CAMPSELVILLE Honor yeor's birthdlays with huge birthdlay coke NORNBT PROM THE AIl la a I a pretty sight frorn 1,000 through a toy-town, and the ho foot ap on a cnlap fall dey. Tht roads lok lkt white hhbons tricately-petternnd lasdscapn. By T. Ptîak Don McClure, R. R. 3, Georgetown, hou heen choses Haton Coanlys delegate 10 O.A.C. Alamni 4-H Sciean Samunat aI tht University of Guelph. Don has cnmpletd Il 4-IH pmjacls and hou htld tht affiues of pmesidenl se tht Haltn Holtein CaIf Clnh, and vice-president nf tht Hallas 4-H Slrawhttay Cluh. About 75 outanding 4-H ageicullutal cluh mesa tram armas lte provina wilI attend. The pratelan of the lhtte day conftence, which hegins on IaIy 2, is an insight and Orientation la tht paspose and content cf tht B. Se. (Agi.) dtpree paagtams aI tht Ontario Agaicultural Collage. The faIt scope of tht agrîanltaaal indnstty will he ontineil dueing tht ptogeam. Seminar delegatea have hees chsan hy lncal leadtrs and Agicaltuaa Reptesentatives froas each of the 54 enanliras and districts of Ontario. ln pravions yeaes seinctian was linitedl 10 one delegat pet counny. This pean, howevte, tarIt coanty huvmng mare thon 150 memheas will send lwo rap rasnnativns. À-H exchange Lois heads for By T. Ttlak Miss Lois Huniter, R R. t,1 Bualinglon, îll i sit thr Province of Alherta from July I to 21 as a resait of haaug chosn hlas Coanly's Inter-Provincial 4-H Exchange delegole tuaI aummet 11 4-H Leadership Wenk. Althongh Lois la sot pttnentty i 4-H, stet hîs romptled 19 pmojets, han hetd the officts of Prnsideol in tht Hallas Geais and Sheep Cluhs, and hou won many 4-H leophies. ifl limeu OUR FOOD Pýýl(SEG ARE LOWER CHICKENS ---- .. -------.......39c IL CHICKEN LEGS & BREASTS .........55c IL DEVON BACON -------..........85c lb. PORK CHOPS ..............---..89c IL BIEF LIVER ......... .........55c IL PEAMEAL BACON --............ 95c IL MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE .... 69c lb. Hastess Patate CHIPS ......... 11-oz. 49c Silverwaeds ICE CREAM half galIon ..-99c Ballet BATHROOM TISSUE ...... 8 rails 89c Kléenex FACIAL TISSUE.. ..... 6 boxes 99c Kraft CHEESE SLICES -.........16-z. 75c Primo TOMÀTO PASTE ..... 3-az 3 for 99c Betty Crankon CAKE MIXES ----------...19-ex. 2 for 99c York PEANUT BUTTER --------36-oz. 99c Jouao JELLY POWDERS -------asst. 10Oc mach ROUND STEAK ------- .........$1.19 IL SIRLOIN STEAK and T.BONE STEAK $1 .29 lIb. SHORT RIB ROAST ... .. ....... 89c IL e F DE 1VERY Toile bfeak If youutt ptanning 10 take a long trip this weekend, plan 10 laein pleolE of timn. Ail tue, waay accidents are caastd hy drivers who slay as the whetl Ion long withoat a hreak. It's a god idna ta stop ferat astech eveey houa, ne aelainly nol more lhan eseey 100 miles. Radio peogramas have a "station hreak". Whtn youe deiving, latte a "safely hreak". Alberta Tht nochange peogeamt is co-ordinttaîd hy tht Cusadeas Cutîrd oo 4-11 Cluhsan usd fisasrtd hy the Royal Bushk of Canada. Doeing thin samne lime peeiad, iuly lit 10 21, a 4-H delegate fromt New Bruoswick, Faedeaick Andetson, mdl he visiting Hatton Conty. By Mes. Gnorge lotuis Mas. Murray Mahon was hostnas t0 the Blar Evenmg Auxiiiary huffet potlck lancheon on Wednnsday evnisg whnn ail hirthdays of the ynae weehooornd wilh a Isute hirlhday cake. Sports wnre cooducted hy Mes. Chartes loglis, Mrs. Douglas Inglia, and Mrs. Allas MrLean. with prîzes hrirg won by Mes. Leosard Andrews, Mts. Nyle lutzi and Mts. M. Traas. Tht presîdrot rooductrd a thott hasnerss session and wrlcomed ail memhers and gueta .i odead a "Prayet Foe You." Mas. Allan McLean gave 1h e secretary's report, Mrs. Douglas Ingl i t lisaecial repott and weddisg report. Tht Auuiioty oas eorrlod 10 pledgr their support for ail social functios held ai tht church. Tire ptnsident thaoked tht hosteau asd dedicatrd the offceing and ait miso attesdaid agreed it was a pirasure to hase heen there. Me. and Mes. A. T. Moore eteeained their fattoty and graetdchildree to disnet lasa Sunday. Me. and Mes. Egar Cairns ailcnded lie 40th weddeng oorierary of Me. and Mes. Regioaid Sherwood of Applehy Suoday whrr open h ose was lied. Me. and Mes. Lloyd Crawford releheaird with Me. and Mrs. Charleu Noreiah of Guelph os the occasion of their 451h weddirg aoivrsary,taadisser ai the Breslau Hotel etn Bresao. Happy heethday lu Mes. Alfred use ar litledot onthein-Paterson Mes. Gary Twiss, Mes. soesar iOt dtsasth n Mary Simpson, Mas. William (Staff thotol McPhail, Mes. Douglas toglis, Fruit rot in sirawberries expected to be a problemn By E. Etaahooku rupecîrd 10 he affectrd. If aret meaiher continues, fruit Sprays of captait 10 control rot of sleawheeries is experted te, this dimease are starard ai lirsg reduco the umouit htboome and on order in ha maeketahie feuil qaîte effective the spray mast deastecuily. penetrat throagh the fotiage. Fruit hsds appeot tu he heavy Dueing wtt weather sprays of i mmlt strowhseey pl.solesgs hut captae deould he .spptied tveey wleefrui rot cool ol measatea live au sexes day n il the end weenot appirdealy, yieldsare of haevest AT MILTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION lanice loglis, Danny Dates, Lloyd Buytey, Mms. Lloyd Crawford, Gtotge Goldslraw and Loetaine Case. Mr. and Mas. Lloyd Crawford atlnnded tht SOth golden wnddisg annivnasaey of Me. and Mes. Roy Hamilton ut Sleahaae Sundsy. lI Camnphellvfle Cah pack weth Attela lie Baylny and Miss Linda Seagrove (if Barioglos spent a camp-out nishtaiu Camp Manitou osn Feiday and Satneday. Dospîle the rhilly wealhna tht geonp eepoeîed a good lime. Ma. and Mas. Kenneth Moore estetuiod tht hanthaîl cluh and wivta 10 a steak harhecun on Susday evtnisg. Weddiog halls rang ut St. Dosîdas Preshytraan chsach ont Salueduy ut the Baynlon-Niesen wedding and receptios followisg ai therttntrh. Wr wlsh the hride atd groom mach happinss. Biathday gaeellsgs 10 Karen Hulslead, Mas. Chartes togeis. Sandra loglia, Wallace King, Mas. The Canadiean Champi:on, Wedrsaday, iun. 25, 1969 _ Cliffe Sill, Mas. Thomaas Whalty, Mts. Framk Whtthfas and Lloyd Early Wedding onnivetsaay greeis ta, Ma. and Mas. Ttrranca Moore, Mr. and Mas. Lorse Mitchell and Mn. and Mes. Lloyd Caawfaad. Paper rlolhisg mas imported 10 Canada froas Geemany 30 yeaes ago. Canada peovedes amo ahirds of tht monlda oewapeiot. *ltFARMERS & HOME OWNERSe 'DEMOLITION SALE" on ALL STORE MERCHANDISE at MASTER FEEDS (STEWARTTOWN) Maotaer Feads (Stewarltown) ta tln tha pracasa of building a niewr store, and te da ttala wa muet demolish oan pnaaaat anar.. This meanvi w. hav, ta diagaaaa, of aur sars, Inaaatery at mach roduoadi pafs daa ta atoage aPuea for Iavaatary darna ta. nat fow, w"e&. W. foot that wa are glvîag qate worthwhile diacounta and wo kaaow tl wiII pay yo. ta drap ia aoon aad laok anar th. Items fon ale. *0 MEDICAT * WOSMU3 *CONOITII * INE TAS *NEATSP ETC. 30% DI.SCOUNTr ON ALL HORSE SUPPLIES - Ilusdîsa. IONS 0 ILANEETS a Cor S 9 HALTRS 0 No ONERS 0 SEIDLES * BAI 0 LEAISS 0 lIT DOT OIL 0 ERUSHI 0 WH ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. and @Il Animal Neoith Frodunta Includinq .. * PY CONTEOL PEODUCTS 0 MASTITIS TIRATMENTS *RAT AND MOUSS KILLERS * BCOUE RIMEDIES *CONDITIONERS 0 RAW AND ROILED OIL *LOUSE KILLEES 0 MIfUIAL OIL *REX WNIAT GERM OIL 0 WORMRRS PORSS SHOVELI RARES HOES BROOMS FLA5HLI( GREASE ETC. 2,5%/ D1ISCOUNT ON ALL HARDWARE - incladiag - * PAILS 0 SLEDOR NAMMERS a FLIR a N AlLS 0 SAWS 0 WRRh * CNAINS * NEATEUS a CLEVI * NAMMERS 0 POULTRY RQUIPMENT * FILES * AXES 0 HOG £QUIFMENT 0 RIFLE ITS 9 VICE GRIFS * STEEL TAPES * SCIE% GUNS 0 SPEAYERS * PAINT SEUSNES e OIL C ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. 20% DISCOUNT ON- * WESD KILLtES SEP51 LADOIRS * CATTLB OILIRS eEXTENSION I.ADORS * LAWN BlED H EAVY WNEELBARROWS * PEAT MOSS *GARDEN WNSELBARROWS * FAIM GRASS SUEDS SLAWN FEETILIZER *ELECTRIC PENCE SUPPLIES *DAIEY CLEANSERS * ILTER DISKS Thten are rny atherem Cenot meriboned os sale udef the defferese deacount ctt- gores Pleose feel fret to corne in and beose aourai. SALE IS IH FORCE JUNE 23nd UNTIL JULY 12th tNCLUSIVE OI Ail sains arefna l -a No returvu ID The bueldisg of ose neas store will tîho approneeentely tasa moothsa nd whes compiettd iteisouasim tahbeale tgie auchnoreonampleteaserviceto aurcasanera .... Pinase amcepa ont apslogies for asy ircornffiesce st rnay cause during on hailding pro- gramn. Y OUE ONE STOP PAILM SIJPPLY CENTRE - E MASTER FEEDS (Stew&rt<wu) PHONE 877-3512 - GEORGETOWN I ARTHUR A. JOHNSON OO. OPTOMETRIST MILTON aad ACTON 0 Seo, Prfoedoalia Dir.ctary for Detall S.. the fabulous 850 coup. ...Anth complets Fiat Iineu lump at - u MOD)ELOOO FIAT COUPE MUER deMoor Don McCure deloegat. to O.A.C. science show mes DF KNIVRE SOLS SOAF IFS ETC. ICNES SES SHEILS DRomvaRS ANS ETC. OPENING SAT. JUNE 28 OPEN JULY 1 HOLIDAY 7 A.M. TO NOON ONLY STAWBERRS ondays, Wednesdays How to Gît There ... and Fridays M ACTON 7 A.M. TO 12 NOON - S P.M. TO E P. SATURDAYS ALE DAY -7 A.M. TO S P. No. 1 Sidrond QUART PICKIN' BOXES ONLY BtING YOUt OWN Ot PURCHASE AT PATCH Hleàs - No Chîdan Under 12 BROBAR ALLOWED IN THE PATCH. e7FRMSBROBAR FARMS tait29 ~R.R. 3, MILTON Cononently focaen on paocd highway MILTON Eoactly 3 miles noethn of 40t - as Hwy. 25 - Ample Freet Parking Esonedtfl ata his yace -I