Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jun 1969, p. 21

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scekamvîo YOUTH FRONT* Soloist Joan Beaty joins youth band European tour Jean Bety cf Mitrnes is eeicurt toisg fere-erd tin atr SrciJuy rie yenr s site licttas aveeras as meaiet e-tk tire 60-pies Osneta Veut Cocert Bond. Tht bord, ccsdncrad bp sed msain Gaorge Heactender miii ploy t1 Jcoers rsd raSre prt n isceerai TV and radio becederare is Engtasd, Oarany and Se-itmetlnnd be-esn JaIy t and JuIy 3 1. Mis Besry, daugiseer cf Me. and Mec. Mentie C. Beeey of R. R. 4, Mitres, is ratng litr Berbeter nf Msic is Perforsne et tire Pnrtalry cf Music, Unisversty of Toronto. Site ra eB Jane-n leaty for ber vlso cotee-e. Te-o yeansige rite cae dngsas colit wea Me. Heuaeder teck rire Belefleer Hige tinti esorer boand as a ceas ear Sont of res topese recardais, and rite rsjnyrd te trip trsmeesrl Wbas rte bandaanrr field auditionc in Jrnaary fer ibis peur's Ostario Yest Casesert Band rite mcs egan setererd as rte elaici. Bita specializes in s icrn music an ordrsrinB is e-ceci tesguages. The trip lis spsed by tira Ontario Gevecans. Mort of the brnsen arr grade 13 and univaretty suener e-iris a varitil barkgrond in anusic. Rethcarnalr begeer Priday sn Terosn. Titeit ieiseeaey tere rte concert bord canbe ptrsty cf lice fer toros ord ittssrrct. There arr caverai sesiai dissets asd reorptias baing beld is titele bosor. Ini c nes rtaey mii biBlet is rrboelt bal billets in private boanas bave bren aeeorged mtereaer pernibl.te. fyt They terre Torosto Jaa 30sefye Esgtasd. Titsy viril Setibull, Lendas, Worthing and Easeboarse is Englord, rtes CONSCIENCE Priendiers setitest e fore Hewm cornsciine nrne te grec Consssino panirirmesi J rendre ury crime Sisce rira uorinedgs of cp peima. Ner renderrtandieg my faibi- an Threagi rie pap J atach te sport Tep art stop fer a trnip friand Loe rocts sn abrnprip ta as ed. Mp mind os lever rurrrnil ofeireagt . MpcmeeE itenre-ep foetje Neyet armer it seeme te te Titer rirai of conscience, te We fran. To love juan ose e-iris Je-are and trust Te bsec thte ncer and fulit ijues J fret aitaep bordense njsip e-resg Wirb ebis pois tve Suved s long. -Par Weeitmaa iras as tri Franktfort, Otigiteic and Bades-Baden in Geecasy. bcitelasd ,tope isciade Bers, Leuansne, Vevy and Interlakes, rtes ires akrt Heidelberg, Gersasy for n day of sigbrneeirg before beadisebhome nJ Suy 3 1. NewromOS]D. JSSUIE PAPER By Rosemary Rledge Clans i12C2 bas bers makintg a secripopr Ibis yeae. Wr ssjsy cnekisg os tbr secs. Jrt lis catled "Tbr Paîrbord". t ci desceibe boc tbe secspapee is mode, e-be belps conk on il and e-bat e-e do e-itb tbe cesey e-e cakte. Pirst, ce gatbee tbe clans tegerber andi pies e-bat erse goîng le do. We cooce thte peopte e-be e fete-l it do tbr bst lob on eacb topir. Eacb perts is respomsibte for bas se-n lob. Dessin Warren dores the scooo secs. Ken Dans and Bennir Boces do tbr spnrts. Parti Dietrcb dort; tbe fantiost. Lorry Oppencas and Allas Margansss do ibe de-nron secs, Carsl Santon and Ricbard Lersb de tbe renidesces, Je-Ans Faber dorsthIe day stridents, Rssecary Rotldge and Missn itocets do the intervews. The secrrlary-lreasriorr is Rosemary. bbr and Canot aise de rte typisg asd Jebs Heccig-oy and Bob Dasbiey de tbe "Help Lise". Bosemary is tbe Fditor- Wr bave made aboot 513.86. We use rbris mesey to boy tome books for tbe tibrary. RESIDENCE NEW By Canot Santon Froct tant Monday rint roday, necne of tbe girls ere nnodisg for eriams. Good teck and try te rbisk cleorty. Usnivrsity ot Gerph seadent torde Marre Naacs, rigit, shnws Broskitriti Petlis brbnn stuents se of nirte art it rte exhbition crrirt ni rte Arts bitordrng.-iusîorrsry et Guelpht Photn.) HoUy Rosary field day Cinodro Morcitenicit, grade font Lerry Duraste, grade fie Peler Rote, grade siri Jobs Voipe, grade neyes Greg Hesey, gitade rigitt Leery Braieu and Terer McGotit (tire). GIRLS' EVSNTb Obstacle race, grade ose Saie Foxi csd Eusa biscorirci (lie), grade te-o baodra Toselli, grade ntre Crystat Cbncbmacit, grade font Noreen betinneni. Titree tegged race, grade one Cotteen Fotey and vonse Tirtecaos, grade le-o Joase Fos and Katitters Delin, grade tree Melilisa Cenros and Patîr Gacronvtn, grade for Iteure Wysananed Edesn Cairos. Relay races, grade one Couesn Folry, Elsa biscoricit, Julie Fos, voitne Tielcors. Grade le-o, Cossîs Lecin, Lrude McGneoir, Kaîbires Devin, MaIly Koppers. G rade titrer, Sandra Corradetîr, Doreen Mcroirith, Mosica Heanry, Anîra Vao Ocecitot. Gade foot, bliro Hartro, Deenise Nova, Coeie Merr, Debie bics, lied cith Terra Keace, Noreee Scirveiri, Darlene Gervais, Cseolyo Aitor. Grade byve, Jean Boyd, Paltrca Roche, LucyLeDoc, Rosanne Marcaittorie. Grade sti, Ritooda Gartor, Drosse McCass, bloore Ryae. Grade teres and rîgirs, Nascy Nova, Mary Boter, Debbie ToneSli, Gai] Mrtnsnv bprint races, grade titrer Montra Heesey, gradr for Nitren belireer, grade Orve Lucy LeDoeee, grade sis Tbrres, rides Dur sorsai picnîne cas brld Jone 20 et Teriios's Proy Rancit, Melroo. Parents and pre-reboot bretbees and sisrers cent to rsjoy ste pny rides, fris and treats. boane cf ris are going to camp, soe miSl go on tipe, sorte cill tey tome and tnep Doid and Moter ds sommer. Lent May 27 ai oigbl, ai]thrie prin A, B, and b Wings pisyrd forteS, soet like tbe beys play becease tbat coutldbrirt ris. Tbe football catird "Poe-der Poff Bell," jane like ptayisg tag. Tire nooisettots sn tbe Girls' Rrsidssce say tbey like to cork as coriseltnrn becasse tbey are rntrresned in tbe pirît and lite tb sbore rbeir conversations and pesblrr. And ose rossselloe lîkes to e-ont os a coansettoir becaseste is inrrested in cbildrrs berae tbry cbange. Lest Tborsday, Yvette bad ber birtbday. Sbe ns t19 yrars chd. bscr og tbe piris tersd ber. Wbeo il e-ns ber brrtkdoy mersisg and sibe coke sp asd eet dee-nsrarrs te rthe e-asbresc te bidte but ose prl foosd ber. Af 1er nopper, snce oS tbe girls pet ber tin tbe nitocer once. AS ber ctotbes ere e-et. Jr ne bappean tbat ber besl frend came te sc ber. bbr cbanged ber cistiten. Her bent feiesd took ber for a surprise. WJNG TO WJNG BASEBALL By Ricbard Lasb Aboot te-s er tier cerks ago, Me. Boiiry obreised bis oms ides for A, B and b e-mgr le play In tbe finir game, A and S Wins pîsyrd in tbe eink eit 7.15. Titis gante crier be neit foght pante fer e-boever e-os il. Wr tant playrd tike prsfessiol ptoyerr. Me. Anderses e-an a leriprmpise. Titericoreean t1-2 fer b Wisg. In a lter gace B asd b Wingr pisyrd. Me. Andersen ce- empire agais. Tise score cai 1t-J for b Wisg. b Wiog e-se re-ice. Thte tisai pane e-anS Wieg and te ait-stars ptayisg sn tbe risit. Wr cbmre Me. Anderson fr art rimpire. Tbe score e-as 4-I for S Wisg. b Wing e-os rte tisal gace becue e-e are bikr proflensiosat ptoyert. ON THS BRUCE TRAtL By Drncrs Warrees At 9 ans. 12c2 stodenîs aod Me. Mor mess te rte foyer te e-att for rthe staion wagons. Tbey ert to lte Bruce Trait asd e-elled etosg rthe patb or csd rosri. Lesg ego rte bearers tied sn lte eslley and cany treet ere cor to mate rte braern doms. Wr sac fie bocks aroood sire trees. Tites ce eet titrongit rte forents and dessit a csp of e-ser froct a sprrsg. Jr e-an vrry cnld and good. Wr sac rthe paint on rte treee rtal cras 'Brune Trait sigris". Wr anc cbipnks, o ssake, Hendrors, grades ceves asd rigit Jaser Baker. Long încp, grade titrer Melîilrso Cescos, grade foot Neresn Scivirer, grade fie and six Sirltey Cosseil, grade cer asd rigit Jaet Boyd . Hi; jaanp, grade trer Mosico Pitiltipv, grade for Teresa Keane, grade ergit Nescy Nova. rovn brancier Fer the Pinse rn Diamnrds ROSS BRANCIER JEWELLERY î ELECTRICITY J Is Our BusinessC FEATHERSIONE - S ELECTRIC f 878-6378 masy tadpetes and frogs and teee ce cent te tire cotrfaILl Sanc stridents cessed tbe rie ont tbe rocks bot Missn, Jo-At and t caiked os tbe tog bridge. Je-Arts feit eery afraid becatase site sac masy rocks beioc in the coter. No Ocer e-ere as Hilton Faits and Me. Mor and Ken catked beind tbe faits. t teek a pictre cf it and cent undr the faits te robesa pictore. Wr ctimbrd op tire rocks and cent bock te tbe volley. Me. Mose, Ken Rosemaey and Je-Ans calked sery viecly. Miss., Kim, Caret andl i caiked alosg a differest route. Wr aiment get test becasse il cas sot lire samne cay as befere. Tben ce sacsa fsem and the rsad. Wr met Me. Mer aed tbe orbees ai tbe Trait gare. Wr caiked te Kelvo and met tbe station cages. Wr enjotird tbe Brace Teadt. Tbe Canadias Citampioe, Wedvesdray, Jssn 25, t969 C3 Plon TV programs Churcb airs youth problems Orace Asglican Cborcb sn C ote r eirosviles, crt Miltres and etier cbaecbes in tbe peofevsieeai aciers and Roipti Niagaea Diocese are ptosgtng Bettamy as tient, ciii dramatise betdly snte conrveeeal social ibese issees. Ov airereate probirmts. Sosdays, ai the nocne tice, o Starg onllsudayiolyit, at panel of evperts drace fract 2 p.m. tbey arr preeneing a varess parts cf rire Niagara s etio baif-bose tetevisier Diocene ciii disions rlie issues progtamtevo CfICH-TV, Cbannet ranired. t1, deatisg cîtb socb rsses os It os likeiy that caey ctrces yootb's sesoat problemrs, tbe ciii oi tue continese rthe geveralios gap, tbe eaety yeors debstes, le discossioe gtosps ord of carniage. preics of tbe Yeusg peopie's otgotictioei. aged, fomdly life, psycbîatry and- me tal insra rte rrtseded cbild, tbe risforgnvtsg patent, tnsecticides sri.yed frcct and tbe neramble fer tbe fast crceraftbleip ciri ic.if.atieg bock. iscs 68 Vauxhaâul Loc e-inesg, oe onnrcoocvfl; cor -LirSOBOSO 129 67 Cougar4 66 Pontiacf 2 Dr6oyi.auto- kî maric traits Radiso 1 9 Lc459 $1295 65 Mercury 4 dr. Seer wihmthn n.1295 65 Fordur TRUCKS rec 4tiieione ¶ 4658Ford f inn6 c tterasisa io $10 c Li.42651 48 Foli cidrord eite-prcor&itire59 Le en & OSîStirs.. N THE M5LTOP1 e 'te ' r 878-11111 \OVER THE 610H JUMP trrdc Brien Scau l ,osa ut thr cnompaorons ma s fieMd dry e Msy Rsary e-tact .-(taff Phnte) Hoiy Rosry Sepanoir britol blettd a field day serbhe scitoot groosds 1ctet, li.The foitoe-ing are rte reruits: BOYS' EVENTS Obstacle race, grade ose Nrrty Vandereanp, grade eco Tory Vandreanp, grade titrer Randy Geatos, grade foot Keith MeOrart. Titre teged race' K ade ose Nicky Vesderemp and uni Kure, grade te-o Deret Kane and Josepht beriro, grade ntre Danny Nadaits and Mlfonsn Crisot, grade foot Jobs Sauve ord Jobs Vasderbrydrs. Reaay races, grade ose Joseph Scriteeen, Mark Teopsor, Bror tirefisi, Pool Vanderitor. Grade rco, Rny Polosi, Stepites Bonis, Tony Vasdecaanp, Michel Hynit. Grade titrer, Jory Daocao, Sin Toffoli, Oscar Tesycor, Raipit beratint. Grade Seao Lerry Duraste, Luigi Duraste, Keirt McGnstb, Peut MrCasn. Grade Oive, Guy MrGisris, Bries FerreS, David Heorry, Peter de Graaf. Grade siri, Rirky Koppeer, Joitn Voipe, Denis Gernn, Joito Toseli. Grades caves and eigit, brepites McCass, Tneveit McGeatb, Leitry Beariu, Jeck Botter. Sprint racer, gradr tirer Nicb Bobir, grade fnur Lerry Doraste, grade Oive Roger Grie, grade site Jnbn Voipe, grades reres and rigt Grratd Cesnrll. Long jemp, grade tire Nicit Brii, grade foor Leery Draote, grade Oive sd nix Johni Teeli, grade sevro andl eiglit Jack Baker . unshine students at tea, swim, By George Adans ottandane bien J. W. Singlton, Deof os Suce i3J We go ricee Mec B. Lavander and Mr. K. avary e t o se-an Wr eit tndenrc o ns inee Brieel êAmstrong peomed tan. reeved rbions andt tome e-on e rte elt rtrded, Wriead Brnre Lpon and e-verni, ernbp, bava btesn tape bur M.pid Setcto for eardsd or On Mcsdey Jue lit, or ils eeatvtsO Mry lfll Pelar orta fiefld dcp or cosorer e-an betd et Percy Merry ee bar basson d ras at Jetra 2. Wr Ste-as ribitene Britoci. About 125 paeret aed le errcel miit paents, frendr friands coma t0 see us. Wr cent d cSc abern cf tira Moas elon Sertng res ern ial for trourgit rte peor's snnga, sUrts, urfl Bord cf Edecartan in s c et ontari, Srcheel fer rira rirprimire asd square desces. n

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