17 NEALESTATE 17 REALESTATE incs ancre LIA. Il '527LISTErI - Cosuntry home is nonis Burllngon, situatedi on a ona acre lot in a very Scaeoisr. Thsis deligisful tram home - wteie alumnium. slding, consists, of 10 mores, spacloos living .or, separote dt.ing o moderaizeti miti bctlsroom. FIA oil iseasing. LlsOdprice V25,000, tes-ms available - Col Ant Feacocis, 8786292 os- 878-6447. 126.900.0 LOSYBO PUICE - Futur bedroomn bungalowe vith et- tacised garage in firot clans condition, iooated close O aIsnsl Nortlh Miltonx - compieteis- fissisiset boserrment famlls- oren 19' s 12' - li batisrooms - man- ret-as - peddrivewas - mater sofoosser, Calt Stan Thorepson. 878.6292or 878-2455. ing, baslsoono. first cires condition - good harot - silo, implaement sled osd garage. Titis is on s-scellent loves-t- iment et 869.0. Termai ovoloble et 8%0 intereol. Coali Mns. Richsardson 8784292 os- 878-2777. SMHART 125 ACRE FAIM mib froage on Hlghtsoy No. 401, close 4o Higismos No. 6. large bonik born 60' o 8' In Orsi clas condition - 9 more fieldi sionne house On encellent codition, modem- batlsmom. FIA nil hontlng, imploement shd- 90 acrsm On crois, pond, god secte- sospis-. Listedl prite 81500.00 pes-aore. Tesms avoilobie. I orown iniesest - cali "8EST" before you Buy or Self For SERVICE and SATISFACTION CALI Best Rea[ty & Insurance Limited 310 Main Street - Milton 878-292 or 878-6592 t OFFICE HOUES - Mondas- dons Thoondas- 9 au. O 9 Pao. J Fsidoy 9 cm, ta 6 p=o. Satosday 9 am. O 5 pao. ESCARPMENT AREA In rirescf increasing s-aises, we stl havse 23 ocres fos-choi-n building sites on scenic esces-prieno near contes-notion ores. Ioclsdes 20eacres of ecellentogardosilandl3 acres of mooded osre. Fs-led et $1.500. p-es ocre, s-itIs goti teems. Coli As-chie & Anna Cois-ns, 87&6980. 34 ocres encellent nvesomeni pope-os seuls trw rond fontges, onescorpmeno aie. Fs-ko 55,000.00 mis-b $20,000. dlown pas-mont. CoN Anrelie & Anca Cois-ns 8784980. LOVELY SEUTING Bessoifol lit acre lot miels oeI mes-las and es-es-eton, stoolO cottage and garage. Gond miel. Mot hoe seen ta ho appreciooed. PrOte, 108,980. Ters-m. Cali As-dole & doms Cairns 8706900. VILLAGE AREA Cltonning 2 bedroore bungalowe ritis etieched gos-eaond nices- ioodscoped lot 110' o 210'. Ideel for omail fomil- os- s-e- flolng couple. Frie $19,500. Iteqoires cashs on $10.000. Hortigoge of 5% bots-est. ColO decloie & Anna Coins 878M98. BUILDING SITE 10 aces ou Sois Lisse, Neosogomepe, jst sootis nf 25 nides-ood. Poil price 512,000. h18 dlown. LIST NOW Oning o receni soles me es-e On need of bungalows os- vides- type homes On Milton. Slony nqsis-ies for homes in $20000. to U2500. ronge. For pronmpt ses-vite, coll s-os- Gibson Willoughby Limited Representetives. 3 Anna &Archie Cairns Charles Martin t 340 Hala St. E., Hilton. R. R. No, 1, Milton. 878-6980 878-2161 Kenneth Spence RA.. 3. Miloa 878-4615 SMALL ACREAGES 110.000. nos-d ofn Compieiville, on du. Guelph Lisse, il1 acres ni ralilag pooitora lanti, a perfect site lier yise ns-m home. Soisool olose bs-anti jonc minutes firn Hus-. 401. HIGHWAY 401 - HIGHWAY 6 $8,50,.4 acsof M lsoi are lacédet iOn tisis il acre pars-e ni raliait lant mit as- as-s-ms o Hs-"- 401. NORTH 0F CAMPBELLVILE 83M-ti i que tne -r on laoonnaus-mgodorl1cre garage, potin anti lots of epace. tida home is ideai for tae Yongamil-. neuiuihl on tne tas-sounse, sorroontird lis 100 acres nt BolnI tas-rebnd, moke o quiet home On titis picooresqon orsBit On the 18B0's, ois home la la eos-eptionoll- fint ontition. Nom no-isnteti and mita gondi fions-las-e On tise large living noom, nsolatet anti minis alornmm stos endi sos-nanatIse iossoe io cool la sommer anti snug On ban- oer. $45500. Beoutifiti oiemr oins- nomi home Oncloties living nomn mita fore s-les-e, dinlag tires, temit- s-n oses- gar-age, kits-hou- dine-ce, tbros- gond s-ts-s heorns, don reitis mats-bing Ohmslace, 2 eshi noumis, morsho- oirs, finis-bs- in Stone> brickh anti retimont sidlag. This fine home on us tout acre loct hs a s-ttose ni contes-s-tite oxus-. t 52990 Sbtaitei on H acre, sInOn nomu dont hedrin brick baung- alose mt &l car basamieno garage, bas a fis-splate Ici *alv n om, wo mats mns, non-dock. A tests- homeffl on lis- lot. H-. KEITH IM. REALTOR Local Rap0 JOHN I. NEWBOLD, Campbîlivilla 854-9968 878-3888 1769 - r 17 REAL ESTA1-E - ~t TAIE Village Esiate Lnvets- 2 - stores- 8 - mn s-et brick home, on immas-olete conditon, large kits-bs-, ses- orale dintag s-nm, living nomur mioh tire-tuse, den, 4 oarge heosm, s-mail haro on s-ras-e-Os, beasoifuls landi- s-as-rd reiti lerge pond. Ternms s-ani be as-rangeti. Building lt in tise cousIs-s. $7.080 Il Spepside, 2isocres miob is-orte lires-. 25. 10,000. Hon-nuildiing lot, les-me. STELLA PARTON Milton 878-6705 - 17s-9 Christie & Woods eat Estote Brohers 189 Main St., Milton TOWN $21,000 bail pris-e, J - hetis-or bris-b bore bath s-rors-, l- shotord dining tuant, and liv- ing s-nm, kicnion, office, 4- pie-s bath. Tisis home us ms-S moitaitiet anti attrocOivel- Lootiscapeti. Terns. COUNT'RY 15 acre-ss, Os-ait fortsr, mit ls-ne 2-stores- bris-k bouse, resrn- e-s bis-bsn. living s-nsm' dis- im orrimatnd sonscont on inst Otons-, 3 isetirnotos asti bath on second finus-, 3 - car- garage. Asking 53,000. Tes-ms. LOTS 14i ncs-os, pas-olp munstet, mush ots-s-.mtng s-ring. As-bing 015,000. DAIRY FARM 150 as-se dais-s latin, Rochreont as-s- mieSh larýgo bris-b buse. mrenssnie-s atnd tinsle-s-s. Ashint $93,000. FARM 50 acrsosan odsn reil, cn- futalte tnses- anti a halO hume batis Sno-om anti 'luaesns-, bathl bas-n. in-alsti or-butest ni Carelltils-. As-king $45.000. CALo. 878-2095 878-6057 l7c9 18 TENDERS TENDER NOTICE ADDITION No. 2 Centennial Public ScIsool Georgefown, Onfas-io eaied tendes-t attires-ted ou tise 'Haltun Ceunis- Bnards toi Edtion bill lies s-ets-rd lis tht Sus-eodnosndeni ofstoss anti fitns-ce, Ms-. 'B. T. Lundis-s, rit -166 SouthServniceoRodEast, Bot 548, GakvAtle, Osons-un, oni 4:00 s-m. Wedsdas-, Jul- '06, 1969, for s-ho cons-trution o cios-unoo, 2 sereines- uis maths-noms and cor-ridor s-un- oos-tmng s-sisiinc s-s-bnu. 'Plats, spesciticons antino- s-iras-lins ta bitdos- ma iesic oblate- bs- Gros-sat Cutsas- ns-s anIs-, ailes- Wedooctias, Juls- 2, 1969 item tise ofms-e ai Pas- bit As-chioetss Engins-sr FOot- ts-sss 1300 'on NuIts Ruati, Do Nis, Otariu. A s-bsque in the- aresuni ai $30.00 us s-squis-s- as a des-n-t ut s-as-b s-eit ofplant anti ss-ssifiistiuns. Plans reilO bo utns-ton ai the Tono Con- s-iras-tin Associatin, anti Boites Es-changes sn Hamit- Inn anti Guns-pis. Lassest tendos- t ns-ces-s-ar-1 ils- ascepotid. lc To BU'?0 SEIL RENT, TRADE USE CHAMPION CLASSIFIEDS FOR B ES T RESULTS TENDERS TENDER The Haîton County Board of Educafion LOBEARY RESOURCE CENTRE ADDITION ANO ALTERATIONS Mas-fin Street Public School MILTON, ONTARO Seeleti tendes-t addresoed on Ms-. B. T. Lindle-, Sape-mos-rd- rot ni Business end Finance. Tise Halton Cosnty Boord of SdeceOin, wili bie receis-et un- ti 2:00 s-m.. WednesdeyJt- 16, 1969, ai tise ofifices of tise Scard. 166 Souths Ses-vice, Rond Easo, Oalcville, fus- construoction ut a Libres-y Eesnos-ce Cent-e Addition and AIteroti*ons, On tise Mas-tin Street Public Scisool. 'Mecisanical anoi Elecos-ical suis-trede qootations On he oh- taits-d -bs thbe General Con- 'Drerings anti Specificotions _1l be as-aïleble et tise nofice of tise As-s-ites-t, on doososit of 10.00. Drosisgs wiliia be on dis-las- et the Hamilton Boild- es-s- Enchange, tise Guelphl Boilders' Eschsange, and s-be Toronto Budess Esxchange. A Bid Bond in the emounit of 52.500.00 anti a 100% Fernso- once Bond mill bs- requis-td. Tise lorest ns- ans- tender witl eut ns-cossas-tp be ascrs-ted. JOHN J. HARKNESS, Arcitect, 610 Brant Sos-es-t, Borlisgtun, Osts-On. 19 LEGAL Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS le ohe Futaie Mr AL.BERT CHARLTON, laienoflise Town or Million, la tise Coonî- Mf Hlon, BetOred, Deteaseti. Crs-tbss ant inies-s tsaving claires agnint tise abns-s-nasttsd doceats-ti reu dis-d un tise 2Stb day ni dytsit, 1969, as-resquis-as lu tond purticutars ni suds claires tu s-be ustiersigord n or bfrins-s- bs- ltis day of Jls- 1969, nlter rebis- dote the assots nif tie octte criS lis dis-trihoosti fentg regard unIs- On claires ni -s-is-b Ibe Admninistrato- shah tishen base hod notice. Oints-s et Miton, Ons-arin, ibis 1tos day uf Juns-, 1969. HOLDEN, FORD & HAESLSR, 196 Main Sos-s-s-, Milton, Ostario, Solicitors fus- tbe AolninisOrtous. 1900 20 AUCTION SALES Antique Auction for BILL SAUL Mats St., Es-m mneut Hots-ti. on 5ATUBDAY, JOiLY t At 12 on ABOUT 300 LOTS Gunti sets-stin OD Fus-itur- rensotly fine and s-bers-pt; s-bina; gIns-s; asti breos. Sure-s-ing for s-e-s-sns. Sae sbeets asuilabte fs-ms Ms-. bonI. TEENS' CAH. Nul resqrensibl- fus- accidents. MAX STOREY, JOuit Ans-lion-s-s, Ruscoti. Antique Auction CLARKE HALL 161 Labssose Rd. W., Pus-t Crs-dît, un Tis-das- Rvenng, Sols- lIs At 6. 30 p.r. 200 LOTS Fus-sions-e s reustiy fins- anti rotisisse. An s-ss-slis-s- sets-st- tue ai glass, s-bina anti brnss. Ns-ns-t ait tise bs-st pattes-ns are vie rets-s os-s ,Ps-s-iw rno 4p.re. Sais- sbs-s-s as-s asa-nib-. TERMS.. CASH. Nul respunsibs- fus- es-sid- MAX STGREY, 2isI Su-Roc nuti, Austinneer. AUCTION SALE fus- FRANK MARTIN On lNo. O Hs--s., 1697 Ces-don St., 3 mils sous ni Unis-estp ai Guelphs. metinesias Evnolg, ls 90is At i s-c. 880 Diiî-d Brs-u tsira-tas- and oais-s- 1,300 bans- 3 -ins-rore s-ian. 3 pis.; MMH. 30 Osas-ns-; 3 cottis-eturs; diss; dill; baie-; muwress; s-aise; Mas-sas-b nIes-cOs, 32'; s-s-sentes-; Us-bt hommure- ml;ns-m grades- latte; miscel- Onneos; 22 chers-; toms-e furoit- tire; 1952 Cii-s-. tons-h ond 1962 Ramies- s-as- isnath on hie toMd as os, bot mil s-un. TIRES' CAS.1 'lot responsihie for accideets. MAX OTOERY, 29961 Ros-looti Auctine-. Thse Canadian Champion, Wednesda-. Joty 2, 1969 19 LEGAL 119 LEGAL To ih ananoo h To tha Rafepayers of the Town of Oakville and Township of Eoquesing lmmediafely Adjoining the Towen of Milton Notice of Application f0 the Onitarlo Municipal Boord Bs- lise Corporation ni dhe Toma of Milton Cor appeeval af a Sp-Ian bo regulale landl use passed pursuant o Sec- toa 30 ni tise Planning AcL. TARE NOTICE obat tise Cous. c-il of tise Cnrs-sratiou ai tise Tous ni Milton intestis su ep- plp On tise Osons-m Municipal Boards leossano on iboe provis. uons ni OSection 30 ni tise Pion- rting As-o for approval ni B--lnre No. 05-69 passeti on tbe 28tb day ni May, 1969. A ceps- nf tise Bp-tare is 'iurnistaà bes-emitis. A noe gis-ing an s-oolonoton oi obeps-rs-ose anti s-fie-of tis-e Bs--tare anti statisg ohe tends ai- fs-sted veeby is alun fus-nisireti ber-eis, Ans- pes-ssn inl&eses-i ty, scis-bin Ions-rs-n -14) stops ailte- ohe date cf titis notice, senti lp s-s-gisosrd -matil or steliver on lise Cies-b ai th0e Toren ni Hilton, s-otis-e ni býis objec-tin Ou ap- prnsuiai cftise nid hy-tore, toge- tises- mus a ntatemen ni tise gs-nsnds ni sahi objectin. Tbe Ontas-io Mu-snicipal Board mas- epso-s ai lie s-aid bp-Ocre bot bdose doing s-t, ti me ns- point n tire anti place snn ans- objes-tinon be th e a Ml bs-consiterd. Notice ofisny bers-m tioeo mos be -Id witl 'ho gis-sn unIs- ou prssres reio bons- fond on objection anti ubo ba-s lait reins or stelite-et to tise Cis-s- snde-s-iond, dt adi- drs-ns on s-s-but nutice ni bs-as' ing is tubs-iesent. Tho las-t date fus- fiing obs- jec-tions reiti ie Jis- 90s, 1969. tus this ZStb des- ni Jute, 1969. J. Mds-a-bls, Clos-b, Tbe Towen ni bilton, 251 Main Sos-mo Sast, M0ILTON, Osntui. EXPLANATORY NOTE By-Law No, 15 -69 lo is the inient uft bis Bs- lare on dots-te oSl s-sfs-sente on siges Orem Bpdore 1130 s-s-ots- s ths- Zonisg Bs--tom ced On s-sgoulae and cents-IroH a s-s-es o-f ýsigns by a s-sparons- Bs--Ocr unde- tise Munic-ipal As-t. Tiss Bs--lare s-cl eps-tp su tise moIe Mui-isalits-. The Corporation of TIhe Town of Milton By-Law No. 15 - 69 Being n Bys-lans ta ameoti Bs- ions 1130 as b pas-laina O WHEREAS Bp-tom No. 1130 anti tise Aasosnenos eberetu s-glaes s-s-stain kintis niîigns fus- odve-oising: As-D WIISRSAS Camanil ni tise Corporatoion ai tise Town ni Mitoon nom des-m il atissbte Oni rendfas- Sigos bs- s-qtarote As-D WHEREAS ottos-ioy is gis-en ou (Mnnis-is-atties su regu- nos- titres-odes- Sostion 379 (1) 122 Cha-os-s 249 R.90. 1960 nf tise Municipal As-r 500W THEREFORE tht CuO- s-st ni tise Coporatin ni tise Toren ni Milten s-sus-s as fui- 1. Tie inls-reing s-s-s-ions Of Bs-lare 1130 pass-rd un tise titi tins ni s-abua-s, 1957, amre -' by s-eseaird-: lai Sos-tin 8.3 (2) (b) Sos-on 13.6 ici Ses-on 14.6 (i) Sos-tin 15.4 (e) Sos-on 16.1 1h) (l Ses-tin 16.9 (g) Sctoin 071 (6i ls-) (h) Sectoun 18 (i) (i) Sos-tion 19.1 (6) Tho Town of Milton Notice of Application f0 the Onta-io Municipal Board Bs- oise Cor-poration of dhe Tome ni Million for appeovall of a Bs--lare le reguaoe land ane pasad porsuasl b Set- lion 50 ni tise Planning Att. TAKE NOTICE thoî lte Cotas- s-il ai tbs- Corpos-atinof aihli Tuo ni Miltiete nos Io es- pIs- ou tise Ontario Municipal Boas-t s-sano lu tise ps-otite utns ni Ses-ion 30 ni tise Plan- ning Act for upprorat ni Bs-dore Nu. 15369 pass-rd un oboe 2tis tins ni Mos-, 1969. A s-nsy uf lits- Bp-tan s furise-s bersreits, A note gîs-ing an enslanation aftie s-pus-s- asti s-fies-of nthe Bs--tnr and s-tas-mg tise tonds af- fid-tiee-sby is aiso insnisitet bers-cils. Ans- s-s-ssot te--sst oms-. wi-bm iustes-s14 Id tos afote- tise niais- ai Ibis sftice, senti hs- rs-ss-ssrd mail ns- derOt-o thse Cls-s- ni tise Towesni Hfilton. notice ni bis objec-tin Ou ap- ýpros-at ni ths- s-aid bp-lare, luge- oiss-s s-itis n slaloasni oft graurids nf sudsb objec-tion. Tise Gnton Muinicipaol Bonrd mas- eps-rote ai tise s-alid bp-Ocre but brins-e doieg s-o, Ol mes- os-- point a lire anti place s-stor ans- ubjes-tinon ob te bs-dam miS bc s-onsd-ss-s. NuIts-e ni ans bers-m tirai mos b- bs-Md wttl ho fis-en sis- lu pss-ns rho bave foned un ubiecon and wto bave loft must or deslite-e to tise Clos-k sties-signoti, thn ad- tirss ou remis ut- noio iea- ing s tn Se sent. Tise 'tust dune fus- filin0 oh- jectons reit ie bt uis 9ob, 0969. OATED ni tise Towen ni Mil- tut tisis 25tis tins ni Jnne, 1969. J. 'Mteachis-, Cles-i, Tise Toret ai Mib-tn, 251 Main Sos-mo East, IMI'LTON Ostarin. EXPLANATORY NOTE By-Law No. 15 -69 Io s the inosnuni ois Bs-- taret on tote aSi rnis-mont on tiges froin Bs-stor 14130 rebiét is dos- Zoiog Bs--tom ced On s-qn'Oooo anti s-unis-ni SE typres ni tigrs, bs- a sepas-ate Bp-lau us-dos- the Muriiipot Act, Titi Bs--tom mi eps-tp su Une usole Muni-isaltios. Thse Corporation of Thse Town of Milton By-Law No. 15 - 69 Belng a Bs--lan o omend Bs-- Ian lIM0as bt petaine te signe. WHEEAS Bs-dor Nu. 1:130 andtie Ao- oeroisosts teetn s-oguiooscertaoin iieis niSiges fus- edtes-tisiog: As-ID WHEREAS Cerestii Mf tise Cos-pos-atido nif tise Towrn of ,Millon nom dram it otisrble Io segutolo liges bp s-sparole Hp-lae: ANDO WHSEREAS aneborios- to cites Ou 'Munici-altiio le -egs- laie tigot s-ode- Ses-tin 379 (1) 122 Chas-te- N9 590.. 1960 Mf tise 'Municipal Ac-t: 300W THEREFORS tise Coust- cil ai tise Cuorponttion ni tise Trenooni'Milt s-sus-s os foi- t. Tise tnitumitg ses-lions Mf Bs--om '11,30 oas-ted on tise dois tins ni Fs-bua-s, 1997, are bs-se- bs- s-asealnd-.- (a) Secton8 12) (b) Secton 13,6 ici Ses-tin 14.6 (d) Ses-tin 15.A is-) secton 16, (b) (f) Secties 16.9 (g) Ses-tion 17.1 063 <ni (h) Sectin 16 (i) (il Ses-on 19.1 061 2. Tis Bp-tom shil come lt- te fiume on edate itoto pae bs- tise Ceoncfl Mf tise Corsont- ion of tise Tos-n Mf MOresn snob- jeut on the elsool Mf the Ont- arno Municipal Btard, 2. Thîes Bp-lare nholi cure in-2 RhEAD e lsIRST anti SEC on le ts-oho dots- t s ps-ss-d 051 TOUS tOcs 2Ots tics of by tis o te Coris-Csporat- 'Moay, 1969. mutni otho Tows-n ai Milton su-oh ms-ci on the as-srural uiths-e O)nt- Bs-ian Bs-st, Maos-s. aria Municipal Buard. J. Ns-ms-bi-, Cleotk. RF-AD n slEST anti SIC- 11.60 a THERD TIldE anti 0ON0 7155 s-bis 2bis des- of FINALLY FASSSI) ibis 2065 Mas-, 1969. ces- ni 'Mas-. 1969. Bs-mas- Bs-, Mayas-. 'Bsian Basi, Mas-ns. J> McGSeans, Cles-b J. Ms-s-a-tus, Clos-b. fiLAI a THIRD TIME as-t 19s9 PIs-ALLY PASSD ibis 2Oob tes- ni Mas-. 1969. Ps-ns-e as-e des-peaoe tas- hom- os. Ansoonce s-os- rentohies Bs-itn Brît, Mas-ns- via Champi "Fnr Rent' s-tas- J. Ms-Osas-bis-, CIes-b. sifieti ods-srîisemenos. Phono 19c9 878-2341. Top Auction Sale Coverage EVERY WEEK IN The Canadian Champion GEAUTY SALON Vogue Beauty Salon A NEW COIFFURE Designeti Junt For Yen - andi - COMPLETS BEAUTY SERVICE Cali 878-2461 192 Moino Street HENNY'S HAIR STYLING 198 Mill St., ilton CALL 878-3711 FOR APPOINTMENT "Modiern s-quis-ment. Sos-e-O sopling olos-lng, reavtng. 21its PAINTING AND DECORATINO GIL VANSOELEN PAINTING Contractor Ondusoriat Residential Intes-ins ExRtes-bs- CatI nom fus- Free Ssttmao-es 878-6137 Bus 114, Milon. 21o« TAILORING - REPAIRS MEN'S TAILORING ALTERATIONS KNIGHT'S MENS WEAR 202 Moto Street PHONE 878-4472 20IC7-St WELL DRILLING WELL DRILLING J. B,. RUTs-AH R. R. 2, Milon, Ont. s-bon- Ba-liogoon NEloon 4-02 PRINTING For Your Printing.. *Tnp Osaltios *Efficient Ses-vite *Rearemablo Frites CAti- THE1 CAHADIAN CHAMPION 191 Main Si. Miltn 416 - 878 - 2341 GARDEN SERVICES WEED EXTERMINATING Restidnfial Commrcia-l Lirerseti Opoato- DICK VANDENBERG PHONE 878-3959 Wns-k Geas-anfaad 21-1f ORNAMENTAL IRON Wrouglit Iron Railings Clars-kon 822-0151 iCail CaBreol) New Mnthod RaiIing 5.R. 1, OAKVOLLS. GENERAL CONTRACTORS BUIIT TO VOUR SFIC IFICATIONS CALL . . . RRay Olan BUILDING 1CONTRACTORS 854-2263 LIMITEO A Ses-s-me Atiîseoseot la tse osta te-p EtMi par- mont DECORATINO DRAPERY BROADLOOM " Restientlal * Indtrial * Commercil Reedp - mode Drapeas la s-ock. For Constom Ses-vice CALL 878-2967 FOR HOME AFFOINTMENT SYERS 220 Main St. 878-2067 210dt ELECTRICAL SERVICE McPHAIL ELECTRIC LIMITEO ai INDUSTRIL *i COMMECIL e FAIMS & HOMES e SLSCTRIC HEATINO INSTALLATIONS 66 Char-les St. uion 878-9513 - 877-3752 ZOo-t CUSTDM UPHDLSTERY MILTON UPHOISTERINO Nom owneti anti niserteti Sp Lone Asths- PHOHE 878.9094 R.,R.3 Hilto * Re-upbolstesy * Auo os-ai * Uphoîster- deanlng * Custom built furaloore, * Fs-m pis-k-up anti dellvser 210«! REFRIGERATION KING REFRIGERATION INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL SALES & SERVICE Memise Mt: Refoiges-otion Ses-vice Engbnenr Society- -anti- Association Mf. Refs-igestion Conifeattede CAMPBELLVILLE 854-2228 TRAILER SALES & RENTAIS Taylor Trailers TRAILERS and TRUCK CAMPERS Sois-s oad RentaI R5555 NITCHES Parts & Accessoirisa 878-2694 210 CAMPERS Tons-k or rtreiler campsinis equi-axent Ses asti Rentais Fraser's Marine & Camping Cent-e Tise one sos Contre fns- the Outtnosman 0249 Oas-s-b Lins-, Sorlingn 637-5288 210-tf 1 ALUMINUM ALUMINUM e 00055 e WDOWS * GRILLES e IUJLIGS AWNîNGS e SHTTERS Oloss or S-ety Prose Onlys fils- eqsaippml. glas s-bos On the tirs milt tnxs anti espeienceti glalers. W. J. KOSKI LIMITED 878.942 FINISHED CARPENTRY n REMODELLING " EC. ROOMS " KITÎCEN CABINET-S s- VANIlTIES " ARBORITE COUNTSR CLIFF BARNES 878-9135 21s--t dIDVMIISIM lS AVMRalE 1N HIS*1 SECiiOt AT 50088 O1ICIQL BATES. - nR CoeaO nanu 17 REAL EtTAtE 17 RM ESIATE 1 - la WHO DOES Ir.