Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Jul 1969, p. 12

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12 Tihe Canaiean Champion, Wedn.ady, JaIy 16, 1969 o O j ~ Quen'sPak Rpor J Ford family has reunion (E ~by iim arum mia. plan to compile history Ibo Ontasie Leaienature ad]oamrd fem essmrmer recr un Felday, loure 29 nWt erian d thua et aremord loir thèetcrn e.cluthrtratutey ut tht Ontaio Pariamnt. Royal Amnn mvas etu so11 lohir 77 cf err.r ne emo is and 31 Prlratenao. Thelicornrncrr rephred te approslratIy 2,000 qoreOcar lne Wreose chiuîtiso double the mnober le rtre part session. corne 35 borts ere alsc aper drhatirg Pelsaîr Menhees' arcý As mne Toronto newspaper Qaer Park reporter sommredl p.iWc senîion, 'Ifs hee a trili curc a sessio cf moird accomphebrocet rallier thar shec-ptce gsodches. Lendiatareacccphshnets so for cu 5Side, chich ci eun ar ng ce 5pt. 30, nciode the tcloic igirC items: BUDIGET The 0cr. Caties Mcdaagtoe, i berrg cw bis Caiaid are thîs yeat. alse broachtine a white paper prnocîce bacic cvrrincg et roses ard theinccrei cf thu Provieciat portlioofciir:erurY and rccoedairy sinat idacacc ns treh prctd ncreik rol i edîra G4 cireerlc fC t 5drc M ed:iucei ic eOrct er , 0 od eiat o hrct flicFdoeyhcitrrn o Te i fvrable t Onctai tcrpuncter the:Cicrc. Mroicadieh,. cb no isepaed te yrcgrem chi ccc The calertari Rîdîrn Torpoaion eitodil2 bcra hilitoi (rît bmIntepecrOeitu nae.ci..r or tuonate rcaîeryl rir Teu,, in iîce Ca: Senio Ccru cpîi nc Geoeto aord prc e crct Osh"ero. .nt oC n oi tcie 32 Crior fom oril. scod irthirn roi' con attroc iestele 30 lacile unir. EXPROPRIATIONS A ce ca0 iopred ixppriacion oct lteo.idi cari emiC hurler proetione and doser reiceeh:p lu mrakrvaue da'Iroioietiectiee The nec cil aise ci], le, irrneri Prendf M hlic nied fer irprorcotier Ccfi,,, .iii a.lier yroiicdr. nkcirJNAL GOVC00010T Tco eajor rtcyr hari Cie takein Wh, ruierai (ierrccirrua tii cicr TChe ce aalaied miciitr ci iCi Lakecîl and iCi rie Niatara nuiîc reecrerrci Cci beue cirioreda oeil] :0 n cie taca. 1 90.Th ICitarier suic oc. ride atde and iCi blîrclir ci Moncîpal Ataîrs Car mardi a tentiicParrhcccctuindb atlocaliccerritoietcficeeil Marciepatir ein o 11 ec-creory . cccl a fa0eoriairde Cirecc--id ce be flc tiepîrir ci Muicipal Affair. Fardir meingre. hcii 1mcai officcir. -d tir. Oîpinunicl Orartiro Jan. i. 190. cet Rici Esti aarcmcntomIliCccrricilait h1 flc Priio:l c ci,,eir Deprarleet. te fins, taki..c eiro Aserceccr .11calcir 1icro Ccorni cericCier cf ti. Provinîci Arneosicet Depormne and (ic caer heui vic arr i cco orncrcCeerccicceh Duac, flc isedr ii --nce hr, cf,ý chargesrcd irncbrhic ro a ocîfere, 1.00Ocican ocnire the ors fer flic risigeoiciolii Ceverarer oîrC c"il oe CocdcC.. Apprecai cor chire n e tr imae it Iilor liiir.io le t,cceec.g cf nobde.r t.ciiic. Tii, porcC slipr arril ilorirsn Care iqocr store Cas Ccir îroCilîrlîrd. Machb iera ,.cd ncrioce ha' tue. prcaîid fer pioyli dîiid. bj, joli accidects lCreîtb flic Octaneo Shcrkrn, fCmensatr. ice Ocad cami cempenrationeiiceocaailiilc fcr iCi 0ajcr rccisos oc cin le, gflic ttshaCca Irctdii Act includie coco crackilece or offeodice reorirt ami Ceorî, Ci, for lccb,eâ cittecri. cire srilîer cet: poliotice iceonrt arc :epicmectod or oe Loe egiriehiCabrropciec mergna airncst aI acri-poilorice Th.tm icide bclC or, and cari, pccuon and oie! ccc conte ardir 1Cr Orputrocer of Ecerce and Rescrir Maagementr cic rcrmry îcctiOcd irl octr pc=oo.Wencw.brrer thse 0cr repKmi .C. MCC.. for Haloo mrsthmCrrrnappcned arolieao et Wre Deparrter sed bho ahcadl arecorsrd an espscded pr.grae le, the conOtro et bore air and cater Andrnrs Cure hee made re Wre Pohace Ait Irich cr0l nclodea end ta the psero c al polrce fcrcetc sae che and Com ICre esould use fermers and order equipre. OReletory pocer on iCi one orfinisccqoîperct iccloiie ace.rccpp:in qî:y:rerr tIl n.ii hi -edur the crcol[ cf iCi Orrici Pclice fCommission sod the Attcmry-Ocsrmt. TRANSPORTATION C hg avhe brrr mode cn ltre fdaase r r la tha e Peartaciat urerrrmnrt ta Sire CMI RigJsu Code lsu biarsn Remua Rset Code miSà ha fla & As end bm bran = ý:Jâtaiesa fan Itaer lan pa tce s t e rrt miro, coro ar Apwlliprl egb et cerrrrnrmet tenu] aid apphicuets and appicationt mset] ns a cler, oulcis ce tarricirarint lacers. MIINICIPWL. Crirne Mioisr John cohurîr Cas aneouccd amsrrs ofiMrcipiity cf Tcmrnrc cceterrmesIbo îrnprcccomncins berocre Qoce Park urd local gcenroet. .oret cfrhcsc coriirceii: orcse bsihud ce Oogod 1 ithe0Rcveralub5in Nes.l, lite cnt rencd .[. mc d:ig and ci :cclod i munircipal corniriicr:and doi: riom rhc iccerlos of Ocîrce, Cccl, Wellington and Datfic. Gooeroicen r cîiair ai ti ecoctrcec a: "ciO or Cc Cecalie Mcehrrr, froc b:s cria ciii icclîdi Oon Drcc McKu.ugb, Micirlir noîîi Alli: lIce.(Colrri: Macnscei:trI., oualTon _crsOori cir Mo..ctir cf Eeirco hEiscaricu mi eccertand0Hor. Wlm bac:,. Sîrritr cf Edîcarîce or"I .ii aiý 0coihn Reliair,, CPir.i rite. are criy a lic e i rc hîrsîlghts c1flic sîecd .îrien aI Oclariors 2th Cafadîeol cC:cb bceloc u1, 19sr cnd ceucid 0cr soecmret oue 27.CParliarierc:Oil rcucraecofcptcenbcr30.ierdini carrier session oilet roibkc ie cemue:yir icril 10:1 ptlO, 10 Chiias. ccca i b Ac:::c tibi H.or Jolhn Rebtrat ..mici c Aelect fîîec tih.b Lcieitclr lîcoîlc hi i cîebir for Viiroria4.IiiCrleor, (icon iloieroo. 0.1.1.. le cepliri a precudiri duccl Viei rooor alnh cud rLrii <'.0. bin gS ic man coiliioie edoîbîfo ,ocico y i hoic, fer ,0cr pr::iciiriîu m0 Cariceot. Tiri 13 ici crarcai poier: (or :oîh c Cc ahi cr0 uqi1au rite reiîor o pcrircoad documcnt%, rabipci wdit net hi riporcceg inro cichie colace dormi hlic saoire but ciii bC ripererc 10t myciorstiirtr ail llee r, o lcli ce% h ou ile Pic-, olcniri,:L.initit1is .%Iio y larc Scptuic::hc Karac,,t.rFLOWfC 878-2881 WEDDING DESIGNS ANNIVSRSARIS HOSPITAL OIFTS FUNERAL TRIBUTES SRTVISTS s- For bhe Yoau izdorato o 878-2501. SAVE WAY SELF SERVE CENTRE LADIE PANT SUIIS 5.91 CLEANERS & SHIRT LAUNDERORO Alterations & Repairs phoser. 878-2072 £4 TOUTIN COMFORT ie the PLFASANVTATMOSPHERF Of CARAVAN RESTAIRNI (li,(cedîccored) phone 878-3901 JUNE DRAPERY EASY CARS ORESS FABRICS n ALL IN THE LATEST COLOIJAS AND DESIGNS TO PLEABE YOU a STOP IN 5000 878-2013 agstu a-W ei By Mes. Cecil Pattrson The anuali Ford reunion was hetd as Bcyne Centre on Socday Jnly 13 cher about 503 descendants of the faite Andrem Ford and bis mife Mary Feteerston gatheed for a gel togrîber and noce baffer. Tht committre Mr. acd Mro. Don Jcyce and Me. ond Mes. Deimrna Ford wr le charge and the sports committer Mrs. R. Ford, Pac Ford and Mec. Roy Boasfrrld held or rcterrstîng ptogeact cf games, races acd conests for yoegoand cld. Prieerege te tht lady mith hiethdaycnecrest Joly 13, Mec. L. WiIson and geet, Stacley Ornoke; and the yocgrst cas Lorraite, hohy daoghtet cf Me. and Mrc. Roy Ford, Burliegîce. Comieg flic Icegect distance cre Me. and Mes. Terry Ford frem Ottama. Terry os the son cf Me. and M te. Jack Ford cff Edmocnton, oand ie Seplember Terey and hic mife w:]] he otredieg Westrne Unieersity as London, Try wil he rnajcrieg te Ecoorni .es, Barbota le larguogre. Bol]: arr gradootes cf Edmonton Unicercity mith ther B.A. and wl] he ccrkieg fer their M.A. A mtrc: c cpioctd fcr neclyer and the committre te Mr. and Mrs. A. *Fcrd and fomdly, Mr. ocd Mrs.R. Fordoend fomdy Ali wer piroîrd Iole o gorets frcmt o distonce Mîs. Emmeesce Ford, Ocheille, Mr re -'. i Wrcc Sbcllrrrr aed Mr. aed Mrs. Try Fard, Ottoma. Lcai members Breedo Hiîlimas, Jchc Fotteesci' oeid Ceci] Potterîce cf batoc 4-H Coif club atieeded the Tursday eereng rnetieg or dîtc hcrne cf the Becnetits, Wlhrr Lie, ejcy:eg the jodgteg. David, cidt scecf Mr.oand Mes. J. F. Ford cf Edmrcnton colied ce relaioves le tis oreo recienty. Mes. Tcre Seo and fomi]y ottrcdrd tho oncmal Sccw tcoiohtl ioflicthomef Mr. and Mes. Jirn Secow, MFF, o: Hcrcby ce Socdoy ioiy 13. Nearly cee conded peesons gatheed for the mneaa. Clarence Srcm cf Sallnafad, pesîdeet celcrnied the clan te tht gel tpgether and cattrd ce Edmurd Sccm te say puace, and ail] ejcyrd u boueitifoal meat seesed emerguebord stylr. A bref bosinesceeticg feilomed mirh Me. Secm prerudect and M r s. A r cbrie G aîres secte ta cy-t etaso tee te charge. Frites mere pote te Abhir Andersce cf Milton and Mms. R. Huggin, cf Meurt Poret, tht eldesit gentleman and lady preseet. Ail secir membrs reerieed aosouer pie foc the occasicn. Tht infont soc cf Mr. ond Mes. Lactot Barry cf Murkdoie mac tlire yooegest membr crîeedîcg. A imo miuesiec ac hetd le mrmery cf fiht deceased membrs. Ucohîr bo be presriet and rnoch missed mere secir arcabers Mes. tsabel McDomeil cf Londoc, Mes. Emma Barry et Marhdoie, Mes. Sum Seom cf Acice and Me. aneMes. Mossey Mcffct cf Ottasca. A fumîly isty cs hereg preparcd hy Mrs. Ethel Dcdds cf Mccct Forrest. Loch famiy cf tht Secm cccr uchrsd tc sentd prctarrsccnd ieformation te Mes. Dodds. Sports and cmîmiefig mac ccjcyed oed tircehe mos gl etfer1 Jiar and Barbota and famiiy fcr ther hosprtality. tht hioste icdly eslrcdod an invitation ccd effcred thele home for ceci ytot'sttocteco, this mas to br drcidrd arca loter date. Garet mer prnrect frcm Toroeto, Doheilir, Borliegîce, Efrîtn, M osant Foreel, Grorgetomn, Hespier, Milton' and district. Congrotulations and ail gond miches te Me. and Mes. Ledlit Peacock and Mc. oed Mes. Jia Roddcti (ne Sooou Smrith) cf Milice. dBot yocg couples ccr rtd oc Satoedoy, Jaiy 12. Gel le rimtir tht parade cf happy and satisfird coctocirs chosve dtsîocered the rase, cocoelecearncd plecare of shopping etîlot here ' le Miton Plaza...where socleg eand service roi] the i mcy. OPEN EVSRY DAY 9 a.m. tra 6 p.an THURS. & FR1. taS9 p.an STEAK DINNER FRESII RED8RAND CARAVAN STEAK DINNER COOKSO TO YOUR TASTE AND SERVSD WITH TONATO JUICE CHEF SALAD AND BEVEBAGE THIt] $1.8O tbaTHURSDAY -FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY c h metec plan en le taba adcartop aI tha tibres cai1 t qasial ami arrjap caurref le CARAVAN RESTAURANT PIHON! 078-3001 'WE LIRE TO SERVE YOI * Tg Enends arr sonry lu rei thon Staff Corta is undfer doctors care as bis home. Wr with 1dm a sperdy rrccery. Mes. C. K. Jars sa helidayieg le Chicago mitb ber brother Roy Peaccck and fumity. Jolie Seo ettestasned uit ber homr ai a goicg amuy party for Anc Miltiguc. Tht girls mere membrs cf thete ciass at Prrcy Mtrry Schol, and att bad fun smimming le tbe pool and lar a barbecue. 3cr Witectt Jr. aetacgrd a gcicg amay prty for Drem Mîlîgac. Aboot t5 yoong people, ail schcol friredo gotheed aI tht Mitlgan tome ce Toesday eeesg Jaty 9 for a surprise porly. Smimmieg and dacieg mere ecjeyed fotlomed hy flot doge, pcp and otîser lets. Dr' and Mrs. Wî]] Millîgac and family moord ce Monday Joly 14 frocm thrir Bcyue form home, and cri] he residieg ut Ctarksoc le ther etc hcme. Drem Milligun erfI for a 10 day holiday te Aigonqoin Parh ce o conce trtp. Tht porty ccrsictrng cf mo leadersfroaToronto grccp and 10 bcys mith thee coltues etorted frein Gracenhursl for a 300 mdle canote trip lbr'c.gb Terrorgerel and ssill camp ot and huve for. Me. and Mes. Deceit Lowrence retore d borne last meek foilocîeg o sec merh vcatton te Great ritore. Biethdoy grettiege this meek te Daeid Fetcock, Edmard DeBote, David Reid, Rendu Ridgmay, Hoery Crocr, Daeid Hadfîid and Tommy Sue Stephenson. B eest m ihe s cend congratulions bo Ms. and Mes. Robert Btomctidge ce tber meddîeg unnetsory Joty 15. EVESV cAY LOWPOIcCE SAV--HERE LIN TED DISCOUNT PATENT MEDICINES, MEALTH AND asSAUT? AIOS. POUOCK SHOES WOIOP4' E YE.CATCHING fITALIAN SANDALS MILI00 b FAMILY SOc fCENTRE. RELAX Letouai 12h ltcaad mASHEcS Tabo thc Worb Out of Washieg LAIRIDER EASE Autornaus Laonulte WE CUT ..C i VOUR MAtA EJif THE 00KV LIRE IT AT NEW SMYL BARBR 5H09 FURNITURE PROM THE FACTORY 3 Ranana Fram0000 Instars CraWlt/Frir oraéga arralt si Partît Goup Ohanun FABIAN FURNITURO 87&-2091 *w RuSO os GALLIN6ER MOTOS 878-2883 LOBLAWS W0 VEARS Of OUALITY MERCHANOÏSE SINCERE SERVICE AND DEDICAlSOIN TO CONSUMER SATISFACTION Je IL Carde, oD OPTOMETRIST BURLINGTON MALL TRIPHOHE 632-7700 -LIaat.-Ganeenur Rasa éjuas Aptun Pair un S.,tprday, 1~~~ Medanad 18 ulalsd to afficay Sept. 20. Eu AU LAàSSES 0f INSURANCE PHONE: 0178-00*23, 078-4051 CLEMENTS & NOBLE *Nsumoe A6BIY ULM 16 MARTIN ST. MILTON DUR STAFF ARE GUAUFIED TO SERVE YOU E. M CLEMENIS ROY OE IElN fSE MES McCANN PHONE THON AT: 87309023,878-4061 ILIK/ W S68 Plymouthj 2 dont, Hard top r poant stmrling S2695 , Radie LIm. K17031 mtf 67 Cougar 4 2 peint finshadF isp r li e %#os -Lc526845 29 66 onvtiac Pow pastaerg ,puait brahan Liî. 4840M / 66 Meteor finrshrd lgt îr blu a eh matchn ca. et1295 Lu r84.O2Bt 65 Mercury 4 dr. Sedan Foily reurdieluratl $495h Lic.641-408 * wr 65 Ford ' Custome 2 der 6Bryl. std. transmisionr $1.9 SLoe 421651 09 TRUCKS F100Fordf icegadahue $1995 t t66 Mercury c.9p351ta 1 1 595 40 MORE TO CHOGRSE Fiflns eo 't retS ov r

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