atios su uegaioig s-boul cbdldrcns tips and osiogs lu strssthbcnccdtfor soidndooscer conservotson and erlisi support for conservatolln pingeosus. Monday, Joly 7 tbe oet opcoid mîlb tbe Hon. George Knrr ut Rurlîngion. Onirins ocmly named Micisîns- ot lecgy and Resuîses Monognmens and tbe minioler dires-hp insposible for cnsrvatoion lu Oniario, offis-iolly upen eîg sfie Aolburily's $2,500,000 Mu rssn -Wedgcmuud Creb diversios-boannil su Oukoîlle. Oves- 100 gucols aiInnded tbe sceemoy and mois-cd Ms. Kers mInuase 20 yuung pheursut bh-sclied ut ibe Aulisey's Mouuosberg gamte faim. Tîusidopo psogsmt nos -prujens pces-ncoalin day mIssn playgcoud asnders io Miltuon, fObsellu and Rolcîdoon and YM-YWCA ebeldn tio OakoEles-ors-cd oui consecvotion psujc-s socb as piunseug sies and foumers, slning uppailkis, cs-luctiug ornai5 doms, un siodysus- about surles. rions mes-e gien fus Ibe berî peuJecis and oil bol une os-ni tn OakhoOn grups. A busy day Pîîdoy 500 oigaoiced greops. and nilds-eo oeiîed Huln Museum and a tbe cunservation fins Vai5eys and Peupes in slien aiinrnoues. TIse ns-euh osenc oeil aiieuds-d by flien ynuug cîlezeus of Foison. A big day Saiusduy 500fil ne-day bass Odeeng derby onrgase zced by Hoitou Speiissuns A ssociation a-i slite Aulsurely's rncenulycquîînd Ciootusd's Lakes- eu Casnpblloiis-e Os-ns 400 uduis and cbdsen slooed upsuoduotk monoms and Élups fluc oke's iegneduîy bass poulaionu i ossîfeciai luses, and ol liadt ton alileougle ooly o moc s-moul bss onrcocuglot. A nalus li club fions Gîssîge(eemî spusssosnda al bike os Ralesuiake Poins Paît ibol mocneug, aund aut Oreteigcii as lieeid ai Keiso. lu tbe afînrnun ubout 20 boss ns s-unspccd ni o saddin slobs Supen boise sho os Keiso. Oundoy upeoed osish a 9 a.m. openoaitcliis- s-es-oce tus o0] fuibh i osRoîiesuokn Poent nit Reo. Or. Finloy Seourt ut Kiscenriasopeakns. A good nod uiîeudnd. Mouy bînugii breakfast mille lien and urgauinnis une s-nsidcningbhaoulg o breakoato s-s-cse ns i peur-iniiog esespune lu couse out, s-ouk breatfost ai ihe pus-k and stop foi lbe escornu sercse. Gien Eden lobke ono buuy osieh fthe-on ohl day os sure Holou Spourlomens Assos-iatien liid Ibeir second onoual icouo derby, oisb puczes foc flime beggnsl tol iaodedo ion uw ge gcuup dirisions. Ail tbe osuneco nese frnas Milton and tbe sinus îuoged lu a lizo utne puud nin ous-es. A Oundas gly lying slob demonsicoîrd tbe ail ut pulliog ronI glins sogesber os tbe sbore, and eolsee s-biidroo and aduls bod fun s-umpnliog in on nineeming competiin Con clbbturmnus-dUHloBO IJOHNSONI 10*1 I InLONsdI «V 1111 I@SnhuhaeiIai I" LZZUIJ s-oaspeed lna o50-bled trap shsoot ai Keluat bl ftrnoo, and Roonro fros Mglton, Brampton and Oalsnlle asacoid op foc shefie big roglonol Laor Oay woekrod Rouer mout ai Kelso olgb a cnoe jousiog compelilion on Oies Edeo Lobe. Not aIl tbe sceerd coens s-orne off ls ocrk. Some poilu of tbe buoy agenda brud su be s-uns-elied don bo ocoiben conditins or lber min-opo. A libîory display day loîs Tsesdop fell tbiuugb, and Wedoesdoy's soins mcci ut playgcoood groapo s aiKelsu oas calîrd off oben cool ocollîer s-onbioed oilb a locsasi nI' solo. As il sas-nd ot, tbe wealbee oas broolifol bus is nos Ino lat oi luscs-edule Ibis clsent. Sososday's dug decby ai Kelsu telI sbioaghbeaase ut a mis-up lu ss-bndoling. Oukoilie Humons Soc-iety oas suppord lu upîcoîn thbcwoserra-es bot s-uldoitsfnd tbe Conservion Auibusisy saIt lu, couordînoin il, me:anobsn (le .RCA. officiais spens tbe day luoksng tus tbe Homone Sos-iety Pnople-. Ouly o couple ut dugs sbocd up tus tbe sosmmiug racesoanwooton official oued. An ns-oy s-nuiss ouias( dsîîpped trunt tbe piogions. "No end in sight"1 reports Halton M.P. "Nu end on oight, oas leno Robert Sianfild 005 ise uniy M.P. Rod Wbieug dneserbed Proegressese Cus-essoie nr tls prospecs on Parlimens Hiii tus- bouse, slien Lebesos cunks ns-te o somnmer rcesssen au ineview donnd oien flie N-O.P. s-un oilb ibis paiper Fuiday mosusuf. ICi ow coutil bhey dispascied "Tbe moud up ern Cias-ss-me ut Clees usembeis su s-bougnd s-onsierobiy s-sos- ne tusîbet scduc slite noober on sin ns-estime ses-sions, pses-euts Theniesols nos de the Hlîn M.P. sepuiînd. od>eoriunien o i lus eofte a Commcniug ou1 ie quoum. odjoarnoaseol the prevous TClie H ailtosi M.P. oegbs, becausu o uthbabsencenof acnnoindgnd bhatiCe ous alto o quoum, Mi. WCiîing obseut oi flse lime aiieudsong a nmpbosîoed thbnadjonnrnn meeting ofthCe Ousario conusu came in Che prnon membes -ICavenin bciruietuiabnuti, I bont Leader ufth boppositun on' silece niber lie adoîiied. off to sunny Spain for car dealer, wif. Me. and Mss Allait Clemnîs in the Cs-ia de Sui Ceai aeantf nfOruoteSs.S.arebaskîngin Spuin. TleyileSaioday and fi si sonn sons-y Spoin suis ceiunontee ileis nentend. oenk, enjnyiug a s-en-day neipf i no- flie second deulei prie Cie woin euna Amercs-n Muets [Cre Ciesessîs ta îuey lius non i car dealersaless-umpiion seenet yeas nsr sucosslee suis Sy metinguaquola u flcn promuins. Nus longuagusiine lus-ai Allon Ciemens and Son son Ceorge wnuasli p ne ogency. the Clemens bes-osue Jamusca. ciii gc oaeed isewj liegibin toc the-cartes OfClh trep thee Spainee i lse e ynas busl Big Conservation 9005 over with a bang TIRDE GEN ERAL TIRE ANHOUHCES Tiff APPOIH4TMENIT 0F HALTON TRUCK SALES (1961) LIMITED AS A GEHERÀL TIRE SPECIALUS T FOR HALTOH COUHTY TIRE REPAIRS and RETREADINO COMPLETE TRUCK SERVICE MOBILE TIRE SERVICE UNIT COMPLETE STOCK of GENERAL TIRES TI HA LTON TRUCK SALES (1961) LIMITED HWY 25 N. 818-3121 INTERNATIOAL TRUCIS SALES £ SERVIE MILTON 826-2931 Ç ounifm u Auth ority says Esqu Esqansiogs-oaos-iIs refusai additiooa el ir bes-ose ibey lu oppenne Maison Reglua fels tbe Cooserootion Aoibucîsy Conserootion Aolbnniip peujeets oas munoiog la tbe ced. ai Crawond Labe ood an Renne George Cornie oddisinal leny foc flond eonlol poictd nul fibait tbe Autoriiy dico o Iengiby jetles feum the bad lob nones tbe upenton ofu Aolbnniiy odnssing tbe townsbip tbe ski icones ai Kelsu ofîi slie s-onssiol ibc thy bod nu chois-e prujeni bad nst mocy fus bol su puy fus bheis sbose of tbe peinole uperaonove nons prnjecîs. prevons so sons. Me sasd tbe Legislatin peoides Ibas if npetoin tnuoed tilu s tbee is nu sequcss su tbe nsoney despile tbe mure Onsacio Municispol Bord oisbin cfficiens upecosion, dsuppiseg 30 doses ufthse budget su s-bouge $5,000 Ios yeus. figuses, a psosessing msoeeepolssy -I sbuugbs os mode il ia oud be nb5sgnd su puy ils lesy. oleen sbcy ore bene stesi ne Appeals musi be dsrcend lu ibe didost oppruon of sheis piojenis 0. M.SB besouse ibey oceesonocn5s Cuist fbte Csoufurd Lobe tbn red," depniy es-e Tom Hill pinjeci suialled $2,612.97 fus cummensed. He bugbt innunne lusqnnssng uses tbe ns-ns fse onu nus ublsgased su puy yens-s oîsb the bill for 1969 unyibinp unss aIl osînînîpollees bcsng 0243.b0. Tbe oddsîîunol in tbe Auilsnsiy's accu ogs-end Io les-y fus flond cunssul nols flicepsujc-i nsssmuscd ni $2,505.60. -W5io ubulit Ms. C5eikt." Esquesiugecouilnss oece sie onbed K. C. Liodsuy. geoesolly sutin tfesns o ftie Theîcleskieild cous-eds5nbal OBITUARY Ted Jennings Actiefr iesue ofsyus tons ycîs nid and osuene i le Me5sn Resseuuin Flosence May C5eenss tee Comuosîc and oobh fil ocuni Winnepgni1927.He gaiensdis snoutiug etganîasoo. Hed5ey edocutin us Rycisein antd (Ted> Jiootuge died ai Milton- Central Co55ngeuin in Ha-uiton Distint H-ospital ose T5ucsdoy. Un bud been u Miltotesdaîei Joiy 10 tee lts Betîd yeai. tes (lie pss 35 yeuis. Hn Oas a Ms. Jeseeeige oas a cobusasîec membns ot fic Supisi Clesîn5 tee eeglet yeeisuand tînîn thse an-d tbe Masoote Ocdeî. ssnyeptoo o- slite Misos Heln esusesed by lis odfe, a Rneiisiien Cteeoissee unssi5olsi seis Mss. T. Il5ns. lianiltees yeus lie osaeierofti and duse chlec Mcs. R. W. gîes-p. sesssg seseroi yeursas ol Rud (Beverley)no terie s. ellarillil.R-n Sai <Sii-cly) est Heinetsee Ile oas pursciog ugent toi and Oavod Edousd ot Hongbseu. flie P.L. Rebesne Co. Michigon. Bornein Lees-do hng5oid lie Thetounciol servcecous5field naine te Cosodu oMieo lie oas Munduy tsnm tbe MeKecsie Fonesol Hume oObh Res. C. Cu5es ut Emmanuel Supisi condntkei oobusybni Choc-l offls-oiîng. lonîemeso jussuiies-ed5be-tsieeoilinday oosoasWoodond Cnmesesyoin tcont a lioliday tiep se Jupon Hlton.ui weclin a ooeene o o Pa5lbcornss onse lluisy deleyu ses se pces-ntng Msitn Osescnd, Jumes Sheeldi ond Lite Lions Club ai tbe 52nd onno5l Ny5snlit ofMeitn, Robert Elleee InternionalConven-etibn t t fWidalei.ODr.R. W. ReoiS wods ions clubs. and Renu5d Salt. 'esing must Acien lookoasmelorcaseuonsthb O.M.Sý u ten yeus ogo bus slic Board refusd ne de oilysing lu ll5eseie Asseesis sbuse es the bill and leie sospecied flicetonsbip nase u tlile Onboa Cen icl5eee Ken Morshaoll ecied nosicele' n-oneen uses obai sleey eeiisidesed FOnkie cosev tio enei. -lIo did S A PANTA SLEEP' F0 RTRL ili r r eorTT-Ta. 721à iu MAPLELEAF VAC PAC FRESII WIENERS PKG 55c STEWING BEEF 69t FRESH FRESH BLADE ROAST 69c WING STEAK 89e FRESH FRESII CHUCK STEAK 6911é SHORT RIBS 4 *0SHPO CEi GREEN ONIONS 4 SIJNCHES C LARGE CUCUMBERS 3 FOR LARGE CABSAGE EC FRESH RADISHESA LETC 3 HEsO2 5 Nu i NEW HOMEGROI PEACHB BSKE $1.39 POTATOES 55 AANS 5 *1A **. -j'-NA The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, JuIy 16, 1969 -7 Don't Learn Thaf Your pay Car Neede Service by bheyegel insu Ibis bottolu and Accident! Bring It bîîcd mbusiness. auyway.: be rieNw uod. Wasc on e moilt To Milton Esso For support the pînjeclo bol cleîk K. WE SPUCIALIZE IN C. Lindsuy nild ibis neospopun il SARi! s-nul necesu usy tpsy Fsquenulg postion ufthIe cols SERVICES otis le prejects use numplieed. 1 IO UEU Modes-n eqnepmeust foc modes-o musosexpert 2. TIRE REPAIRS Tbc [mnens equipon - En bigles-t grade muter- 'ais 7 expes-t broke mn- r ceunies. L ~ I. CAR WASOING L E Epes-tin dune osisi nome. Surr oeneupetfrO WEAR 5. EHUTSSE ýCOTTON SERVICE Qualit sEcral tue-ts fuît teed efficet e-sie > RIC E - 6. BATTERY SERVICE POF 7.COMI'LETE LUBRICA S ES TION SERVICE SES ~ lwc- C,,> iubs-icsnts. 0.00 8. ATLAS TIRES Tiees~ tee fil eus needs - y-iced ne fil yoens ?5ye Locet bus Open 7 aIns" su Il pars .101;FOUNlooday sIssugb Salue. ans luI a.Saday ILTON87&«UMILTON ESSO 878-3641 Carner Main A Onnarle SU-