m T4i Cmndcian Champion, W.desad.y, JaIy 16, 1969 [[aamvîn Afl Harkley-Lyons HDLV RDSARV CI4UACH mas the settiof for the recet marriage cf Anne Mary Sohouten, Ca sephelloille, ru Tedi William Huogueld, Burîregton They ose living tom ai R. R 2, Rochooot Hoogveld-Schouten In a double-ring ceremuef sn HoIy Rcsaty charcr, Milton on Jane 7, Anna Mary Schcuion mnd Ted William Huogrrld seere morried by Ren. J. Murpby. Red and wehite giadrutas decuruird the cburch for tht cfrrrncen cereoce. Tht bride is tht daugrler of Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Schoulen, R.R. t, Caspephllorllr, and the grouse s the son cf Mr. and Mns. Joseph Hccgvold cf Hclmad. Tht brde wocm a sehitescin and lace dres serith cithedrol train. A cruncof ptadtshrld htt lingrrtip leegrb oeil. Tht maid cf butor ws Miss Edith Schouto, sier cf tht bride, sebo se bine peau de soit; and she brdossaids sere Mns. B. Scousen. siste-in-lase cf tht bride, sebe secte pinh and Miss Eioorn Beyd, Chathase, c tneund, seho secte gcld. Tht fleseer girl, Miss Pctsy Sohoaten. troce of tht brde, secte blue alto. A nephese cf tbe bride, Andy Bador, ocsrd as rrogbrarer Tht bride secs titre in seatriago hy ber father. Chois Schoorro, broîher cf the bride, mas grosesmar and tbe ushers sere Ben Schcusro, brother cf the bride, and Peter Bader, brcthrrro.losecoftebride. Tht recryrron wsa hrld on sho Union Hall. Mrs. Schouiro secte c blsr dress and cooli ensemble serlb pink roser, cnd Mos. Ted Rorlofs, tister cf tht groor, cositd ru receriotn guesis, seecont a irglit bloc drets setb prck car ao o. l'he couple rock c trip ru Banff, Alberta; Washrngton D.C. acd Yrflostesi parh. For trarellrnt, the boide secte c turquorse ccci cnd drets ensemeî seth pruk rotes. Tbey arr makrog sber homeral R. R. 2, Rcckseccd. Guscs serre prestrir aI tht seeddrog frose Hcltond, Chatbaam, Sudbury, Freetton, Mount Foret, London, Minneotar, Casepheiloille, Butrugron, Pickering, Goîr Blreslcu cnd Milton. A lu ohen shose for the bride secs held by Mrs. P. Bader, ondea serscrlltocus shcser by Mn. W. King, a nrighhor. Library Notes by msr josep bina j nbnson This seked sehen ycc de four shopprnt, sehy ot prck op aucardbcard carton aed hori alcng te, tht Lrbrcoy. Ycu cou fillil t sth helrduy bocks searked oui te Soptembet 8. Wr tan*t shelve ooy more new book uetil ycu httpby rlctorg tome cf the prestot congestrion. Se do yuursrtt, as seril as us, a faner and tube c houful base. Resreber ooy bocks serf he saken serth tht exceptiron cf tht ne tcrs and the entytlcpcodian. NEW NON-FICTION Gcldberg, George-Tht Prace ru End eace :Anuaccouirfthit Paris Prote Coofereoce of 1919 mhich wsa tht greci hope cf c seat tom secrld, ced ehrcir tragicatly fmtoed. Graham, Sheda-Confrureons of a Hollyweood Colusecisi: Jusi sehat tht tile 10f t, juttf gottty. Horris, Theodor F.-Prari Buck: A gond brcgrapby aotra pupulat seriser. Lougnoe, Donald-Spart Fart Surgery: Tht Snogreol Proorrar cf the Fotase: Cumplore sunmery cf ait tht nese orgons me may enpect to, bave on or uld age. Marin, Ralph G.-Jenoit. Ar tyt-brose rar..cg biegraphy cf Wissstcn Churchitits Aseerrco mother. Unitt Tht Ucacirat ftrce Guide ru Antirques ccd Colloctabtes: A mass for tht anntiqae collector. FICTION Commeit, linon S.-Me. Bridge: A partrait cf a solidi citizen of mama city and a qosetly baerawlng Anserican taccets Con, Maxseel-Point cf tht Gnm:Paa moving entertaining and higlsly edacation fnls norai by àaI Watt Street lamper. Isdrtmd, R. F.-Amante: Thrrs otet cf kngirsh ie herseere mars baas cs maso ch raer o scugh resolure vettttailf World War1. Forster, Margaret-Mrss Osee-Osn ai Home. By tht author cf "Tht trarels cf Maudit Tipstaff' c otet about a lacilers bradmrstrss ofoagirs'schecl. Krepys. Roberi Farrcy: Pittsburgh secreif en the i1920's cs tht background for tht adornuares cf c ycueg hcyde front rire serog ride cf the iracks. Nabokov, Vladiser Adr A e ajrsrbhy the autber cf Lclrrc. Ferers, Frria b erh -Tht Camnelot Capeot: Suspense oori set te Cosesall. A ycutrg Aseroca girt and ber Eegisb boy frrerd cirase actant the rEngisi ccuutrytrdc. Shase, Rebeet-Card frose Morocco: Set on Madrd, tbe steef cf a deep friendthry brimeru imo cutiy mete, a returtd ateycffrttr and an arisi frose Boston. S P.ccr, Sart Kcalla impact. Sasaen, Jaurqurlino Tire Loue Machine: Nuseber t ont the best seller lisi, and a mucb brîror nooti rban "Volley cf the Oils' Ticorsmucd, Peser-Toueh of Oursiel: A wormi and murîderful faseily cf koby tenable chatacters. Vinante, Arluru Doduer Giovanni: Sbcrtly after Woeld War Il, a ycang donlur lobes a holiday in Rue. In s double-rrng ceremnoof in Grace Anglican chorch, Miltron, Saon Gail Lycos and Jeffrry David Horkley serre otooried hy the Res. R. W. Poster. White serns and yrttose snapdragors decoraied tht church for tht afromoon serddiog. Mos. J. Lodseith playod the organ. Tht brde is the daoghrer of Mr. and Mes. A. H. Lyos, 335 Boit St., Milton, and the groom is tht ton of Mrs. G. Harkloy, 142 Churchill Rd., Acton and the lie Me. Horhley. Tht bride seoro a fluor leogth Empire style gsen cf sehite tact oorr raffola seish puffed sirotes. A boaddrets cf whit roses and gerts held ber shoulder-lrngrh toile oeil seirh tcollcpod edgrs. She carrird a bouquet cf sehite mans and gotd rotes. Maid cf honur ws Miss Sandra Lycos, tht bride's srstr, and tho bridesseards sere Mtss Judy Parton and Miss Lrudc McPharl, friendu. Tboy sere drttsod aubke in fllcc-ltogib gosens cf crease and mussee damseau and crrd bouqarts cf yrlose muses. Jolie Lycos, tbe bride's scier, sa tlomer girl serarrng a fult-length drets cf sehrre embustod taffeta wib ruflrs as tht necktito, strees and hem âtcd a crioss grecn vectc saabi. Shte carrrrd a bouquet cf yrllose muses. Tht hrde's ycung brother Brlly Lycus s rotg beurer. Tht boide secs giuen ru marriage by bier faîher. Grccssac secs James Cccory, Hamilson, and the oshers sere Dan and Carry Harhtry, Acon, bruihers cf the groom Tht receptio 000 hrld on the Union Hall, Milto, seibh gurns prerrot fruse Oakoille, Hamuilto Toronro, Gait, Camybelîford, Guelph, Accon and Milto. Amog Ibese sere the bride's grandmctber, Mrs. G. Dilon cf Scurhurcugh. and thr groom's goaodmutbeo, Mos. M. Pbrllips cf Cosephelîford. For ber daugbter't serdding, Mos. Lyos secte a tbito-proce "My Decru', gusbrd Alice, 1I noter repoor gcmsip-su pIrate trsten curefntly the first time Tht bond that rochs the cradllr usod torul tîe soertd. Nose tbry gt 50 crots an bout or suit of csoary yellcse srthbheige accossories and a corsage of ted roses. Mrc. Harktoy seoce a two-prece soit of jade green linon serth hrosn accessors and a cottage cf gold roses. Foc the hontymoon trip, the bride woe a tseo-prece geey and black tweed suit with black patent accesoories and a corsage of gold roses. A miscetlaneoos shoeer for the bride ws gioto by Mos. R. Philirpt and Mes. H. Sernos it the homeocf Mes. Phitlips. A miscellantoas shumer givno by Miss Jndy Partoo and Miss Lsoda MoPhail sens ai the Porion home. SHARON LYONS of Milton and Jeffrey Harhley, Arton, euchangad modding cases and rn gsin a coemony at Graco Anglican Churrh in Mrlton.-(Photo by Murray Belfordi Iheif Insurance Away From Home PRTET OUSEE URNOVOA MoLf DAYSe CAf NOMer 208 MAINd STk Imo slangf THE BUYS 0F THE SEASON" SAVE 20%t 50" AIL SALES PMAL DRESSES * SKIRTS * SHELIS SPORTS WEAR * BATHING SUITS AIL WEATHER COATS - PANT DRESSES EXTRA SPECIAL RACKS J DRESSES SKIRTS <r REG. REG.S&1 $25 tot$4O 1 .0 sit to so$820 $1 j)99q /fa 25 COMMERCIAL ST. ON HEALTH A cati'BEAUTY AIOS OUR LGW PUCE REGULAR ASPIRIN 100's 59c 95c BROMO SELIZER 61' 9 CRES TOIHSE 91' 1.25 KOTEX 48's 1.79 1.99 NOXEMA TROPIC il17 1.39 TAN SUNTAN LOTION and OL RAID i 39 1.7 HOUSE and GARDEN SPRAY ___ KLEENEX 400's 2/69 37c WILKINSON BIADES 49c L:: PHARMACY 212 MAIN ST. 878-4492 MILTON s n A PEGGY'S of MITON MILTON' HYDRO COMMISSION 258 MAIN ST. E. - 878-2345 yourthyro 1~