Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Jul 1969, p. 11

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*Report from Ottawa by rad whitîng__ Laut matis, lune 25 go b. exsact, cosnpleted my Miest pae as Masaber of Paramonent for Haton k lida hile ntmsPape and comontaines rentamant thse firnitya c Tesa Gaveaent 1 teck a Utile tissu out to 1ook isaci on wbai tise yeae bas nsant to nue. Wlsai foiloma tison la af a poentieal nature and I hope 1 oaa b. fagnefor denaiiag titia space tn tisen raflections. a09-. e laciadita Parllsanent, i bad a job s eerybodyeaise. ?nd mail evoninga mitis my cossstituancY. On tise lagiaative .Zti. Ange and 1 bave tuoa ide 1 ttia ptd asreithiis cbllden -Jaefourand Tracy ite Hone as 1can.l1amnaise a soon-ta b. ira. Membar of titre Standing Nom 1 beave on Monday Coinnagians of tise Hlose of asorsing, catchs a piano and 1 arn Carottions - Labour, Manpomee in my office ia Ottawa ansafly and. Immigration; Regional bafore nata.lgSt backhomuesO Davelapmenî and fle Priday nigisi. Satnrday in Commutte. on National devotad tn meeting wits people Rasanses and Public Warka. tisrossgbout tihe Ridlag. altist lisera cen b.e as reany as six iadividually or ia grange. Coesssittae meetings a moek in Ustaly ihoa is one ne more addition to meetings af tise fanictians to attend on tise Lofermi Canons. meakaad. On bebaif of tise constituants Looking bacis over tise pust of Halton tistre is a constant p orse i nismysaif wund I do i if flow of corempandance and 1 bad tisa cbance ta maka lb. telopiona mils micis are always saima decision ta mun agai. 1 malcoma. moald. Daspita tisa long hauts, ibis peur me bad tise passpors b.ing amay front my familpy, tisa banale and of groat concerei to many prablamas I face in mp mamp of tisa people of Halion efforts ta iselp people and tise mas tise chsange in the leinlation proisiema a Member is faced mis on Eseata Tax. t mat plaasedl to concereing legisiatian and tise bal maay H-aiton travellees miso many canstituancy matios b.d emegacy praistamas and misiçi cames acrons miy deas, I aedaid pamponis qc. Bp moutd again malca tise satin jaiaig mwiti otiser Membrs cf dacision. Fiea e me re instrumental M! is a fascinatiai fl ta b. a in baving tise Minister cf Finance Mmbar of Partiamant and oan make changes ha tisa Estate Tiix ise ana of rosi service. As a lagisiatian and nom no asiate of Mormifer I caot fite cantact $50,000. or lon, in tsuod. During mitis many people mits n mide mp finit session in Parliameni 1 variance of hataresta, Despita bave spakan in tise anse of t ha ~. m is saidiaoutsakbniser, Cammenteon foarocasions. me ail caa't b. Cisiefs. Tbase are tmo aides ta tise mark of n ibis session of Parliament is Membar of Parliament. Tisere ta nom comting 10 an end andl fiitba misic canceres tise asTaies aotffler starts in tise Fai- tisai of his consti tuanta a nd mol b.e roand imo. Tise Honse as staping ha sesion tonger thoan ma expecird. Ilmas ai gfii boped finat ail lagistatian mould ise completedl is tise end cf Jane bas as tise end of tise mantis tisere rgmeined smo items cf buasiness micis iad ta bc deait mush. One mas tisa Officiai Langnages Boiland tisa second cancerna cisanges ta tise rides oflpacedare in flie Home. Thsis latter deals mitis tise amnat of lime toise devoledt o discussion of any lagisialian ip Members. j Tis bas aronsed qie a canlroversy as poa bave no danisi read ha tise nemapapers or board an taquire ai leasi ibree dayn. On T.V. and radio. In ardar t0 givi tise lirai day tise Minister monid pan a baller anderslaading of inform tisa Hanuse dit ise and mbat ibis is ail absout lia tIogh tise otiser Hanuse leaders conid mandlpyints of asma f. ai a thba cisanges in Ibis colarea. a puticau r stage cf a Bh s Tise fient of disse changes monld titra give notice af lise monid make il poassible for tis lima ailocation motion. On lise, Hanse ta decide musanut deisale second day tise Ministr montd bom mach lime sisantd ie sel mcme bis motion and it contd isc aside for oaa or ail stages of a deisaîrd for ima isouts. On the Bilt mien there is ananimoas lisird day tise lime allocation afferment amang tise Hlouse ordier monld go in, effecl. If readera cf tisa varions Parties. inis procodare badl to ise useil Tise second monld nuise il lise full ibrer limes on a Boll tise possible for tise l2overmmt minimum eiapsed limie moald ise Hlouse Leader, mitisoal notice, ira days. i moald mork tis mny lu propose a tiie altocalion - iisrae days to leeminate mation for a stage of a Bll ifsa second raadasg, tisee days toi majoriiy of tisa Parties agread. terminale tise Comasittre stage Tise flouse manld decide on lis and fane days to terminale tise moaian effet a imo banc deisala. report and lisird reading singes. Tise tisird propceed change Tise British Hlouse cf knomn as 75C could b.e nard an a Contmtins bas a mach more final reset misas a statemnate bas rigaoas mile thon 75C. la lise deveioped. Il mould permsit tise Brilishs Puliameat closaire can Hlouse, on tise initiative cf tisa aimas ie applird on second and gaverement la tarminalo a Ibird reading of a Bitl ai tise end persistent filibaster sgertit a of ane day for racs stage. Tise Bull. Houener, lise peaposedi Britishs Raies permit tise chsanges bava some safeguarda Goverarent ta move one lime agaivni finvemnmeni impatience. alocation motion covoring isotit Firsl il places an anet an lise tisese stages aid tisre isno Gavrneni Honse Leader t0 preucrib.d minimum to tise iry t0 negotiale an agreement bsouts or dayn allocaird for under tise firai Imo rie chacoges deisate on lise matio. meniionad aisone iafara Thsis tamis 1 masn*pleased te meei;g la 75C. Il ceonu bc annoaince tise approval cf stlore g tise H se mus est artile tise amoanit cf $174,512.0l0 su consider lise ameadmenîs asaist hanlise construction cf a proposed 10 a Bull ai tise Repoet tmenly-foor unit senior citizeas stage befote tise Goverent aparîmeni projecti n Hlouse Leader con give bis notice Georgetown. otia ise mii move a lima ___ allocation motion in respect to William Stewart cf Brantford, 75Ct sgec. dlaoa ita Ont., no longer bas cancer. n5 tinaadisis reslricted ta ile Tisal's misy ie supports tise afne ae of aBllo aI alimte. to slogan af ibis yeac'n campaige onmae uof t o is roarle. on for fonds isy tise Canadien n e uste of a BiBeur mond Cancer Soiety: "Cancer Cai ie any on tg faBlwud Beaten. "%GET A LOAD 0F THIS"" READY-MIX CONCRETE SEWER PIPE, ETC. fth ie catenlenene atour Milton Customers us han à uaraiosa an 354#251twy.,aitlummilrnppRd. Phono 821-2515 aaallable dhty assoapt 8aandaya Michueles Building Matorfis Ltd. HEADINGODUT INTO THE SUMMER SUNH, siadenîs ai one ofthb are anee Ofihe studavis ai Milton Hasahis publie reirool. An dimtriei's rural ubhoats say a happy gootibye ta ntassrooms andl on set astimatati 47,000 studevis bade gootibye to burdrads of schoais in far a io monts bntiday in tise uutdooes. Racina f ilti summer Hatior tant meOis.-ISiat Photoot Esquesing hopes for permission for open burning at township dump Esquting counicil bopri to get permission ticcontinue open isurning ai tise townshsip damp. An application mîil be made to tise air pollution conieci brancs cf tise f5niaric fepatmevi cf Healtis Legistation introducrd lait Octoiser perverti cpen isurning. Homever, speciat permtission for certain cases caot ie given isy tise depaîlmeni.- "Wr can't do anytiia else for tise turne bring," reeve Currie commentrd ai tise coanicil meeinog toit merk. Some cuncitors mondeed atoud misy tise provincial goverameni mas concerard absout cpmn fies, ciiing tise refinetrs and airpianes as cuber sources cf ait polltion. Esques og coondil aise dcîded t0 reqorsi tise Ontario Waîer R esoarcru commission to coaspîle a cois and feasiisilily study on tise îappty of a piprd mater sysirm for lise village cf Glen Williams. "Once me knom misai il costu, me can aec misetiser me mail to i'ceed mush il," iesid drpotyrmeve Tomt Hill. Appaeenly tisere are no unions mater proisters in tise village bat piped supply moatd b. desiraise isecue cf rupecird gromts. Is Our Business FEAIHERSIONE ELECTRIC 878-6378 Tiser rereenatives cf tise escaiuîiog iscyond tise abiltîy oi Hiltcesi cmriecy ut Norvat many Cunadians te pay. asked tise townsip to dlean op Coonicît regisîered n tise old Anglican cemeieey lisere. objection to Alec lovesimeal's Treanurretof tise bsord Hyall request Io gruve andl use a McClure mld cviincit tise isoard portion cf tise unopeord coud mai millin to mainîan tise attomance iseimeen Concession crmrtery for a simili fe, if i 10 and il to gîve iisem avesst mere fixed! up. liseir propry on Georgetown. Reece Cornie explained tise Tisey moaid assume fui townshsip mould cornte into tie eespoouibilily foi upkenp ad picture only if tise cemreey bail maintenance, andl moald no omner. Acualty tise uuderstand tbiî gives tisemnn crmreey isetongs t0 tise àyil rigisiin theccoad ultomance. cf lise diocese. 50 Tise mers cf Juîy 7 t0 13mwas declareil Conservation Weei s Oliver Hurler, tise cisaieman cf counicil uppeoveil aiceqursi from tise cemeieîy board, scid tise tise Credil Valley Auilîoîiiy. -t vesiry cf tise Anglican cburcin isave no objection us long au mc Nocvat bad offeced t0 relinquiss don't b ave t0 ipenil uny ibeir ctaiass in 1959, if tise money," cuplaineil terce Cuccie. townshiîp moulil be responulisle l'ie tomusis sisaîe ci cosîs for it. Reeve Cornie iisougtit tise cf tbe Scotch Blocks dam, tomnshsip bail isui no planard by tise Haion Region correupondence on tise malter. Auibority, miti ise $3,975, A resotution front tise tomnocf council terneil. The peojectis Fort Erie mai endorîrd isy mesi cf igismay 2S beimeen Esqoesing. Il fors on record as Acton andl Milton. Total costi s sapial îorecnmenî opeaions $68,500 - $22,500 foc landl andl anil spcving prograrns are $46,000 for construction. Ob Free Pickup Wh.en i Corne f. Service - W. Shîn. I FREE EXHAUST INSPWN *MOTOR SHAMPOO * LUBRICATION *r 011 FILTER * AIR FILTER *UNDERCOATING * ROAD SERVICE *WASHING * MUFFLER INSTALLATION I OPIN: 7 &.m. to 1l p.rn. Mooday through Saturly [. 9 ON. . il 1 p.m. Sunday MILTON ESSO "maus Maln.F md Otai Sas - 878464 Tisa Canadien Champion, Wednasday, Juiy 9, 1969 Conservation W.ek events The oprairig cf th e arn., orienteering cliac ai Kahso Morrison-Wedgewood Creris at 10.30 arn., isorsesacs rodeo diversion channel ai Oakvîiie onl at Kelso ai i pas., DOS Derbsy MaondaytandaaltTunsdaY dsPiaY (mater races) ai Keiso at t p.m. da iH ln tibraries Sunday, Inty 13 Service by csfficialty kickrd off tisis werk's Dr. Finlay Stewart at Conservation Week cetebratios. Ratiesncae at 9 ar. trous Wedoenday, Jaty 9-Swim derbsy ai Keiso ai 9 ar. meer ai Kelso Pool ai i pic. (Registrations ti 3 p.m.), irap Tisuraday, Juiy 10-Projeci shootîng ai Keiso ai 9 ar. P ieseivatico e bcjodgod. (paricipation isy invitaion), Organied groopso niy, rosry ly-iying drioosiratian ai Keiso forins mast be filled ont, ai 10 arn., orienirering ccntes Suggestions - geadîcg siream as Crawford's Lakce ai 10 arn., batik, consiecig a dam, Rovr Scout demonsiratico ai pianiing a ie. 'Keiso ai t p.m. Friday, Joty 1 1 Foir _________ crgaoîoed grccys ai Keiso Oioceeriog Cliic ai 10 MERV. COLLING arn. and i11.30 arn., Museum !ours ai i p.m. and 2p.m., film 'Valirys aod Peopiri" 1 pai. ANNOLNCES nnd 2 pi. S - & em fo Saiurday, Joly I 2 Bais Derby ~ 6DBe~h ai Cramford's Lake ai 9 arn. "a" Arm C mini tressa miih registraions titi 4 p.m., natoralisi hike ai Raiileoîsko 10 EASTSIDE AUTO ELECYRIC OAKVIILLH lE SERVICE s à b l 'LITE RENTAIS pu on 1 AU a" Rapeale Home Movie Equipoent r. 84 4-9 1 ( - 878-4695 tleo Emobua 81141 Sm u MILI 16mm Sound or 8mmI ROSE'S VARIEP 60 MUNK COATlS JACKETS AND STOLES 65 PERSIANS BEAVERS -SEALS AND FUN FURS For disposai in aur ANNIVERSARY FUR SALE WITH ttSING FUt PttCESanda teerandonsinrease inorusinenthiisyeumsisana noar-parnisasateat an u antp alternative is ta isanp ant stocks eroin. Campae naines anvasiera. til ara certain pnn asitl amer duicata tisa prîcen andi qnalstîaa sisame APPROXIMATELY 50 FUR HATS AND HELMETS AT HALF PE A depasit will hold your purclase IF THERE WAS EVER AN OPEN ING-THE-SEASON SALE THIS US UT! THE GOMERMENT WATCHES OVER YOUR DOLLARS IN THE MON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION t#s

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