I CouncilBriefsJ Hilton Council meeting iii the committen of the minote and in rrgsdar session hrîel)y Monday: * Wetcomed Reeve A. tadmitin inacin to councit after an absence dut te iinesa. a Agreed te retarn the $25 Committee of Adjustment fer te Rohert Haatman, 380 Highnide Dr., ssstce an application te the committet had flot been aeceasary for a variante. tt wat pointol ont Ime nections of tht ntd zoning hy-lam were n nonftict n deatint mitb corner toto. tinder one a variance wtt notreqairedinthiscane. Learord costn of an ovrrhead tigint fer the Ontarlo St cronssng at Moaotasnvrem moatd be invesligoted te meet tht nerd for vchool croasing protection. a Oppmed e varrarce applîrd for te tht Commîltre of Adjastment which weald permit bnitding te mithîn t 4 roches of tht property tee for a cor port at 291 Bell St. Cooncit maintarned thît mas cet a miner variance from the reqnired tinret fret sic roches. n Ashrd tht dem te check into availahilîty of addilionet tand, te evercome tht nord fora varrance n ao applîcatier te Ihe ARCHITECT DONALD E. SKINNER flfiarch. - M.R.A.I.C. t7A Mit) Street, Saite 2. Acten Telephune 853-2749 29 Siavehanh Rd., Port Credit 274.2028 Office Huara hy Appoinsternt ACCOUNTANTS EARL O. BLACK 8. Cue., R.LA., CÀ. Charttred Accoontunt 183 Maie St., Miltun Phone 878.6542 CIIIROPRACTORS A. P. KENT, DC. Doctor ut Chienpractit 237 Rings Court Crtscent Corner Martin St. PHONE 874.2031 8Y APPOtNTMENT INSURANCE CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Auto-Home, Protcvtien-Accid. cnt and Sicheesa . Pamity Liabitity Paron Liahility Yoar Mitron Agent Mrs Thea Riait R. R. Ne. t, Mitron Phune 874.9741 CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Hecre Pretertice Autc, Accidentel Deatir aed lmpaircncne Solo Orîvirg, Enten S/tbicle Reduction Pvemîumv .Mevr Pa-cmrtmirc) Cal): R S. Heaiheriegren R.R. 2. Miliec, 879-4955. Over 21 Yrarv Se ire ___ cng RORERT S. HART Agent 34) Orville Reod, Acron Sus 418-4)1-3460 Rev 519-853.1527 FUNERAL DIRECTORS ~ MeKEuSIt Faccral me 114 Main St., Milien 0cr ttirh teer ef help)ul, S7RddS2 OPTOMETRISTs ARTNUR A. JOMNOON, 0.0. MILTON - 104 Maie St. 874.9972 Tueadays and Peidays ACTON - 54 Mit) Or. E. 853 2520 Wedcesdays aed Saicrilayv Reaidence phone 874.9878 UBRARY HOURS ilsaiey & Frlday IlosastoiN Tu.dey &flsmsudsy 12 nase 10 lJI 4 .at eJe toC We~edsy C.N te 12 maso 18e SM aasdasterdsp C. of A. fOr consnractioc of a foar-ptco on a Court St. cite. TOc sitm tcqutred s 120 feet fconnagt and a variante mat seagint te permit 99.4 pcr cana. Ceuncit cunsiderrd thas too geran Aahrd tht dem te invtstigant tomn lrahitîty if train mhistting e tht teofi limita s hanned. Mayor R. tnt) coird several rcmplaintt and aIl total crossings arc pretrelrd with gants. a Pcuctaisscd Augat) 4 as Cîvat Hetiday. a Witt icquire if tht thard omner of tacd ic the north catI aretion of temc plana te devctop 10e ocra. Cuancit ta cecaidtricg a temn-prcparrd drvctopmrct ptuc, rslimated a) SI SOC hy tht bons planning consu)tacta as a guidetine te tht major land emners r 10e acta. Tme deretopers, h emever, have atcrady acinssitîrd lOtir placa. Mayor Beat tmphatîzrd Ihai a temn-pcrpeced devetopternl plan meuld Or Onanced hy tht tome but puid hy tht devctopcra n tht terma ef tlicauhdirivion agreemecr. Tht rtrd for a dcvclopmert plac ta le chart tocatrora ef acheels cites, pacha ard major reada. Agceed bal c cases mincre a quit daim derd ia ccqaîred le intanhct mater lice eaarmccts mes) ef lcmc, lhey would he graolrd auhiect te 10e preperny previdint tOc ctctssaey aurvry ard tille te a 30 fool mîde apeci lic case ment for tint tomna mater lice. Tht original eauemecta dote hock te the t 890v mince 10e tomas cyatrm mat Oms icatatîrd. FAY'S *LECTRIC A COMPLETE ELECTRIC SERVICE S NDUSTR AL S COMMERCIAL S tES DENT AL S RLECTRIC HEATING J * Caseade 40' Waser Neasue Sales A Rennais * RURAL POtE L NOS snd SPRVICES ~tirnj~ U7$~-~M tee F~ E51~MATES ST. PAULS CNURCN et TNt UNITRO CNURCN 0E CANADA Main St. ut lattas. St. Minister: Ron. C A. Hainer, 9-A., B.D. Organict arad Choie Leader: Mrv. Harold Muget. Ucaco Sr'vr railla Rvcs Prtshsioviiv Church SUNDAY, JULY 2Oah. 1969 1000 rm~aMiiiviae Wershiy. ai Si. Pauls. 000.im-Nitrccry. Av Icirtailer Te AI) MILTON OCREEL HALL 196 Ortattu Si. N. 879.2922 Cittlttltiic gtllteicil ira rame el cOr Lord lestas Cirritt. Lords Day SUNDAT, JULY 2010. 1969 030 a m.-Omahing ait Bread. 2.15 p m.-Sucday Setacol 7.00 o o -Gosyri Service. Nadvasday, 8 gm. - Prayet ted Bible reoding. Ail ara aceicusse te thmtc s e t'ai t e 5. Cii t'a ai .t~ co,., ,ittaiad ta ta tira oit. tri Hoh. 9, 29 BOSTON AND OMAGN PRERBYTERnAN CHURCHES Minister: Rer Stivias E Steith, BA. Si NOVa 111EV 20:0, 1900 ncth Citutaitas tard Scodas Sîbtol' ara altcad lac Joli. Tha îcecraaaliao~ arî-tviiiatitciiarvhtpac Si Pauls Unîiad Chaarah, Stalîov, te tira laid Ser- tua ciaO Kves Prcchy- ChurtO. ORACE ANGLICAN CNURCN Milice, Octavie. Rouai Rai R W foirer o raîtot CteceP.HMasun. SUNOAY, 3ULY lOtO, 1969 Trinity Vît 8.00 a.ss.-Holy Cmmnuuioo. 10.00 a.m.-Holy Communtun aed Sermon. 10.00 a.m., Thuecday, Jcly 17- Nnly Communion. Please note tinte M Sommer teraicet. Yoes ors Aiwaps Wstcsmed M Geses Clsards KNCX PRESSYTIRIAN CNURCN ttlcriss Moderater: Roc. P. N. Yeasrg, tek Georgetoten 877.62g6 13 cosse le) or werchip ced boit dccc, Ici us lcnetlhrtort ho Lord eue Malter." SUNDAY. IULY 2010, 1969 loin Sortîtes te 0e hold iv Si. Pouls Uviiod Church. 10.00 a.m -Mcroirîg Worchitr. 10.00 m -Nuvsei'y. CNURCN OP CNRIST Ne SSidti'oadand4ttaLiase Trutalgar SUNDAY. JULY 201h, 1909 1000 a iii.-.Hi0tc Oclîcol Classes for aIl agra. 11.00 a.m.-Moroieg Wurship. 8.00 p.m.-Preaehing et tht Qospel. EMMANUEL BAPTIST CNURCN Cemmercial Streer, Mitron Pastur: Rer'. Claytoe Cotes 9794473 878-3542 Tht Lerd't Day SLNOSY, If LV lOtO. 1969 945 a.m -Sticdav ScOueL 11.110 a ss.-Morvieg Worship. Sya~.îi sytitar ,.5.tr. Ru' -tii Huchas, (rom tira AI i îî.î Es acoaliari faliniri ~ir:p 59a'ioc 930 pm-Yerrlh Tisse. 700 p.m.-Er'ecivc Wortjtip. Sya~i.ii .pa.îkr.Mc. Rat, 'ail Hucha', îi cm ha Air ir.i Ei.iiiaaliail Fallait. ,irry Mi~siao. Wailvacdas. 7.30 p.m. - Bible Stirds ccd Prayer Meeting. Nrri~~ert~arSuedevst~cas. NIONWAY OCOPEL CNURCN A local assoanbty et THE PRNTECOSTAI. ASSEI'sSBL1ES OP CANADA Pititi. Ros'. M Chriciteseri, LORDS DAY SLNDAY, IULV lOtO, 1969 9.45 o.m.-Sueday Sehoot. 11.00 a.m.-Sfloeniasg Worstatsn. 7.00 p.m.-Evangttlsttc Service. Wednesday, S p.m. - Bible Stsrdy ced Prsytr MeetIng. Priday. S p.m. - Yanss Peuples Stsrtcr. A Obsarafa Yosa Con Msko Ycaar Hnese A Waesn Wtiltomse Rn fisee7stoa When Rente MacNain locintd tint donra Icat mmk to afftclatty cînse tht MacNain and Sas Lnd. Panerat t2hsptt ut 122 Beonte St. S., hr mat ctcaing tint door on a 0cm that has hem in operatiofi for 58 yeaes. Tht land on which tht funeral chapel ced a stngtt famity resiarfica nom stand has hem sotd to Edro Gltn Devetepteecta Ltd., Misuimnuga mhich plans te rrrct a tmifl-temtr, th0-suntr opartment projrctsevenutereyn high. tutti tht funeral chapet and tht boum mi)) be (etc domn in the neur futuce. Mc. MacNah told The Chompiec the busicco han con herc o profitable ont n recent yeats. Ht also btamrd tht loch uf staff and tht bagb orerhead coctrihuted te bit dectsaoc te sel) the proptrîy acd close tht fuceral home. Sacce 1962 when bu faîher Gocdon MocHati ditd, truce MacNah bar had te proctically operale tht business stnglt-hundtdly math some aasrstanctfromfucccaldirectorv n ntighhorict lcwrs. The laIe r, R. T orner founded tht Turcer Pucderal Humt n tSI t ocd carritd t on uctit April t, 1945 mhen Gordon acd Bruce MacNah purchated the business. tn these doys t oaa epeeatrng from a Maîc St. nation, mherr Pure Poed Bnhery is nom lucated. tn JofloOty 1960 they moved te tht Bronte Sa. location, rrcovotang a formrr Pentecostal Assemblita Chotc)a a forerai chape). "We bave mode a lot of guod frîeodt evrr lite ytara," Ma. MacNoh taid. Hr receivrd rccelt rntce-eptrolien from cor ryocr, especro lly the ministera of Mitton and district STisa Çensdtafl Chempînt Wednsesday Julp t6 (969 Funeral chapel closes 58 irears in business MotorCyClists CaUght Party gUests are police 35 Charged for drinking Whro a group of motorcyclisîs chone te aheodoord reseet etc a crac Sprysadt fer e driolaog paety ont recent Praday tvrniog, tlaty didot couet on thr 39 totra "goestt" ohe ahewtd op croc mtdcight. The "gecats" turord eut te he 39 Ontacie Provincial Police ofhctes frote Milton and Ove district detnchmrnta, teho reidrd tht epro air htec parîy, cahhed 35 of tint pacty.goers. and laid a total of 4fr Isquor ted scespeasînt chartes. AIl the appcehrnded offtnders watt appear 10 court fient month. Theet wert 35 charges of drinhiog ondtr sgt and havint liquor ina plact other than tht residence aid under tht nrw liqoor cootrol oct, avd Ove other chargea cf trenpasn. Several ethtrs tscoped through the bush whcn thr police swooped doon on tht partE. The ycung party-geers ceme froca Hamilloo. PerI Credit, gerlinglon, Terooto, Milton, Oubvilît ond Etohicohe. Milton O.P.P. broutht in crinforcementa froca Wattrdown, Bortington, Qakottît, Stmcot ond Bronîford detachments ohm they craahed tht party. A large quactaty of tiquer acd heer wan seietd. A polace spektsman ced a Pasuint motoriat cepoeted e largr nemher uf moleccycttsts drivint n the St. Hetena Rd. te the former Iwtn Lakes Resort, whach lirt denti ted west cf Hlghway 25 jusl southufSpeyside. 87e 3272 1040w T MES Sem MUVN~ 700cr, U FOSa Milton THEATU v. Marne WEONISOAY JULY 16 CORRUPTION (Color) cOMi t tANCe (PETER CUSHINGI PAYMENT UN BLOOD (Aduit> (Color) (EDO RYRNES) TNURS.-PRI.-SAT. .IULY 17-18 CUSTER 0F THE WEST (Color) IROBERT SHAW, MARY URE) HIC UP PUP <Cartoon) SUN. -MON.- PURS.. WRD. JULY 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 t'GHOSTS - ITALIAN STYLEtt - (Aduît> SOPHIA LOREN - (Celer) 'tBEDAZZLED" - (Aduit) - Color RAQUEL WELCH S r:... Hastes. Beaasd POTATO CHIPS, il oz bag, save lOc 59c Parchesent Patin MARGARINE 5 lb. for $100 Arsnnur Besnd BEEF STEW, large 24 oz. tins 49c Ssmert5ate Pensen FRENCH FRIES, 2 lb. bag 39c St Os. fluttren (Quart) ptus Dt5nns5t CANADA DRY Ginger Aie 2 for 39c Maple Leat Wax Wrapped BOLOGNA 2 lb. 89c bas Peameai BACI< BACON..................B9c lb. Sispie Lest Vacuum Pack.d COTTAGE ROLLS 69c lb. Tesdee, Plsssop CHICKEN LEGS or BREASTS.5k lb. i *i and tht floristu. Por seceest yesrs he haCheen associated on a part tisse hasis mith faneraI cinapels in Oukeitte, Watrrdomn esd Acton and tht four fstnta co-uperaîrd mnth cach neiner an husy periodt acd cpctted each cther off for huladays. Mc. MacNah plant nu rctasc bis rmbatmcrs licence and cottinue bis para-ttme asauctattea mith tht thece Orma. "t mi)) almays hr availabte fcrossittnnce,*' he prossiaed. Ht tc alsu rctucicg tht records of ail bariola tht 0cm bat !racdled aince t 9)1. Tht antermatren tn hem records maIl conticue te rcmaic ovoilabte te lamytra acd fatetîlca srrhing dates ard particclora. he aaid. t-uc 10e pair fro yeura Mc. MacNah bas supptrmrnled bac icceme hy worhing part aime ou clerh of thr Pied Ltîvraioc Coud c t-to troc. The morh bar grewc inte or almoar fat) lime pcaitioc acd lie mas recen tly aise camcd Raîlîff fer tht Ceacty Court. t- Mm Busy days for Kelso Peinape Ceasensfise Ws* seesta bains suagad as Kalso had sssnstinles te de dOis lise sear-recerd atlsndassne asuel as tise meslteesd, Or mas hi Isse Oins easreesaly hon manher asd Oins fans tisat holiday îims ha arelnsdp n sep nase as estimateli 2.580 asrlsads paid te enfler Oit. park on Salaedsy and Ssnday-3,lt0O cees il aaesn's pan holdars anti tino.. sdmitned tes. ns petinipane an Cssssevation Wssb anente ses nossnlad. Ssnday atternoon mes a bsw snd tins emimmins ponts mare so teowdsd, lifesuards frequessly nleaesd tins pools tnt safety tinetis. Ton smimnsers mina espselontsd tenable In tins main pont ente qaitltly esitusti lsy store lifassards. boss n mas s ninees milin esein large teomds almast f illlng tise ester. sbliu \~W ./