Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Jun 1969, p. 2

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2 14e Canadian Champion. Wsdnesday, Jute 18, 1969 Second vocalional school in Oakville board nixes central Milton location negtioting mille o lorge develvapti mbich cîvld reavt in cvisiderablt giimih in his comumsity if agreemet mas reoched. Mr. Lamîtos ockeîwltdgtd oit thesr tteiegs hod been ciessidtied but it muid bie in the late 1970's before uoy residritial grumls is allîmed ubune higlimoy 5, Tht Coonty's second speciat vecatvonal scheol wmli fie lvcated in Oavoite, maiener vf te Board of Edocative decideil ThurîSdey, despite stme soggestioos tdut Mitie orea woaldfle more central. Thse special voattonai scbool, scloeduttd for opeoine in 1972, witi fie litue Generet Seocu Seo nove located in Sîriogion. Possible sites ato lbe presented 0v the muxt meeting oftlie Board. Trustee W.' Luveton observed thai a scivit tocated ie Oubojlle wvvld naulce jt services avoviobte to tbe whole couoty but nt necesnarity accessible. Hi qvestivoed if thle schoot shovid vît fie furter oorth lv fie more central with thse vet seboot forteet in t976 or 1977 located ioibeareaofgrowti. Attestant Dirictîr D. S. Lavelets eeporteit trowthf in Georgeton and Milton based os municipal planing indications mould vît lie griot. Truttee Lawtoi suggted îlot aiea Obat ciuld fie servedl frie v more central locatioe mas ot jst that aboie the Bste Lice, flot could jîclude norlh Oakville aod note Surliegtoî. Geoegetown Tinstee E. Sidon spoke on laver of the scbool beiv localed ie the Milton aria iv accovovodati grîreil sînci the Georral Srvck Schout iv in lIhi souifi West srction of Surtuoglîo. He noled Georgetio vous ARCHITECT DONALD E. SKINNER BArch. - MR.A.I.C. 17A Mill Street, Sui 2, Aclîî Telephone 853-2740 or 20 Slaoehaok Rd., Port Credil 274-3428 Office Hours by Aptoiiimiii ÀCCOUNTANTS EARi G. BLACK S. Cie., R.IA.. C.A. ST. PAULS CHURCH Chartered Arecluiirr of 163 Minv Si., Miltton THE UNITED CHURCH Phone 8706542 0F CANADA ___________________ Main St. ai Jamoes Si. CHIROPRACTORS Rev. C. A. HieBBD D. Orvaîjîl aid Chair Leoder: A. P. KENT, D.. Mes. Harul* Magee. Docear uf Chirupractic 237 Rings Court Cresceit SIJNDAY, JUNýE 2id, 1969 Coner Martin Se. 11.00 a.vo-Saceeiî ai Hîly Cuiomnunn. Receptilin ot PHONE 878-2031 mereaers. SY APPOINTMENT CHIJRCH SCHOOL 9.30 amr.-Sandiy Stuhoil for INSURANCE ail hoys aid girls uver 8 yem. CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE 11.34 avo.-Inant Nursery ha ASSOCIATION charge of registerel nurse Auto-Home, PruiretivonAccid- aid vursery depvrtireeî. mot and Sichiets - Pamily 11.00 a.re-Kiidrga-iin and Llabllly Prireary Depurireeni, agra Faire Liabiily 4 - 8. Yaar Milton Agent Invitatli Tv Ail Mns. Thea Rare _________ R. R. Ny. 1, Milton Phone 878-9741 EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH CO-OPEtATORS INSUtANCE Cireicl Siret, Milto ASSOCIATION Paslur: Rus. Clayo Cilor Horne Proetion 878-4473 878-3542 Auiv, Accideviai Dvoth aid Irepairmeno Tht Lird's Day SaPe Oriving, Extra Veisicie SUNDAY, JIJNE 22nd, 1969 Reductioi 9.45 a.re.-Svîday Schuol. Premiavos Most Ecunuoninal 11.00 a.ev -Mon Wueship. CalO: 5.30 p.re-Yovîb Time. R. S. Hruiheriigiic 7.00 p.vo -Eveniîg WurWtp. R.R. 2, Milton, 878-4855. Wcdnesday, 7.30 pre. - Bibile Over 21 Years' Seice Sivdy avd Prayr CIord Meetiing. Thursdaî. Joie 19, 8 pian. - M i The Mutual Lite W.ST Dessert Tva. OIes. Ousll's. Mes. Garner, ROBERT S. HART .Iids of Huit5 Laid. Ageat Saturduu. June 21, 1.30 ?.M. - Sudas ScIacal Picîic 341 Oreille Riad, Avtuî fi îe Conimusiy Parke. Sas. 41-451-34603 Nvrser-5 ai Scîday sereices. Res. 519-853-1527 _______________ FUNEAL DRECTIIS HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH FUNERL DIRCTORS A localonsvvohlyuof S McKERSIE THE PRNTECOSTAL Punirai Hume ASSIEMBLIRS 0F CANADA 114 Main Si., Pastel: Rv. M. Cheistvstv. îe Milton Our lôeh poe of helpfal, LORD'S DAY counevus service. SUTJDAY. JUNE 22îd, 19 878-4452 9.45 a.re.-Suvday Schooui __________________ 11.34 amv.-Moirvig Woetig. OPTOMERISTS 7.00 pms.-Evuvgrlisiic __________________ Service. ARTHR A.JOHNON, .D.Wednesduy, 8 p.m. - Sublt AITHR A.JOHNON, .D. Siody and Prayer Meeinag. MILTON - 184 Main Si. rdy8pm -Yon 878-9972Peuple's Service. Tîîsdîyî aid Pridays A Chorale You Cao Mahe ACTON - 54 Miii Si. E. Yuur Humne 9532520 A Worm Weicoree to Everyove Wedcesdays and Satardayo CNUECH 0F CHRIST Retideoce pahoce 870.9678 Nio. 5 Sideevaul ansd ils Lite Traîfalgar LIBRARY HOUAS SUNDAY. ItJNE 2lead, 199 Teeaay, Theaesday and Friday 10.00 am.-Bible Scoot 12 otan to 5.30; 6.30 ni, 9,0 Classes for ail uges. bt&nday, 12 nain ta 5,30 11.00 a.m.-aMornisg Womship. L. Saturday - 93012, 1.510 GOOP5I. occordisg lv Sortesgton ifficiola. "*Wt dv se an mocalation if givmtv in tht easr (Oaktuol) oreso. Ht iidiciled there civld be sonne difficallies in tronsportation bot tht schvut is uptrated ut a shicr day fur Ibis The Board appved the Oavioitî location miels Teusteet LUmsii and Sudter oppvoing. Humphreys "unhappy" Milton g.fting wIll Halîve Regsi Conservtion Avehuriîy chairvoci Dame Hivophreyt tted hie wtt overy vnlappy" over ehe decisivi graitint Milton perisesion tu siîk a secund wttl ai Kelsu Coservation Aiea. Pormsat permiiou mas givin fui the constraction of the voel dariît thr full Aalluurily meieting uf lait 4. Chuirmue Humphreys msviaaoidhty abseet Il te moeting, vohich vous cbaired hy depvty-chuiroan William Sarenet. "I freltIhis voatter dhold perhapi haie bren trot hucu lv tbe Water Cunîrîl udvitury bord fie farlher coîsideralioî befure voakiig v decisi," Mi. Huvopheeyt drclared. I îhiîk the Aathurily acled iv haste. When the imu largrst cvvlribaeine voîvicipaities (Sartengtvn aid Dahoilît) sotgenl a charte shuld hae made lue the use of the mate, le shuli e worlh ciitidiriie." Mi. Sargentlioted rhe decitivi reos meade fillvming leîelby discussonv, aîîd a iicurded nate liad heti takee. Only tbrîe meintirs peeseot baed uppreed tht moteion giving Milton permisson l tub sibte viel. The motlion reade ni pruoviio fui a per guliinaee charte; bue did osk fvr tbe tirent activi in emi rîqvesls the Avlhurity hiadt made preovly, aid lefi Milon rrsponibtlity for cleavoît ap a ttstiig-mtll vite aid laîdscopîeg. Quories on quarries A ipecial meeting haimeeî Esqvesing cuncillvrs, township ritideili aid local quaeey officiais has b eeî set for nix Muvduy, Jvîr 23, aI 7:30 iv the numiship hall. Wbal hvrneeimits claire as excessine hlasting ai the quarriet has be the rive of uvunîlevo argumenits unie tht civicil table fui tbe pase yeue. lnlereotvdl parties are urged In attend. tmrSrle KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH lInetiv Mideruior: Rev. P. N. Yunog, BA. Gegetowna 877-6206 "0 cirne iei as worship ansd buse clown; letu an ocl hefire tha Lord Our Malmer.' SUNIDAY, JUNE 22îd, 1969 9.43 are-Si. Church Scfivul. 9A5 a.voug Penolens Bible CIres. 9.45 aeT tThithers". 10.50 are-Jr. Chsarih Schoot. 11.00 a.m.-Aoing Wirship. 11.00 a.m.Nurseey. ORACE ANGLICAN CHURCH Milton, Ontario. Setor: Rev. R. W. Poster. Assistant: Canvn P. H. Matai. SUNDAY, JUNE 22nd, 1969 Triiy III 03 a.re.Hoiy Covmmivn. 9.30 are.-Jr. Cbuech SiSaol. 10.00 o.re.-Hcoly Eurelarisi aid Sermon. 10.45 are-Se. Churili Sehail. i'l.00 a vo-Malins aid Sermii. Juin 19, Thursday, 10 are. - Nain Commvunion. Yiiu are Alwayî Weicored ai Grant Choaref MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontariv Si. N. 878-2022 Christiais gavthered in the narre ofhe Lord JesusChrist, Lird's Day SI.NDAY, JUNE 22nd, 1969 10.30 avo.-Breukiîg of Bread. 12.15 p.re.-Suvday Scisal. 7.00 pre.-Gspel Service. Wedîenday, f pre. - Frayer avd Bible readivg. Ail are weicvome tu rhese se rvi ces. Heis vable te sace thevo tv the utrvouî Jui comne unie Govi by livo Heb. 7, 25. BOSTON AND OMAGH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Minisier: Sm. Stanley E. Smoith, S.A. SIJNDAY, JUNE 22nd, 1969 0,usoe Church 1451h Avviversary Servies 11.04 are. 7.30 pre. Preaabnr: Ren. Trenor J. Lewis Ovoogs Cbueil The congregueion aid Oieaenl Scbil mil jviî mits Bos- lin for tht aaoinnnsary services. Tvmduy, lune 2t - Boston Olmercs Actintîtary avIs- per and etrtahacat, 5,15 ci 7.30 port. Doctorat Modicine Patricia Slaîbfvrd, datheer oe Mi. & Mît. Arnold Olaihford, Palmer Avenue, GObuille, h.s rectiated her degrre ot Dovtîr if Medicine frovo the Uiversitp oe Toronto. Ole is o tradate ot Hautîgal Coilege. Toronto. Bonsfit dance raimoi $200 t-vends of Me. aid Mes. A. Falk aid Me. and Mii. Kee Jensen held a beneîfi dance ai lthi Leiiv Pridiy, lu raine vovey iv aid the favoilies fîltîmino lIhe recetl fire t ha t davouîed Miltin Laudromat aid gulied Miltin Tire Servicevo il ISi. Organiesereprt i smail cevmd alieîded and abut $200 mus rised, oluicli milI be splil beimeen lthe titi favoilies. Sîvrai local vorclanlo cveirihuied prives and vîher donations tvard the dance. O. P. P. REPORT Duriîg the meek of June 8 lv 14 iclusive, vfficersof the O.P.P. ultuched lv Milton Deiachvoevî mîrurd a litai of 1,029 houri aid paievlled 10,568 voiles of ivads vider iloîuo jueivdicîivv. Charges mine laid agaunt 70 pervens foc dîivint uffeices aid 39 ithers eeceived mariigs. A tutal of 50 convictionsameee rrcvrded daring poueduigs in Provincial Jvdges Court. -Newtwbd for Hydro Tht Mflton Hydri Electric Commiationt flo dcided 10, parchaae a nee tincku ut o total cost vf $25,000, Hydro Commission aecretory O. L. Hodtey reporla. The vee trueck fuilt by Snmitb Brothers wiii fevevre o coritr-vovited bore miels o basket aod dieger. Mr. Hadley said the digger rniS bie oafivon tv li vomen since they bod ti dig oSl veility polerboles by bond. Cabi and chassis wiS ct $5,700 white the digger and aIl etra eqipme wiii ciel $19000. The extra eqipoteet itduates o geoeralor for providiot etergticy power. "Tht uther truck has servaid us fut ivtes ooer," id Mi. Hadley. Tht cîomission ineeds louose it us a haclur einck. Thtyiexpeci delinery of tht irvo tracku within sixto eightemos. Flint film shown lier. A fidm on the Flret Mician prieravo cuobennîgrecrealîîs aid sîhuol fvcilieies mas shomi te tht vogulai meeting of the Milton Recreativi anod Parks Board Thvesday. The film highligtlotd the effectioceevoif the progrovo mhere ail facilitirs art vlilired on the recoetiin progravo. Final plies votit revwd for the opevine if the emivmitie pool, thr haodliîe of swmviîg instruction registraionis ted the suvovorer ptvygeroud prugeavo. A requet frire the Mieîr Soccer Association for a groil vous receie d aid farther infrmation ut tht grvvp's financrsomut tub hie tiîed. Plans fie the lily I firemurus dîeplîy mire dincveaed aid fiolied. Tht dîsplay wiii he hield ve the piond ut Centenil Park voith the Milton River Crevo cv-vperaliig. Vice-chuirvoci Srud Clevots presided fuir e tig. MILTON LAUNDROMAT 15 OPEN AGAIN SPY APPLES ............. 6 qf. basket 89c Sweet, Juacj FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT .........10 for 59C Large Green GARBAGE BAGS ..... 10 for 39c Pincen French Fried POTATO CHIPS ---2 lb. bag 39c Lîiflyts FANCY QUALITY PEAS 5 14 oz. fins 98c PRIMO BRAND O1U----- ---- gallon $1 .29 Lean PORK SPARE RIBS ...........69c lb. Lean LOIN PORK CHOPS ........... 79c IL Canada Ptekes BIEF STEAKETTES .....-......... 69C lb. Maple Leaf WIENERS----------------- 53c lb. Record prices at auction as church contents sold Record pate mc sl aoe i. ett.Un suBpi Satocduy et un ontsiisl 1katti Ihl et feu 35. sn i cansigesment uuccon sait oe t 2. s oUid oek apbn%"ehsel mhooM for S50. a U~rmtnit 4 = ltI d bevud aatl $ 730, mi off the contenta of thse fiomer dlock front the Aahgrive choies Hoinby and Asiegrave Unitedl for $44, o spo bail ct $30, n Cbairete plus tht loi on mbich loreipshade fr$30, the aid! tht Ashgrove cborcb bod tud Hiinby chorale porep orges et for Marty eama $175. Imi istlpisettsi8 och, a Atn Ashgrosv mac pid $ 10,400 fui tht lut mbicb ie just a fittit biggti tien hall vo acre. Thaet mere fine biddcra. The lornishingtoand contents of thetw mold chourh, plot sevtrai items contiibuied by rerebers of tht coîgregaîiuî, brotebe a v tRÀUAn fuithtr $1,740. Tht reuney Milton T îeaiized frumt the sole vf thse lot mli go io the buiding fod othî THURS. - . O. SA?. cem Hlicrest church, miale tht BN LR remainder miii bie used tu camodda pucae fansics C. DEAN MARTIN - JAMES S eqoipreeni fue tht nemuhourc. "CHILI AND WOODC Ward Srumtnridgt, o member of MATINIE SAT. Hiirest, mas aoctioverr and hie "1FRCKLES aid Chartes Aastin headed up tht caoreil tee in chrge of SUN. - MON..- TUES..- WWD. Saeurday's sale. Mr. Srumiridgt "POOR CO eepoîled it mas is best saie thia year-high prices amuazed TERRANCE STAMP enerpuve tand enepihing excepta CAROL. WHITE flomer stand and a hugmcate mere told. C U T JAMES THUAS..-FRI.-5SAT. "HOOK, UNE A Je . L Cuie, O.D. JERRY OPTOMETRIST "HEAD" TH-E MC BIJRLINTON MALL TOHONE 627702 CAN GIVE ANY CAR THAT SHOWROOM. FRESH LOOK Conne in for a comploe appralistal toclay. IILL'S AUTO BODY »9878-2721 Mans-878-3251 lovanmt et 518,aaaamowar fr$6en = t d: éfot $16.50 Hornby andl Achgpova evnyepemmenordtofomfle 00w H Lma co 1rptIe i built a n.w chnr oin thanl Uine Eqodafo.llfway btwe the two communitat. Thseforoste Hornby chueeh la in nu nowO sa comonily centre while the Aslegrove building wut sold, toin dowo and movud away frovo the proporty. 878-3272 SYHOOW TIMES Sun. tir Thus. Fr1. & S. 7&9p.. d5 sM.. JUNI 19, 20, 21 Y'-Color uit Enttinvoent T5WART - RAQUEL WELCH HNOPPR" - Cartoffn JUNE 21 - Color JUNE 22.-232.24.-21 N'" - Color fW- Color CAAN lUNE 20-27-28 SINKER" - Color LEWIS - Color >NKEES FOAI REED Create your owoi personalizel pont cards. Sntd that great vocation pictîre lv your triends or relatives lot slip il loto a Polaroid posicarder, wirite ytur message, address il and drop tl jr the mail. While our supply lts, yo con gît tree, one box of 25 postcarders wiffi eery fmo packn if film <Type t0) yov porchase. 2S MODEL COLOR PACK CAMERA If pou -dont have a Polarolil care.rerua, nom la the time. The Modal CPI fiat eteetric ove expeavare pictares on a minute, black aod wne hite in seconds. Corne in nom, and un on tha peeliags duel "POivROI cl theq Ri.od .an,rM L Ncepev . tntova. Mat. v.S.A MILTON PHOTOORAPHIC 2MAIN ONTARI -~ ~ -. 1~ VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL JULY 1-18r 1969à MONDA Y THRU FRIDAY 9:00 - 11:30 a. m. ML CHILDRBE MiES 5-12 WELCOI4E 10 ATTEND g mu Fre. Iraspltfion c** t foi fOrth Miltoni *stories childr. *refroshmenfs ciii M1 6039 EMMANUIEL BATIST CHURCN COMMCAL STREET, MILTON

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