acticae ware recied fac the trait faaldeg derbp, bield un Susdap ril Keltoanmd erganieed bp tbe Haltes Sportsmens, Association for Coseuruationi Wuuk. Bath junior aud seuior fishurma estucred and 9-yeee-otd Debbie Keeruup of 107 Cammcuccial St., Milton pleced firut ici the jiuior cecegetp mith aoeupeod,uîneeoutce crul winch coeasscied 1h itceuc Second plece met te Dehhce NemutI, 1l, of R.R.3. Milcton mletrctan cightoceo1tt-ici trout." Thitd place juniot ma Steuto Baudilet, 7, ef 21 Elieabeth St., Miltot and hic hish AND THE WtNNER aI tbe Tucut Derbp betti Suedsp et Kahn mccs Bitl Ccecttt il Milton sho bucugbn in chic cne Poundl, eiee onna atasu cn bas ir cae inca the tek.s. Ti mienine I7la Inc fsecw e ein c e h onntent uucenteed hp ch. ltas Sparismens Asscitin. -(Scaff Photo) Milton minor bail ""LEACUE iulp 3-Brusciet 9, Rsigbt aeueners S. Branciuc bitteet mure Alan Duncan sitb c double and tosuigles anîd Beiaci tuitit sitb a cingle. Battery-Daug Timbeus, Daug Thumptue. Knigbtc bitters mure Bruce Elliaon, Ravis Wats ad Ruger Deluin mih s iongle s. Batterp-Brce Ellisun, Luetp Cburitos and Mark Buascer. iuly 10-Brancine 22, Optimits 2. Brancieci billets mure Bruce Cloe mctb a dauble and o s ingles, Ceurge Beaulicu wicb a double and a cingle, licug Tbampcon miib ch ccc sinigles, Secte Wollacton, Briaci Farrell and Roger Dut Bulle mitb sinigles. Stese Wollaston conected foc home rus. Baceerp Deug Timbucit, Geocige Buautieu and Deug R. Thompean. Hiticg foc Opaimisis mere Put Haggari mitb a double and Jiru Jefferson mitb a sinigle. Bacerp-Currp Tashrers, Jim Jeffercon and Sîcue Hannon. "B'LEAC CE Jutp 3-Tep lu Tire 14, Elciuy's 9. Tcp Inlubidets mure Ellisos milb a double anid Toitceh and Ellisos mitb sisgles. Bactecp Cbucbmacb, Tolueku, Ellisan and MeMîllun. Hitisg foc Elstup more MeCues mith ime doubles aed MePhail mdbh a double. July 10- Etstep t5, U.A.W. 8. Hitting fat Elalep's mute Peut MeCans milb a basse tact, daubles bp Joe Gaucon and Briau Taure and sinigles h ScuIt Rood, Rcchy Aclticc. Battecip Revn Smithi, Paul MeCaus, Mike Hputt ad Dan Nadutin. Hihting for IJ.A.W. mure iap Nocilasd mctb a duble, Nick Wollaston, David Rage and Carl Cupule mc ch siugles. Bucterp Neclucid, Ceaies, Stuark, Rigu. Julp il C UA.W. 8, Tcp Ici Tire h. Hittint fer Tip lu mue Telelohu mccb a toiple anid a doublu and Ridgemep mcch a s iciglu. ButtcurpTolucoha, Ettisoci, Huhhcrh and McMllu.Rigo ceoouccud for a t ri pl1e f ocr C.A .W . Balcerp Norluudi, Coules, and Rigo. Tire fuit amcug are tbe stanidings of chue Milieu Miner Besebett Associatios es of Joly W L Pts Beuncier..... t c 10 Legioi.......3 3 b Rnigt .......3 t 6 Optimiste....3 t b W L Pis U.A.W...... h t 13 Tip Is . t..... 4 il Eldlep....3 4 b AutoeBodyp... O t O Seniar siccer ws Diii Cieghii of R.R. 5, Miltan wha pulled in a. oe pauad. aine and tbre quarler ounce trut us lus l'iraI catt. tt measued in uit 17 achtes. Second place ment ce Stuvn Baudler Su. of 2t Eliaabetb St. oshose t4-iuch traut meigbud in et oe pourrd, scie, aunce. Thicid place ment te Larrp Nemett of R.R. 3, Milct mîth anc eiglit ounce: tes eand tbciee quarter ichîroat. Att the prîtes for chu cumpetîlcon mere hdshing euapecient, dontcd bp the Haltes Sportsmen. Officiais reportthe dapmas u succuss and morres aecp oser last peut. Rigo, Gronke combine for Bantams' 25-O wln Milton hautes ceucltclp smumped GJeorgetomn 25- Wedneubiy i a gme pbiped uit Off th ice sacip Park undcc chu iigbts. Off te ice ... oud pccchcog foc Miltan c ., ame framt RîgoGek @iit@ the inks McLead and Cunsell. Rigo mu; rusponsible for scsikicig oui seuen The Milles Mercheots Junor bulcers and Greake loch oui Hechey Clubhlas annueeecoddu mu. hoclding île acnual golf McLead consectud for a home toruaeos fer itcceec of cite rat mhdle Grecke, McLuod and club and tiescccucv. Maucua bit triples. Geoshe, Huruhy Toeo Golf Club es McLuod and Prucouakhbit thite etr lice usuel mhicb wsi doubles oshîle Pige, Goodisg ho lccld occ Satuede>, Iatp 2h, and Couseli bic imo doubles scactng aic t p.m. Fucîbor ecb mcch Tuter, Atcochuand ciqurcsshculd bu dcrected le Pr uncey ecb bcttiag a stngle. Dictet Cleor aod bue map bue Mittans pîtebera combcsed te coachced by cellcccg 87n-2618. give Gergetomn a bîtiets gumte. THE i 00011 SWIMMEA ta use Milaon Cussureic Ssissic Puai Ibis peau mis claahed i the ac Sîtuudcy iltaucur. A littie cremscip mas beld ta melaume hiru and bue reneiseti a Iree pics lac rehe tesit e he seaan for bein thbe bOOh aI 199. PuaI maniar Bah Martici presecils thn prize ta ninepar-aid Billp Gucicez ai 164 Main St. she daims be plans ta use the Cres pass cscup day faucthe remaicider aI chu rummer.-lSeiHf Phutot r ~A hais tant bu reaapy a hase shea pu msufer te msericalofauness ceuistare - sicikp humid ai deaug chose sommer hure spelîs, drcmîus iammin,mwicdos siciudamparo imadmek,smildem iccithes.A Wastiaghouse deuas e d alcesa tiCe mure ansifurtibe for accu tsse sucay. tleutacis up tsl4pilsoacimiciced mistuelrmrehe air eere day. Andit prutecits gaur hume anid oî uahla halascinia Iras saimure daae. Adîcclahia Hutctdu flacts pu a 1 tics deas il drpcee pu anuc Wateu concdenises an chu ou p eficientc Westinghouse epsedi air d clria co Thec i cilecsishe rmeahle tO-quars hich-impeat plais huche (oa pu tare cnee ta i ucdere bas Car ontinuusacii. It' taosbie.. raacs &roucnd on ctcm And,. s. pare se, il ha uc attrce caet me sh saudeusi finish. Effective ire wreacupcte 7300 eu. h buy now on easy budget terms, or use your chargex. you'il b. giad you did RICHARDSON'S 201 MAIN St 8749 MILTON RICMAEOSON'S Laseille lneucedictac entendSd their augulae situen misning stueak ta t12 gamen witb a X-I mivoer chu Riviera Club lat Tueudup and a 17-t mis acier Horsbp mcs Tbuciadap. Jacques Piquette bulad bath garnes. Hie hat oul the Riviiera Club un une bit malked ase briter and faaned 20. The Hoccibp grime sam Paqutte ailoos tbcee lais as hie matlced imo and struc ait 20. The bilting atluck uguiccal tite Riviere Clab mus led bp plupisg coach Ste Kcig mctb a doeble and single. Thre ether bits murea double bp Brook Harrcson and singles bp Dat Heuthurcugtou, Oag; Pomeil, Jucqest Paquette aud Deug Covurdalu. Couerdule had Ime dues and a single in chu Horabp contesc, R ing hadl a homue and a double. Sta Daîbel and Bruce Carser euch coeteu e double soid cige. Paquet lu cenccibatod tua cingles. Duug Pomell paesdud a triple mbitu Dessus Coaches, sponsors neecled for hockey Altbsugb summucis hure and musc people's mîndu are far amap frem hockey, Mittoo's Miner Hockep Amsociation bus bue busp setting ap plats foc unotbr bosp semoiseot per. h'em presidesi Jou Wilson recestip cmsuud a messege ef appreecaicos ta the couches, managerst, cosueners, sposorcs, truinurs, SI. John Ambulunce and eciyoco cicte cita haipeÈt ab Minou Hockep Assocition durcsg chu pustcsuasen. He soted muverai coachet, meacageri and esueuners mutl bu seuded for the' clecit of the uust hocheyp seseci Alto sueded are w spasors-oe for tbe Midgute and une foc tbe Juendle Tri-Caesip teums. Aspose ietecustedl ce sponsoring a lame tem uit mrawrkisg mctb the boys is isciitcd ta conttct Mc. Wison ut 3344 -ais St. W., irluphuno 878-9070. -Wanc to Icare ta smcm? The seut sel of lemaont at Multes and Rulso puaIt begin meto. Sinclair aud Dan Heathurisatos ceb cinglud. The Lamnillu tuumt rai te a tud-hot pîtecher ici chu Boîtes toucuament and fuît uictcm la Zepbpr ce che hise gumne, 4-0. The Zepbpt pîleber hurled! a sa-hîttut for chu hiu-issiag gomeý This Pccdup ciight, Loimoille is ut hume agucuet Paeeo and ou Tueuday. Precer plapi ai Lomuie Park. Ail gantes clat il ait1 pi.. fil d«a 12 straight wins nr ko lA. d sit ; _kA. for LowviIe team -I Tb. Canadien -Chamupion, Wednesdnp, JeIp t6, 1969 Fia mbIoro Bod night for Milton At the Plamboro Sprudmap mcos i he latt iap due ta gos an Saturdap euecoing enty Ibrer trouble. cbeckerud flaga cerne home te Perlier irn the race Taffort, Miton. tmas a -it 'eechurd h9, cacmedcthe checkeredlflag. amaulcerueo" niglit. A pile up îie L. Thcitcg, 33, phcced srcond ie number cme corner ctaimed heu che Licte Procure. Wayne Milten ours- Ted Tufford, 69 liedt Hemdeu. 37. took foartb ptace bodp damage mhite Wayoe honora je chu ccdd-teasea Tlreng 57, hud cadielur mues. champieusbcp. Hamie Scanneti. kart McCuy 8, had ani ebjecc 99, lace, modtels îouk a firet ire cerne ep off lice trech ce tir etiurand feature rae. dccur ie cil pari. Harold Wadheoci 65, bleu lice oucoce. Ntf0 poc Champion Jeui Pleut 53. riiog 5thi in crre if pee're gogeon iuid-seescei cIc.cipcihsip race hchlidy'ý DATSUN 16OO4LooR $2295 no other car g0vso so many extrfis at no extra àcost. Compare them.. make .. ,1eWAL4.1E .e .ý *e cienrmn rL. e - a n . .. u. DATSUN 1600VVVVVVVVVVVV 4-door R. SADAD - R.SADADSANADSTNADaT. -r ynp 2-doue1EQIPE1 antpIEN ,ss aa E Qi EII.N QUPEN t-E'E-a1 UcT-'IN Th Ucae10 oae4ds ni a 10mh da a3 ie u aln l Cnrurc uckd mlgode.uadnhael badetieasocta a a raupeta tece16 pap cetecalecutig0ucdi(r)olrat iej uujusitcir eem a a. c onpu lorte Dont Ê Nla ch ir INA basic I auAe . OrT 00 a ace2dc o id pour maunp h ibpuuseDta 1600 4-ue4dorsdnl 10mhaduc. s5 mile ran oun Iu utl t4 dirtcra u ce te xt or the bpang la s gud rv eîrs cmothbe mreit auur-p ou uie car Dl Do ter a trasprttin. atu Chie ck yo o ut ail the Datsuns at NORTH 'END B.P 2S8-471s.Un. v- lui