_ I. eTheo CanaclIen Champions, Wuesday, Jun 25, 1969 SOCCERI * By R yRy itf The pust meah bas iran taem suc ccessfai yet fcr Miltans soccer piryars. Oie boys plcycd fine gaes picbong op c matai cf six cf tae annleabie 10 pointc. MOSQUITOS On Wednecdry, thn A iras plcyad omry at Stretsan we ar dose 4-t. Tht gomna mes, boeee, mach cinsar chun tint scora moid arggcm and oon boys mana kn foot abnad fan mcci cf the finit hâtif. Oeg Watmrsscoed aniy miii a good bacd meot and Sinetsnnie smayed bnbicd ccii jost infoanth mia bof tise ministie. le c disastrcoa six sirotas in the setocd hlf, Stnctcicdle a lud thrac mona goale and tintleu baotcmu oct of mina Milton, Iras. Gefancine ttregrrnccont preuntool fontba sooricg bot Stractonilta bcd tae gaee by nommniimoonacd fitcotmices aId4-t. Thne B tacs nctlnad Mlots bonen c in is divisioc hy mcbocg o poinm oe Soeday frnm a mcl foognt gae mill Acton. Picyces ie botn lismonins anc gcttcng 10 hacce ccacb otheand line siecdard cf play wmu c biglint than fonmariy, Actoncntre fcnread Richy Haises opcnad lina sceuicg. ccd Nom Finîts addad c accord jest bafana boif tiia. Thnesecold hou mos cl] Multents Tht feemordu, ably soppomadl by strnn baif bath play by Btîoc Harklo, Ceonte T nayen and Vaca Loga, foognt for annny ball and mate neaadrif by mmc mcii tachn guils by Donc Hracy acol Brîaa Wison. A olc as ua far raemt, aelting onadît on imo mail matchnd taons. PFF CEE Miltoa's Pan Cnao ibîs mtch smapl mina board, intatief Streemmoie rmoy ot Tbonsday 3-i acol Aclon ai homen OcSendoy 3-0. Thea Stnetsnial gaen mac o bit of o cqocohna, Milton iad abrogisct mosi cf tbhe garni I -O, on a foal aconnol by David McNeii. Tint guma coddaniy chrnfrd ccc menutes frhe mind mian a Miltoe dafanon mae baadad colo hic oCci goal. It mas not aIsil the final moments minci Btv olancCiccstoan rd siec foi M/ltee hromo bail clearance by mina Acmon golin aed Joncs Hathit clocad lina doon scong fnom c dirct fnne li utoidn the 18 >0 the final minote. Sondoys fga ws cil Mlot, lamas Harnhi bia finst fisn damae off tha inca/a of mina poci rftcu 10 monutes; Milic e ld t-il ai baif tisa,. In the seccold baif, Meuh Bradley smoshtd in a mcii tnostd bail front Toey Pndciia aficr t5 Sminotes and flua mînotes lane Btcoc Colcaston puchcd op c ioosn bail mbiob tic Acton gocia sincccd hane ccontold ccd bot i icto dia hacli of ibm cal. Miobanl Caruo] rncordool bac Orsi obotool cf minnscasca cn ibe Milmont iand Cs dnvalopicg icco a fine, safa gocia, a tes] acset 10 cny tnam. B ANTA MS Thn Batans coclcruinuth Oc ne raond holding Georgetown tc a 3-3 dnam. Jobc Voipc storeti it fou tic good goyC. Campbellville tied with Oakville for second spot Caspbiicciic clielired onto o ocona las second place i cia eh Ochoîlia Ochoilir min thay dafaîcci t oa by clinîn di r 4-3 score in Concyhnlilin on onetci Sotdoy oftcînoon. anacîcci Cosphaîlcîlia ceci a 1-0 ccad Cancos in ine botthoccof the fics whant cc igini t cha Ochoilla pitohai, Rîci and pot Fleuny, eaihcd theaet load lhico euth and ibmn Ktc Moone driona c Midle o con euth o biocp single int coecing shorat tigt field. Gakinnlla coma Comohaili nigint bath to tir the score cin t iigit ficc top cf thn scond miro Bayais tha.had il lad off mcci aosingle. A molli han chu foiiccmad ccd thtn theaconnans Colviobong marc ooccîficad 10 secotnd and contra thitol front wean Bayrrooccred Ceme on a sacrifcefly. collidecou Camphillvnîlr mat olicoo 2-I c oo n hi hy soorcng 0gaî0 i0 thi bcclîn of tir seconol Cccli tc cot Rîck Fie Dîtilga ningicd andole cc nccd. Okoullo e Tian the fOouillr slioîictp acd ccoe ni ancad onc Lango gncondtt anti fcorîn Occolga taceol ail tia woy hocce tinog, as tic GOhyîlla secccnd basoe i In0 rt dîm alreoee hebi okde dly tcth lyaie. Agaîn timings. H Gahydîne taon bath ctc lie theo ouiS cnlic s eai 2-2 infi o of flic o cne lui h tioo. A sngle and 100 malkc tioc lecdnd the bases mccli ccneou >101 Ceo and Jacki Rccberts mcc brcolî in Cooîyhccllcî cn clef ccf ctatet Garnie tu e i Mîtchll. Oiiop siîngicc ti 0 iiining ofii short cert orein h loying fcour Tht cot and dieu> Cantylioll>îll o t ia> flic w out ni troublo milli d doubhle effort. I play. ittitîgt lie Inth cliion îîcccl theiurc litr lis> H Camepaillo oetnl ,ltoad i ocîlic Cîne toc thîrd liti tai theîli gainecastdioy mi alorip strd citineic l--2 Kai, doc Sîttles hy Cliotcr aitd Coîni,, Oîyco, O> anol c malli loadod t bases. An sîtîlîti arroi hy flic COhollttltcccisccy Gehorge Cli lat in onte ton and lieu Diolgo lic for hic a toweotg Oly hall 10 cîglîl Lang, Roi chai tir COkoîlle rtylîîfieidar ail lii cîfîl ooepiacnly eîo1odgd. Il foul i0 Camppbell foi a hic onol Canyhîllîtîle Cooîyhulloi stcol chan second toiO lccdî 29 ar2.30l inoing. Mcccczierilcid Fleury on tht moonol for fOaktîllo Lttyuuoto: doiing cii icning. Prom ibis poînit u flic relîief Daliîlît pichiuug tocch oer ando ito C'vile icaungs foliomnol ccii pot n a dromatit ivehi theb nitl. iic ifacRance mac sofa on asdmcenccc cocnd ot gît. Rant ln doobicol comae t score ote rn mat os second acol ociy oneoutcandcthe f the Ochyilli ordcr uop. Ciii the lta infinild piryiog on anolco io Dccdga mhcc ccciu the battat. ihac liii a ily in refi thol the iso ilvilit coitfîidccs tolat bot cciii hall onco gante. oty mas the sitat for d theafoser.iccnmto off foot hics obîla uti tlitt atol malint checf, John McRnocîn uoc aod imo thtcdc elîcci Canpbailcîiia cec bits tmo malhi cool alter atd dcccli outi Mîtcel clînicol fon lit andfgaveaopimo '00 anid ooe lhied Iwiba. Ht ooailicd Sne itc h a fint reietf allccowed ont run off eîlroic out licc. flit Galiîlle atuacli lcc and a singlt whli uiol anol oigîti. shop andl Coma al] Limai Dncdgc cool cstercîci hiadîwo Cîmyhelloîlle. Doog Mooce ano ll1 Corie villcc play Dotolasin> ccc o Sotday Jonc 011 0005001 3 7 .. 112 l000 0x 47 3 WANNA BUV ONE? Michael Serafini mas oe of and seld oe cf his bars te Mca. Carai McGittis fer the Miltet mincir hall players she mare est Friday 50 cete. Basainali efficials repart they hadi a geed cight and ail day Saccrday sal1itg checelate bars te sale dering tha cxc daye. -(Staff Phecel help fitatce chair trams. Michael mas successful Junior school field dec lares r Milton Juncor SCheols rcntly fild thce hfid day ai thei OSD truakh Individael champions loti ithoenn .nd ihry itiiodrd Kim Riddnii ci Oeuce tut chool, hbant icerls' chaep; Lynio Chicr orfrc Sreet cc, hoocce licys' charmp; Dole CStari ni W. 1. Diii scholcjunoior gilicciy Alan tonan cf W. 1. Dwikclcl juncior bys'chcamp;Nancy rtinîof t M. Danyri, inerediao tils champ,; aid thymc mon a tc for incyerdiaci hoys' ihrnyiooihiy chiih oie hoih Jeuf Ceith oiW. i. 00ck ýchool and Srt Mochy of J. M. Dtnyei chiool deicaedchamps. Tht mcnnccs ot t conis me lcned athtshool autries rnncool.: fhey arcso rie d feci, scontd ordâ ertm boys: 60yarddcashi,lycvit CSmi C, inclut Ciata c, Murray Mofhlo c. 35 ydî. Ktctn Smith C, Leure Cltant e, Oiao Turttr W.h6 yd cliouttir rtlcy, Waynr HCîkîco, Mot'y Mofhlt, tocu Wollaston, Le fo.r e, Ktco. Smci, Odea Ture, Ccp Petiot, Erc flion C,, Frank tîbtat, Petr Oaci, COIly MoKcy, Lren Liii J. Ctanding hocd tony. Stian TurerîC,CoypPerroe , Tcty Ecynkos t, Petr laid t. tatticchiroidilumpy.Eric ithociW, ecian Toasti C, Lio Chci B. tlig îamr. Lrir Clour B, Tony acytho, J, James Cetwight t. ecoccn carls; 60 yoid dccli, Ki. Oiddyli O, 5ctiy crtck e, Ocdy Cdilloghby c. 35 yd>. K m hidaccIl B, Srctl Sodftty a. Cocat Dyot J. h0 yd" chule riay, cruh Codhoey. Lytto iRobents, lady Cillouthhy, Kim cidarol c, cycît O3.ractck tant Lcgn. Loni Ca-ntt, Haiy Anno iatrey C, Cocon Dyt,, Cody Dccc, (thti bacghot, Do.nto LtclJ Stancdiog liad tonte. Kelly Vitî,y J, Bcty Otactcck C, Hait Anne FieyeW. Oonnitc' lioad jiitn.nl Goditto c. lody Cillouagliby B. Loti C.ccuot C. C0i îccrp. Lînda Donaii C. Miay Anne iaey C. Pot KeinJ, OuB at >0 HofyB omot, lioyso 100 yatu Ale.ia Dcu.o.. C, Ctt Collaîcto c, Hîtan Pl.,idc J. hO lIs. Alan Duncan C Ciot, W Collaton. hic,,,ý Mît ciclico C 6i yd. cafl..a Duitcan, Rogcr Clociyi, Ciiot MiCotcheion, Bbccli Otol G. rieg cak. Ohat. flido hMatrk 1at--, Tod ihtckcy I, Doc> Wai»., Oando ine char d< Clai, Stv crcWollaston, Cient eWiloughhy B. Rcniu hiord icer. Affan Duct W,conlehnls , SCt MyCatclecn W. C4gh icnc, Paul CyotiJ, Stoiieccinti Wi, Fank Oue J. Ctinc triple icen. Dacid Toroner C, Sct Cicncy C. Circc Ciliccîglh h.' ]unic, cccli. 100 yd. dclah, SDat Ctoik WV, Cathy, toaste J, Jcoe flaclitoc W. 60Oydi.,Daleitark C, Cathy iRcssc[[ J, Jtuc Crathernit CW. 60 yd. reciy, Kim Ci. Johi, fChy Ruscell, Corlie Schaltz, Drhhcc CWilson t, Ddte Stark, Jant Toiîccko, Saeait ringnai Pricit Cocd e, tchhct Leggo, Docta lictci, Marittn Koehlch. Kim CloîkieB. ttoocncheroodlump, Dale Stark W, cie S. John J, Dotta cacct B. Ctanding hioed îaeî, C.tiy tussell O, Date CtahkCW, Ki. Ste e. Ciglumpe, Cathiy Russell J, Dchhit iîlcon J, Jlia Doiccon e. inircdirir bos: 440 yoid dcli, lyfi Cemith W, ercon Moîho J, lie Tuiff e. 100 ydî. ecean Moehy J, tif Cecith C, Siec Horney WV. 220 yIc., Jeff Smith CW, Glen Horney WV, cran Meîhy J, i110 yd. ctiay, icii Cemith, Sict Corncy, lin fera, Kie Jenoit C, Sras Meahy, Mikc Mortan, caody Murray, Aody t'cîmod J, terk Dilii, Doce Tithyti, cKen Coi, Oie Torifi e. 00i îce. Sicn Corney e, Jcîf Cemi iW. fecan Mcahy JI« Trile M ci,f ciitl Wl, Giet HorneyW, Miicin J. Rnninihiroad jcy, anarn Moîliy t , Jci Smci e, Gict Coicy Wf. fincecmdcic ate is 220 yd. dcls, Nancy Mut i. muddy Cod Cf, Ccody Lyo i. 100 yd.. N.ey Martit J, lady Hoodi C, Cocon i1S yd. chiy: S.-oa Clicrchill, lcdy, tond, Lîccii Lccgan, Mthua OPINING SOON FamiIy Billiards 181 Mill St. i14 f I - 'i at c - . Chichîn, RiciN3.9 at ~k~tau~7 PHARTY PAK - 20 Prece, if $525 Chickein TASTY ,:CHICKEN SNACK Ptosalad SPîcken NO AALiL Famtty Bec ef CHICKEN in a BOX Freanch Fslas 51.00 3 Picin ofi Chîchot Sic RelIs$ O Frenich Fries, Cole, Siac Fraasity Box Coe law 0cm Caciîid CK Packs SIota OcdeY0 a/ SPECIAL PAX 8 iV , Flatncr Crise) PHONE 878-6028 W~ hîî.~n îd $19 AN: VOUR ORGESI W IL OPEN DAILV 8 a.m. cr 11 pa.. FRIDAY and SATURDAY ta 12.30 ar. S NOYAY 11 a.m. tl s . *ura e..d Prve i.- Paquette stars for Lffeis iD winning Port Credk toumey The Lemnilia Iatemsedirtaa feegat and beatird tain may ta nlnteey la tisa Part Cradit Patheli Trramari on Sardry s lhry mer $2010 final prira meay. Tbefy dafaéatadi Caducr Groe cf Part Cnadit 4,0 le the final roud. The sacond drus mctcbad Lamriiieaegainal teki aid rivais Parma. i.cmniii came heom bhid ta, mie 4-3. Thac Lamnviiier nainad c bye mIne fialOms eguirat Crash-las I.GA., tae top lacs frem Part Cedit, and ugaia caefrnhe bhind la mie it 3-2. Jacqet Paqetr ed ail tinter gaes. Ha telt art Ceae Grant an ime bila, atrikieg out 10 ced waikiag arne kn tha sasva Murnay Dasonc lad tae bittera sunh r baser ced singla, dtitieg in tîte noce. Sic King deebicd and aiegitd, chUte Mach Bath dangird tmice. Doag Ciovardait daeid, and Lee Cecisce and Jecqes Peqete siegird. Twb Paierma gae sas Losirial inaiing 3-0 efcet four ced ant-baIf incings, inca tee ceefs en the fift n d tma in line hottest cf the sietin iaing an c hamac by Lee Cacîsan, ses thes jemp Iet tint ccd. The thcinc bila for Lomnilit mata tinncn singias by Latry Oufboard motor for draw wunner A Miîlton Cvorn mas narmed mîinea cf a tam Cicydaer ectincard motcc cnst mach, min the Bonlingion Rifleancd Renolver Clubn dac e in ine y ticket. Mts. Ooncan Herbotlt, 345 Oan St., Milton mes namad the > IO flS iner. Tint mcning lichai mas io n s dcama by Sucen Kidd cf eiddtii e, Nacy Moriî, eenay Rochmood, oe cf thc cicins Lyonc, Dehhic tic Cynclea junior tifla sashas. Arili J, Lîtdc Seiith, tosalir Onam chirnic Cbff Banas, JeffdrsohyB. SoteCi.Ciy Miltion, seid thn $700 rcisad ta the dra miii ha cscd to elap ic5ig jomp, Canif Moiî J, Dahoîr hciid a 50 matin dccc sheoting Oddcil J. lady Heurd W CScanding ranga ai the clb pcopety le hiord icen. CScia Churihill WV, tody Boriegcon. Rvntutlly tl ecy inn Ccod W, NancyMartinJ Rntter heood iompNacy Macrin J. acpandtcoOs00mtrsia tanninchaoad lump, Nacy Mern mic moeid maha iliche eciy llJdodtild , Wecdy Lyoeu J, one cf tes bond in Canada. IeZ1î d 'SWIMMINGP tESSONS SPONSOREO BV ilLTON RECREATION COMMITTIE AT THE COMMUNITY POOL ROTARY PARK MIJO WEEI(OAYS MONOAV TO FRIOAV JULV2ON JULV2 SESSION TWO JU L 2 T JU Y129 AUG. 1lIoAUCi 28 Pse Bagienet,........52.00 Beaineer ............ 30 PreJunir .........$300 Jcunior............$350 Intermedicate.S....4.00 Applicaions actîlahie fiait Milton Marine & Sports, Bîtes lirt Clice, 1h, Canadien Chancios, facisat 'et Oilice, leT- Hall. APPLICATIONS SMOULO BE MAILEO WITH FIE TO MILTON RECREATION COMMITTIE P. O. BOXa3, MILTON, ONT. OPEN SWIMMING Senior............$500 Bronze Modal And SR. A.R......80.00 Ladser Panrel ....$7.50 Campbnell, and airgis iby Jrqe Pauee, Gond Meall e Brne Crer. Pequettealriied titreaïfes an six bita mrihad twmancd strac out if0 batta. Tint firai gaea mu ata ceci thrillan. Lcsviia trailad i-O unii tint fentn min pcying-cocuci Ste King inipiad ccd eccrad an r fieidar'a chaise by Doeg Catandair. Crastvlas teck c 2-i lad in tint fiftn bel Lcnviiie scomed imo in the sext ta mie tint iteesacmt. Sie King airgird mith ara art taen Ooeg Carda sintgiad maning King le ibird ced CanardaIt sosad la, scnd ce tint tinnow io Ibird. A gncnced art by Lac Cociace scontd King miain the iying rm. Tin catcnr God Mshall tripled to drivenin dte mintfnefn. Paqeett agaîn hurtiid tte mie gitkng ep tma rns ce far tbita stiking out four ced mcikicg oe. He ciicmed Orly 12 bits kn tae th ine gasas minde stibieg cut 24. Tint i.omtiic tace dcfccîrd Hnrnby i12-0 ce Ptiday nigint. Pil Buckn pitcncd anc hic bail fan fins iceinge slnihieg oct cigini ced mclbing for to pinin cp tint mie. Pcqcattt incded thfinla foot fncses dllcmieg oe bit, stnibieg out i10 ced didait iseue c mcik. Lomsciiit coiirciad i17 bits off flcenby bering. Ooeg Pometl ted ther big attacn mitn c hamac. double ced Imo dingies. Ooeg Concidate baid c bomen and imo singies, Oennis Sinclirn d Ste King cacn colttcîrd cone amn cd steine Lanny Campbnetl scegird tmîce, Sic Dobe ncicd Mark PLAY UNDER FLOODLIGHTS if Par Quartiers Puas 10cr li FIa Dais, Prap.i Location 5/10 mile st af 25 Mmv. an lfrSidscrad. 2 muae saabh cf stop tighta an Ation FOR INFORMATION Phono. 853-178 Buck bt doubiae, ana Lae Couisn and Murray Draso rucn sirgird. Lomnieit ino raundreafd kn rigint reuas pris Thakr sinnirg smrah ieciedieg exinibition gres and tae teerasent bac beetctrtnded T =1inmac Lemniia pirys le Oatcfei an Ptidcy egoinet tae Rinea Crin. One cf Lcsniiias' riînad cri gernes miii ha piryrd Teday ai Lcmnf ieii lit aitaer Pairme on Rivanir Crin as tae oppositio. Anc exhibition gasti miii hae pleyed Srdcy, Imae 29 mîth Lyndan pirylag et Lcmniial Park. Ai lgates riant et 8:i15 P.m. ýPOWERI4OIJE Mata's the senanh eftihe Chryser hoUne lsrtar- clng s MAGNAPOtR irilon- for ruasiet stens, ne-mie =dlr reventecapab-plcc "Fîrat aaibaad prcklcr mare ihrn 25 hp. par cyliader s Pari Ecacemicea chacetle, suavios mach ru 25% on e " Tiarsaclirncteî mocels @Standard and logshrfi aaliable scucing laser unit eptienai sou the pawrdai 105 and Our complta, 11crni ofihrys- lar eatberrdc. MARINE & SPORTS LI». (Litn 2stammarratlei. MILTON RECREATION COMMiTTEE IDAY CAMPj OsUMMER FUN ~ NF, IKINO NATURE LORE SINGINO SWIMMING CRAPTS GAMES 9.00 a.m. fo 3.30 p.m. ROTARY PARK fr95 o YEAMS JUIR INTRME>ITR EIO luIy 7411 Za> 24 Jlay 14-18 gAGE ...................TIELEPHONEM .. ....... Ragllatae cm bus suds ut Mry playgrrssd dsasls I tisa saar uand ut tise Ramadam Ofs, Tans Rai 1 MELON MlERCHANTS SILL IAINTAIN REGULAFI WEDHISDA Y CLOSIHG HOURS ON JULV 2ad IN ADDITION TO DMNO ADOMINION DAY HOLIDAY