Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Jul 1969, p. 12

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1 -The Canadien Champion, W.d neaday, JaIy 2, 1969 jo RED ERsw WITE:J Business machine students eamn proficiencyowords Dr cri mil Ch: tubi Pal on lu op saa stoi t ail Chl te in Gea t Ma y Hrî o Me. re TrI Sec the yoli Hae Ja ge: par: DISPUTES CRITICISM i f you re ur obrioutly OIN DRAPE BOYCOTT arri4laooa, mhy dor't pou write or culI trnc ufthe othon rell oSi.: brome peuple in thir groap: Auheey Goldru, lamyre- tE: Coliforria Grape Boycott Toronto; Patbr Mark Dry, tcv. Paîher Dooghur Lurdor; read reirh isîiay, and alto Father furtWixdsr; Rer. h amtureentx, rue Edilorial Aech McCurdy-TeroIro; Rer. alpele colurex, reho, for tomne Wright-Wellond; Loeey Sourdr, e, ha. mode revral crioical Couadiax Couxeil ut etireri ut The Caxodior Churchet-Toroulu. aunipiox and rbrer reh have Thrtr peuple arr alto men ut mitînd a nere item lu thir o nd ofdu the Chuîch. ner. Whlo ts right?????? oIn eouoixcnii thor heheliroro lu rerfrexar ru Rrr. ly the ocesr erleair. he mort. MacDonald ond Mr. O'Meara, and hi. mind is alteaiiy mode lhey rither diii roI sec the samne or rehich ride ut au irrue he or me did or they ore hypocrites îds. and rhui ectigo lhrtr positions, haro fournd. tue mary yeorr, rehex lhry support the big spopee precty taie or their Morley pureero ahead uftIheir rirx andi ocrer 'peu Gnon'. If Christian lrachixtr. (ut courir, te is ary lemoixg, il ir luwreaii tey thouhiio rupeci taer 100tu nagemexl. reoch rehen lhcy rere flureo have alto founi there prcîîy frure place tu plocerealher iban corle aond peinîrd rerer au by ho. au re did in cases or tacîr, rot ou bher tr ereratre ut or 10 rui.lcoi xnoux. degrer). t pou reruur lîke a Why diii Rer. MacDonald tuom opariao, eeaii the rag ruuth dure. the C.B.C. Inleoitiro or VS The Caoaien dehale or Tueniiay, Juor 17/69 ampîo. Hureever, I do rot milh Rev. Arehir McCuniiy and endi tu deod The Cxoadioo reîth one uftIhe tarre reurker, ampio ai lhey are qoîle dîrrctiy trure the fields? pable ut duîug thai Hi; utwree reou thal be ha. reee. bex mîrqurînd hy the lt. Saegent, il is ubviury nereopaperi ru, iheertore, he Il thal you have ouI hecu dues ouI cote lu dehale the cri lu the Calitorota volley. msur. er there graper are gereu lue It yuu cure tue mure tacts, the coditios ree îaik ahout. reod the Globe &c Mail, Mooiiay, ou are arîumirg thal the Jouie 23/69, Section 1, Edituriai pe Boycott i. reroxg hecaure Page, Lerter lu Editue by Rev. the ocers reirate ut Nov. Robi. Weright, Wellaxnd. cDoxaiii, GUritd Cborch, Don I reis lu stiess lu pou. xxnd lu Ilit or Miehari U'Meata, uveryooe, thul thîr urgauizaiou le, Catuilic Regirler. ut ltirn murees are n0t150.1 reuuld lihe lu pointol t t01 îu ouer lahour preroure geoap, uand tu the peuple on ibis bol a cause tue BREAD: a, Ihal Rev. MacDonald aund DIGNITY & JUSTICE. .DOMeara reere orver ou thie Due ludiaur, Eskireos andi r uft he grupe wrutere andrimauy ltinr wrerer here rn nreîtched. Canada neei the tmie help and ho îlîiîd pero ou îbaî ree aee murirg ou il fiouuvially bel puid hy the geumeet mou andi hodîiy. 'berl F. lereix, the Cuuudiau Wouhi yu, Rco. MacDonald nutacarre r Associatiou andi Michael U'Meata 66ke lu mic nthe Otaeto Labour e lbp? There peuple ean ure use monsx Boaerd. il. 'ou rhuld notiîce thai there Dures il malter rebere pool out brrr oxy tuch claire by peuple coune tîrem? ireix and ho hou treaeîiy Maoy ut our Suiiay und omay tiore tbe oud public nWorhippers thuid aise du inx cou garne. turethixg frore Moxiioy lu re. lretu rîuîed (Torouto Saîuniiuy. egrare, Sut. Jur 14/69, You bom Mt. Surgent, tex 1), "Ai ft as I heure, rbether yu 6ke r utr out, îhee trip mot ax invtion tront ir a tocial reoululuon going ox al geomer aund thaîrs al] ihere uvr the munid tut the pool and tu il." uuiieepeiodegnii, aond I have cure fyou uerd- aoy mure lu realize Ihal peuple do ouI ilivaîio ut tact., reby duxit oeeetrarîiy bave lu go tu cbuecb igel your aed onur Rue ru be Cheisttur, ail lhey xenii is ggarrs vouore fu Salunday, yu elp. e 14/69 (Torono Triegeare). Pie ose support the Geape midi lu poitot ael you and Boycott!'!! pour cite, thal tiî cobolt oui a laoure tpoorored upeo pou tuer. Lahour waa a :ueily ut the 32 peruxi rebe titipated. flraryr V.by mrs ruluaht eph t If pou bavrolt brrr ito t6e Iiheory lateiy lu berre bouks or simpiy la brurese, de reuke a point of cmiug in. Duvngîbhe parI fro muribi every ribrit bat brrr cure usver, ebsuile uld books thal didut circulale hure brrr reîtb dramo and replced by up-ta-dole muteriai, and t6e remuider rebeurd if uecersary, sta tbah1e oubole cullection is treh andclearoandelelesvrg. Ar mvii, rearly 1,0ttibrurd e tille. bore beru aiided. Darîra iuly und August me are agaix rieirg Wedresday and Satanday and oustvg Foiday eexixg, ru thal ram me miii be open Wenesiior frunt 9.35 tli 12 ond 1 t41i5:30 and cloed aSl day Soîonday. NEW NON FICTION Andierson, William C.-Tmu Ton MlbaoeiIf yo bave erer yearnd ta pull a heure teaider, perbapr you rhaulii reud Ibis areuring book tnrt. Crxig Mis. Cruiges 21 Goy Sbape-oy Prugtar fut Mev ard Woeurn Plie car-y 0o111g I., baîtia su meatlr. Crîrl, Judîrb -The Prîsale oye, the Comboy and tbe Vety Naked Giel'-Movie enieret by a gund critlt relu beeps 6el huii-it: brok-dereclor in l'e. condition. Gruen, JaonTire Privaîr Wonud cf Leoxard Bernstini, Hi. Pamily and His Priexdr-A large. J ieaucittal book milb onxy f gricrpra. Huit-More ta mrrk midi Coomexte and Muasry-Cund tank fote amureur min marIa wo bW ail mu mx patao, or erer Mass, Pr Papers-Baret interviewes 6e Mafia irfore ofuortarteed c Salisbury,i D ay.. Ti Lertugrar Ar of the Most bereo epi: bîslury. Wilson, Sie: Ail -Sior W tempird te c "The Mur te Sui Talle, sommer readît NEW Armstrotg, Seuls te tbh rurel aoa acciiroioiiy il s a bou ere being chesen Geldîreil Ascerduol M clearer, has a aud a brou choldr foot orliaru offioe scheul aud o: tuxry. Hevkîrg,I Who r thr nI ore loI day village et Peler lhe Jury fore and a hale rîr Laorrerg- Sreediall nom! mur bored. MacDora GondiryeI detevrina Le acnd datactive NEW tiPPICERS more inmollnd by the Rotues Directorr Divh Portes ond Andy Iely ertr Club of Miltron tert Taresa. Presudeot ts hi Jim Seauer, oand Dirrulor; Charbon Andersonuaod Gaweroabki in the brout ruer cere mixb Dieh Copely. The Pronudrot pin mot presnoîn hp oice-pronudenl Daoid Thoretrureto the et and ouformer club pronlirol Norre Guihri, noa ut treonurer Bort Puorr ebath rirbl. lu tha resr 0re Brompîron.Setif Photo) Unstali Id Gawronski Rotary Club presidont Eii Gare uroki mat or tallei or sre oued ihe imrteance ofct lire Pret fu tire Rutary Club ut cormîllteei, ibe prepaîatior ut Miltoe onrTuetiiay ut a reretiate budget, und reeiigtu ut otticers toah up Ibrîr prageare.] A T postions. Me. Gorerourbi The remty irstolieri presideul tucceedu Narre Pearce rebo ho. erpreirid apprecialiar ta theFIEC carepleind bis yeaI. diiei.lues turetiPir poitions Vice-pretudeut ut the club te ut leadership lu 16e, club oui 50M IN T Davîid Thareprur, secrelury os sîrered the trep ance ut2o MANS Jîre Seuger, rerasurer Bert co-oiperalior ureurg reerts ae Porter. Dîeeclart elecînd ure reairare or ettectire club. Dick Ponley, Dîch Cepeiy, Aniiy Keiily and Charles Andeeson. .o Tbr preeiiexîs pou mat " preserleri by a tarmre club ,. 4 p eendeut Narre Guiditalbe heMd attîce ree Mr. Garrarki mous toducter ie tahe club. Relîrtot pretideri Peurce, / roable la hi preterit tor t6e errol, ruprersed bis apprecitior v la bus telure uiers by lettr reari hy Ubueh Capelard. He Y resiered tbe bighiighl. ufth1e Rotary year and erpererd prîde rn the succeis ufth1e vitît et Alleede Cattas, o studeut frtram t Mexico, rebe rpeut t6e yeae in 16e hume ut mereberi. A terrer disritc gaverear, Raus Redr vbalteugni 16e ore nuevutve axd reembera 10 reiwcarrert peajrcbr, renere tbere or ver6 rere axer. He flWISSGYA O 7.uhrpCnc/ At tIlt regulur reeullîly Ileeiîg Rcrpectfly, heud Menday, Jurie 23, Martir Capuoo Nraueycacl 385 William. Arr., Nsaaeacucl Milton. n Heord o carpint tramt Deputy-Reere Mns. A. MacArthur thal vibeationt tramt hiastîot ai 16e store querie re ________ graretot marte. Sbe aira irtarrer couud ste mas gu1ug ta prepare a bref or the £ i olaliar fer pree ration ta 16e 44 t s Mauster et Mire.I * Clurd for a turiber sîudy rie johnalun irtu Hulier Regio Conseravion Aulbeîtly'i mare la tuPPIY mure moler ta Milteu by dictiot rew e miii. Ceuxetl reerbert tee-The Valuebi cempiaireri ree t6e meutsar dor scores et irilled 16e miter table mouir be Idîin1ail ireulthe lamer,, pusuibly courutg sorte r. a blaudyboie try meuhs r t6e tomnship lt o dry. frie. Th - Heard Milieu Fiee Arna tea eig-Te ut0 Curereîtee represerratve Archie ccourir et are Service preselbrpa u borrible and mat rupplytot prliimry t'e sides in hurean 'cirte lu alytut tegiaus rn h l'ire area. Foul support mou giver au Amap rarel tîohiîr by ourcîlltu oalid ulser fous reay be and presrtbeiplanoallteunest baugile t6e ile Io Fîre Arro meeting. 16e Grey Flarrel ru Set"' Goud ea Wo iorredofaaoemplani la. t mie up a Hater Ceuuly pluebîrg inrpectiox service. FICTIGN Cuxicil voîd ru have a riudy Cburluiie-Sere marie ufth1e plot and agrerd ta eMaur Ssoperse cereupmlbha soiluitr ut a muri reu t6e reol Imo mebs. tocorers t6e mrrld dlard srirur are ta go 1016he muxn. MserHî r Mns. Mount, Mat, Hiay-Ar Areeicax et. Mountl otfice Morriote A rerîcar fureily coippird bushurd living abruad itmur Amevucar ut o delîrqorri t:ra anId standarys a-hum she battîro oh, hlpPoto' ru, :6e pultcr. 16e (îmylarnt The Nec Yurk bher rift-ratt. Vury Tîmes euys "pluylully ond puîxtuliy reovîug. bol mue iia.y-Chechre ireportanl, a diiculy turiny rangner rho arriver bock." Yax reay nt agee, bat aI tbe Comith il bar beex riamber are bet :ilhiar and abs tue relir tor sorte lime. rly? A love slowy Stewart, Fred-The Mephiala ry. Walî A îerrityirg ruvri ufthIe -Der John-The Salarie and the rapeenaîro. 1or rehivh the fdlm esnt, Jersamyr Except tor Me and Tee-A requelte lu6r Idi, Ruer-The collirunorel "The Fricndly .uub-Catitria Persuasion"' abour a Quaker Archeri iarolirer tamily homealeading in t ary. Indienne. alndet III i j adhscila onayi ry a trot fon a peotlcxy amvedt on autorextic pitirg calculotora. The evirool onqurata thae tests and relurua theon b a coultr for checlcixg, A ailyné cortficute ut peolicirrcy ix amared for doixg et tent 120 key rîrokesa ominute qlacverxtrty andi a gohd errifeote ]for iioixg 160 accuealrly. Greot akil and acvoracy arerequied on meil or a kromledgr of onutheonotier in doixg the colculolions. Gold verivocter mee camaid by the toliomixg or Milton District iiigh Sehool: Judy Geavertur, 196 mroites pr mirotr, Myrra Bextlry 194, Jearre 'Wison 176, Nancy Rerliru 173,, Edda Darebruri 165, Phyllir Homoed 165. Silreer ertitcaea mere errund hy: Doona Krroey 157 aleoker pee meirute, Pulu Jacksox 157, Zoodea Mittr 150, Darîre Ferrier 139, Jour Clereul 138, Gail Turelli 138, Ror GulIS; 123, Rulph Merley 123. fate etadeuro desservas apecia cougeatiliailna for chair uutacandlog aciereeaa, comeriaul depaclaaaot hlaid Mns M. Pomysaeoad. -Juin ha te forpiidig ha Coxoieatic" akpeàê by tire .Haiton Reglon -.no'o playgecuxd and dey saa~nrnouates! tudoy (Wedaioy).A iraq mxnoner la ir accie tonthe yctaagatara SPUCIAL 30"1 gas rang.e inawhte, avoeado,prc peeetl SUPERIOR PROPANE areina rfa rural mincas weh dapentdhle, nrdr Maapar oeil or write Sapericr Propane Led. Box 221, Guelph, Ont Area Code 510-822-7780 74à95 mda-& Mrhr Ma. 0YE atlu aare. - pyrmnare luuann aaada , 4 ixu as euraoa bu ee Pimn arm-t.ttbtienato tau eenr000ieeaareluoe th e ibMdetetie frM ý .bmkBU mklno W la Opald ee Ifusroloe ela- aaner Fer Catp, MW#l hume, beal, aea.a. ose] 5195 moe& W.t ausm 1S lZaUp o . daab t u erae ooueeta W M m. noeraOalap die-t lnx-ea rca PORQCELAIN BIE u r.' Cabinet Showor M];xence su nt r. ww o v yor awn source os welter Cofvemhamea la Neceslla ýjq fmmam Pne A5-k isa t.a-ptu- L a ss a llt aa Pr reeî .Anoàc sei - 'Fmat-Air FMesai' Ho n .; . i, a W iaaiiia I L,nar -aiWa. Cat ubi i Fue aailec Ot b O. Tub Endoures ~ r~~îîn r nU.oS. n iomaua. h4 Pnu.otaoecf VemsUe Na are apirxbO.a.., a u OuIr . mar On -1a axal la. nalna- ns -ted d tO fixé. C Tu E cl su es ze1î.rlH pai« brom a 6. -0.10 p mi i on.:; tu Ve. r axai. t1r tr1 a aaa-onux£I' ae"an u iert earta blam Traîîara I. pnttmataxOne U Woix r u , re ainta W x 14 ituwat 4.8ad. rapai;. au mediafa a mm-l nd . btae art amunbreaion aYW o naitoa mxx ris or n- o tiitir .. eapre- A-. tm- CSA appnnM. tMoneu aSd bOoet Coe poila0et" anodrea amer.. xao ab.ouprM iua a Mý 0 = mi . I isner .c o-o-Tri (7.3 115 aolu 74*).duu5h 58"hih. 5 7 " S.m45J3i" raku..ul atan-eàalxix a nrrnhnWhWut 9-l 20. 129.bhirictaatx 132eS. t 1.8 Asti;tw l pci.qca ...rUS P l.lMm S ta rnk OT~ll 1/ i hilu... Glomouir for logo.. bsy 6 SIokfdeSmaIInryM Hosmo or Ct tage ttaw.elamia So.-le8a2 nI7 deep. retait "xaaa"ehfa-a.rf-axtyp. alto';1 br/Ia.' Ïti ea tie'~~~~~~~~~~~ ywSa. v&M -. - o -'.i'a. nraa Nionr tama te .Oa 1- rr f i a . ra i . 0 rma. taab mm". & aaat aV. ataia1 maia.oa-i.5tn amnapit l . 'Pont.d are- "nan". - aon ana.ae-F 2.pi Fum %-b -1rr. AýIt-W - fiï; ,_ 05 F. uSM ae 11 i Lau out o an _retp »U ý mmi h m u = i Surt, Magnat DesionS Toue, Pipes, FIutas-ye nue If Ch.ed~~Cu& 11r lado m ase fer Hm, Carnag or Fer. I rm lo RxmSe A Vonjeu pia on on er.w o yrer.ea 10e ee. ai ur eltnii e ux mer. liiiW"qocac EXTRA" AMNY M UA aa~r~ama-re aj a" Carr CAN-cHfAR b ...hr .. ..... 7n noms afflm COUPONS SCHUYLIR BROIS. LiMITUD TOOYj tro d the pic relier y Tite gr threcîiu: ove' hy Soin. Milter t eactior cause ir to mer% i reces mortirr imporo the rUa Valon I 320 i might h hi; rrg mubr fiq alreudy roretir îhroogi orvet hi ever ha Serer; Caradil Society the Pet people. can ire1 doct r. Mille rojopiorg hall a so up a c fireeight hall to k Firef about t tire tht *rinlgste l'il ol tndispur 1957 piclure dreroxun * outside for are lit he '%I,

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