Jim's Jottings by jim dills tAIl lire lettees ebat ccme access cae's lesk are iateeeslicg bal acce bcase olte arc glcc tirac Otirs. One lis ccir, citr lire sirnpte pcspoteocf reeeicg s sahaceiplio inclolel a 'crack yce for a yssr cf superlative cne cosesage. I base sjyltire cscy special areiclts ccd tire ecist pictccss". It's a oins ccp le tirai a day ai a cote ire chrat ticres apin tire sic crecigirs ich pile cf mail. It cakes os ecy c Seltle barder le improve, toc. * Ray DIco lropped in ce s trip te tome asîl revismed soce cf che ieeereaticg chicgt ires been dcicg sicce aallîog bis busness ced spsclieg fine ce tire cest Coat. Uc cirniocaly lidoft stop long ic one place chccglt, becase ire bas socs iclersing enpeeiecs stretciig dccc iat c Nevada. li's cîccyt gond 10 becs froct fricots backin 1 Milton and if tire scccsr bricgs arcse bacir te tccc, I hope risy'li taire a onft tdop in. a Ncciog tire scirools cn lire ceccly ma tire sobjsct cf a esceot discussion i a Board cf Edocatio mneeing. It mac soggssted tire scbools bc csrned cftee illuaics figures ic Canadien isecy and c tisf cf possibiltiies mac attocirel, liclccbtelly cacicg scircols cee ire difficcît but l'm nef conincol tirsy sbccld cîccys ire narraid aflter figures in che binasd spert cf Canadien bistcey. le MilIce, for intance, tcc cf tirs ccc scirocla cees sacsd cffee people miro bcd rnade a coctributioc tb local bistcsy and ieis is offiscemoe ceeiogfol ccd lts tible te dapicaticn. It ceclil bt bard te bom hem may achools arnc accei cff e Willhid Lacrier cf Jo A. Macdonaldl bot tirs coches mcud likely be large. I 1cympatltize mur cmembors cf tire Plcntisg Becel cgoioing ane reqacal s for chrasgss cn tbe pccprned officiel pla. Baies objectie isntsccely dift'rcclt mbec il's possible tiroasacdc cf dollars ie lard salues are attanirel te enery lecisica. St leeso't tahe mcci matrcafins te bom tcl c site iclicalel for a bigi rsise cparttoent is mach meose nalcable tiras tire sacse site for tingle facily boases or ce indcstriel site. Befors tire plcn is fiosily appeosel hy tire Otaeio Municipcl Board yoc ccc loch for stme irigir-pocos argucent. a Day ncp prcgracns. ccmirng pool lestons and plcygeccnd acinily virâthb gcttig codescay ceot cesir citr thec mass ecodas froct tonal sciroots lis cei. Ucslly ecms possible lirat somnmer is scpprned te be cpo os, mitir cil lire dult lseary dcys lceely. Peshapa lire ceaIrer lit jcss cacicig for tire fcrst cf ,Scly lo be ideal. If chat's tire cease if sicald ire c gond cighf for the anoa fisecorks display cf Centeccial Park. * In Africa, corne cf tire octins tribes praccice tir estecoge ccctorn cf beaticg tirs gecanl citir clcubs and cftsiog cdld, blol-cardling yetis. Actirropologisa Cati Ibis c forsc cf pricitive epessiog. Uses itas called "golf', oe mit cocos. Doc't Iclir to me aboat o heor mml h e acte hsed. lied benir domo rie trait lire e baccy if he met e teasirer, ic Joce, midi e acre tootir. Rigirt soc l'o, cihirg tfa fira on ecythicg, cp to acd inctcdicg, a grizly. MURROKA? Teac shaded istands coroed by alea. Trocs dling te the precipitoas glaciers thoasands cf Vears ailo, dot the timestone clijfs tube elimirers os a Eracosa Rioc as it stands escthe thscshoid mouran hirc -<Staff Photo> of a qoiet taire sn Roehood conservation ftkampibl Eii*olPg Down [s] in this Corner witls roy downc J Attscdsd a hiethdcy pcrty tft cesir chers lire mce celehrctiog tirs birfbday ccc oct cniy lire irost bct aisc tirs scfsrtcrcs and ai lîmes vcm tlirs ccitertserng dricirs and dishicg oct tes ccc birthdcy cae. Leofi Weinsfeic, ther presîderît cf Lohicci is c reciekahis ccc. Wrsc ire firrec a sceit hirfirlcy parf y on lire B.C. noom cf ftho Royal Venr Uctrinc Torontc, ire rnrted tirs presa te cetce cloog and receine iris tracirs fat bslpicg hic complets tes Oirt ratirerasccssfct yeuxrac presîdeot cf tirs firm. An accocpiished nioticisf, Mn. Wriostero trsîded ap tir scal sterfaiecent ct tire party, jorcrcg a trio ictcdrcg aiccerdiociat lac lhopsy cf ccrced heef fume and guiarnsi Mocis Whitney cf ocherstral face. Thsy made ament music togefir, hacksd ep iry c fric cf lady niliniafs ksocn as tirs Golden Strngs. Whte cehraofs icbihed ccd snccird and snjcycd tirs soff ccsic ccacaficg froc tirs diii if ons end cf dis rooc, rire acpcrmarkef icproscceio ttrtted chout tire raot grssficg iris gcssts mn c ccrc ced hais fîchron, ssrciog drioks ccd iraodiog oui syscici hirtirdmy cakes. It a brief infcrma] speech ho rsniscsd socsi cf tirs inrcnng igtimgiits cf bis firt ysar on Liriricc' top chair, and gans tire reporters corens inît ttc ircy icre ocicg for tirs post cf Maycr o> Toronto cent etection. Us aico drcppcd a fcm "irsefs" cabout fthe cretprics ofirsef-acdsnseryirocsecrfe ic Dntario miro reada fic pcpecs ciii bcoc iry ccc chat ire fiics abocut tirs higir cot offtinit prcdoci. Wercîfei mo îcd os a fini e anecdot e on tiemi. As interviecer onse nîrcted hic choie tifs sfory -ho birtin m tire hck nid of a grcceey store, tes earty dayt ic tirs husicntss and iris rite to tlire ceai cf presrdect cf oceof Dntanio's lîngrîf firres choie copermarirets. Asirsd f0 gins a "hon mot" to end cp tirs ineriec, Wsicstenc firoaght for c mocent acd hlen eeplmed, "t midhil hesc horn in tire hacr cf c jseiilery iftorse." 1cre hee hevncg fun laesy cifir socsi quoleicos froct tire propirecres cf Moîser Shipton, tirs Enoisir sser. Ose mesir I pchiishsd sccti o f ber preditiors ccd lece trocs Ire hee bccbcrdsd mifir bits ced pîsces cf icformation frocc readers miro irons iteard cbout ber or recd ire morks. A local lady fieetly dteserd cp tire mysfsry o cuile cgo, by loccong ce a book on tirs tifs and prophecies of Mother Siripton. Tire booklet a pobirsird hy Droppieg Weil Esîcte Ltd., in Keactiroroogr, Yorkire, Eogtccd. Uriula Scirireul ma on inmn 1488, lier ntîriaymîi cryhai girl aid irer fîiisr c porycrtcd spiritual hsmcg. Sire mas cischcpsn bit reccercirte Cildd miro pcsscsd itreoge pcmerî. Ibe maenied Toby Siripfcc (iracce tire carne "Mufcher Siptec"< ccd gicel e repuattioc for ber vst icsigrt fie tire futue. Sirs peedictel mccc, scirmarnes, deceba and iroadredi cf otireencti cf che fateo-ioclasbcg br ccc deatir e che cge cf 73 yeers. May, icclcding che date cf ire dalir, cerne troc. Tire s stilI c "Mcchae Sipton Inn" and c cane ccd mcli beaing ir cme in Yorksire wicir coctinue te altec laaeiats. Ailthrie ratir ahout Mctirsr Sieptoe peccpfsd Toc Nys cf D.S.D. to beicg me cootirer cyfsry. Tamcnces front oece Gimigtraor cn Kent, kcglccd, chers c retigices grccp ceited tirs Jeorselites bciif e fecoas tomer. Thi sent hetiened lire end cf tire morfld ca et r, and for jcdgemsct day dmpy macfsd o tomer escedicg tb Usonen. Ucfcrleeeteiy after speodieg $90,000 they srfn ot cf cocey, tirs tomer ment to coin and e fsc yrcrs ogo meis noin dccc. Mn. Nys rscsemherssesiog lire Iccer et e hoy. Us rendils Prinse Michael mas seppossd rte bctirs scd cf tire religios groop. Macy cf tirs Jeoreis mere sccsnfcl bucsinescen and aS vcrs beerds. Ose of chsc, onnordicg se on ecnyciopedie. mci Jaces Witef miro cliicd to ire e Hsavnenst messenger and ceof by tirs noce James Jsrsircc Jezreel. Mc. Nys mooders if rny otir rsoders bom ooytirg about lire iserrels' Tomer. If yoo tiinik tire princ f bfici sbyronkstsd recnety, thinir hem it's goe cp sicce the ysar 1h8 1. Serf masoa cenf e poocd in tros doys, eccordreg tb e echiecoci irccaeiroid epecte tist tiret mes mritsc cicosi thrseectries cgc on Eoglecd. "Computation of charges for tirs mesi for e Noblecco tiret cey bsep ebout 20 in fecdiy, ccd te boy ail thiegs i eir carket" mas meitîe on the yslcmed shesi mriftsc in fcded brome icir. Thia coblecor, me cote, spscf mors mscsy en c mesi on heer and mice f bce on tes beef-c pocod four silincgs c mecir on "beee srcog and scae, tiret bsa barreSl cf cie and one ircif of srnele heers" and 1/4/h on mice (allomîcg fins qarts c day). Uic heef, 200 tirs. e mesir, cicr 18 shilinogs. Uit rtire msekly groceey l inclmcg 28 irs. porir, rco shsep, oe ceci, Imo lacrs on ceao, pocltey, mdld fomi, rebuts, fish sirres dayc o mesir, botter, sggs (aie c psey), soir, spice, fruit, suae, cachles, cccli, mood, charnoal, ocad ircy, stsam and octs for the herses totaltel 10 pocedi, three shilinga and focr penns-sqcivest ro aboat $30 in toicy's cocsy. "Wirsc bignes seems an ed in itteif en gonsrscsct, in irusiness cn 0.005 iso cocifanfly me sssm mo c h1 ioking for nom ocyr of cndrfyrog and cmfeoccmcgircmin reig. of rdccig ninmsrand facesnIn cachers ond sfotirancn, auci people are shoctrog: 'Stop. Yoc ors dshccooisrog as. Yeu teniro frcos cf decîity,anmergesos icI o gigaotin impericcel pigeoc.hclsd strctcccsncoicss, pocertess, icpotent. Bat ie moot tlobs people. We tieclc ce ae cors icportant tboc a haclee chccscnd cocputer priclol. flecase of tis, me mcud litue te irave more te ay about fthe cey ce lice, and chat mc do, and iroc cas lices are erracged, and icc ori nietlrec are brcoght cp. In shrt ce mocldblift oct prile resgcred, or moriod revinel."-Tire Uo. John Mucie in a speech te che Rotary Clubr cf Halifax. 11fr fi CaU... Ose cf lire mccl nignificatif oronges muir hon resnalld cn MilIce, frein lire formation cf tirs Ccccly Bord cf Edonolice, is tire Ions te tire Ionos eduaaiocîl nynsen cf Edgar Fecler. le Seplecher Mr. Fosler loiren onver as prinipol cf on Doirnills Scircel ofler 36 peors je MilIce's eduacienol spsler sm an prncipal, o supernisicg prncipal and necreelrp cf lire Bord. Il mas 36 ysors darng muir ire con Mr. Edocoliec le cccl cf ns. Ws scspect Ihol il ma ot cncly b atIme Ihal sinlmooîd thes kind cf respect ire eorcsd, hot cisc iris ccdenslcoding cop cilir children and iris persecohîs and foin oppeocni cilir odlts. Tiers ne cf noporvimiof prncipal dons ccl esi cthe nec nîraclaro under micir ccnly educcîiee in odcicislored. Roîir thon cccspl o "'dock" jobr Mr. Fonler iris choeso relaie iris licir mili popils scgîged in lire leorcicg and îsîcmicg proeos. It secrs ccdesrndhmo acd oui eîrly regret is luat la connuiic kInmd cf ccllsnge iris ohilities and irceldgo ire lctosferod lo a oiie. Thinga hono cioogsd in odncolicc dcricg the 36 yoors cf Mc. Fenler's leadership. Wirsn ire hegoc os prncipal in 1933 lire mee sigil clîsseeccsacI lire Bruce SI. Scireet mîir 295 popils. Tire tcînsition le ledmyns 49 leichers, cvr 1,000 sladocîs, and foar scircels nopressots nct ecly lire greclhin ctlie cecccccily buct lire snpîcdicg eduaoticcît cppcrlacily micir bon hoe pcecidsd doricg Mr. Fcnlcc'n service. We mmmh Mc. Pester coelt in iris nom position, iut me cccld ncclt lin occasion pins miircett aci ccctomldgemnenl t iris cntcrihution le lire Milles Puhlic Scirecîs and le tirs nacelle. ycccg people le mireeodocolico and donelepmmct ho iris ccnlnihaled. Leme 6etioleô wecemoqfl...a Tire abhnece cf an oer-mht oirjectins mas cner moce choir cn eencs ef tlis ccc olp lin i mc ail renent meeting cf lire Ccuny Coocicil. On lire oe iîsd tie ceanly corcilers more nooing foc aio expansion cf flie cocsly ceacncil structnre, irrogir flime addition cf maoes le flie gromrp, mîmie on tire olirer ite mis i fcct-dnîgging appreacir le mirotier leadesip sirccld ho tikon cn ,ppcmnting a cingle piochicg icîpocton for i ls soe cf flie rnrnicipmliiis. Tirs ccnly liris igroed il prefers a rogiccîl gonerncmect oade cp cf Umlce as i cingle carl ralluer tlirîn lhcamguîi a morgnr mil Petl. Tuis point eslmhtisired, mie mochd tioi liree mooid he souie effort la ne'crdioîle and cc-roltI îiy ncnssmny ssrvices il flie coaaity henni if il ail possihle. Bot mmce tirs Cocanty iteiti Unit înncaanced cachier luis year cici il memuhd ne lnger carmry moul lime plumaibing inspection serice. rime ncnly tirm lire res pcnsrhiity le the local cncils. Wireo i mono devslcped go have lis ceanty coccider mnicng o cingle plumhicg inspector, il mmclt for tire ccrlirerc ceoisipolilies, lirere msere protesta Ihal meeioipaliliss shocld bc mllocsd le con lirsir oco irasiness. Cocfeig lire issue moi an obhjection leilire Northr Ucîlon Uriran Board havittg ccp iclereal in tirs maller. Tirs Board lcininallp iras ce îctrily, and luis is reogcicod, het tl s made ap cf cinrirors fract tirs ceancits cf Gergetomn, Accon anîd MilIce. Il mecld sooro scias icleront in a mmdn inapecter dsnsicpod mn discusfions tiern. Brut aI flie Ccoty Ceocil tahte ece i rsnscltine cf one cf lirese raaamcipaiftirls laid accuisations lrcI semeace Oms lcyrog te ran liroir shocm. Mach cf tInn coud trace moen enercerce, mc soggest, if tlic ccainty coaccit iad siromi seiue leadersip mn flis ird cf innestigîtion tiroy fnîiyîypproned os Taosdîy. Tmey miii i nq ir e cf tirs lccii oucipîtities thir inloeet in irriog i joint insyncler, is lirey do nom fer cocstrclion sîfoly. Bat in lire menmioro Esqaosicg Tomnshrip iris îgrsed te mine Is ccc insyscter and mn seeiig ipplicatrans. Cocty irnelvenreet is lirci disujiaslied acothen degres mie ail flime trame tire cernty commacrihors are pumnymrtuing te supyyrt aregiinm fouien t u itu icetie arcum time yrescit i ialton iromuaies. Tire deplir o et lirkmcg seins ratr s hmllem and ce sospect il items lrec theshecof aI clsînty doficod oescol ohjective. Time is grcmicg shcrt and mie fnar Umlon cals in lis futcre mmy viel ire diclalsd hp defal, oolocs lre is a rseceal cf coccern and tirs develcymeal of ncessacp clalistina and information for mcrd hangaicicg on regial govereoî. Jais is tirs crontin cicir notring is so sire as a day, accrdrng fi Brocoing, or socshody. And for sciroci teacirs, if's a montin cicir scsry day rtc aircrd nifhf's morir. Tire teacier is pligcsd hy paper corir chîcir cocld ire dose hy a i 5-yscr-oid attirec,condmiicstraion ctech isftccs sfaprd as ire tirocgit if cas, and stadens miro are borsd hroc tire heityhutron hotir cays-hy mcio. Tirroc cn a tirrohhrcg focfh and ycc'ne got yocrncif a cecrt critter. Tire coctr startsd off k tfrngiy, citir sneryhody forgeftrcg cy hrrfirdcy, an rie 2d. Tire oniy card I recree dcii frcc cy insuacce cocpacy, a card ciricir înncaiy roforiates Mess day, ore cf tirons ncctiis-tcnosd îfccps cicir cy dectiat iagtnfy catir feefir hegen fo kicir cp. And is bren ictecg cp, docn acd nidscoys emer sce. IfI1 hrtdcy fuis I'd fis cstring aroacd tl, fastes tirs string tica dooriroh andsiam rire dcct. Uccener, I irons ahouf an cccy guis os I bine feefir, sc I go cn fryrcg fi tins ti ne. I ccc't sien infra cirnircci icciircc gccgrmiecorhif,acl 'ne pricicaiiyhsscnon a hiurd dici fa, mc.sk, Tis iras i dinidvntigcs. Wte.h as coran every norrrngia focihaclisîor a iangcnsr? And hic cocid ycc tire hon5? Asni or ccstm,cmycifecandlc enffIo tirs cosoci Leicci Medai Acard Diccer rscectty. isv beci c jcdgc cn tire competifion for scerel ysins ccd scjoy meeting a fsc big airots ccd indicg thir fret are made cf rtr sacse fype cf cicy ci Despifs rie aride commenta cf noms coitera frocn tire hif douler, mc' a gond party in a gccd cccse iresprcgairne and fîccir tirs corir and cscory of Cîcada-nd odneof thescorld's-grctent 20 years ago Tarmn frac the mss cf Tire Cmccdice Cirampion, icce 23, 1949. A meeting mmc irsld us rire Ocogr Inhoci ta organise o cofîhhil reage omocg lire yaccgmr hays and girls. R. S. Usotriîtan mas slsnrsd president ccd Aif Bdigdmnrvcs-pcsidsnr. Acocg rire yoceger boys rrgirr trams mere forcmd mîirh Joirc Lihyccop cf Warsrdcmn s oscrstcry. A rrali girls' scfhehil geicp cor misa forced mîihrfine ceotes picyrcg. Tire teccmfary for rire girls' tecte r Mns. Wiloard Feathecracoe cf R 4, ilton. ulrad ms n mcis mîoerirnsnscosasnrcmp fmîcss areiremcg mcii chose fa the mages (rcrkr s rirait laiods cacncmtrcne Onespecîcc recerard socs as rire focs and secir mIns tirres criressscoped injary in o car-trcki colsinonmgirmy 25 ahout a crise souct cf Milton Saurdmy ceecng. James Fard cf R.R. d Hultn, mon rami fa Miton Fricots Hosppital for trrnamsnr fahhammng rire accidect. Accardie> ha mnsmcgatrng afficeri, a car cmned hy Roert Harshrall, R.R. 4 Hilonuan id driceu hy isîn Colin mas errmmpasng ta possa crack dcivncand aosnd hy Alirr Wallis, Miluon, ur tire intersection cf Urgirîy 25 and rire Deccon oide raild Accardmcguaiithe derci givn tc polis., rire Horsaiah car mmc mcempaing ta puni cie rauck ai modea isfc ramn nua cire smde-rad. kîxtesns damagemias cauedcacithe sigir frot cf ris cor mine the frane cf rire trcki mmm hdly npracg. Dcmiagr fa rie nolicies mas nstimard ur $400 scch. Provincial Consoahle J. A. McMines msnsmrmgarmd. 50 years ago Tîirec frac rire isu cf Tire Cacodron Champion, Jîns 2h, 1919. Leruer ta ire edutrr Deur lue... Ar baire ban irisa a lot of disroumfciai ceai th rimagople gancualin megardmng mthe dama of Mîmuoni' 'rii; holiday iom er yeuemcaspcmally liet yeor riore is, aithri prescmo et,a mmnscrafoothby tomne cf air cp-tîmdare ccd fmir-ciodsd c'ieai a irana tire iralday oc the cramie do'te et al] tirs cihies and liediog tomes esoocd, ais, tire liraI Macdep ic Aagst. Tta businss cf irang nivin boimdap noms ir the cidîte cf tirs mee is nocsecse and a hig misteke, cm if cpstsrcnerticg; mireas, if if nce on a Mccdap cee nitimecs cold go omep Salmdey aflececce os eveicg ccd ejoy Ibsir violt cotit Teesday morcicg. Bp ail] meces let as bc ap-to-date en ocr cethoda cf ding teogu This year's cineer ccc Stucrt Tooceman, chose hook, "No'ore Ocly As Old As Yoo Act," is good coteetainect. Mc. Tracotan, a Mocititeer, cas scity. The circins, Richard Doyie, editor cf the Globe and Mort, cas coco cittter. and sirocid celte c hock. Tire vnoccble, if not blesced, Ucery Boyle, a citty coter and edrtor taidles tes fcrc-hoy focade, cor rbrrs,candcwaccrtty. le tact, tire choie tIiog ces enctociîticgly fccny for ccny, perofol foc ce. My cife gatloped tirroagr a hoge and encollent direcer, dcrtingirer eyec al cy plate, chers cotirg ccc tccsrng encept of fec of thirs ocatahis green pros, cicr I mad cccaged fc comble iont as drrrosr hegan, i iad a ferarie arrackcffieapcghiccnprd and cccidr'fscat c bire. t decided rire only firo to do con fa paralys tlie foofir. 1 irird, buafif refaced fi play. Ait I nuccnedrd in dcrcg cor paralyzrog fic rerf of ce. ceancire carryrng or chiai cy toorir (hrmneiy, cf courfce) to scci an entent drar ch crfe remcrksd lter itwslike ircnrng anryitg hairy in Circi. Hacever, ir ait corksd out fine. Wr iett sicali fafhirrnf after tirs drrnsr, and incrertihie nachesc cf yccng, preffy courege firlsn ironerd cbout ce, fstcirg ce arpirin, grn and cirer cedriafions. Meancirils, cy cid lady speci an o r orasoctrrgifenng oct rire edrtor cf tire Globe and Mort, t foiiy rnpecred ro fied fibis coiccc on tirs froot pafe on Mondîy cin.lIririf. Bal rhir if mcc;, tirsarime n'id Gloire cniitfe ofadccrissrdfandrir aod ctli speecirs of Cabnt Mmnrnfesc. Not cntentcrth my pryncaincffstitg, yoiOf Kic ia me in icor cir another cclicy. Sire cîrtsd c loin tocard ao eeic praro. Aftsr a sfficrsnt cachet of finfa. <ire "Foe on tirer, ceociri" and "No'ore gcrg fo av ronsf pîyrnterrat, yoa kncc," t ircckisd, and am sac cohcrdrscng ose cf tiorotfer gtccpc to rire fte of $200. Ait flait cen needsd fa maire if c rinf-drrfsr cf o contr cee tire irsodlico aboutsiecetrcnn gsttrng $h.50 as ioroo, ard tire irrireni rater nonrng daiiy. A gmat montir, Jane. For hicies. cn uMion. Tirackrcg yoc, Mr. Editie, for lis space inm Tire Champo,lrsccro ... a cucînhr. 100 years ago Teiren froc tire mss of Tire Ccccdieo Chrampioc, Mdlton, lise 25, tg869. Aiham me tirrcigh poce coiccos t0 expose flie srcprdrty oh car Townstep Coaccri, ocd aise tirs cntrecomas cf icce cf ocr cergirnors. Yoc are docimnae cf the portier chlat hans set Miscmgcmeym on lire aout the lices irstmssn Lots i0 and il in rire t Concersono. Tirs ociy dmfficclry ssms ta he chers tire hsscng fine nhccld ire cokes fract, and to smrrsfy sacsi cf ire parches, tirs Coccmil birl librhty tc iaod senmn dollors frac tire pchlic fccds ta gsi <egal ednmce an rire motter. Mcm tire Coanicîl must hans iromc îiey mers darcg mrcag mires cirey mandsd tirs pchic mccey ra privars parties, and rtie mail rs in e marre srareriracnsr,masrtcp fucet are heusg hut clanse ta lire wagon trackrai chic ladies cacnmrm transi mîirhoat îsaeicg rhemr dresses an tirs fecce, and tirs road inasîad cf h6 feer i oniy 20 feet mide in sacsi plaons. Tire hagan lciers cf Trafalgar, sspeniatty rire Milton portion cf tirsc fi cacpleteiy said, ars hyihaverodan cextrecannottof muatst lîar and havne ni acte in Munipel ehectrans. Tirsy ors rnsrsly "tenants", aed cci "rencnts and iracmehoidersi, and rirerefare oltiroug ecrifird fa cote ot e niene etuo, tirsy have no corne on munimcipet caltera. Coccidesehîr impransmecîr miii ho sffsnced hy statuts hahar nui sîccer. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Psbli.h.d by DIa...IýG N ULISIG OLD nm-I 'S cnd ulic cybl m]i ey