Roberts stars in -Iosing cause Comm iltele refuses fire hall Mitton Fine Ares Canmdtee la not prepanel la offer additionat fine protection ta tels North Banliegton area., members of lthe Commitee agreed ai a meeting tet week. The conemittee's decision came Wednesday afen sovne weeks of discussion about establtshing a ire hall at Kitbnide and manming it wîth votunteer finefighters from the Cedar Springs and Kitbride area. Burtington Councits finance committee forwarded thei reqnest after anme residents in the area expresscd canceri, aver the travelling turne framn the Milaon Fine Hall ta fines je the rural Buntington area. Mile n cons cil! ors saggeated a frr weeks ago titat if Burtington want tocatizrd line protection, the Bantingeon Coonicil shoatd baild the line hatt, nqnip and maintain it, and provide the tnained votnntcenns staff the halt. Cost estimates had nangeil as higtt as SIt30,000. North Bnrtington is senvel 00W hy Milton firfsghter,,who atso oover Mitton norh Oakvitte, and parts of Esqncsing and Nassagawrya townships. Wednesday's meeting the Committre wondnrnd how mach of north iAurhngten wontd be teft fon Milton Fine Departicent ta serve, if and whten Bartiogton put a fine station in the Kilbnide ee.S e potlons of Btinl fot . be la~ ibe espenilly thte tands atop the msa~ nt nm ran Chartes Fay, Milton, saîd thse Comneittee cauld mUl proteciont ta visa of Bantisgtn adjacent ta Mitton. Buntigton nenaentatl Couanito Art Lidpp ilm ak ta obtain aassetfgnao te miau tt woal cM uaden Milton's protection. CHICKENS ........ .............39c lb. PORK CHOPS ...................85c lb. BIEF LIVER .- -..... .................. 55c lb. ROUND STEAK ý --- ...........$1.10 lb. SHORT RIB ROAST ............... 79c lb. SaladeTEA BAGS 60' ............... 73c FLUSH-A-SYE, Medium Siz. 48's .....$2.19 Nescafe INSTANT COFFEE, 10 oz.... $1.55 Hereford CORNED BIEF, 12 oz....... . 65c Maxwell House COFFIEE ---- . 75c Ili. Firmo PEACH HALVES 14 oz..... 4 for 99c Primo PEELED TOMATOES 14 oz. 4 for 99t Wonder BREAD -------... ... 3 for 69c Maple Lodge BUTTER .... .......69e Il. Jo~e~~ Geer tr SIDE BACON 6 140 Main St.-Phone 878-6501 -Fre. D.lvery WARREN CHARLTON. Prap. Open Ail Wed.-Cls.d Mea.-Thurs., à Fi. Unilh9 p.. Reld end HNue &rod 0*1. l QaiyMeatS Trm.nd end Cut WA£IDA SAOlUî0 UOa SAVIEI EASY TO REPtACE ' REUCEDI UNDU TANK Cleihos Plus Cloihos Dryer Yelse Sont DrIp Way 22. -k -b ...b .l .d . ppIy I.....,in . A .f . 2md . --n ,,.t -'i . S .dd ap... Coq ALL-ALUMINOM SAVE SAPELYI Reducedi De-it.yow..If wlrlmg mcemaseles. Vu*I Kal Houe Fwaes , .-.ýMK - eo . 7 G. TOGGU Wivicnl- .1 d 15.240.,a .34 1)..bIGGbld.. 2-.. 2.79 Si .11 CAN-CHARGEIý Cash &Carry 18 I Crdit Card E *Nus ICHUVUR Smm. lUMUiN I- COUPO «9 Main Si. Mi« 11702M daéa MILTON MOVIE SERVICE AM COMPLUTE REN TAIS on 16mm Sound or 8.m Home Movie Equipument ROSE'S VARIETY - 818-4695 THIS SPECIALWEEK