Duimnstra-MiIIer Thse bride wuts given in maerrielle by bier fuliser. Grocamucmen mus Mseray Curtis, R. R. 1, Milton. lishees wore Jatk Dascastea, braIser of tise groom, DitS Veeasîra and Duve Rabbins. Thse reteptian cor beîd i the eveasog ia Boyne coscmaniîy centra, decotted witis wedding bell, and sîreamens. Goulss mec peesent front Hacmiltan, Gaelps. Malon, Wiarîoa, Owen Stand, Buansagton, New Jersey aid Chatfon. Atioag Ibem was tise bride's grandieoîber, Mes. E. Walpole of Hamciton. Tise medding taise was made by Mes. Mary Prie of Campisellville. Tise bride's moîr more a blue ceocbeted lace avec taffela coat aid dese miti white scceseoeies and pink smeelbeart roses. Tise groom's motsen more a salmon crimptene ca aid dreas mitis wite accesories and witie seetisear rases. Tise couple inft for a Fiorida isonnymoos, tise bride meaeiag a cotai coal and dec,, wits beige acte,, tes and a corsage osf white smeneter roses. Before tise mnddieg, lise bride mas isonred t a misceiiareoas sisoner ai lise isome of Mes. Lorraine Veensîra. Tise bride and groom mee isoeored ai a muiscelianout sisomer give isy Me. and Mes. Cisarles MacDonald of Milten. Me. and Mes. Heris Waipole isnid a miscellaaeoas sisomen. Mes. Bonnin Daimalea and Mes. Fend, DeBone isnld a miscellneoas sbowte. 5dGeorg.'s church >resents S.S. awards George's Anglicun Clsurtis, Lowvlie, eujoyed dissee at tis Plubeamai Restaurant Tisaidy. laie 26, wisec 13 memben enjoysd a laveîy dinser aid retumed la specd tise avessing ut Mos. Kosise's. Sauyi evening Jasly 5, tlauicg exertases to0k plae ai St. George'sa Ciorcis baI misn tise Saiday stisanl tlased fan tise Ilumner mandas of July aid Aagasl. Tbee vite a berge atlendunce of papilu, teucisers and parents. Tmo fdlms mcme sisacn lsicis were inteeesling and edatatianal. Tise displuy of lise cisildren's waek mus very cendilable to batis pospils aid leacisers. Matis teedit is dan la Mes. L. Andewms us sapenintendeal. Atlendance amueda and promotion ceetificates were Ii rnesenled ta tise papils aid anchs of different iseads, cafe aid pop mas seeved. P PA 1N T WAPAP! I N 7STOCK AT Oak7jeuen Paint & Wallpap.r LOAK - UEN AiL OAK VILLE 'Untoattird toupie, parter EMMANUEL CHURCI4 girls qel ready ta sart lise egg and sasaae ted, Rue Pries and Debiste race, at tisa retent annuel SandaV Stisail picole iseld a Horeisy Paris. Elutor. i maso a a oiSfun misera delicia,, supper tappad ofan o flrnaon A dlitttous sappr mas serd of sports and gamnes. aed rrjoyed isy ail. About 6:30 rveryor irft isy bas ut car for tome attr a toed afteevooo of Funan flloshp.NeweII-Sheppard A quit cernmuny ceas A small receplion mas isntd ai toieecetzed Tisaesday afîenoo tise Piaiesman Restaurant. Lloyd Juiy 3, 1969, aI SI. Poules Daies sang "Tise Lard's Ptayer,' upils United Cttutch panîooge ce atoompaotied isy bis mife. Dardas, miser Mes. Norma Allen a conducled tur of i ctl Sitelpard, 22 West Streent. Engiaid, Ineîaad, Soin n Il ecicalDudas. isecace lise brde of Wales, tise couple mii renîde ai CalsA. NeelCais. thegroom'sihometinCarisle. appreito ftewr Mr. b Rev R.S o Becesvdle McLaugi a ocdrn h sitd Rv J.B.Spenly an T em car eyae G cea aprei fin of h okbig Lod Oks Ant h d Mro Hü-n-a Ros ALL T'OYS SECOND FLOOR S25%4W TUSA DISCOUNT FOR BIRTHDAYS AND GIFTS LAY-A-WAYS FOR CHRISTMAS BUY NOW AND SAVE SHARDWARE AND CW APPLIANCES 25 136 Main St., Milton 878-6011 5 $104 ls your hair A rayfor $la summer fun $2 na aise muss el fun ih liaole i lise bus lfied doys aisoud. Our styles aud mn,, ~ crs sehuslsage uil tisa... tomte ina soand aile fue yoursirE.IN Fashion ANG US B3eauty Loulke 581 MAN ST. <BARTLETT'SJ BAINIEFOWEA 250 MAIN ST. E 878-3501 r-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --i FOR VOUR CONVENIENCE Hanri Thsis ta Voue ICANADIAN CHAMPION ICARRIER - SALESMAN Or Mail Tn Tihe Champion if ynu misi delivery lntaeruptud for hsleluys Noce .................................. Adeu STOP MY PAPE R oa . ................................. . . . . . .I IRE.START MY PAPER D I ..................n..................... . . . . . . . L---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- THESS 'S HAVING A FRIDAY - SATURDAY SLE JLY 10 - il - 12 Zo' OFF DRESSES COFF PANTIES 0O OFF BRAS ID HALF-SLUPS 50 OFF GIRDLES .00 OFF BRA.OSLIPS ROOhI FOR NEW STOCK THURS. SAT. 12 ta 6P.M. FR1. 12 Io9P.M. 878-9221 we con spend a lot more time on this. Uner reth the Volisoogre you [ci nor char,. gets somthrrg qte -,pcsrg. A Volksrugor thor doms, 0r the yea, tree made more tmot 4»50 ;mpr,.tcil E.ch Oa. a quiet Ite Io th e Vo risogaen tht ry of evoluon: Wr domio hange the Volkswogen ust to rake it look dffmren, only to maie it ceok better. Plazai Motors 88 ONTARIO ST. N. MILTON' 878-2962 FREYOUNO6, GDE À ITURKEYSI 5 ta 10 [LIs. Eviscerated 4 51b FRESH COLD CUTS MACARONI & CHEES! PICKLE &PIýMENTO 14 MinStPon 88-50-791bive WARE sHRLon lx op. Opa Al Si.Cea e.?uu, oHUilgp BABY asiBEEFsa 5l lb QiaalmtY Meats Tise Way Vue Wuet 1~ Mc SI. Woe on 1 hsom Miltc Imo Royt Eagli fen Roii wili te E daug lnft ladir j Leaf miel, folio enjo3 r Mr and Me fami tacat Me Dreer sarpi Arts Dom Mrs. Bit Grcg his s Jaly Fr beot and urpct Coc. An and At the t fot F, atten field How4 July Aride tari i ovit meler Refre Bxt rene Ray Grext Euls, aed 1 Mes. Breas RuIle Att and cete aroiv, Met Angiu Saturl 4.30 suppi j Car *McAr. asr IMD Haspi McAr, Prie aid I Seniors' hémis for G..rg.hwe A mctpgge ta fcacbaê o eoWgtOwo wblcis wu wpla 24-nit senior citine houoing by thse Khcmun Club cf ploet on Guorgatown's Georgetona.li $990 sou in boundary ha, bouc eMitract for the wcrc bam bouc approoed by tise Central awarded ta Zorge Costructicn Mcrtgage and Housing Ltd. of Georgetown. The CMHC C-opcrtlceltitcEut M.Pf. mort»5 toyersS$174,512of thes il. Sn.. sccuncd tbis weeis. tais and tise butante la belng taison crer by tise Ontrio Tise unis ors ta bie built on a Hcusicg Corporaticon, Mr. Sncw tmo acre sitc on Hyde Purs Dr., $Mid. Becaus. we don't have to spend a lot of time on this every year,